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What are you watching? The thread about what you're watching.

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Fantastic movie :)
Ralph Fiennes is a phenomenal actor, one of me favourite.

Shrinking season 2. It’s easily in my top 10 shows of all time. A dark comedy about a therapist played by Jason Segel and Harrison Ford is also in it. Almost finished season 2. The spouse and I both laugh out loud the whole episode.


--- Quote from: TomahawkLabs on Mon, 13 January 2025, 20:43:31 ---... Harrison Ford is also in it...

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Well, now I must watch it.


--- Quote from: TomahawkLabs on Mon, 13 January 2025, 20:43:31 ---Shrinking season 2. It’s easily in my top 10 shows of all time. A dark comedy about a therapist played by Jason Segel and Harrison Ford is also in it. Almost finished season 2. The spouse and I both laugh out loud the whole episode.

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Tomahawklabs always flaunting how he's flush with a wifu. What a successful organism he is.


--- Quote from: tp4tissue on Tue, 14 January 2025, 07:15:17 ---
--- Quote from: TomahawkLabs on Mon, 13 January 2025, 20:43:31 ---
laugh out loud

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a successful organism

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Humor and fun are necessary components of health.

I honestly believe that Drumpf's complete lack of a sense of humor, and lack of joy, is why so many dysfunctional Americans are attracted to him.


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