
geekhack Community => New Members => Topic started by: Kraken-Jokes on Thu, 15 April 2021, 17:02:29

Title: Hello from a UT USA maker!
Post by: Kraken-Jokes on Thu, 15 April 2021, 17:02:29
Howdy all!

I'm Alex, and I can't believe I haven't signed up for GH already!
My wife got me a Kyria kit for my birthday last year, and ever since that build I've been working on building, designing, and contributing to split hand ortho ergos.

It's taken a while, but I've gotten to the point where I want to start an IC and possibly a GB on a project I've put a lot of time in to (after my 60 days of time served of course). Specifically, FSund's Pteron keyboard project and my continuation of that into the Pteron-PCB project


A big point for me is gonna be keeping things open source. I was given the opportunity to close source the Pteron-PCB but I decided that everyone should have access to it. Similarly, I'm super down to create PCBs for open source boards that don't have them, or modify existing open source boards to accommodate for different switches or cases or microcontrollers or whatever. Just let me know!

This is a really nice community to be in, and even more fun to give back to!

Like seriously. KiCAD and LibreCAD are my COD.
Title: Re: Hello from a UT USA maker!
Post by: suicidal_orange on Fri, 23 April 2021, 04:57:18
Welcome to geekhack :)

Board looks great, you will get more interest if you post this in Making Stuff Together! ( (and you need posts as well as membership time to post a GB)

Interesting use of caps too, I don't know of a flag in those colours so maybe your right hand is just evil?!
Title: Re: Hello from a UT USA maker!
Post by: Minco95 on Fri, 23 April 2021, 23:16:40
Board looks great! I've not jumped on the split train yet, but I have a weird idea for kind of an inverse manuform numpad. Dome instead of concave. I'm sure there's a reason I've never seen anything like that, and I have no idea what the ergonomics of something like that would be. All that to say, it's a really cool space and it's awesome that you're looking to contribute!
Title: Re: Hello from a UT USA maker!
Post by: Kraken-Jokes on Sun, 25 April 2021, 14:34:29
Thanks suicidal_orange and Minco95!
I only had the 4 different colored caps, and just wanted to make an interesting design with what I had on hand.

I did end up making one with letter caps for a coworker, but I like having the blank ones on there cause I can change it up everyday ya know?
(my handwired version with a monster face)

Minco95, that's a pretty good idea! I'm kinda imagining an IBM Selectric style orb with a palm wrest. That sounds really cool actually, let me know if you want any extra hands on it :)