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Ebay Buying Advice - you asked for it
Also, you should never bid on stuff when you've had coffee (up) or when you've been drinking alcohol (down). In other words, bid from the middle range of your obsession only.
--- Quote from: SamirD on Fri, 17 November 2017, 23:58:22 ---One thing I can say for buyers to avoid being caught up in the bid frenzy if you plan to snipe and bid the old-fashioned way, is to already know your limits.
--- End quote ---
+1 ;D
Limits? What are those? Oh, you mean staying married. Well, yeah, there's that.
Also keep in mind that all anyone really needs is one buckling-spring keeb in good shape, as it'll likely last longer than you will (or, as my wife's dad would've said, "It'll see you out").
That's what I keep telling myself, anyway. I'm telling myself right now, by posting this. Yeah, that's right—just one keeb, only one... [cancelling PayPal account, giving credit cards to wife for safekeeping, lying down in quiet dark room, moaning softly]
In case anyone's still reading this thread, here's another bit of advice, though it's somewhat esoteric (what—us, esoteric?):
If you post about something on an eBay page and include an embedded link, you can omit the ? in the URL and everything after it. For example, I just posted about something at this URL:
See all that stuff after the ? ? It's just crapola eBay's using to track me. Sometimes there's a ton of it, and the URL works fine without it:
I know you guys are into precision and/or obsession, so I thought this might have some appeal around here.
Also (and this is even more esoteric), if you're wondering how I posted that first URL without it appearing as a hyperlink (whose underlining, I felt, would distract from the point), I did so by inserting an empty img tag:
[img src="" width="0" height="0"][/img]
...between the two Ts of http.
BTW, I've had coffee.
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