Author Topic: [GB] JTK Sundevil is Live! ||| GB has been CANCELED due to MOQ  (Read 44983 times)

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Offline koduh

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[GB] JTK Sundevil is Live! ||| GB has been CANCELED due to MOQ
« on: Mon, 09 October 2017, 12:09:27 »
Repost from here

JTK Sundevil - Group Buy is up on zFrontier!

The Story Behind The Sun Devil

Eyes burning, Bask stared into the sun. A power so immense that caused pain too surreal, he hungered to harness it.

As the eldest son of Lucifer he craved to leave his father's shadow and conqueor lands for himself. Stealing his father's all mighty pitchfork, Bask took it to the depths of hell and altered it, crafting a large ankh with which he would be able to wield the power of the sun.

Lucifer could not let this go unpunished.

As Bask set out into the world with his newly found power, a struggle between father and son ensued and the relic was lost into the depths of a chasm. To this day Bask can be seen roaming the deserts of the earth thirsting for the power of the sun, searching for the ankh to once again wield the power he covetted.

Renders done by Janglad:

Kit Selection

Buying Info

zFrontier will be running the set as a Group Buy on their website. I will also be purchasing additional sets to sell in my shop at

Pricing: $84.50 + shipping

Buy here:
« Last Edit: Mon, 23 October 2017, 11:16:17 by koduh »

Offline chuckdee

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Re: [GB] JTK Sundevil is Live!
« Reply #1 on: Mon, 09 October 2017, 12:53:30 »
Is there a MOQ?

Offline koduh

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Re: [GB] JTK Sundevil is Live!
« Reply #2 on: Mon, 23 October 2017, 11:15:23 »
Felllow clackers,

It is with sad news I must report that the JTK Sundevil groupbuy has performed terribly and it will be cancelled.
I appreciate all those who joined the buy; zFrontier will be refunding your orders within the next week.
Post Mortem Thoughts:

I attribute the failure entirely to my own mistakes one of which was marketing.

Although the set was inspired by the colors of ASU and the mascot (Sundevil) I thought more people would be open to the colorway.

I feel that Sundevil was immediately labeled an "Arizona" set from the get go and we lost interest there, my fault completely, I should have looked for a better name or presentation for it.
There are probably more reasons/excuses for why this failed but rather than dwell on them I just want to say thanks to the community. I've been around for about 3 years now and don't see an end in sight.

Much clackin' love.


Offline chuckdee

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Re: [GB] JTK Sundevil is Live! ||| GB has been CANCELED due to MOQ
« Reply #3 on: Mon, 23 October 2017, 12:14:20 »
I liked the set, and the pricing.  If you run it again, aim for a less busy time would be my suggestion.

Offline kmba

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Re: [GB] JTK Sundevil is Live! ||| GB has been CANCELED due to MOQ
« Reply #4 on: Mon, 23 October 2017, 14:49:17 »
Multiple sets are about to fail. Market is saturated at the moment. Keep it up and come back with something even better. :thumb:

Offline kitchenace13

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Re: [GB] JTK Sundevil is Live! ||| GB has been CANCELED due to MOQ
« Reply #5 on: Wed, 22 November 2017, 10:26:34 »
This Maxkey set by I:C seems to be a similar style.  $110 for base set and $25 for novelties.  Increases to $130 and $30 after the GB ends.

Offline xondat

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Re: [GB] JTK Sundevil is Live! ||| GB has been CANCELED due to MOQ
« Reply #6 on: Wed, 22 November 2017, 13:58:29 »
This Maxkey set by I:C seems to be a similar style.  $110 for base set and $25 for novelties.  Increases to $130 and $30 after the GB ends.

It's by thesiscamper, just hosted by IC. I believe he begin working on it last year (can't tell what's being suggested).

Offline KeLorean

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Re: [GB] JTK Sundevil is Live! ||| GB has been CANCELED due to MOQ
« Reply #7 on: Sat, 06 January 2018, 19:38:52 »
hey man, i just watched your interview on top clack. great stuff man. i am often disconnected from this community bc i spend so much time on so many projects and i feel like gh makes it kinda ridiculously hard to navigate through everything so i kinda give up on keeping up the latest stuff a lot of times. anyway, i really like this set and regret missing it, and i hope you revisit it. if you don't mind my opinion. i feel like the white is too bright. what if you made it more of a light beige sandy brown. i know it wouldn't be the university colors anymore, but it seems like it would be the colors of the desert at least imo. just a though. i did a little quick and dirty mock up in photoshop and i thought it looked pretty dope. anyway, best of luck in all of your endeavors.
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