geekhack Community > Keyboards

Apple Shortcuts

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I have found an apple page that lists some of the shortcuts, but I wonder if that is all there is?

I am referring to the function keys provided by the latest Apple keyboards and the Tactile Pros and SMK-88s.

Volume up, volume down, mute, eject, etc...  Anyone know of keys that would lead to an equivalent keypress?  I know F12 for 2 seconds is eject, F14 is dimmer, F15 is brighter , but can I manipulate the volume from the keyboard without the explicit volume keys?

This could be very wiki-able if we could get some good info together.

And now that I take a closer look at the Apple keyboard, I see it is not only missing the keys between the numeric keypad and the alpha keys, but it has no function key row either.  I need some HELP if I am to use this keyboard long term.

Have you tried this??

I guess I'm such an Apple newbie, I've installed it and I am looking at the configuration screen and wondering how it will help me?  I was expecting "When I press control/option/+, turn up the volume" type of configuration.  I don't see that here.

I tried that one too. It sucks as a remapper. You can't choose what to do by any means other than a few check boxes, and none of them did what I wanted, so I got rid of it.

That old Apple keyboard is going to have the same function as the Model M or the Das. Sorry

If you want to control iTunes directly while using a different app, try SizzlingKeys (Google it). It adds user programmable shortcuts for all the major functions of iTunes, such as play / pause, skip forward and back, volume up and down. It's a freebie to.

If I ever find a Mac key remapper, I'll let you guys know.


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