I finally finished my mini keyboard after I don't know how many weeks. For those of you who didn't see the 'teaser' pics i posted in the pics thread: I wanted a keyboard where I never had to leave the home row. I started with a clicky Cherry G80-3000LSCEU/2 and removed the alpha part with a Dremel. Then I added a Trackpoint from an old IBM keyboard. And a new USB hub. Basically.
I think I did almost everything twice because it wouldn't work on first try or I wasn't happy. For ex. I had to paint the case twice. First it fell down from 3 ft high after finishing 6 layers of paint. Which I could repair. Then I glued the rubber pads to the bottom exactly like the guy in the rubber store told me. Unfortunately the glue dissolved the paint at the edges. So I had to sand it all down and start over. I almost trashed the project that evening.
Enough whining, on with the pics. The surface I took the pics on is a light gray so color is a bit off:

The space bar level bracket/wire usually is at the front. I had to relocate it to the rear for the case to fit:

Inner case with isolation layer and hub:

Second time I used clear double-sided adhesive tape to glue the feet. I went for large area feet because I want to use this on my laptop and small feet always interfere with the laptop keys. Also, it looks cool. Should have taken black screws but you can't have everything:

Cardboard templates so the case could be as small as possible (done twice, of course):

Mouse buttons will work when the space bar is pressed:

Function keys for second key layer are left and right of the space bar. I sanded the Windows logo away and added my own logo which is supposed to be the letter 'G' making a whirl. It's better on the case bottom. When the function key is pressed only the assigned function keys will work, not the normal keys. Fn + space does backspace:

The keyboard should look as if it was floating:

Case was done from a sheet of Aluminum:

The Trackpoint uses ps/2 so I had to add a ps/2 to usb converter to feed the Trackpoint into the USB hub:

Two USB connectors and mini USB connection to the computer. Optional power supply for the additional USB connectors. The hub came with it and I decided to keep it:

It fits into the hole that is left in the G80 donor.

Also, it works. And it fits into the front pouch of the HHKB case.
Edit: pics with the keyboard on a Thinkpad on
page 8.
Edit: 3d mock-ups on
page 10. Example:

Edit: Final 2nd layer on
page 11.
Edit: White keycaps on
page 12. Example:

Edit: mass production has been canceled but there should be a limited production run or a kit. Starts on
page 21.
Edit: Blank keycaps pic on
page 24:

Edit 2014/03/18: Several pics and links repaired.
Edit: new pointing stick stuff on
page 30.