Here's a complaint about the lag from over a year ago:
Jump to 2:38 for the complaint
Found this thread, too
As I said...a single youtube video.
And that reddit thread mentions absolutely nothing about the latency being caused by the SATA cable. As a matter of fact, they clearly point to it being a firmware/processing issue, specifically as they ran into the same issue with the Leeku pcb's
I didn't say it was the cable. I'm just providing information that was asked for in the locked IC. I certainly don't care WHY there's lag, but if it can be fixed, it should be.
Since there is limited availability for the VE.A & most people don't type at 100+ WMP, I'm not surprised that only 1 video calls out the lag.
Are you claiming that there isn't any lag?
I'm claiming that people are blowing this way out of proportion. The vast majority of people are complaining that its the SATA cable that is causing the latency, yet I haven't seen a single shred of info that indicates its the SATA that's causing it.
Yes, if there's latency it should be fixed. But then again, people just assuming there will be latency are making rather large assumptions.
There were over 100 VE.As sold in MASSDROP group buy (I think it was 114), Then Oddforge sold off all the B to mention the handful of pre-production ones out there.
A handful of complaints when there are a 100+ boards out not really the epidemic people are making it out to be.
There did seem to be an issue with some boards and that issue should be resolved.
But, if the issue was indeed as prevalent as people are leading us to believe, the actual cause and solution would of been found by now. But neither of those things ever happened....because all we have is a couple examples and a bunch of hearsay.....and yes people blaming the SATA cable (not authenticdanger, but others).
......I actually prefer the SATA cable connection..... I think it makes the VE.A unique and at the time of the original release is was just right for the VE.A. Zefyr explained why it had to be SATA way back in the old IC for the Original.
But at the same time I can also see how in 2018/2019 people are seeing it as an eyesore and outdated.