
geekhack Community => Off Topic => Topic started by: tp4tissue on Fri, 19 August 2022, 08:57:55

Title: [Spoiler Alert] 0rphan 1st k1ll.
Post by: tp4tissue on Fri, 19 August 2022, 08:57:55

the "prequel" to the original Orphan (2009) is out.

Same actress.  They've used forced perspectives, props, and stunt doubles like in the hobbit to make the visuals work.

maybe not as fresh as the Original,   but it's not a bad prequel at all. /recommended


How realistic is the mother, do some women really behave like that ? Thoughts ?

Also, at the ending scene, when you see Ester walking through the burning house with flames all around her

 :: These scenes are highly unrealistic, because,  you can easily collapse with 1-3 seconds worth of smoke inhalation, for example, when the Kyoto Animation (K-On and The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya) studio was lit by arson, all 33 employees died on a staircase as they were trying to escape.

Tp4 also doesn't really understand how the first missing daughter died, the detail was explained too briefly.

And IF THE MOTHER KNEW how the daughter died, why did they bother taking the new Ester to the psychologist in the first place.

Finally, the very first scene where Ester plays the piano, minor detail, but from the selected music, she'd be playing large chords that would be impossible for her small hands.