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KOTM Feedback thread

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--- Quote from: demik on Wed, 17 December 2014, 21:05:47, they also have a keyboard of the month filled with 2 toned ****ty pokers.

and honestly, all these keyboards are cookie cutter.

korean custom with <insert anything cherry here> <insert CC F row here)

topre with <insert cc, and the 8 keysets available here)

--- End quote ---

Nominate some unique boards then.  :)


--- Quote from: HoffmanMyster on Wed, 17 December 2014, 21:20:04 ---
--- Quote from: demik on Wed, 17 December 2014, 21:05:47, they also have a keyboard of the month filled with 2 toned ****ty pokers.

and honestly, all these keyboards are cookie cutter.

korean custom with <insert anything cherry here> <insert CC F row here)

topre with <insert cc, and the 8 keysets available here)

--- End quote ---

Nominate some unique boards then.  :)

--- End quote ---
I'd put some of mine, but they're all too old :(


--- Quote from: demik on Wed, 17 December 2014, 21:05:47, they also have a keyboard of the month filled with 2 toned ****ty pokers.

and honestly, all these keyboards are cookie cutter.

korean custom with <insert anything cherry here> <insert CC F row here)

topre with <insert cc, and the 8 keysets available here)

--- End quote ---

Yeah that one. That's the one I thought of, and I think the one that kicked this off.

Well, that's also the reason why I discussed this with Hoff first. I didn't want to use categories because I don't know what is going to be nominated, and I guess there are only a finite number of combinations. But there are new things being released all the time, and let's hope that the combinations don't run out any time soon.

Besides, I don't think that opinions are so cookie cutter. And I can't really see there being a Geekhack hivemind. There are the topre onlys, the vintage lovers, the korean kustomisers, the MX faithful, and the eclectic crew.


--- Quote from: hwood34 on Wed, 17 December 2014, 21:22:07 ---
--- Quote from: HoffmanMyster on Wed, 17 December 2014, 21:20:04 ---
--- Quote from: demik on Wed, 17 December 2014, 21:05:47, they also have a keyboard of the month filled with 2 toned ****ty pokers.

and honestly, all these keyboards are cookie cutter.

korean custom with <insert anything cherry here> <insert CC F row here)

topre with <insert cc, and the 8 keysets available here)

--- End quote ---

Nominate some unique boards then.  :)

--- End quote ---
I'd put some of mine, but they're all too old :(

--- End quote ---

Ditto.  :(  I need to do some updated photo shoots, methinks.  ;)

I nominate my own.

It isn't perfect and still the keycaps and labels could be improved, but it is pretty unique and outside the box.

I am not completely satisfied due to the size, so in the next few months I might change to a pair of Hengyu POS which has a layout that is easier to manage. But the ease of programming Access-IS has made me lazy. I need to get my Atmegas working before I can program my Hengyu.


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