geekhack Community > Keyboard Keycaps

Making exotic wood artisan keycaps

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I have the other problem. I made a few hundred keycaps cause everyone said they wanted some... and then I sold lie 10. :P
I expect they will eventually sell over a year, but it is a far cry from a "business".


--- Quote from: failKeys on Fri, 15 December 2023, 11:29:07 ---I have the other problem. I made a few hundred keycaps cause everyone said they wanted some... and then I sold lie 10. :P
I expect they will eventually sell over a year, but it is a far cry from a "business".

--- End quote ---

That's the other fear. Investing thousands into a machine, hundreds of hours learning/failing/succeeding finally only to have nobody care. I love your keycaps and I love that you are sharing your art with the rest of us. I have dedicated my time to the Apple M3501, currently working on a drop in replacement PCB for the OEM case, but the goal will be to reuse the PCB in a custom M3501 case.

Love the look!


--- Quote from: failKeys on Fri, 15 December 2023, 09:32:24 ---I make lots of things. mostly metal. but i do guitars as well.

--- End quote ---

TALENTED :thumb:


--- Quote from: failKeys on Fri, 15 December 2023, 11:29:07 ---I have the other problem. I made a few hundred keycaps cause everyone said they wanted some... and then I sold lie 10. :P
I expect they will eventually sell over a year, but it is a far cry from a "business".

--- End quote ---

The fun part is making the keycaps.
But selling is indeed the real challenge, sometimes the costs involved in the development and manufacturing just have to be absorbed.

Thank you for sharing your experience and the top-notch process documentation.

Hoping that your endeavour has worked out favourably. All the best!


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