geekhack Projects > Making Stuff Together!

Tactile Zine 2.0

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didnt think my dad would drive me that far for a meetup, told him about the meetup AFTER it happened and he was like "Why didnt you wanna go?" BRO its a 6 hr drive and hes not into keyboards. maybe next year  :'(

That's a W dad right there. Willing to drive 6 hours just so you can hang out with likeminded keyboard nerds.


Cover for my Keycon retrospective zine

I haven't checked in for a while and today some exciting news came out so I figured it's time I posted an update. Why haven't I posted much? I've been busy with work and real life....but also working hard in the background as always.

First off for exciting news, I decided to see what would happen if I took this project a little more seriously so I signed up to be a vendor at Keycon 2024. So if you're going, I'll see you there!

Not gonna lie, seeing this is weird. Silly me with people who are running actual businesses is funny lol.

As a vendor, I will have some things for sale:

1) From the header image, I'll have a Keycon retrospective zine with a new sticker.
2) I'm working on an artisan collab which will have an accompanying booklet.
3) The other zines I've made and hopefully some of the older stickers I've had made so far.

Besides having stuff to buy on the table, I'll be displaying retro keyboards and resin. Nothing on the table will be older than September 2014, which is the last time someone posted in the Keycon 2014 thread. I want to show people what we had available at meetups a decade ago. Thank you so much to rmendis helping with the table. And of course everyone else who's bringing stuff.

Also Artisan Collector was kind enough to invite me to be on a panel! I'm uniquely qualified since I'm old lmao. Here's a list of my credentials - Keycon 2013, Keycon 2014, and Keycon 2015.

I know I didn't post a lot of details but I will later so I hope you're excited for those.

Finally, here's some pixels explaning some of why I was busy IRL. I took a field trip to the TX Cafe in Saigon.

Time to reveal more of what I talked about in my last post!

As a reminder, I'm on the A Visual History of Artisan Panels. Come see rmendis aka Artisan Collector, Joey Quinn, and myself talk about early resin and early Keycon meetups. Yes rmendis and Joey Quinn will be showing off some amazing early caps.

And rmendis and I will be splitting a vendor table so we can show off some early keyboard and resin history. If you like Duck, OTD, LZ keyboards, or decade old resin, come say hi.

Second, I will have all of the zines i'm made so far for sale! This include Vol 2.3 which was previously sold at the NYC meetup and hasn't been sold online yet. As well as the new 10 year retrospective on Keycons 2013-2015! I'll have a presentation about the first Keycons during the panel but this is a deep dive on them! I'm also proud to announce that I have finally stepped up my skills and did the cover art for Vol 2.4 as well as the new sticker design.

I still have 2 other announcements lined up including the artisan collab I hinted at before and a collab with an artist! Hope to see you at Keycon!!

Edit: Oh hey, they finally updated the website to put my name on the panel lol.

Last 2 announcements:

The homie loserisms did these stickers in place of thank you notes for Vol 2.4 and Vol 2.5 at Keycon. Please come check out the booth and get some of his art when you buy some zines.

And I'm happy to announce that Maison of the West agreed to do a collaboration with me at Keycon. The caps are bundled with Vol 2.5 which is a catalog of the Maison of the West caps that have come out so far. There's La Rosas and Cretins in the geekhack and DCS Valentine's colorways.

Hope to see you at Keycon!


--- Quote from: CPTBadAss on Sun, 21 April 2024, 15:14:24 ---Last 2 announcements:

Show Image

The homie loserisms did these stickers in place of thank you notes for Vol 2.4 and Vol 2.5 at Keycon. Please come check out the booth and get some of his art when you buy some zines.

Show Image

And I'm happy to announce that Maison of the West agreed to do a collaboration with me at Keycon. The caps are bundled with Vol 2.5 which is a catalog of the Maison of the West caps that have come out so far. There's La Rosas and Cretins in the geekhack and DCS Valentine's colorways.

Hope to see you at Keycon!

--- End quote ---

Those keycaps are so good, anyone going to keycon should buy tactile zine and check out his panel at the event.


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