
geekhack Community => Other Geeky Stuff => Topic started by: Chancellor Gowron on Sat, 14 May 2011, 13:36:39

Title: Shift + Numpad: Can this be disabled for maximum pwnage?
Post by: Chancellor Gowron on Sat, 14 May 2011, 13:36:39
I got a keyboard question that I figured only you pros at geekhack would know the answer to. Basically I was wondering if I could change something in Windows (7 ultimate) to disable to functionality where, for example, shift + NUM1 = End,  shift + NUM2 = down arrow, etc.  I read in some MMO forums that it is at least possible via registry changes. My particular motivation is explained below.

I got a Razer Naga recently because I started playing an MMO and I thought it would help me eliminate some really awkward keybinds I was forced to use.  For those of you who don't know, the Naga has a cluster of 12 buttons that, by default, can be bound to either 1 through = o the main cluster, or 1 through 0 and -,+ on the numpad.  I like to have it bound to the numpad so I can have different abilities bound to the numbers adjacent to WASD.

My problem is that I want to write macros in-game that change the function of my naga buttons when I press shift, but since shift totally changes the function of the key in windows this doesn't work.

My options are (if possible) turning off this shift + num functionality, binding the mouse to the standard numbers and losing some valuable keybinds, or remapping the mouse entirely to something on the right of the keyboard, like IKM etc., in which case I would have to remap all my UI keybinds as well.
Title: Shift + Numpad: Can this be disabled for maximum pwnage?
Post by: kidchunks on Thu, 19 May 2011, 12:38:50
You could try using AHK and disable the outputs.
Title: Shift + Numpad: Can this be disabled for maximum pwnage?
Post by: Scrappy on Sun, 22 May 2011, 22:29:47
What kidchunks says works perfectly, I use a autohotkeys script to disable the windows keys in game.
Title: Shift + Numpad: Can this be disabled for maximum pwnage?
Post by: oranger on Mon, 09 January 2012, 13:54:18
I have the same problem as Gowron did and I downloaded autohotkeys but I have no idea how to disable those hotkeys for WoW. Would you be so kind Scrappy and let me know  where I could find any information about it ?