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Windows 11.
Ya'll using it?
When do you think they's gon' force it on people like dx12 in win 10.
Although my comp is more than capable of running Win 11, my processor is on the banned list
And yet my system still keeps running Win11 compatibility checks when I am in the middle of doing something, as if checking it for the 400th time and tying up resources, anything at all has changed in my system. Then it attempts to run Update and fails because I don't meet the system requirements it has already checked for every day for the last year. It is like a hell loop of retardation my computer is stuck in. No way to disable it or turn it off, as long as I am connected to the internet the settings will inevitably turn it back on.
Honestly it is kind of a sly way to income shame people who cannot afford new hardware. Actively making your Windows experience more frustrating, while reminding you that you lack the means to meet their completely arbitrary hardware requirements. I wonder if I can sue MS over the mental anguish the Win 11 rollout is causing me.
Almost 5 years ago I decided to deny M$ my essence and moved to Linux Mint.
No regrets.
--- Quote from: fohat.digs on Tue, 17 December 2024, 21:17:17 ---Almost 5 years ago I decided to deny M$ my essence and moved to Linux Mint.
No regrets.
--- End quote ---
Yea, but then how is the Fohat going to play dat Dragon Age.
They've already forced it on people with fake updates and messaging and at this point most casuals already have it if they have a compatible system so at this point, I wouldn't expect another shady mass attempt to force it, but I've been wrong before.
The thing that will end up forcing you is 3rd party companies.
They hate having to multiple operating systems, even when it's the same software/driver, it costs more to test and support. All it really would require is Google to drop Chrome support and you'd see a lines out the door at Best Buy they next morning.
Oddly enough, my new system offered it when I first put Windows on it despite TPM 2.0 and secure boot both disabled. However, after a reload and enabling TPM 2.0, it doesn't seem to try forcing itself despite even trying to force it. When I don't want it they try and force it and when I do they don't. Go figure.
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