Hello everyone, welcome to the Group Buy of Duck Keyboards Stainless Steel weight and Carbon Fiber back insert. This will run for about 2 weeks. 3 weeks <UPDATE 9/1/20>Hey guys, we decided to extend the GB for one more week until 9/8/20, thanks all for your interests!<UPDATE 9/9/20>GB is closed, will be sending invoices out shortly.<UPDATE 9/26/20>Sent update emails to every participants. TL;DR:
1. Invoices will be sent out when everything is produced.
2. Stainless steel weights are all produced, carbon fiber inserts are in the works.
3. Shipping date might be delayed and we aim to be within October. GB Link: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeYlvDxF1UY80CUsCoampZXt000GR-cMrkvjRizjQ9dZGvfcA/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0&gxids=77571. Specifications1.) Stainless Steel inner weight (we chose this material to avoid tarnishing)
-Sand blasted
-Weight: 573g
2.) Carbon Fiber back insert (this goes on the outside of the bottom housing, you can use double sided tape to attach)
-Glossy or matte finish
-Comes in 1 size, compatible with Orion V3, Octagon V3, Eagle and Viper V3
2. List of compatible Duck Keyboards for Stainless Steel inner weight-Orion 2&3
-Octagon 2
-Octagon 3
-Lightsaver V3
-Eagle and Viper (V2&V3)
3. Pricing-Stainless Steel inner weight: $40 + paypal fee
-Caron Fiber outer insert: $10 + paypal fee
-Shipping: Shipping costs will vary depending on countries, we are figuring out what the costs will be (ships from South Korea)
4. Group buy schedule-Form opens from 8/18/20 to
9/1/20(~2 weeks) 9/8/20
-Estimated time of shipping: Early October
-Weights and inserts will be produced and shipped from South Korea.
Thank you all!