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Any readers here?
I've asked about girls and horror movies is this part of the board before, so now it's time to find out if any of you read books.
I am on some 50s lit kick from hell as of late. I am way into the beats, and Jack Kerouac is my favorite author. I listen to audio books at work and read real books out loud to my child. I don't take lit classes just so I can pick what I read.
Chime in if you read and we can discuss books!
Here are some of my favorites:
The Tao of Network Security Monitoring: Beyond Intrusion Detection
TCP/IP Illustrated, Volume 1: The Protocols
Network Intrusion Detection
UNIX Network Programming: Networking APIs: Sockets and XTI
Linux iptables Pocket Reference
Squid: The Definitive Guide
I've also enjoyed Christopher Stasheff's entire Warlock Series. Still waiting for the movie. :)
Did you read iWaz? it was really good. Any Apple or computer fan needs to read this book.
I never got into fantasy books, but if you recomend one I may give it a try.
--- Quote from: xsphat ---I never got into fantasy books, but if you recomend one I may give it a try.
--- End quote ---
For YOU, I definitely recommend Her Majesty's Wizard.
I quite enjoyed that book all three times that I read it. :)
Whiskey in the Jar-o:
--- Quote from: xsphat ---Did you read iWaz? it was really good. Any Apple or computer fan needs to read this book.
I never got into fantasy books, but if you recomend one I may give it a try.
--- End quote ---
Gene Wolfe is supposedly the greatest living American author... but because he writes fantasy he's overlooked by the mainstream litcrit. I've only read one of his books. It's his first or second novel, and it's not that well-known, but it impressed me a hell of a lot. So much so, that I missed my trainstop on the way to work.
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