
geekhack Projects => Making Stuff Together! => Topic started by: Okey on Wed, 12 August 2020, 18:31:53

Title: Custom Keyboard from Zero!
Post by: Okey on Wed, 12 August 2020, 18:31:53
Hello all,

I am working on building a custom keyboard and wanted to share the process from ground zero. This means from ground zero, CAD, and manufacture. BUT! i will be doing the manufacturing process myself. I have tried doing this the more traditional way, so i have my design already (See below). But had issues flushing out the manufacturing process myself. Which is where i stand now. armed with a 3d printer, time and a little blood i will make this keyboard myself.

This is what i call Okey. because thats where I live for now. If anyone would like to learn the process of making a keyboard there is a great YouTube video by Quantrik, here is the link

Pay attention to measurements and his explanations. Take notes and be creative. This was a starting point for me, i dont want to copy peoples designs.

SO! Where am i in the process? Building a cnc router of course. Again the power of youtube comes to my rescue and where the 3d printer comes into play. I am printing the support structure for the cnc machine. if you would like to look into building one yourself there are tons of different designs around the internet. This is the one i am going with. Once everything is printed i will post some updates. I am also going to build a table for it and will show yall as well.  Here is the link

Have a great day and Stay safe!
Title: Re: Custom Keyboard from Zero!
Post by: TaurusTrades on Fri, 14 August 2020, 18:46:18
Good luck on your adventure! Looking forward to the updates!
Title: Re: Custom Keyboard from Zero!
Post by: Okey on Mon, 14 September 2020, 23:43:54
Update #1

So things are SLOW. Living on a small island doesn't make it help and neither does a global pandemic.
I had a hard time 3d printing the parts at first as i wanted to use PTEG. First time using it, plus a had allot of print ****s, not sticking to the bed and more.
I haver ordered the 2040 rails, and allot of screws, nuts, and other hardware. Once they get here i can start slowly putting together.

I am also in moving purgatory right now. I may move back to America in a month or 4. Making me hesitant to purchase things here. I want to start making
the table to mount the router, but dont know how much time i have to do so. Hopefully some good news soon.

On a positive note, I have been crushing some classes sense the pandemic started and should FINALLY get my degree.

Stay safe everyone, and pictures will come once i get the hard ware, or when i start building the table. 
Title: Re: Custom Keyboard from Zero!
Post by: Okey on Sat, 26 September 2020, 22:22:45
Update #2

Progress has been made. The X, Y rails have been mounted, not without some fight. A word of advice from a carpenter is "when making something to fit into something else. Dont make it the exact size, it wont fit."
I didnt think about this when printing the parts and had to use some light persuasion to get the pieces to fit. I damaged some things in the process, but will see how bad it is when its built. I could save time by reprinting...But ima wing it.
I have another shipment of parts coming, including parts for the Z axis and some railing.

I need to order the screw for the x and y axis, and will do so soon. Then motors and control unit as well. I have found a prepackaged control unit and like the idea of using it, but it is much more expensive. I can also use a Arduino and CNC shield which would save allot of money. Ill cross that bridge when the time comes.

Anyway here's a picture. No it will not be used on my nice desk. Just keeping it out of reach of small child.


Title: Re: Custom Keyboard from Zero!
Post by: Okey on Wed, 21 October 2020, 17:47:11
Update #3

Lots of screws and waiting later I have some of the motors mounted. A few issues I overlooked though. These motors do not have 4 pin connectors and the cables are too short! easy fix though, ordered some extenders that terminate in with a 4 pin connector. Second issue is the motor sizes where to big for the z axis mount. I am reprinting the rear Z axis mount fixing 2 things in the process. I am allowing the motor to mount to the back upside down, and moving the slots to fit with the Nema 17 motors I have. This will put the motor shaft further back so I needed to order different size belts. Another issue stemming from my motor choice is my couplers are not the correct diameter. New ones are on the way and should be here in a week or so.

Power supply arrived  the other day and I decided to go with an Uno with a CNC Shield. They are both knockoff boards, but should work well enough for me to get my feet wet. I still want to upgrade, I think that will come with upgrading some things on the CNC itself.

I am unsure if anyone reads these, and work is slow because of shipping times. If interested feel free to say hi. Either way im gonna continue to work. Hopefully soon i can share a video of it moving on its own.

Title: Re: Custom Keyboard from Zero!
Post by: Thoughtfork on Wed, 03 March 2021, 15:14:55
Any updates? I just saw this and was pretty interested in reading how it went, and then it stopped. Hope you didn't give up this looked like a super cool project!