geekhack Community > Reviews

KMAC with Red Alert set from sixty

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i know what a spring is. what does all this rambling have to do with reaper's KMAC? those are obviously not the ones in his keyboard since he said they were 50g.

oh no, the old ripster is trying to come out!!!!

nobody is arguing that a gold spring is better than w/e material is currently used. mkawa was just asking if 50g spring was also a clear spring, which we already answered him.

Haha before you guys start tripping on the springs, let me double check my source first. >

clearly, ripster has recently become obsessed with david byrne and has decided to take "stop making sense" to heart.

there's no way a clear is a 100g spring. where did you get that data from? my spares are a couple states away, but i'm guessing they're around 70g

anyway i had no idea the koreans were getting custom springs made in any material, much less gold. it seems like cherry ships a compatible spring at every reasonable point between 40g and 70g or so, so it seems unnecessary, but despite the physics 101 description of spring behavior, there are probably many subtleties to coil spring design, even at this scale, soooo


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