geekhack Community > Keyboards

Replacing Kinesis Advantage function keys with Cherry MX switches


Hi guys,

I know a couple of people out there have replaced the rubber function keys on their Kinesis Advantage keyboards with Cherry MX switches. I absolutely love the keyboard, but being a programmer, I really really need functional function keys that I can hit without having to look. It really slows me down.

Does any one have any info/guide/pictures on how to go about doing this?

Can it be done without having to change the keyboard controller? I'd imagine the programming keys would have to be relocated?

This would be my ideal setup (minus trackpad... well, I'd be ok with the trackpad, too ;)


I found this, and this. I think the second one will be most helpful.

Good enough and the most easy is to add two palm buttons as FS1 and use the keyboard as it is.
With FS1 you get "keypad shift button" and you can easily remap rubber keys to a keypad layer of cherry mx switches.

Know the source of these photos and if they have a guide? The method they used to replace the F keys with full key caps is what I'm looking for. Thanks!

Anyone end up reproducing the F-key rows to be like this? I want full sized buttons and proper switches up there! And it seems they won't fit as-is because normal sized switches are too big. I don't want the Kinesis 360 either because they totally got rid of the F-keys... I'd just prefer to have functional F-keys.


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