geekhack Community > Input Devices

Check out my new Alps toy

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That thing is ginormous.


--- Quote from: jemkeys;4834 ---Nice, but I like the razer better ;)
--- End quote ---
with my 3 dead ones I disagree

Touchpads are much better than they were back when ones like those were sold.

I had a serial Cirque Easy Cat. (Used an Alps GlidePoint touchpad.)

Dear god those things sucked. Even the NAME sucked.


--- Quote from: D-EJ915;12430 ---Touchpads are much better than they were back when ones like those were sold.
--- End quote ---

That's one thing I do agree with.  However, I think it is the touchpads that have been sold in the past year or so that are finally significantly better.

Like the Acer laptops where the trackpad has the same finish as the rest of the laptop.  (as well as the new Apple glasspads)  No more oily trackpads!


--- Quote from: D-EJ915;12430 ---with my 3 dead ones I disagree
--- End quote ---

That is bizarre. I have had zero trouble with mine and I have had it since before this forum went live. My favorite thing about it is that the box said it won't work on Mac. Cheap bastards just don't want to support Mac.

I still love the mouse, but I am thinking it's time for something new. I mean, I have had about 40 keyboards since I bought that mouse. The math isn't adding up there.


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