geekhack Marketplace > Bingecap Archive

[REBRANDING ALERT] The future of Bingecap - HungerWorkStudio

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--- Quote from: HoffmanMyster on Tue, 22 December 2015, 13:19:11 ---
--- Quote from: drewba on Tue, 22 December 2015, 12:55:16 ---
--- Quote from: Binge on Tue, 22 December 2015, 11:21:56 ---
--- Quote from: HoffmanMyster on Tue, 22 December 2015, 11:11:35 ---
--- Quote from: Binge on Tue, 22 December 2015, 11:11:13 ---
--- Quote from: HoffmanMyster on Tue, 22 December 2015, 10:43:31 ---Haha it's been awhile, Binge, I forgot!  :P  But you're right, the community picked the name and you ran with it.  Thanks for clearing that up.  :thumb:

Rebranding makes complete sense and I support it.  Would you be opposed to someone calling the caps that HWS produces Hunger Work Caps?  Or do you prefer Hunger Work Studio Caps?

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I'm really not offended if people called a cap I made/make a bingecap, or if they want to be careful not to offend wifu a HWC, hunger work cap, hunger work studio cap... just be comfortable with what you choose and give credit where credit is due :)

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Our secret shadow employee may be e-mailed at

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--- Quote from: btctopre on Tue, 22 December 2015, 11:18:17 ---HOOT ARMY, ASSEMBLE! LET THE PIDGECAP REVOLUTION BEGIN!

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OMG Binge & hoffman are in ca-hoots! Ok that was terrible, owl leave.

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I giggled. Twice.  :))

If only I had the pull to make more Hoots!  :P

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We can dream! I'm hoping for a hoothulu myself

Congrats Binge! and may your hard work pay off in ways you have yet to imagine.

I look forward to seeing the crazy cool stuff HWS comes out with.


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