
geekhack Community => geekhack Media => Topic started by: sharktastica on Thu, 24 December 2020, 19:24:15

Title: Model F "Bigfoot" typing demo + starting YouTube
Post by: sharktastica on Thu, 24 December 2020, 19:24:15
My first of hopefully many videos!

TLDR, I needed to make some typing demos for my website and I've decided to put them on YouTube in support of my website. I also wanted to play around with this YouTube thing as something else to do in my spare time. I hope to expand beyond typing videos eventually, including exploring history, nunances, and technicalities of IBM/Lexmark/Unicomp keyboards. I'm still playing around with those ideas though.

Anyway, if that interests you, please stay tuned as I'll be posting more in the coming weeks! I may need to get a proper camera at some point though (this S9 is valiant . For the moment, I'll be scheduling around two typing demos a week to start (every Monday and Thursday). So, wish me luck and feel free to let me know what you think or share any suggestions you may have!

Also, no apologies for my index-finger spacebar-ing!  ;)