Yup this is exactly how I feel.. anyways we can't do much if he's choosing to ignore us. It is sad how the community has just completely ignored this, but I guess none of that is in our control.
The community ignores this because, imo, most people have the "as long as I got mine" attitude.
People that have been burnt and are full of complaints all of a sudden start giving praise once they have their order in their hand. People that have not been part of these buys, but spectate on the sidelines, still go and support the business when a new product is launched because, where else are they gonna get it?
Yeah, the mk community is filled with friendly people, but the reality is at the end of the day everyone is pretty much out for themselves.
People talk about vendors doing great things for the community by creating products we wouldn't otherwise have. But are the cool products really the thing that makes a "great community". A community is comprised of people, not products.
It's true, the MK community is filled with so many kind and understanding people. In fact, most people are so kind and understanding that they just bend over backwards. So much so that we lower the bar for what is expected of them.
Whenever a GB goes wrong people always shout "CAVEAT EMPTOR" and throws all the responsibility on the buyer. What about CAVEAT VENDITOR?