geekhack Community > Keyboard Keycaps

Custom Keycap Ideas Thread - all ideas welcome

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I don't know anyone that use phonetic layout. Having the Latin a phonetic jcuken is used more than the opposite with Russians I know who don't speak English. It makes it easier for them to type for web addresses etc.


--- Quote from: lysol;483172 ---I don't know anyone that use phonetic layout. Having the Latin a phonetic jcuken is used more than the opposite with Russians I know who don't speak English. It makes it easier for them to type for web addresses etc.
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This makes me think you don't know any native Russian speakers who learned to touch type in English first. Various phonetic layouts are pretty popular outside the former USSR.


--- Quote from: Kisakuku;483164 ---Screw йцукенг, real men use яверты.
--- End quote ---
Or явертъ instead of ,уеишщ.


--- Quote from: woody;483186 ---Or явертъ instead of ,уеишщ.
--- End quote ---

Good point, let's not forget the Bulgarians. Добър ден!

Well, hello there, товарищ!

I had to use both BDS and GOST Cyrillic layouts for some small durations of time, and because I learned to touch type on QWERTY it's absolutely true that phonetic is the way to go.

Just checked Mongolian Cyrillic layout:


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