geekhack Marketplace > Artisan Services

[FS] ceamocaps - Custom Engraved Acrylic Keycaps Protokeys

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Current Status: Invoiced, taking payments (via PayPal) - PM if you haven't received invoice
########################################################################################So a lot of creative juices have been flowing for the past month on GeekHack and many members have invented their own keycaps. This got me thinking and I came up with an idea of mine.

Many of you would know that acrylic/vinyl are one of my favorite materials for creating anything, and thus I came up with ceamocaps (Custom Engraved Acrylic mohitgarg keycaps).

These are keycaps made of 4 part acrylic assembly as can be seen below. With a total height of 11mm and 18mmx18mm thick.

On the prototypes there will be a "P" inscribed on the inside of the yellow piece. Thanks for the idea nubbinator

Now this sales thread is for members to help me get this kickstarted. This is how it will work:
1. You can choose one of the keycap designs below (or custom) and buy it for $3 only, shipping would be $3, and no other charges.
2. After the protoyping is done, and the results are a success, you will get 2 keycaps free of your choice and your prototype shipped to you.
3. If however the experiment fails, well these would just be pieces of acrylic stuck, broken and of no use, if someone wants them, I can them ship to you :p
4. If successful and I make these, they will sell for $3, excluding shipping, you may think that the prototype pledgers get 3 keys for price of one, but they are taking a generous risk.
2. Once all prototype keycaps are sold, I will then invoice you, and you can transfer the money (Only price of keycaps not shipping, that I will get only if experiment is successful) to my account.

IF the experiment fails, you will not get refund for your investment. I will post proof of what happened and obviously try my best that nothing goes wrong.

As these are prototypes, you will see each design is unique and different in some way as far as construction goes, reason is to try and find the optimal solution. In the prototypes, all designs would be made on 4mm clear acrylic and required adjustments made.

In the below keys, you will notice three colors:
Blue - Engraved area (Slightly recessed and translucent white on clear acrylic)
Green - Laser marked lines (The laser cuts through only half the thickness of the acrylic)
Red - Laser cut along these lines.

I will only be taking requests for the designs in the above matrix, and there is only one of each as this is a prototype, and each design was taken and modified for acrylic production bearing something specific in mind and testing various things.

You can order as many keycaps as you want as long as they are not taken. I can fit about 20 caps in one $3 package.

REPEAT: IF the experiment fails, you will not get refund for your investment. I will post proof of what happened and obviously try my best that nothing goes wrong.

DISCLAIMER: None of the designs are mine and below to respective parties. I am not making any money of these keycaps, these are all prototypes and the money is going for production for such small quantities. The final product will only have the designs you want and you won't have to worry about the copyrights as they will be for your personal use. The CC Skull is not for sale and is only meant for testing edge to edge designs. As for the hapter, I am still waiting approval from litster, until then it is out of bounds as well.

Order Status
Here is the link to confirm you orders and see order status:

Let me know if there is a discrepancy. There are a number orders where members have ordered something for someone else.
1. Next to your name you can see the name of the cap and gift written, it means someone has gifted that keycap(s) to you.
2. See only gift written, it means someone is gifting you a mystery key
3. If it says, secret cap, then it is a design they do not want to reveal.

REPEAT: IF the experiment fails, you will not get refund for your investment. I will post proof of what happened and obviously try my best that nothing goes wrong.

sounds cool! i'll throw in for a prototype! THUNDERCATSSSSS HOOOOOOOOOOOOOO  :thumb:

Count me in!

I'm not sure what everyone else thinks but I don't think it's very cool that you're knocking off the Clack skull design. I know it's a different method entirely but still, doesn't seem right. If you've cleared it with him then fair enough.

Count me in.  I am always down for helping with something new and unique.   :thumb:

I am good for one of the Autobot designs. 


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