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Keycon For Sale/Wanted/Trade thread?

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What do you think of a thread (even this one) for attendees to list items for sale/wanted/trade?

This way people can have cash on hand instead of trying to scout an ATM.

Could always just Paypal on your phone if you've got a smartphone? Could be fun to have a preview of goodies coming though.


--- Quote from: CPTBadAss on Mon, 16 March 2015, 09:00:40 ---Could always just Paypal on your phone if you've got a smartphone? Could be fun to have a preview of goodies coming though.

--- End quote ---

I will probably be the only one with a non-smart flip phone.  :eek: :p

I think a separate thread would be great! I have a bunch of vintage keyboards I'd love to either sell or swap for some others.

I have a bunch of things I am considering bringing to sell/trade. Off of the top of my head I have:

* Leading Edge DC-2014 Blue ALPS (yellowed)
* IBM Model M 1391404
* IBM PC/AT Model F
* IBM PC/XT Model F
* IBM 6110345 (or similar part#) Model F 122
* Various white ALPS boards
* 'Identity' brand IBM Model M/Buckling Spring Clones
* NEC APC H412 (101 key ansi NEC blue switch)
* Black (clicky) space invader NMB keyboard
* Dell AT101w Beige (black ALPS)
* Soarer Converters (see below)Things I am looking for:

* Other vintage boards
* A Topre board with PBT caps or a Novatouch
* Individual ALPS switches
* Cash
Although, note that I probably won't bring any of these unless someone specifically wants something so please let me know ahead of time and we can work out a deal.

I have limited parts to make a few of my Soarer converters if anyone is interested:

I will note that I am still 'maybe' in attendance for Keycon as I have a wedding to attend in the afternoon/evening. If I do decide to go it will most likely just be briefly in the morning. If I am unable to meet up with you during Keycon, I will gladly meet you somewhere or even ship.


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