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What Linux Distro do the Linux users of GH use?

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While some of this may be a distro issue or drive issue FF has had a bug recently where it just locks up.
Haven't had it take the desktop with it though.

If it's been years and a major drive change, a re-install is probably not a bad idea anyhow, Linux isn't Windows but it still does occasionally benefit from a cleanout.


--- Quote from: Leslieann on Sat, 03 December 2022, 13:53:01 ---While some of this may be a distro issue or drive issue FF has had a bug recently where it just locks up.
Haven't had it take the desktop with it though.
--- End quote ---
Oh!  The desktop kinda crashed but fully recovered the first couple of times where I killed the Isolated Web Content processes as one was showing high CPU load, since straight killing Firefox it's not happened.

From reading around Wayland is still not compatible with everything and I'm intrigued how long this install can last as it's showing no signs of age related slowdown, it can surely survive until I have to "upgrade" the mobo so may as well leave it for now.  Would never have thought such a big bug could make it into Firefox, sad times.


--- Quote from: suicidal_orange on Sat, 03 December 2022, 15:55:34 ---
--- Quote from: Leslieann on Sat, 03 December 2022, 13:53:01 ---While some of this may be a distro issue or drive issue FF has had a bug recently where it just locks up.
Haven't had it take the desktop with it though.
--- End quote ---
Oh!  The desktop kinda crashed but fully recovered the first couple of times where I killed the Isolated Web Content processes as one was showing high CPU load, since straight killing Firefox it's not happened.

From reading around Wayland is still not compatible with everything and I'm intrigued how long this install can last as it's showing no signs of age related slowdown, it can surely survive until I have to "upgrade" the mobo so may as well leave it for now.  Would never have thought such a big bug could make it into Firefox, sad times.

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It may not be a FF bug but a copy paste bug in the OS, or Wayland, hard to say.
I had something similar a while back, I reloaded one system before finding a cure and it fixed it, but I don't remember what did it on the other but did fix it without a re-install. It was something stupid if I remember right. And yeah, Wayland needs time to mature, it's getting there though.

With how many different projects Linux relies on, by so many different people, the fact that Linux even works at all kinda blows my mind.

Having checked I don't have Wayland and nothing else has crashed (text editor, audacity, gimp and terminal have all seen use, though not as much as Firefox) so pretty confident Firefox is the problem.

--- Quote from: Leslieann on Sun, 04 December 2022, 03:19:38 ---With how many different projects Linux relies on, by so many different people, the fact that Linux even works at all kinda blows my mind.
--- End quote ---
It is impressive, especially when there's at least two of pretty much everything from the lowest level CPU scheduler to GUI toolkits!

i have had much better luck lately with firefox not filling up the ram and crashing my whole system (yes still on my broken debian with broken oomd), until yesterday when it crashed twice, still better than chrome but still

--- Quote from: suicidal_orange on Sun, 04 December 2022, 06:27:55 ---
--- Quote from: Leslieann on Sun, 04 December 2022, 03:19:38 ---With how many different projects Linux relies on, by so many different people, the fact that Linux even works at all kinda blows my mind.
--- End quote ---
It is impressive, especially when there's at least two of pretty much everything from the lowest level CPU scheduler to GUI toolkits!

--- End quote ---
I do understand where you are coming from but to me it make sense that it would work, all the projects aim to be Unix/POSIX compatible (at least should), and aim to do one (or a few) thing(s) well, when you have a theoretically infinite number of peoples working on something, that seems like the best way to get anything done :) still impressive though


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