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how many ppl go for IT in school just because they are gamers

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I was a gamer since I was 8 years old. From the moment I saw a video game, I knew I want computers to be main part of my life.
Went to uni, got Masters degree in IT (Networks), but I've been working whole life with Data and I like it.
So yes, games showed me that computers are amazing and I decided to be IT cause I wanted to be part of this world.
Now I play games very seldom, but still like it. For years I was a gamer, PC modder and for last 17 years also a keeb enthusiast :)

Never went to school for IT, just have always loved tinkering & modding computers.  Only thing I did originally go to school for was Graphic Design and apprenticed as an Automotive tech.


--- Quote from: phinix on Wed, 14 December 2022, 07:58:59 ---I was a gamer since I was 8 years old. From the moment I saw a video game, I knew I want computers to be main part of my life.
Went to uni, got Masters degree in IT (Networks), but I've been working whole life with Data and I like it.
So yes, games showed me that computers are amazing and I decided to be IT cause I wanted to be part of this world.
Now I play games very seldom, but still like it. For years I was a gamer, PC modder and for last 17 years also a keeb enthusiast :)

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i was also a gamer for years now.i just started middle school for IT not just because i love games but also as a genuine tech enthusiast. keeb enthusiast for only a bit more than a year tho, the funny part is that being on a budget (too poor for razor) actually got me into keyboards loll

The question is actually easy to answer, only a small minority has the necessary will and enthusiasm to take the leap into the IT industry. This applies above all to people who are specifically motivated by computer games. For me personally, the latter does not apply at all, for me it was always much more impressive to automate things or to develop problem solutions. Gathering information and combining it to find solutions to problems that are often quite complex has remained an ongoing challenge to this day. And no, I can't call myself a "keeb enthusiast" because of that, for me the interface between man and machine is extremely important, but only for anthropotechnical reasons, less because of aesthetics. I therefore see the creative design of a keyboard more as a gadget than as an extension of its functionality. You don't really have to participate in the fetishism and mostly senseless competition between consumers in order to impress people you don't even know. ;)


--- Quote from: PlayBox on Mon, 25 July 2022, 07:58:38 ---nothing special about this post but im going for IT degree (idk if i said it properly correct me if there is something wrong) next year and i wonder how many ppl joined because "i like playing video games". guess random numbers and we will see who is right. also if any of you also were/are on IT degree how it was for you?

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I am studying IT and i did it because i was not a gamer, but because i have a passion for it


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