geekhack Community > Keyboards
Spray Lubing switches - A guide
--- Quote from: Drakenocas on Mon, 24 August 2020, 01:26:48 ---Yeah, I saw that video of that guy spraying lubing, a pretty well viewed enthusiast on YouTube, as well. Not huge,but they get a few thousand views on each video, and I was thinking to myself that too many people are:
1. Going to ruin their PCBs.
2. Destroy other property
3. Give themself cancer.
Perhaps they deserve it if they're dumb enough to try spray lubing.
I really wish the dude would remove that video, for real. He may be able to do it and be happy with it, but I don't feel like most others will be happy with the results. You have to be responsible for what you put out.
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I've been lubing switches the proper way for years but whenever I see a video with someone trying something new and it works well for them, I think, 'Hey, that's pretty cool, I want to try that.' But yeah, I wondered what this would do to my switches and boards. I knew if I asked Leslie I'd get a straight answer. :eek: :thumb:
Edit: I have since dabbled more with spray lubing and admit defeat.. the doing the wrong thing but getting the right results part applies here. Don't spray lube.
--- Quote from: Hipyo on Mon, 24 August 2020, 19:13:08 ---I really have not seen any evidence of spray lubing in particular ruining boards and switches when done correctly
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You're spraying blindly, how exactly is there a right and wrong way. Do you honestly think you aiming it at the side of the slider is stopping it from going anywhere else inside the switch? You're delusional.
Yes, spray lube is lube and may be safe when used properly, the problem is and will remain that you have no idea what lube is in there. Is that solvent compatible? You have no idea. If you use a compatible lube/solvent, yes, all is well. Ever see what happens when it's not? It doesn't matter on a chain or hinge, you wash it all away with solvent, and if you miss any, you get it next time. You can't do that on a switch, the fact that it takes "1-3 days" for the solvent to evaporate tells you how sealed the mechanism is, if the solvent takes that long there's no chance of washing anything away.
--- Quote from: Hipyo on Mon, 24 August 2020, 19:13:08 ---I would argue that any form of modding could ruin a part if done wrong, and that is not a reason to tell everyone to avoid it.
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You can damage a trace desoldering a switch, certain medications have side effects, however both were being done/used in the proper way.
In both cases the potential for issues outweighs the benefits.
In the case of spray lubing, you're simply HOPING it makes things better without knowing if it will help even if it works the way it should (not all switches benefit from lube).
--- Quote from: Hipyo on Mon, 24 August 2020, 19:13:08 ---From what I have seen, and from the main person doing spray lubing who did research on it (:3ildcat on youtube) there are not any crazy long term effects to doing this process. I personally put out a video on spray lubing and have had only positive experiences with it.
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So all this is based on yours and a single youtuber's anecdotal evidence, that's not research it's "research".
"It worked for me so you must have done something wrong" is the rallying card for anyone who doesn't properly understand what they're doing. Even when you do something wrong you can still get a positive result, it doesn't make it right. Did either of you even bother to open a switch, let alone many and look at what happens? I'm going to guess no.
I'm not trying to trash you but you need to understand this is not right, any of it.
Edit: I have since dabbled more with spray lubing and admit defeat.. the doing the wrong thing but getting the right results part applies here. Don't spray lube.
--- Quote from: Hipyo on Mon, 24 August 2020, 22:04:13 ---That post you linked does not include spray lubing anywhere in it so I'm not sure what exactly you meant by linking it, there really is not much out there on spray lubing going wrong.
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It wasn't spray lube but similar principle, the person lubed from the outside with no idea what was happening inside.
--- Quote from: Hipyo on Mon, 24 August 2020, 22:04:13 ---I think your hard-line no spray lubing approach is elitist and taking a more nuanced look at it might help the community explore more ways of enjoying the hobby in the ways that they prefer.
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This has nothing to do with being elitist it's about keeping people from making what could be a costly mistake. You want lower barriers of entry, great (!) but destroying someones board isn't going to help with that.
I'm pulling from decades of evidence based standardized lubrication practices. Not just keyboards, everything. Do you think we just decided on a brush and lube because it was convenient?
You're using anecdotal evidence and your "current pool" is but a teeny tiny sample. You have no research, few samples and goes against all standardized lubrication practices. And yes, I looked at that PDF you linked, it says nothing about compatibility with other lubricants only plastics and rubbers. The website says compatible with most but they also expect the solvent to wash everything away leaving a clean surface and then evaporate (quickly!), neither of which is happening inside a switch.
It's possible to do everything wrong and still get a positive result, that doesn't make it right or predictive of future outcomes.
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