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What Linux Distro do the Linux users of GH use?

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--- Quote from: swill on Sat, 29 March 2014, 23:20:14 ---
--- Quote from: Vibex on Sat, 29 March 2014, 23:12:13 ---
--- Quote from: esko997 on Sat, 29 March 2014, 23:07:25 ---
--- Quote from: Vibex on Sat, 29 March 2014, 23:01:49 ---I use funtoo, and it was my first linux distro. I'm planning on trying arch some time soon on one of my spare computers though.

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Been meaning to try funtoo, whats the longest you've had an install for?

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I only just jumped on the linux bandwagon, so I've been using it for about 4 months. Haven't really run into any problems. It's definitely worth a try, but if you don't have the time/patience to compile everything, then it's a horrible choice.

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What distro are you using that you have to compile everything? Most linux distro have better package managers than "modern" OSes.

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He's using funtoo -- yay compiling and c-flags!


--- Quote from: swill on Sat, 29 March 2014, 23:20:14 ---What distro are you using that you have to compile everything? Most linux distro have better package managers than "modern" OSes.

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Funtoo, it's a derivative of gentoo. It allows for optimized performance by only compiling the features of a program that you will actually use.

I used Red Hat from ~96 to 2002.. Debian ever since. Personally, not a fan of all the 'extra' stuff (...and their dependencies) many distros install.


--- Quote from: olaph on Sat, 29 March 2014, 23:25:41 ---I used Red Hat from ~96 to 2002.. Debian ever since. Personally, not a fan of all the 'extra' stuff (...and their dependencies) many distros install.

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A man after my own heart. dpkg master race reporting in.

Xubuntu here. I'm not a big fan of all the eye-candy that you get with K?ubuntu by default. I would use CentOS (I've got a VM because we have CentOS servers in production and gotta make sure stuff's compatible), but I tend to stay on the bleeding edge, and CentOS's packages are usually quite out of date (as they prioritize stability over having the latest features).

My main box is Win 8, run my *nix boxes under VirtualBox.


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