I have been having problems with the newer cherry switches specifically in the bottom right corner, where they seem to catch on something when bottoming out. If you press down on the bottom right corner, you can feel the stem(I believe) catching onto something on the housing, and ends up having a small bump when returning to resting position. The issue becomes more prevalent if you film the switch.
https://streamable.com/t5un36Here is video demonstration that shows the issue. This switch shown in the video is a HG Cherry MX Black, that has been filmed with a .15 TX clear film and soldered to a g80 1800.
With the older cherry switches that I have(Cherry clears, Vintage Blacks. 2016 RT Blacks) don't seem to have the issue, even while filmed. Was simply wondering if other people have had this issue before, since I have asked around and people do not seem to either notice or have the issue.