Author Topic: [IC] SA Welles - SUSPENDED  (Read 8427 times)

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Offline madmax13

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« on: Sat, 09 November 2024, 02:36:01 »
Designer Discord


Why Welles?

This kit initially had a working concept: "I wanted to do a dramatic but adult theme." I want something a bit understated and cool, like jazz music. One of my favorite bits of media is the movie LA Confidential, which introduced me to the concept of Film Noir and the world of gritty pulp fiction novels. If you have not seen the movie, it's a fantastic use of 2 hours of your time.


However, if this is the starting point, why is the set called Welles?


Welles was the master of the Noir art form. His films, such as Touch of Evil, The Lady from Shanghai, and The Stranger, set the standard for cinematography and storytelling.


I wanted this set to match the aesthetic of these films, which used shades of grey and red, along with the warm beiges standard in mid-century consumer electronics to tell complex and nuanced stories. To this end, I also needed a keycap profile that matches this aesthetic. Thus, I used the SA profile for its vintage look and excellent sound qualities. In a nod to modernity, I will use the more comfortable 1-1-2-3-4-3 profile for this set, designed around stock SP colors (TU, RBC, and GSS).

This preliminary design is the first one I was happy to share with others. Right now, because of the use case I foresee, I am only designing a base kit and a numpad kit, with a mind to potentially move towards thinking through noir/pulp-themed novelties and an accent kit.

The Concrete Blond- Basekit

This kit is named after the 1994 Michael Connelly Novel, an excellent example of a modern work that updates noir and pulp novel sensibilities.

This base kit accommodates 60-TKL, UK ISO, and Alice keyboards. It also features a minivan 3-key for limited 40 percent keyboard support. To save cost, the IC form includes questions to gauge interest in each keyboard configuration. I am balancing cost and coverage with the kit.


99 River Street- Numpad Kit

This is the Numpad kit, named after the 1953 noir classic.


The Bad Sleep Well- Novelty Kit

Named after the 1960 Akira Kurosawa Noir


A History of Violence- Extra/Extension Kit

Named after the 2005 Neo-Noir


The Small Back Room - 40s/Ergo

Named after the 1949 Noir







Last Render to show how the colors change under different form of light- the physical chips do the same.


This set uses Signature Plastics' in-house stock colors.

TU- Warm Beige
GSS- Blue-Grey
RBC- Deep Red



EU: Coffeekeys
SGP/SEA: Ktechs
« Last Edit: Sun, 02 February 2025, 23:36:22 by madmax13 »

Offline madmax13

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Re: [IC] SA Welles
« Reply #1 on: Sat, 09 November 2024, 02:47:17 »

Offline AngryAardvark

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Re: [IC] SA Welles
« Reply #2 on: Sat, 09 November 2024, 10:02:05 »
Love the colors. I’m in!

Offline madmax13

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Re: [IC] SA Welles
« Reply #3 on: Sun, 10 November 2024, 04:11:23 »
Some updates - some IC responses indicated a preference for MTNU. So, I did a quick touch-up to incorporate some of the feedback I've received on kitting, etc. The SA will be updated to reflect this as well.

Firstly is the alternative profile basekit for MTNU.


To show how it looks as an apples-to-apples, here it is on the same board that I had rendered in SA- Trash Man V4N4G0N


Offline Piperaceae

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Re: [IC] SA Welles
« Reply #4 on: Sun, 10 November 2024, 07:04:11 »
MTNU vendors tend to favor monokits with the numpad included (and often no other child kits). The base kits for MoDo and Skyriter (the revised version) are good examples I've heard multiple vendors say to emulate.

Since GMK has a standardized NordeUK kit with UK ISO included in it (assuming UK and EU vendors are willing to buy it out and get it made), the base kit usually just has terminal ISO in it.

Because of R4's bottom lip, including a R2 up arrow is popular - it's easier for fingers to slide between the up and down arrows with that R4 bottom lip removed, and makes arrow homing easier on non-exploded 65/75 boards.

You'll probably need to make the 40s keys mod-colored rather than accent-colored - forced accents generally draw complaints from people who don't want to have to use the accent colors.
« Last Edit: Sun, 10 November 2024, 10:31:29 by Piperaceae »

Offline madmax13

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Re: [IC] SA Welles
« Reply #5 on: Sun, 10 November 2024, 22:30:43 »
MTNU vendors tend to favor monokits with the numpad included (and often no other child kits). The base kits for MoDo and Skyriter (the revised version) are good examples I've heard multiple vendors say to emulate.

Since GMK has a standardized NordeUK kit with UK ISO included in it (assuming UK and EU vendors are willing to buy it out and get it made), the base kit usually just has terminal ISO in it.

Because of R4's bottom lip, including a R2 up arrow is popular - it's easier for fingers to slide between the up and down arrows with that R4 bottom lip removed, and makes arrow homing easier on non-exploded 65/75 boards.

You'll probably need to make the 40s keys mod-colored rather than accent-colored - forced accents generally draw complaints from people who don't want to have to use the accent colors.

GMK—I understand the mono kit, which, in my opinion, makes it less desirable than me. I suspect 70 percent of the keyboard hobby does not have a board with a number pad. I'd rather save the end use the difference in cost or use the plastic to increase compatibility—IE full UK ISO, Alice, etc. instead of a number pad.

On the accents, I am getting conflicting feedback on the minivan mods vs. accent. I'll let it shake out. I think the grey mods are a bit too dull so that I will keep them for now. However, if more people want them, I'll be happy to modify the kit if people will use it.

I've had people on the IC ask if I had a Discord. I did not, , so I made one. I will be relatively responsive there as things progress.

The next thing for Welles: I will have an accent kit before the long weekend ends. The "first draft" of it is at the bottom. I have concepts of what I want to do for the novelties, but I am working through either A) DIY or B) finding an artist to collaborate with. If you are in column B, reach out.

« Last Edit: Mon, 11 November 2024, 01:42:47 by madmax13 »

Offline madmax13

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Re: [IC] SA Welles
« Reply #6 on: Tue, 12 November 2024, 02:08:26 »
The updated Basekit is now reflected in the first post.

Here are two renders that show the accent kit a little bit better.


Hand Engineering 959 Mini

Hand Engineering Haus
« Last Edit: Mon, 18 November 2024, 23:41:19 by madmax13 »

Offline madmax13

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Re: [IC] SA Welles - A Film Noir inspired set, Updated Kitting and Renders.
« Reply #7 on: Sat, 16 November 2024, 16:30:50 »
I realized the color balance is off on previous renders, I will over the next day or so, replace every image in this thread with the correct images, which thankfully also better represent my vision for this set.

As a teaser, here's a render of a 3d printed Bakeneko60 with the correct color balance and accent kit.


Offline madmax13

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Re: [IC] SA Welles - A Film Noir inspired set, Updated Renders
« Reply #8 on: Mon, 18 November 2024, 23:40:02 »
I have Updated the Renders except for the accent kit. Here are a few more renders that I have been working on. I am still working on the novelty kit.


Offline madmax13

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Re: [IC] SA Welles - A Film Noir inspired set, Updated Renders
« Reply #9 on: Mon, 25 November 2024, 22:04:42 »
I am in the process of updating my kitting. I updated the base to align with SA Grand Budapest, so it removed some of the more esoteric kitting options. The set will now consist of Base, numpad, Extension, and Novelty Items. I will roll the accents kit into a larger extension kit. I am considering doing VIM keys if there is interest.

I have found an artist on the novelty front, so expect a novelty kit soonish. What is the feeling for a desk mat and an artisan?



Offline madmax13

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Re: [IC] SA Welles - A Film Noir inspired set, Updated Renders
« Reply #10 on: Wed, 04 December 2024, 13:33:00 »
This is still in progress. Here's a teaser of the first two novelties, with more to come, courtesy of Deadeye.


I will correct the alignment and sizing...I am thrilled with how they look so far.

Offline madmax13

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Re: [IC] SA Welles - A Film Noir inspired set, Updated Renders
« Reply #11 on: Tue, 10 December 2024, 01:05:10 »
This is still active, and many of the growing pains result from this being my first IC and learning the rendering tools. Deadeye has sent me additional novelties, which I am excited to share with everyone. For now, here's another teaser. The top row is R4, and the bottom is R3.


Secondly, to show my progress with Blender and 3D modeling in general, here's what I think is the best render of Welles to date.


Offline madmax13

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Re: [IC] SA Welles - A Film Noir inspired set, Updated Renders
« Reply #12 on: Tue, 17 December 2024, 22:34:00 »
Updated many renders to be more accurate and reflect the current project status. Looking to finish Novelties, extension, and 40s after the new year.

I am going on Vacation and will be back on January 2nd. Have a happy new years.

Offline madmax13

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Re: [IC] SA Welles - A Film Noir inspired set, Vendor Added!
« Reply #13 on: Sun, 05 January 2025, 23:47:18 »
A few updates:

Firstly, and most exciting, Coffeekeys has come on board as the EU vendor, and the first to sign on to the project.

Secondly, I have returned from vacation, and I will be doing further work on this.

As I always try to come bearing gifts, here are a few new renders.



Offline madmax13

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Re: [IC] SA Welles - Kit Complete, Vendors Added
« Reply #14 on: Tue, 14 January 2025, 05:07:43 »
I am proud to announce several things.

1) Ktechs is now the Singapore/SEA vendor. I am proud to be working with them.
2) The Novelty, 40s, and Extras Kits are finished....and posted here.
3) Here's one final render for the IC; this is the last comment period before the project proceeds.


Offline madmax13

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Re: [IC] SA Welles - Kit Complete, Vendors Added
« Reply #15 on: Tue, 14 January 2025, 05:08:19 »
I am proud to announce several things.

1) Ktechs is now the Singapore/SEA vendor. I am proud to be working with them.
2) The Novelty, 40s, and Extras Kits are finished....and posted here.
4) I have updated/corrected some issues on the base and number pad kits.
3) Here's one final render for the IC; this is the last comment period before the project proceeds.

(Attachment Link)

Offline madmax13

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Re: [IC] SA Welles - Kit Complete, Vendors Added
« Reply #16 on: Tue, 21 January 2025, 22:06:26 »
We're working with SP on the novelties, as the previous novelties are not compatible with doubleshot techniques,  and once we hear back from them, we will have an updated novelty kit.

Also, is anyone interested in a macro set?
« Last Edit: Tue, 21 January 2025, 22:13:24 by madmax13 »

Offline madmax13

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Re: [IC] SA Welles - SUSPENDED
« Reply #17 on: Sun, 02 February 2025, 23:40:52 »
So, due to some exciting developments, which I cannot share here yet, this set is "suspended." There will be enough changes to justify calling it an R2, so I will run a separate and new interest check when the time comes.

For people who supported this set, thank you and please be patient because in my humble opinion, this is worth waiting for.

I will leave the thread open for 24 hours, and close both this and the IC form.
« Last Edit: Mon, 03 February 2025, 01:19:00 by madmax13 »