
geekhack Community => Off Topic => Topic started by: wellington1869 on Sat, 07 August 2010, 22:18:14

Title: and another good-bye
Post by: wellington1869 on Sat, 07 August 2010, 22:18:14
dear friends,

i'm vanishing for 30 days (or so). Consider it a sympathy-vanish for what I think was an artificially produced campaign against an (admittedly useless but ultimately harmless) member who was banned abruptly for 30 days.

Tho in reality, truth be told, I also have got a ton of things to do in real life (and as I told kishy recently, i really have to get my life focused and get some things done, lol).  So as comfortable and fun as it is to hang out here and exchange jabs with you guys, i gotta go again.

Its just as well, this site is a real time-sucker as you know.

So I'm pulling a ricercar.  ;)

Dont let ripster turn this site into the filco sales hotline. He will if he can. He owns something like 11% of the site, by post count.  He's like retired or something and has nothing else to do. He'll own this site if he doesnt already.

I've got nothing against filcos; i've got a lot against capricious service, and if this is to remain a consumer oriented site, you will too.  Ripster couldnt give a rats ass about any of that, keep an eye on him for me.

Later, brothers (and sister).
Title: and another good-bye
Post by: Oqsy on Sat, 07 August 2010, 22:31:00
Aw welly, just when we started getting along!

I do understand the need to get stuff done, as I have a boatload of things hanging over my head.  It hasn't stopped me from wasting time here yet, though :P

As for the political slant to your absence, I halfway agree.  The dude was a pain in the neck, but ultimately harmless, especially given the nifty ignore feature.  

On the other hand, he knew exactly what he was posting and was quite cavalier about jumping in the middle of otherwise useful threads and starting arguments over silly tired old subjects.  He also crossed a line with the site admin, which is just the way it goes.  You can't spit in the face of the person who devotes time and energy to keep this place up and running for the rest of us, and brag that you're here to screw with people and expect there to be no consequences.  

I've had debates, arguments, and frustrated rant-filled flame sessions with a few people here.  However, I've never taken for granted the forum provided to us for exchange of information and ideas or the non-intrusive moderation style of this site. That guy did, and he did so repeatedly and without apology.
Title: and another good-bye
Post by: d4rkst4r on Sat, 07 August 2010, 22:59:25
I hope you take care of things and return with your usual refreshing opinions.

I have to admit, I watch Scrappers ( and wonder which one of those guys is Welly.
Title: and another good-bye
Post by: itlnstln on Mon, 09 August 2010, 07:45:34
You'll be back...
Title: and another good-bye
Post by: ch_123 on Mon, 09 August 2010, 10:41:22
He'll miss American television!
Title: and another good-bye
Post by: Voixdelion on Mon, 09 August 2010, 16:58:34
hmmm now might be a good time for that topless keyboard dance....
Title: and another good-bye
Post by: TexasFlood on Mon, 09 August 2010, 17:51:49
Quote from: Voixdelion;210752
hmmm now might be a good time for that topless keyboard dance....
She's not topless, but is a keyboard dancer.
Title: and another good-bye
Post by: Oqsy on Mon, 09 August 2010, 18:01:39
Title: and another good-bye
Post by: wellington1869 on Tue, 10 August 2010, 16:13:31
i'm baaack! Wow that 30 days went fast ;)  No, seriously, having heard (via numerous pm's, thanks all) that MW was reinstated (sort of), I guess i'll end my own fast.  But I still have to take care of real life, so wont be by much for a while.

Incidentally I give full credit to Imav for being reasonable, kind, thoughtful, and generous, in his dealing with this situation -- While I dont know the details of what happened, I know its hard to find leaders who are willing to change their minds and entertain multiple viewpoints. Imav is like the captain picard of the internet, as far as I'm concerned.  (Thats a high compliment).

To celebrate my sort-of return, I shall now post an REM video in kishy's song of the week thread.
Title: and another good-bye
Post by: wellington1869 on Tue, 10 August 2010, 16:25:32
Quote from: kishy;211095
Considering MW is already back at his prior BS, this time just in reduced volume form, I don't expect him to be around for long before iMav loses patience again.

maybe so, but this feels more like what a warning should feel like. If it leads to a more permanent ban later, that would be inline with normal escalation, I think.

I had some discussions on pm with a few people about this in last 48 hours.  My own argument here is merely that he could have been ignored/warned first. Secondly, I doubt what most of what he did really counts as trolling. Until now gh has only banned people for porn spamming, thats about it. Even real trolls have had the run of the place.

On pm one friend acknowledged, for example, that webwit on his worst days was far worse than MW.  So cuz he posted some info about datahands or something, that makes it okay? Some people here have argued that the "net worth" of webwit was higher. If thats the argument, then we effectively banned MW for not posting a keyboard review? Didnt make sense to me.

Seems to me we're on more solid ground by having one standard for trolling (porn spamming, for isntance) applied to all equally, rather than get into the game of deciding 'net worth of contribution'.  Thats a slippery slope as far as I can see.

You know that ignore list works like a charm.
Title: and another good-bye
Post by: microsoft windows on Tue, 10 August 2010, 16:47:21
Let's just move past the whole thing. I'm back.

I agree with you Welly on iMav. He does a good job with this forum. He even reached out to me via email to get a good look at what was going on. There aren't too many forum caretakers like that who take a true interest in their community.
Title: and another good-bye
Post by: microsoft windows on Tue, 10 August 2010, 16:51:02
"Originally Posted by kishy  
Considering MW is already back at his prior BS, this time just in reduced volume form, I don't expect him to be around for long before iMav loses patience again." (This post was quoted; that's the only reason why I saw it)

I won't be arguing much more. If you don't like me, ignore me. End of story. And if you harrass me, I'll report you.
Title: and another good-bye
Post by: wellington1869 on Tue, 10 August 2010, 16:52:36
Quote from: microsoft windows;211113
He even reached out to me via email

I think thats terrific. Seriously, its great. Glad to know about that.
Title: and another good-bye
Post by: instantkamera on Tue, 10 August 2010, 21:38:39
Quote from: microsoft windows;211115

I won't be arguing much more. If you don't like me, ignore me. End of story. And if you harrass me, I'll report you.

There used to be a bully on the playground when I was a kid, and when he would get in trouble he would act like a wounded cry-baby, as though all of a sudden everyone else was the problem.

Just sayin'.
Title: and another good-bye
Post by: audioave10 on Tue, 10 August 2010, 22:55:57
That's going back too far for me.
The old playground has been gone itself for years.
Title: and another good-bye
Post by: vyshane on Wed, 11 August 2010, 02:40:41
Ignoring only works to a point. If everybody recognise a troll post and they all ignore it, then the thread stays on topic. However, it only takes one bite and the whole thread derails.
Title: and another good-bye
Post by: EverythingIBM on Wed, 11 August 2010, 03:06:31
Quote from: ripster;211237
There used to be a bully at my playground too.  In fact I wouldn't be surprised if he is still there.

Did the bully steal your NIB marbles? lol.
Title: and another good-bye
Post by: Voixdelion on Wed, 11 August 2010, 03:23:09
OMG .  Honestly I think everybody is taking everything waaaaay to seriously.  I remember the days when I was a member of aol and my first experience with public forums was a remarkably similar experience to dealing with the general public in person.   On the receiving end, we would ALL do well to take everything posted on the net as whole with a grain of salt and remember that we can utilize the gray matter between our ears as a filter for what we let inside our hearts and minds.  There is one thing, and as far as I can tell, ONLY one thing in all the universe that I can control and that is my own behavior.  This includes how I choose to interpret or perceive what enters my domain as well as how I choose to [strike]react[/strike] respond to it.  This came from a years worth of court mandated anger management classes which I am very glad for now though at first I was not pleased about having to attend.  

On the dispensing end, for those of us who enjoy stirring up the pot a little for whatever reason, we should keep in mind that how we appear to ourselves is not always how we appear to others, and it behooves us as individuals and as a community to refrain from behaving in a manner that might not be as innocuous as it may seem, particularly in terms of context, or when we make a first impression.  I am grateful for the "edit" button available to me here, as I often type away and click send before careful examination of what I might be sending (especially when I am tired - which is also a time when I sometimes don't carefully examine what I am reading either) and this feature has surely saved me some regret in hindsight.  

There are some great words of wisdom written on, of all things, a bottle of soap I found at Mom's house.  Took me a half-hour to read the entire label of Dr. Bronner's Castille soap, and I'm not even sure all of them are the same, but this one noted something like, "you are master of the unspoken word, once uttered you become it's slave."  And someone else (Joyce Meyer?) once said something to the effect that the even the mightiest and most powerful of men have difficulty holding their own tongue.  Something to consider before speaking first as well as when considering something said.  

I guess the point is that ultimately we  are all human, capable of both  mistakes and of forgiving them.   I find this forum populated with folks who seem to be a little more mindful than the general populace as a whole, which is why I was immediately attracted to it and feel comfortable expressing myself freely here.  But water seeks its own level, as do people, I think, and anyone tempted to post here has probably, like me, done a little lurking first and  isn't likely to get their panties in a wicked bunch over an unhelpful comment or two even if it IS the first response to theirs.   In truth, the one most vilified as a troll here was one of the reasons I signed up, and it saddens me deeply that I shan't get to cross swords with him in the 'religion' thread.  And yet, feeling unrelentingly attacked and unappreciated had ALMOST driven me to leave the forum that later introduced me to this one, and what prevented that was the positive efforts of a few members who reached out to me and mitigated the damage.

 I think this group attracts the type of folks that can get along with each other better than most; I think if we do try to keep each other in check we can prevent  frightening off newbies and still have fun.   I am a firm believer in "do unto  others" Golden Rule.  Doing my best to uphold it sometimes means  challenging myself to do things differently than I want to, but rarely  regret after the fact.  

(and who knows?  if everybody plays nice, I just may do a little dance of joy...:tongue1:)
Title: and another good-bye
Post by: gr1m on Wed, 11 August 2010, 04:53:11
My oh my, 30 days go by fast at Geekhack. Last thing I remember was MW getting banned for 30 days, making a second account which caused iMav to claim the ban would be stricter (which makes sense because second accounts are not allowed) and now he's back. Maybe the sheer volume of mechanical keyboards on this site distorts space and time?

Quote from: Voixdelion;211271
I think this group attracts the type of folks that can get along with each other better than most

I didn't react to anything in your post other but for this one, I felt I had to comment. It's wrong. Take a look around, read some threads. This forum as actually on the low end of the friendly spectrum. Maybe it's all the assburgers.
Title: and another good-bye
Post by: kriminal on Wed, 11 August 2010, 05:24:46
Title: and another good-bye
Post by: instantkamera on Wed, 11 August 2010, 06:44:22
Quote from: Voixdelion;211271
OMG .  Honestly I think everybody is taking everything waaaaay to seriously.

It's the Internet, I sleep at night.

Quote from: Voixdelion;211271
I remember the days when I was a member of aol and my first experience with public forums was a remarkably similar experience to dealing with the general public in person.

That is because AOL was chalk full of real-life retards. Whole different beast of intellectual mutant here.

Quote from: Voixdelion;211271

  On the receiving end, we would ALL do well to take everything posted on the net as whole with a grain of salt and remember that we can utilize the gray matter between our ears as a filter for what we let inside our hearts and minds.

Quote from: Voixdelion;211271
There is one thing, and as far as I can tell, ONLY one thing in all the universe that I can control and that is my own behavior.  This includes how I choose to interpret or perceive what enters my domain as well as how I choose to react to it.

Clearly NOT true:

hl=en_US&fs=1">hl=en_US&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385">

 This came from a years worth of court mandated anger management classes which I am very glad for now though at first I was not pleased about having to attend.  
I bet.

Quote from: Voixdelion;211271
On the dispensing end, for those of us who enjoy stirring up the pot a little for whatever reason, we should keep in mind that how we appear to ourselves is not always how we appear to others, and it behooves us as individuals and as a community to refrain from behaving in a manner that might not be as innocuous as it may seem, particularly in terms of context, or when we make a first impression.  I am grateful for the "edit" button available to me here, as I often type away and click send before careful examination of what I might be sending (especially when I am tired - which is also a time when I sometimes don't carefully examine what I am reading either) and this feature has surely saved me some regret in hindsight.  

There are some great words of wisdom written on, of all things, a bottle of soap I found at Mom's house.  Took me a half-hour to read the entire label of Dr. Bronner's Castille soap, and I'm not even sure all of them are the same, but this one noted something like, "you are master of the unspoken word, once uttered you become it's slave."  And someone else (Joyce Meyer?) once said something to the effect that the even the mightiest and most powerful of men have difficulty holding their own tongue.  Something to consider before speaking first as well as when considering something said.  

I guess the point is that ultimately we  are all human, capable of both  mistakes and of forgiving them.   I find this forum populated with folks who seem to be a little more mindful than the general populace as a whole, which is why I was immediately attracted to it and feel comfortable expressing myself freely here.  But water seeks its own level, as do people, I think, and anyone tempted to post here has probably, like me, done a little lurking first and  isn't likely to get their panties in a wicked bunch over an unhelpful comment or two even if it IS the first response to theirs.   In truth, the one most vilified as a troll here was one of the reasons I signed up, and it saddens me deeply that I shan't get to cross swords with him in the 'religion' thread.  And yet, feeling unrelentingly attacked and unappreciated had ALMOST driven me to leave the forum that later introduced me to this one, and what prevented that was the positive efforts of a few members who reached out to me and mitigated the damage.

 I think this group attracts the type of folks that can get along with each other better than most; I think if we do try to keep each other in check we can prevent  frightening off newbies and still have fun.   I am a firm believer in "do unto  others" Golden Rule.  Doing my best to uphold it sometimes means  challenging myself to do things differently than I want to, but rarely  regret after the fact.  


Quote from: Voixdelion;211271
(and who knows?  if everybody plays nice, I just may do a little dance of joy...:tongue1:)

Bribery will get you nowhere.
Title: and another good-bye
Post by: iMav on Wed, 11 August 2010, 08:08:24
That was just plain rude Instantkamera.  You make Voixdelion's point nicely though.

It appears that my hopes of this community self-regulating has bred an environment where many have no common courtesy towards others.  

A rewrite of the rules and the employ of some moderators may become a necessity (which really is NOT the direction I wanted to go).
Title: and another good-bye
Post by: itlnstln on Wed, 11 August 2010, 08:18:59
Quote from: iMav;211320
That was just plain rude Instantkamera.  You make Voixdelion's point nicely though.

It appears that my hopes of this community self-regulating has bred an environment where many have no common courtesy towards others.  

A rewrite of the rules and the employ of some moderators may become a necessity (which really is NOT the direction I wanted to go).

This.  The community is beginning to grow to a size where people are starting to become more "anonymous" and the "small town" feeling Geekhack had is coming to an end.  While new members are always welcome and wanted, I feel that some of the influx from other forums is less mature than the "old-timers" around here and some of this has been slightly detrimental (I know I don't participate as much as I used to).  That said, the nature of this forum is going to draw a few myopic, self-centered/important, no social-skill-having people that will always cause conflict.  The problem is, as more and more of these folks come in, I think the self-regulating nature we have had in the past will be over soon.  Oh well, there is reason why governments exist; we can't live in anarchy forever.
Title: and another good-bye
Post by: instantkamera on Wed, 11 August 2010, 08:21:19
Quote from: iMav;211320
You make Voixdelion's point nicely though.

TOTALLY unintentional, I promise.

Quote from: iMav;211320
the employ of some moderators may become a necessity

SWEEEET, Can I be one??!

would it help if my avatar was:

Title: and another good-bye
Post by: microsoft windows on Wed, 11 August 2010, 08:53:28
Quote from: iMav;211320
That was just plain rude Instantkamera.  You make Voixdelion's point nicely though.

It appears that my hopes of this community self-regulating has bred an environment where many have no common courtesy towards others.  

A rewrite of the rules and the employ of some moderators may become a necessity (which really is NOT the direction I wanted to go).

I don't think we've gone to that point yet. We oughta encourage more self-regulation, use of the ignore list, and reporting of controversial posts. It also wouldn't hurt to create a rule restricting posts about sensitive topics (Religion, politics, war in Iraq, etc.) to the off-topic section.

We got to do everything we can do to avoid excess moderators. Moderators are human--That means they get angry at times, they could be biased, etc.). With more moderators, there are more weak points in the forum's "government". Extra moderators eventually lead to the death of a forum after a few years by essentially crippling the "free speech". And when you think about it, "speech" is what a forum's all about.
Title: and another good-bye
Post by: muchadoaboutnothing on Wed, 11 August 2010, 09:04:58
Quote from: microsoft windows;211327
I don't think we've gone to that point yet. We oughta encourage more self-regulation, use of the ignore list, and reporting of controversial posts. It also wouldn't hurt to create a rule restricting posts about sensitive topics (Religion, politics, war in Iraq, etc.) to the off-topic section.

The problem is that there's a fine line between keeping trolling and thread derailment on threads in the boards for the primary topics of the site (input devices & geeky stuff, but mostly keyboards) and restricting the site to the point where it feels lifeless and no thread can have any side conversation whatsoever, which makes the forums feel It's hard to describe how a tightly regulated community feels.

A good moderator will apply logic and will usually take good faith over bans when in doubt. A bad moderator will do the opposite and will be destructive to the community.

And you make a good point about moderators being human, but we're all human, and a good moderator can look past their personal opinions (Buckling springs suck, banned!). We don't have moderatorbot 9000 at Geekhack (and as far as I know, no post moderation robot exists, unless iMav is hiding something from us ;) )

More moderation probably is necessary due to the growth of the site. Not a lot though. Moderation is like salt. You need a pinch, not a handful.
Title: and another good-bye
Post by: microsoft windows on Wed, 11 August 2010, 09:07:24
I don't think we really need more moderators. We all have got all the tool needed to moderate already--Post reporting. If you report a post, it'll get sent to the admin who'll give the guy a warning or a ban. I think the problem is we under-use the system.
Title: and another good-bye
Post by: muchadoaboutnothing on Wed, 11 August 2010, 09:15:16
Quote from: microsoft windows;211331
We all have got all the tool needed to moderate already--Post reporting. If you report a post, it'll get sent to the admin who'll give the guy a warning or a ban. I think the problem is we under-use the system.

Could be part of the issue, but when you have the majority of the moderation being done by one person, your ability to keep things in line is hampered. People go on vacation, or don't log on to the site that much because they're busy, etc.

Having one or two additional judicious moderators would benefit the site, in my opinion. Problem is determining who is and isn't judicious.
Title: and another good-bye
Post by: instantkamera on Wed, 11 August 2010, 09:23:23
Quote from: itlnstln;211323
This.  The community is beginning to grow to a size where people are starting to become more "anonymous" and the "small town" feeling Geekhack had is coming to an end.  While new members are always welcome and wanted, I feel that some of the influx from other forums is less mature than the "old-timers" around here and some of this has been slightly detrimental (I know I don't participate as much as I used to).  That said, the nature of this forum is going to draw a few myopic, self-centered/important, no social-skill-having people that will always cause conflict.  The problem is, as more and more of these folks come in, I think the self-regulating nature we have had in the past will be over soon.  Oh well, there is reason why governments exist; we can't live in anarchy forever.

Not to sound myopic and self-centered (I'm actually assuming this was not directed at me even though it was a response to something directed at me) but I have personally made no attempt to give the illusion of anonymity, nor am I "from another forum". (not really sure what that means, does everyone only visit one forum on the net? I have too many hobbies to be so restrictive.)

All joking aside I like to think that my legit posts are of fair technical quality and are AT LEAST 1:1 with my terribly immature and unfunny posts.
Title: and another good-bye
Post by: instantkamera on Wed, 11 August 2010, 09:25:51
Also, am I REALLY the only one laughing at the sheer nonchalance with which which MW posts his opinion on how to moderate this board?
Title: and another good-bye
Post by: microsoft windows on Wed, 11 August 2010, 09:27:37
Is there anything wrong with encouraging the usage of the post reporting feature?
Title: and another good-bye
Post by: Soarer on Wed, 11 August 2010, 09:32:39
Quote from: itlnstln;211323
This.  The community is beginning to grow to a size where people are starting to become more "anonymous" and the "small town" feeling Geekhack had is coming to an end.  While new members are always welcome and wanted, I feel that some of the influx from other forums is less mature than the "old-timers" around here and some of this has been slightly detrimental (I know I don't participate as much as I used to).  That said, the nature of this forum is going to draw a few myopic, self-centered/important, no social-skill-having people that will always cause conflict.  The problem is, as more and more of these folks come in, I think the self-regulating nature we have had in the past will be over soon.  Oh well, there is reason why governments exist; we can't live in anarchy forever.

I think that's simplifying it too much. There's a lot that happens as a forum grows, and as its old-timers grow older, that has nothing to do with newcomers. As a newcomer, what I'm seeing here is spats between members that have been here a while, with post counts of 1000s. A certain amount of familiarity breeding contempt, combined with some members having become so comfortable here that they behave less well (and sometimes more immaturely) than they would in other public spaces perhaps?

I'm talking generally and not about any specific incidents, just saying how it looks on the surface from the perspective of a newcomer.
Title: and another good-bye
Post by: itlnstln on Wed, 11 August 2010, 09:47:59
Quote from: Soarer;211342
I think that's simplifying it too much. There's a lot that happens as a forum grows, and as its old-timers grow older, that has nothing to do with newcomers. As a newcomer, what I'm seeing here is spats between members that have been here a while, with post counts of 1000s. A certain amount of familiarity breeding contempt, combined with some members having become so comfortable here that they behave less well (and sometimes more immaturely) than they would in other public spaces perhaps?

I'm talking generally and not about any specific incidents, just saying how it looks on the surface from the perspective of a newcomer.

When I say "old-timers," I'm not looking at post count.  The early days of this forum attracted a different crowd than what's here now.  That's not to say there aren't some immature and ignorant old-timers as well, but the demographics of the forum have changed considerably in the last two years.

BTW, MW, that was a good post on moderation.
Title: and another good-bye
Post by: microsoft windows on Wed, 11 August 2010, 09:49:45
Title: and another good-bye
Post by: itlnstln on Wed, 11 August 2010, 10:01:32
I agree with MW.  I think we need to give ourselves a chance at self-moderation using the existing tools before we go full-blown with moderators.  Since a lot of typical moderation rules have subjective interpretations and the written word does not have the clues for nuances like sarcasm, it would be hard to determine if some one was being a smart-ass or just an ass and one moderator's interpretation could be different than another's.
Title: and another good-bye
Post by: gr1m on Wed, 11 August 2010, 10:15:51
Reporting doesn't work because this is a self-moderated forum. Basically, the community decides what you should feel about posts and what you shouldn't. Remember the whole French Canadian thing? Now, if there were forum rules on insulting posts, etc., there wouldn't have been a problem, but there are no rules. When I posted the thread complaining about certain posts that irritated me, it seemed like it was up the community to decide which insults should bother me and which shouldn't (which ultimately led to the conclusion that I was a spineless worm that couldn't take a joke, and not that the aforementioned posts should stop).

The problem with self-moderated forums is that the community judges other members and not an impartial set of rules. Rules telling me I'm wrong, I can deal with, but other people with no powers on the forum deciding that I'm wrong does not make me happy. Therefore, the group of the biggest douchebags will invariably win and impose their will on a self-moderated forum (because you can't argue with douchebags).
Title: and another good-bye
Post by: itlnstln on Wed, 11 August 2010, 10:24:52
True, unless you have a douchebag for a moderator.  My definition and your definition of "insulting" are two different things, and I'm not sure either one of us would want the other banning each other over a subjective interpretation.  The group can make things happen; it got MW banned, right?
Title: and another good-bye
Post by: microsoft windows on Wed, 11 August 2010, 10:25:32
It was a small group that did it, but it worked (but not for long). But I'm a special case.
Title: and another good-bye
Post by: gr1m on Wed, 11 August 2010, 10:33:52
Quote from: itlnstln;211373
True, unless you have a douchebag for a moderator.

The only non-douchebag moderator I've seen is the one at a forum I post on that is the sole moderator and runs everything his way. Like, "infracted cause I'm the boss - don't argue" type thing (you might think it's tyrannical but it works).

Quote from: itlnstln;211373
My definition and your definition of "insulting" are two different things, and I'm not sure either one of us would want the other banning each other over a subjective interpretation.

Exactly. So a set of rules/moderators that would ban (or better, just punish) both of us would eliminate the problems that exist with subjective interpretation. But then we risk achieving what muchadoaboutnothing mentioned: "restricting the site to the point where it feels lifeless and no thread can have any side conversation whatsoever".

Quote from: itlnstln;211373
The group can make things happen; it got MW banned, right?

And the group got him unbanned as well. So yes, groups do have influence but my point is that the influence will be subjective. Like, MW probably felt his ban was unfair because kishy orchestrated it. If he had been banned immediately for breaking rules instead of after a user-created movement, it would have eliminated all the haziness surrounding the ban.
Title: and another good-bye
Post by: wellington1869 on Wed, 11 August 2010, 10:38:09
Quote from: itlnstln;211359
I agree with MW.  I think we need to give ourselves a chance at self-moderation using the existing tools before we go full-blown with moderators.

seconding itln and thirding mw.
Title: and another good-bye
Post by: instantkamera on Wed, 11 August 2010, 11:01:15
Quote from: ripster;211395
quadding somebody ftw true true win! This.

Title: and another good-bye
Post by: itlnstln on Wed, 11 August 2010, 11:03:10
Quote from: ripster;211395
Quadding somebody FTW True True WIN! This.

Huh? Quad?  Like... streaking?

hl=en_US&fs=1">hl=en_US&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385">
Title: and another good-bye
Post by: Soarer on Wed, 11 August 2010, 11:04:26
Quote from: itlnstln;211351
When I say "old-timers," I'm not looking at post count.  The early days of this forum attracted a different crowd than what's here now.  That's not to say there aren't some immature and ignorant old-timers as well, but the demographics of the forum have changed considerably in the last two years.

I wasn't only looking at post counts, but join dates as well. My point really is that the major factor perhaps isn't a difference in demographic, but a combination of lots of changes that happen as a forum evolves. The forum changes, the reasons why people arrive here change, and people (the old-timers) can change. I just don't agree with the 'different crowd' theory :)
Title: and another good-bye
Post by: instantkamera on Wed, 11 August 2010, 11:06:58
Quote from: ripster;211400
This what?

Title: and another good-bye
Post by: microsoft windows on Wed, 11 August 2010, 11:18:22
Quote from: Ripster;211401

Ahh...Ignorance is bliss.
Title: and another good-bye
Post by: itlnstln on Wed, 11 August 2010, 11:22:35
Remind me later, and I'll send you a pic.  Be careful, it might fill up the inbox on your Gmail account.
Title: and another good-bye
Post by: instantkamera on Wed, 11 August 2010, 11:36:14
Quote from: itlnstln;211408
Remind me later, and I'll send you a pic.  Be careful, it might fill up the inbox on your Gmail account.

What a ****.

Don't worry rip, I'll send you a pic of mine after. It's actually negative (-) bytes and will give you space back.
Title: and another good-bye
Post by: itlnstln on Wed, 11 August 2010, 11:40:52
Wow, exactly 7:32 a.m.  7:31 is OK, but 7:32, that's verboten.
Title: and another good-bye
Post by: instantkamera on Wed, 11 August 2010, 11:40:54
Quote from: ripster;211410
My member behaves well in public places.

Now in Japan they had to designate Female only subway cars during rush hour because everyone is JAMMED together.
Show Image

The car is very pink on the inside and although we rode it at 10AM men were pretty rare.

That sucks, I think it would be enough to turn me off of the tactile bump forever.
Title: and another good-bye
Post by: itlnstln on Wed, 11 August 2010, 11:43:01
Quote from: ripster;211410
very pink on the inside

Just the way I like it.

and although we rode it at 10AM men were pretty rare.

This is probably a good thing.
Title: and another good-bye
Post by: ch_123 on Wed, 11 August 2010, 11:46:05
Quote from: itlnstln;211414
Wow, exactly 7:32 a.m.  7:31 is OK, but 7:32, that's verboten.

I was thinking the same thing myself.
Title: and another good-bye
Post by: ch_123 on Wed, 11 August 2010, 11:49:34
Do what exactly?
Title: and another good-bye
Post by: instantkamera on Wed, 11 August 2010, 11:50:12
Quote from: ripster;211420
Please do it at home.

Show Image

Those zombie subway patrons are surprisingly well restrained
Title: and another good-bye
Post by: Voixdelion on Wed, 11 August 2010, 12:03:10
Quote from: gr1m;211278
I didn't react to anything in your post other but for this one, I felt I had to comment. It's wrong. Take a look around, read some threads. This forum as actually on the low end of the friendly spectrum. Maybe it's all the assburgers.

Interesting word choice here.

Quote from: instantkamera;211302
. . .
. . .

To be sure, iMav, an excellent example of case in point...
(*Rueful grin*) and an opportunity to exercise a little practicing of what I preach.  My original offense on the other forum happened to be taken over my first introduction to this particular little acronym of idiocy, but if its use here was intentional and not simply true, then it was a cleverly baited hook, and my decision to exercise a little personal restraint in hitting "submit reply" was affirmed by your response.  If simply true, well, I guess that's just bit of a shame, since clearly instantkamera would have been one who might have gained something from some consideration of that particular commentary...
Quote from: instantkamera;211302

Bribery will get you nowhere.

Oh bribery is unnecessary, I have boobs.  Really kind of incredible how far you can get with those. =D

Quote from: Soarer;211399
I wasn't only looking at post counts, but join dates as well. My point really is that the major factor perhaps isn't a difference in demographic, but a combination of lots of changes that happen as a forum evolves. The forum changes, the reasons why people arrive here change, and people (the old-timers) can change. I just don't agree with the 'different crowd' theory :)

I thought you made some excellent  points, and your post supports the idea that it takes more than a few ill-considered remarks to un-make a sensible community.
Title: and another good-bye
Post by: J888www on Wed, 11 August 2010, 12:11:03
We only need one Napoleon to bind us and rule us all, moderators will make GH into 1984, many Napoleons and Geek Hack will fall. Not good, not good at all..........

I've been to forums which make GH seem very tame.
Any remark would be answered with the obligatory "STFU" for shame, and I "forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive them that trespass against us".
I do draw the line when they attack mothers, it is better to "let perpetual light shine upon them, may they rest in peace".
Then I "deliver us from evil" exit and leave.
Title: and another good-bye
Post by: instantkamera on Wed, 11 August 2010, 12:23:35
Quote from: Voixdelion;211429
and an opportunity to exercise a little practicing of what I preach.  

Unleash the inner beast, damn you!!

Quote from: Voixdelion;211429 was a ... baited hook.

Im clearly not very clever. I guess that's what I get for including within the post a clip from the year's worst flick.

Quote from: Voixdelion;211429

Oh bribery is unnecessary, I have boobs.  Really kind of incredible how far you can get with those. =D

So that would be ... boobery then?
Title: and another good-bye
Post by: gr1m on Wed, 11 August 2010, 13:19:32
Quote from: kishy;211447
Orchestrated? I'm flattered that you think I have this type of influence, but of the "100 PMs" that iMav received, I sent not a single one (except regarding John Deer).

It was your conversation with MW that got him to say the thing that got him banned, I called it as I saw it. Sorry if I was wrong.
Title: and another good-bye
Post by: microsoft windows on Wed, 11 August 2010, 13:43:26
I think I know the two or three folks who sent the PM's anyways.
Title: and another good-bye
Post by: Voixdelion on Wed, 11 August 2010, 13:46:40
Quote from: gr1m;211461
It was your conversation with MW that got him to say the thing that got him banned, I called it as I saw it. Sorry if I was wrong.

Wow. Indeed, intentionally positioning someone to hang themselves in that manner  would have been a profoundly Machiavellian maneuver.  I'd be flattered  too if anyone thought I had that much cunning, but on the flip side, I'd  also be more than moderately concerned about what they must think of me  to attribute that motivation.   From what I have observed, though, Kishy  has not demonstrated any pattern of malicious intent that would justify  such a suspicion.   In fact, I think the general example he has set  would  instead actually serve to refute that idea directly.
Title: and another good-bye
Post by: microsoft windows on Wed, 11 August 2010, 13:49:30
He used to be nice, but got pretty nasty. However, it was his post about "MS Windows is back at his BS again" after I came back that was the last straw. So now he's on my ignore list.
Title: and another good-bye
Post by: Voixdelion on Wed, 11 August 2010, 13:51:20
Quote from: ripster;211479
Need a poll that shows how we voted.  A public poll.  

I hate public polls.

I think publicity is inherent in the nature of a "poll", isn't it?- otherwise wouldn't it be better termed a "survey"?
Title: and another good-bye
Post by: Voixdelion on Wed, 11 August 2010, 14:32:34
Quote from: instantkamera;211437
Unleash the inner beast, damn you!!

Quote from: instantkamera;211437
So that would be ... boobery then?

Heheh... perhaps we are on the same page after all.  But, nah: "Boobery" is the kind of behavior one engages in when  trolling with posts like that.  Similar to "jackassery" or "asshattery."   Perhaps by having boobs, women are to some degree inoculated against  behaving like them.  :biggrin:

Quote from: instantkamera;211437
Im clearly not very clever. I guess that's what I get for including   within the post a clip from the year's worst flick.

Nope.   It's what you get for using the word "chalk" instead of "chock".:tongue:
Title: and another good-bye
Post by: ch_123 on Wed, 11 August 2010, 14:37:33
Quote from: ripster;211469
Shouldn't listen to Welly's conspiracy theories.

Did anyone actually PM iMav? I know I didn't.
Title: and another good-bye
Post by: instantkamera on Wed, 11 August 2010, 14:42:11
Quote from: Voixdelion;211504

Nope.   It's what you get for using the word "chalk" instead of "chock".:tongue:

Yes, let's chock it up to that.
Title: and another good-bye
Post by: Voixdelion on Wed, 11 August 2010, 15:26:34
Quote from: instantkamera;211511
yes, let's chock it up to that.

Title: and another good-bye
Post by: gr1m on Wed, 11 August 2010, 15:42:41
Hey hey, don't get me wrong. I'm not trying to insinuate that Kishy framed MW or anything. MW deserved the ban.
Title: and another good-bye
Post by: ch_123 on Wed, 11 August 2010, 18:25:32
Quote from: iMav;211320
A rewrite of the rules and the employ of some moderators may become a necessity (which really is NOT the direction I wanted to go).

We need Webwit for this.
Title: and another good-bye
Post by: microsoft windows on Wed, 11 August 2010, 19:47:42
I decided to view your post to see what it was.

I actually photoshopped your very watermark out of one of your pictures because I couldn't get text smoothing to work in Office 97.
Title: and another good-bye
Post by: patrickgeekhack on Wed, 11 August 2010, 20:21:31
Quote from: Voixdelion;211429

Oh bribery is unnecessary, I have boobs.  Really kind of incredible how far you can get with those. =D

Please don't show them here. I don't want my wife to ban me from this forum :-) Unlike iMav, she may not remove the ban.
Title: and another good-bye
Post by: wellington1869 on Thu, 12 August 2010, 23:40:41
Quote from: Soarer;211399
I wasn't only looking at post counts, but join dates as well. My point really is that the major factor perhaps isn't a difference in demographic, but a combination of lots of changes that happen as a forum evolves. The forum changes, the reasons why people arrive here change, and people (the old-timers) can change. I just don't agree with the 'different crowd' theory :)

I think soarer makes some good points and his POV as a newcomer is insightful. Its true that, in a lot of cases, the problems we've had have been old-timers fighting, not newcomers.

Though I also see itln's point about the early days (i was lucky to catch some of the serenity of the early period on this site). It was as collegial as itln says. Just a group of hobbyist/consumers discovering new products.

I think population growth is one factor thats changed since then, and introduction of a more diverse set of personalities - I suppose all that is inevitable and comes with a site's success.

In my view another thing that changed radically tho for the site, and introduced structural changes, was the addition of the vendor forums. Vendor forums were a noble experiment, designed to give us closer access to people who could answer our questions. It was great for a while. But maybe it was inevitable that their presence on the site would cause pressure (imagined and real) on the nature of our discussions about products and vendors.  I myself dont think it was ultimately good for the site's former consumer-oriented and hobbyist culture. I know they're here to stay though.

Another change was the old-timers eventually exhausting the limited set of mechanical keyboard options, and branching further and further into off-topics.  In mid-2008 I think a thread on religion would have seemed weird - in mid-2009 (after explosive population growth on the site), it seemed natural, inevitable, and a welcome diversion from keyboards.

This was both good and bad; it was good cuz it allowed the site to grow organically as a hang-out (and gave us a reputation as an "intellectual" hangout, which is kinda funny for a keyboard site).  Was bad cuz a lot of conflict came out of these off-topics too. But they also brought in new contributors (voix for instance) and gave old timers who were done with keyboards a reason to stay.

I suppose most of the changes were organic and unplanned.
Title: and another good-bye
Post by: hyperlinked on Thu, 12 August 2010, 23:50:55
Not a valid youtube URL
Title: and another good-bye
Post by: wellington1869 on Thu, 12 August 2010, 23:59:11
alrighty then.