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Off Topic / Re: TikTok Stealing User Data?? SHOCKING!
« Last post by tp4tissue on Thu, 02 May 2024, 18:19:43 »
i think it's one of the most potent social media/entertainment apps out there at the moment.

These apps are levers for further capitalist rot. So we already agree, it's not there to entertain you, it's there to Sell-You-Stuff. The funny cat videos they insert in between advertisement is just to manipulate a person's emotional state, to compel spending.

So we see that it's selling the user's data/ attention, the ads themselves sell planet destroying junk that you'd get bored of after 30 minutes, and reach for the app to brainwash you into buying Yet-More-Stuff.

Social media applications under capitalism, greatly accelerates the death of our planet.

Off Topic / Re: TikTok Stealing User Data?? SHOCKING!
« Last post by Sniping on Thu, 02 May 2024, 17:49:13 »
I don't understand peoples' obsession with social media, but there is no doubt that "China" wants to vacuum up all the information in the world.

tp's point is fairly accurate, but an extension to it is that there's monetary value (and power) associated with gathering user data and a profile about a given user, and naturally everyone wants to make money. the ban is looming so we'll see what's in store for tiktok. i think it's one of the most potent social media/entertainment apps out there at the moment. very quick to sift through content that interests you, amazing recommendation algorithm, and very effective/productive content creation tooling.
Off Topic / The danger of PSU fan replacements.
« Last post by tp4tissue on Thu, 02 May 2024, 17:08:51 »

Fan dies, you go to dat amazon, buy new one fan. OK but which one.

On budget PSUs, @ 80% efficiency,  It will have to dissipate anywhere from 10-20 watts @ its lowest duty state.   

THAT is extremely dangerous if someone replaces an original PSU fan with one that requires a higher starting voltage. Which means the fan will not start spinning to cool that first 100watts worth of power draw. This is actually an enormous amount of heat.

If you put your hands on 5-20watt passive heatsink, it's burning to the touch. The ICs go to 80-100C. 

Budget PSUs use cheaper and fewer ICs for voltage regulation. Each IC gets hotter, and sustain higher duty. NOT cooling the first 100watt cycle will significantly heat up the PSU, reducing its lifespan dramatically, as 95% of a PSU's life is spent in that lowest duty bracket.

This is less of an issue on High end PSUs, because they get bigger heatsinks, better ICs, and are "nowadays" designed for Zero-RPM.   ALTHOUGH, even here, zero-rpm is generally bad for Vrms, which is why the high end models usually have a switch to turn off zero-rpm.

, you don't care if the Power supply breaks,  you care about it not taking out the rest of the system during the explosion.

So, before you buy a super high end fan and think this will work great, you must test the duty cycle.

Keyboards / Re: Simple Questions, Simple Answers (FAQ in the OP)
« Last post by erretter on Thu, 02 May 2024, 17:05:09 »
I F'd up the top housing of a soldered in switch (complicated to explain; please just take that info, as it is). The switch is still functioning, but wonky.

Q: Can I swap out the top housing of a switch from the top-side without desoldering it?

Some plates have notches cut out on either side of the switch to allow the top housing clips bend outward. I haven't seen those in quite a few years though. If the plate is contacting the switch on all four sides, you're going to have to desolder. That said, it's a pretty simple operation and a great excuse to learn to solder. You got this!  :thumb:

Thank you! Didn't know about the plate specifics. But I have to say, I soldered the switches in by myself, with led free solder and desoldering this is a 50/50 chance damaging the PCB because it's almost impossible to get all the solder out.
Keyboard Keycaps / Re: Which Sets Do YOU Most Desire to See a Rerun Of?
« Last post by phinix on Thu, 02 May 2024, 16:58:18 »
Would love a rerun of some older/obscure SA sets like Grand Budapest and 128k AE.

Maybe not old set, but I have brand new SA Espresso for sale if you are interested?
Other Geeky Stuff / Re: Games you are most looking forward to
« Last post by phinix on Thu, 02 May 2024, 16:56:53 »
Looking forward to Pacific Drive at the end of this month

So Noisy, did you play it?
Interest Checks / Re: [IC] GMK 3077 (Previously Brown on Beige)
« Last post by thicthacthok on Thu, 02 May 2024, 16:49:45 »
Price is very tempting.

The R2 175U backspace should be texticon btw.

Will get that changed :) I don't use 40s so I'm not 100% sure on 40s kittings

Would love to see an accent ISO enter. It kinda ruins the whole point of the set without one, and will put it in the realm of "Generic Beige set" otherwise.

Nice set, agree the ISO enter needs am accent option. Has UK ISO but will just have Esc in brown.

Will get the Accent ISO added.

Is one of the three stepped CapsLocks in the Base kit supposed to be stepped Control?

It sure is. I really wanted stepped control since I would personally use it. I'll get it changed
Off Topic / Re: TikTok Stealing User Data?? SHOCKING!
« Last post by tp4tissue on Thu, 02 May 2024, 16:45:14 »
I don't understand peoples' obsession with social media, but there is no doubt that "China" wants to vacuum up all the information in the world.

But what-aboutism, Every country does it.

So is the social commentary around whether people care about privacy, or that they can't stand "China" doing it.

It's like if you had an abusive father,  that's some how less bad than an abusive uncle, which is then somehow less bad than an abusive stranger.

The people in charge, clearly wants this argument to go in a certain direction, any direction except, THEIR direction.

Is it not obvious, that the jailers, would draw on the flock's innate racism against itself.
Other Geeky Stuff / Re: Games you are most looking forward to
« Last post by GummyPink on Thu, 02 May 2024, 16:25:38 »
Paralives. It has been in production for like 5 years or so. And for 2 years I invested 20 euros/month in it...sadly in the end you don't even get the game. But I'm still looking forward to it. The sims has been my childhood. Looking forward for an upgrade.
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