
geekhack Community => Off Topic => Topic started by: xsphat on Wed, 07 November 2012, 05:46:55

Title: 1 year notice
Post by: xsphat on Wed, 07 November 2012, 05:46:55
I got my one year notice that my job will be automated and the small human portion will be handled off site. Oh well, it's not like I didn't know it was coming, and I'll take a years notice over anything less any day.

So you know what this means, GHers? Nothing. Not a GD thing.
Title: Re: 1 year notice
Post by: metalliqaz on Wed, 07 November 2012, 05:56:33
Still can't be fun to hear.  Sorry, man.
Title: Re: 1 year notice
Post by: SmallFry on Wed, 07 November 2012, 07:47:17
You seem to be having a rough time...hope it starts getting better. :)
Title: Re: 1 year notice
Post by: xsphat on Wed, 07 November 2012, 08:48:28
You seem to be having a rough time...hope it starts getting better. :)

Thing is, it won't. But thanks anyway.
Title: Re: 1 year notice
Post by: boost on Wed, 07 November 2012, 08:51:40
Sorry to hear that..Plus side you got 1yr to find another job
Title: Re: 1 year notice
Post by: xsphat on Wed, 07 November 2012, 09:02:41
3 years with unemployment and severance.
Title: Re: 1 year notice
Post by: metalliqaz on Wed, 07 November 2012, 11:30:03
Title: Re: 1 year notice
Post by: xsphat on Wed, 07 November 2012, 11:50:51
F uck yea.
Title: Re: 1 year notice
Post by: tp4tissue on Wed, 07 November 2012, 11:57:59
Whatever you do, DO NOT go back to school.... Become a drug dealer, ANYTHING except going back to school.
Title: Re: 1 year notice
Post by: kinruan on Wed, 07 November 2012, 12:02:21
i don't really understand what is going on, but anyway good luck, man, try lottery may be?
Title: Re: 1 year notice
Post by: xsphat on Wed, 07 November 2012, 12:28:43
i don't really understand what is going on, but anyway good luck, man, try lottery may be?

I'm having a very hard time right now, the job thing is icing on the cake. So I'm trying to figure out how to take whatever good I can from the rubble. My friends and family have been supportive, understanding and noninvasive which is why I'm not a blubbering mess over all this. And coming back to this forum was a really good decision too because I need the distance interaction and I still know a lot of peeps here. For whatever reason, it's been good for me. And thank you for commenting, maybe I'll go buy a ticket right now.

Title: Re: 1 year notice
Post by: jwaz on Wed, 07 November 2012, 12:30:31
Save the money on the lottery ticket for tuition :D
Title: Re: 1 year notice
Post by: xsphat on Wed, 07 November 2012, 12:31:37
Whatever you do, DO NOT go back to school.... Become a drug dealer, ANYTHING except going back to school.

?? Explain.
Title: Re: 1 year notice
Post by: tp4tissue on Wed, 07 November 2012, 14:12:00
Whatever you do, DO NOT go back to school.... Become a drug dealer, ANYTHING except going back to school.

?? Explain.

All the kids coming out of school now, even with grad- degrees have trouble finding work.

Lets say YOU go back to school... what are your odds, given that you're old, less agile, and less docile than younger workers.
Title: Re: 1 year notice
Post by: xsphat on Wed, 07 November 2012, 14:20:17
I get your point, but I'm not planning on going back to school. 5 years at a State University is enough. I just thought it was interesting. And I'm not really that old, I was just pissed. I'm 39 but I still get carded buying blunts. The dreads might have a thing to do with that though ...
Title: Re: 1 year notice
Post by: rowdy on Wed, 07 November 2012, 15:24:24
One year notice is better than 2 weeks notice.  As long as you are able to leave without penalty before then if something else happens to turn up.

Hope things work out for you.
Title: Re: 1 year notice
Post by: nullstring on Wed, 07 November 2012, 15:43:28
What is your current job?
Title: Re: 1 year notice
Post by: xsphat on Wed, 07 November 2012, 15:58:38
I work in prepress (imaging) at a daily newspaper.
Title: Re: 1 year notice
Post by: Bry on Wed, 07 November 2012, 16:06:25
I agree with kinruan, you should go all Walter White on this *****
Title: Re: 1 year notice
Post by: Findecanor on Wed, 07 November 2012, 16:16:08
All the kids coming out of school now, even with grad- degrees have trouble finding work.

Lets say YOU go back to school... what are your odds, given that you're old, less agile, and less docile than younger workers.
Agreed. I went back to school. Having a degree opened a few doors, but my resume was place at the bottom of the pile when they found that I was over 30. ... And in all those extra years in college, and subsequently trying to get a job that matched my degree, I made more debt than income.
Title: Re: 1 year notice
Post by: itlnstln on Thu, 08 November 2012, 08:02:27
As an employer, here are a few tips to getting a job (caveat: I do not work in the IT sector, so take what I say with a grain of salt if you're in that field)

1. Dress nice and come prepared.  Have a notebook; at least look like you want to be there and you're interested.  Get a haircut (sorry, Xs), take a shower, iron your clothes.  You know, common sense stuff.
2. Exude an aura of hard work.  Many recent graduates don't do this.  It's not that graduates can't find jobs, per se, it's that many (in my experience) don't exactly give the appearance that they want to do any work, especially those that did not have to work their way through school.  It looks better on a resume if you worked at least some in college.  I would rather someone bust they're ass while I train them than me having to keep after them to their job but know everything.
3. Don't be creepy.  That's weird, and you have to talk to people at work, and yeah, don't be creepy.
4. Have some sort of experience or aptitude in the line of work you're applying for.  I don't want a programmer applying for a marketing position; it's not generally a good fit and it's a waste of everybody's time, especially mine.
Title: Re: 1 year notice
Post by: DanGWanG on Thu, 08 November 2012, 10:36:25
WHOA itlnstln in the house??
Title: Re: 1 year notice
Post by: itlnstln on Thu, 08 November 2012, 10:51:05
I wouldn't get too used to it, but yeah, I suppose so.  XsPhat was making a ruckus and woke me up.
Title: Re: 1 year notice
Post by: mkawa on Thu, 08 November 2012, 11:30:18
lovin this thread. welcome back xsphat
Title: Re: 1 year notice
Post by: mkawa on Thu, 08 November 2012, 11:31:51
it's like a guillotine but but it moves about 1mm per day and a you know in advance that the edge is so dull that when it gets to your neck you won't even be uncomfortable, much less dead

first world problems
Title: Re: 1 year notice
Post by: Internetlad on Thu, 08 November 2012, 12:12:14
Whatever you do, DO NOT go back to school.... Become a drug dealer, ANYTHING except going back to school.

Cool, I watch Breaking Bad too!

Just kidding. No I don't.

1. Dress nice and come prepared.  Have a notebook; at least look like you want to be there and you're interested.  Get a haircut (sorry, Xs), take a shower, iron your clothes.  You know, common sense stuff.
2. Exude an aura of hard work.  Many recent graduates don't do this.  It's not that graduates can't find jobs, per se, it's that many (in my experience) don't exactly give the appearance that they want to do any work, especially those that did not have to work their way through school.  It looks better on a resume if you worked at least some in college.  I would rather someone bust they're ass while I train them than me having to keep after them to their job but know everything.
3. Don't be creepy.  That's weird, and you have to talk to people at work, and yeah, don't be creepy.
4. Have some sort of experience or aptitude in the line of work you're applying for.  I don't want a programmer applying for a marketing position; it's not generally a good fit and it's a waste of everybody's time, especially mine.

Doubt i'd iron my clothes, but at the moment most of my "work clothes" are button up shirts in varying colours, no tie and no gorilla outfit, just a simple dress shirt.

I don't even know how i'd exude an aura of hard work. I'm a pretty lazy guy, much to my own dismay. I'm distracted easily and if I find myself doing a job that I don't like, I'll often just not do it or put it off until it's critical. Personal flaw.

I'd like to think i'm not "creepy" I try to be nice and I get along well with most people. As long as i'm firing on all cylinders I can usually dissect a situation and figure out "Okay, WHY is Mr. X angry" and go from there. More often than not if you're getting chewed out, especially in customer service jobs, you find yourself getting the short end of the stick, but it's not actually YOU the person is angry at. Figure out what the problem is and defuse it and they calm right down. Even assuing people that "I know what you're saying, I'm on your side, let's see what we can do about this" gets them in the right frame of mind for problem solving.

Issue with being younger (i'm 23) but I don't have a heck of a lot of experience as I never went to college and I only have personal experience from hobbies and prior work, most of which are IT based and strange or prone to obsolecense. I doubt there are many places hiring in wyoming for somebody who is a keyboard enthusiast lol.

Anyways, kind of got off on a tangent there, carry on.
Title: Re: 1 year notice
Post by: xsphat on Thu, 08 November 2012, 13:48:44
I had to Google Walter White. I like the idea, but I'm no "artist" with chemicals, plus I live within a 1000 feet of a school, a daycare and a church. Is that a double or a triple whammy? I forget.

My plan is to finish my current book during this year and get it into the hands of several agents and publishers, calling in a live's worth of favors, and then, toward the middle of next year, start freelance writing again. I want to see if I can live without a @#$%ing job.

And I won't cut my dreads unless I am about to be homeless. I have found that even in Wisconsin, where people are famous prudes, people don't think about my hair as long as I present myself the way I always have. If I walk into a situation feeling odd about it or like an outcast, then I surrender the upper hand before I have a have a chance to do whatever I set out to do.

Plus, my dreads are a year old now so they look pretty good. In another year, there wont be any fuzz at all on them. I've had dreads before, so I know a lot about them. Also, I dress in nice clothes and talk like the educated man I am, so I'm not too worried. I have the talk, and the experience to freelance since I have 300 clips, 270 of them were paying gigs too. I'm not worried about it too much, but itlnstln's advice is good and sound, and important for younger job seekers.

And on a final note, I DO SHOWER!!!! I hate this misconception and I blame it on rock stars and hippies. The science of dreadlocks is that hair locks together side by side, in parallel. It doesn't knot at all. Our heads, and by "our" I mean honkies, seep oil which is the biggest enemy of dreadlocks. It untangles the dreads and prevents locking of the individual hairs. I don't put any wax or anything else in hair because stuff like that is just a product like any other. Shampoo has wax in it. The reason for that is because it doesn't rinse out. So it collects gunk in it and makes your hair feel nasty so you have to buy more shampoo to wash it out.

I wash my dreads every time I shower with Ivory bar soap. My dreads are cleaner than most people's hair. They don't have a smell to them. And I don't wear Bob Marley t-shirts, Birkenstocks, or those stupid dreadlock Reggie hats. I wear $120 shoes, khakis and nice shirts. I really catch people off guard that way. Plus, I do not have the pothead laugh, though if anyone deserves too ...

So there you have it. My future plans and my hygiene regimen.   
Title: Re: 1 year notice
Post by: tp4tissue on Fri, 09 November 2012, 11:38:40
don't know guy''..

I still think drug dealer is your best option.

You make your own work hours, have time to relax, write more of your book, or a whole new one on "being a drug dealer"  :cool:
Title: Re: 1 year notice
Post by: xsphat on Fri, 09 November 2012, 12:47:44
I still think drug dealer is your best option.

You make your own work hours, have time to relax, write more of your book, or a whole new one on "being a drug dealer"  :cool:

Ever hear "don't get high on your own supply"?  :-[

My current book is a crime joint about a multi-addict in a tailspin, does some things out of line at his dealer's house and gets in deep dodo for it. Much blood and sex, and the real kicker is one of the addictions. It's valid and brand spankin' new. Sorry folks, now is not the time for a reveal. Give me a year.

My next book is a scifi I've been working in the background of this current book for about a year and a half. It's set in the distant future, Earth is gone but life remains similar to what we have now. Again I don't want to say much, but I have designed the ships, propulsion, technology, internet variant, the rules and the basic story outline. Half the characters are designed too. It's like I need my current joint done so I get on this next book. It's a good feeling.
Title: Re: 1 year notice
Post by: kmiller8 on Fri, 09 November 2012, 13:16:31
... Give me a year.

I see what you did there.
Title: Re: 1 year notice
Post by: Internetlad on Fri, 09 November 2012, 13:44:39
book is a crime joint about a multi-addict in a tailspin, does some things out of line at his dealer's house and gets in deep dodo for it. Much blood and sex, and the real kicker is one of the addictions. It's valid and brand spankin' new. Sorry folks, now is not the time for a reveal. Give me a year.

Write some apocalyptica (Something along the lines of "Lucifer's Hammer"). I love apocalyptica. Whenever you see end-of-the-world stories it's always about ****in' zombies or some horse****.

Anyways, my wife would probably like the first book, and I'd probably like the second. I've got my nose buried in "Dance with Dragons" at the moment but keep me updated on your progress. I'd pick up a first edition of your crime novel. :p
Title: Re: 1 year notice
Post by: xsphat on Fri, 09 November 2012, 23:39:24
I'm planning an apocalypse part in the second book (not all of civ dies, but a good chunk does). Sounds like I'm headed in the right direction.
Title: Re: 1 year notice
Post by: Internetlad on Tue, 13 November 2012, 11:42:57
What's your pen name?

Title: Re: 1 year notice
Post by: xsphat on Tue, 13 November 2012, 12:20:35
It's my real name. I'll keep all you guys well informed.
Title: Re: 1 year notice
Post by: Internetlad on Tue, 13 November 2012, 13:07:11
I'd have gone with Phinaeus Whitterson III

EDIT: or Carter Carter.
Title: Re: 1 year notice
Post by: xsphat on Tue, 13 November 2012, 14:12:29
OMG that is my real name!
Title: Re: 1 year notice
Post by: Internetlad on Tue, 13 November 2012, 14:22:25
What a coincidence!
Title: Re: 1 year notice
Post by: Trent on Tue, 13 November 2012, 20:03:36
Whatever you do, DO NOT go back to school.... Become a drug dealer, ANYTHING except going back to school.

?? Explain.

All the kids coming out of school now, even with grad- degrees have trouble finding work.

Lets say YOU go back to school... what are your odds, given that you're old, less agile, and less docile than younger workers.

Many people are having trouble finding jobs because they didn't research the market for their majors and graduate degrees before spending 4-6 years of their life working on them.  That being said I do admit that many individuals that have fantastic degrees are having trouble finding work, but these individuals aren't the majority of job seekers out of college.

Whatever your major is you need to have a deep passion for being good at something to make money off of your talent.  If you graduate with an art history degree you better have a huge passion for art and be extremely motivated to make a living off of it, if you only take it because it is easy or you don't have a clue what you want to do get a couple minors and get a major in business.

Being the best isn't about age its about having the drive to enhance the skills you are good at and improve on the skills that need work.

That being said I don't condone drug usage and living off of other people's misery is just plain evil.

All of that being said I am terribly sorry to hear about that.  Buck up and think positive.  There's a great saying about life: just remember, if life doesn't break you today it'll always try again tomorrow!

Best regards.
Title: Re: 1 year notice
Post by: xsphat on Tue, 13 November 2012, 20:32:29
Well I condone drugs of all kinds and as far living off other's misery, I'd like to flip that script for once and be handed everything for a change. My whole life is a ball of crap the keeps running me over. I just want it to stop.
Title: Re: 1 year notice
Post by: tp4tissue on Tue, 13 November 2012, 22:07:02
Whatever you do, DO NOT go back to school.... Become a drug dealer, ANYTHING except going back to school.

?? Explain.

All the kids coming out of school now, even with grad- degrees have trouble finding work.

Lets say YOU go back to school... what are your odds, given that you're old, less agile, and less docile than younger workers.

Many people are having trouble finding jobs because they didn't research the market for their majors and graduate degrees before spending 4-6 years of their life working on them.  That being said I do admit that many individuals that have fantastic degrees are having trouble finding work, but these individuals aren't the majority of job seekers out of college.

Whatever your major is you need to have a deep passion for being good at something to make money off of your talent.  If you graduate with an art history degree you better have a huge passion for art and be extremely motivated to make a living off of it, if you only take it because it is easy or you don't have a clue what you want to do get a couple minors and get a major in business.

Being the best isn't about age its about having the drive to enhance the skills you are good at and improve on the skills that need work.

That being said I don't condone drug usage and living off of other people's misery is just plain evil.

All of that being said I am terribly sorry to hear about that.  Buck up and think positive.  There's a great saying about life: just remember, if life doesn't break you today it'll always try again tomorrow!

Best regards.

You naive bastard......

Drugs is not misery, it's a way of life like everything else.

How do you think all of the billionaires of the financial hub Hong Kong got their start, cocaine.......

How do you think the Mafia of the USA got "their" start before they became the umbrella corporations of entertainment.

On top of that, countless jews who are now the premiere financiers of many countries have had their stint with narcotics.

Drugs feed directly into a basic human "desire". That desire comes with a price, for some a few bux, others, their life.. So be it.
Title: Re: 1 year notice
Post by: Trent on Tue, 13 November 2012, 23:55:26
I'm not naive, but think whatever you want bud.  You are entitled to your opinion just as I am mine.  I understand why certain individuals feel the want/desire to use them but personally I don't like the idea of poisoning my body.  Some 16 year old kid getting stoned constantly, what is he contributing to society?  Spend time making things, learning about the world.  You think you have me figured out, you don't man, but it's alright because this is an online forum where hopefully no ones feelings are going to get hurt.  But then again, the internet is serious business sometimes  :))

I understand you wanting that, and I truly do hope things work out for you.  Don't lose hope man.
Title: Re: 1 year notice
Post by: Internetlad on Wed, 14 November 2012, 12:47:10
I'm not naive, but think whatever you want bud.  You are entitled to your opinion just as I am mine.  I understand why certain individuals feel the want/desire to use them but personally I don't like the idea of poisoning my body.  Some 16 year old kid getting stoned constantly, what is he contributing to society?

I know of some people who just get absolutely ripped and then crank out a 12 hour work day at a mind-numbingly boring job that they otherwise wouldn't be motivated to do.

In either case, I can see both sides of the arguement. Drugs are as illegal as we make them.

If back in the day somebody ruled that cocaine was not illegal to use, but caffeine causes all sorts of adverse effects, would you be going on right now about the horrors of coffee? or nicotine? Would you be sipping your coca-cola the way the original recipe intended as a pick me up for your 4 o'clock hump?

I've never done any "illegal" drugs myself, but I head out to the bar every couple of weeks and every so often have one or two too many. How is that really that different?

  Spend time making things, learning about the world.

Another illegal substance is wormwood, a key ingredient in true absinthe. You would be amazed how many authors and artists had some of their greatest works inspired by crazy absinthe trips.

And do you like the Beatle's music? I've got some news for you. . .

In my humble (and sometimes retarded) opinion, There's a time and a place for everything. I'm not saying that the aircraft mechanics or engineers designing apartment complexes should drop acid then head off to work, i'm just saying that I know of quite a few people who had "experimental" phases in their youth, and turned out fine.

Not trying to start a flame war, I'm just saying that it's very close-minded to think "Drugs are bad mm'kay?"

EDIT: Another thought coming to mind, Salvia divinorum is still legal in many states, only a few have passed bills outlawing it. If you still don't think the drug laws are goofy in this country, do some searching on that stuff. Basically mini-acid.
Title: Re: 1 year notice
Post by: tp4tissue on Wed, 14 November 2012, 17:00:01
I'm not naive, but think whatever you want bud.  You are entitled to your opinion just as I am mine.  I understand why certain individuals feel the want/desire to use them but personally I don't like the idea of poisoning my body.  Some 16 year old kid getting stoned constantly, what is he contributing to society?  Spend time making things, learning about the world.  You think you have me figured out, you don't man, but it's alright because this is an online forum where hopefully no ones feelings are going to get hurt.  But then again, the internet is serious business sometimes  :))

I understand you wanting that, and I truly do hope things work out for you.  Don't lose hope man.

Please stop pretending to "know" what's right for society.

Whatever the market wants is right....

The market wants "less population", so, now more kids are doing drugs, they stumble and they die. Instant population control.... Drugs is part of the natural order.
Title: Re: 1 year notice
Post by: swagpiratex on Wed, 14 November 2012, 17:03:37

You naive bastard......

Drugs is not misery, it's a way of life like everything else.

How do you think all of the billionaires of the financial hub Hong Kong got their start, cocaine.......
How do you think the Mafia of the USA got "their" start before they became the umbrella corporations of entertainment.
On top of that, countless jews who are now the premiere financiers of many countries have had their stint with narcotics.

Lol, can you stop spilling the secrets of the rich? ;D
Title: Re: 1 year notice
Post by: sth on Wed, 14 November 2012, 17:16:12
Some 16 year old kid getting stoned constantly, what is he contributing to society?
the average sober 16 year old isn't doing anything worthwhile for anybody either. have you MET a 16 year old?
Title: Re: Re: 1 year notice
Post by: SmallFry on Wed, 14 November 2012, 18:57:29
Some 16 year old kid getting stoned constantly, what is he contributing to society?
the average sober 16 year old isn't doing anything worthwhile for anybody either. have you MET a 16 year old?
Yes, yes you have! I do meaningful stuff!
Title: Re: 1 year notice
Post by: The_Beast on Wed, 14 November 2012, 19:19:28
Some 16 year old kid getting stoned constantly, what is he contributing to society?
the average sober 16 year old isn't doing anything worthwhile for anybody either. have you MET a 16 year old?
Yes, yes you have! I do meaningful stuff!

Frequent masturbation doesn't count

Title: Re: 1 year notice
Post by: SmallFry on Wed, 14 November 2012, 19:33:29
SmallFry is an Eagle Scout and he installed the projectors and speakers in the teachers' classrooms over this past summer. :) Smallfry does not frequently maturate.
Title: Re: 1 year notice
Post by: The_Beast on Wed, 14 November 2012, 19:38:36
Speaking in the 3rd person

Title: Re: 1 year notice
Post by: rowdy on Wed, 14 November 2012, 19:42:47
Rowdy speaks in the third person quite often, it is a good way of not drawing attention to himself.
Title: Re: 1 year notice
Post by: xsphat on Wed, 14 November 2012, 20:10:13
I speak in first person and am masturbating right now!
Title: Re: 1 year notice
Post by: alaricljs on Wed, 14 November 2012, 20:13:41
Smallfry does not frequently maturate.

I appreciate the comedy of the slip... either that or he's being sly.
Title: Re: Re: 1 year notice
Post by: SmallFry on Wed, 14 November 2012, 20:15:20
Smallfry does not frequently maturate.

I appreciate the comedy of the slip... either that or he's being sly.
Semi-often, not frequently.
Title: Re: 1 year notice
Post by: alaricljs on Wed, 14 November 2012, 20:19:59
Edited for clarity.
Title: Re: 1 year notice
Post by: rowdy on Wed, 14 November 2012, 20:44:46
I speak in first person and am masturbating right now!

Didn't want to know that.
Title: Re: 1 year notice
Post by: The_Beast on Wed, 14 November 2012, 20:45:28
I speak in first person and am masturbating right now!

Didn't want to know that.

I did, it's hawt
Title: Re: 1 year notice
Post by: SmallFry on Wed, 14 November 2012, 20:49:50
Go back to your Pony porn! :P
I kid, I kid.
Title: Re: 1 year notice
Post by: keyboardlover on Wed, 14 November 2012, 20:57:48
Sorry to hear about this xsphat. I will provide two thoughts:

1. When one door closes, another opens.
2. Good people always land on their feet.

Good luck!
Title: Re: 1 year notice
Post by: xsphat on Wed, 14 November 2012, 21:56:17
Thanks keyboardlover, for 2 things:

1. Your words
2. and breaking up the Borg maturation / masturbation deal we have going here.
Title: Re: Re: 1 year notice
Post by: SmallFry on Wed, 14 November 2012, 23:44:55
Sorry to hear about this xsphat. I will provide two thoughts:

1. When one door closes, another opens.
2. Good people always land on their feet.

Good luck!
You're alive! Long time no see!
Thanks keyboardlover, for 2 things:

1. Your words
2. and breaking up the Borg maturation / masturbation deal we have going here.
I blame Beast.
Title: Re: 1 year notice
Post by: keyboardlover on Thu, 15 November 2012, 06:41:58
Lol. I just want peace anymore.

I'm tired of all the war in this world :(
Title: Re: 1 year notice
Post by: xsphat on Thu, 15 November 2012, 13:28:31
Lol. I just want peace anymore.

I'm tired of all the war in this world :(

Take that talk to Canada!
Title: Re: 1 year notice
Post by: tp4tissue on Thu, 15 November 2012, 14:46:09
Lol. I just want peace anymore.

I'm tired of all the war in this world :(

fight me you pansy..
Title: Re: 1 year notice
Post by: tp4tissue on Thu, 15 November 2012, 14:46:47
Some 16 year old kid getting stoned constantly, what is he contributing to society?
the average sober 16 year old isn't doing anything worthwhile for anybody either. have you MET a 16 year old?
Yes, yes you have! I do meaningful stuff!

Frequent masturbation doesn't count

It does if you're a porn star...

Do you see how futile the "hard limits" we tact to our humanity for the sake of social order really is?  >:D
Title: Re: 1 year notice
Post by: rowdy on Thu, 15 November 2012, 15:14:58
Lol. I just want peace anymore.

I'm tired of all the war in this world :(

fight me you pansy..

Wrong thread ...
Title: Re: 1 year notice
Post by: xsphat on Thu, 15 November 2012, 15:40:43
But the Canada crack slides! Lol.
Title: Re: 1 year notice
Post by: Internetlad on Thu, 15 November 2012, 16:30:14
Title: Re: 1 year notice
Post by: keyboardlover on Thu, 15 November 2012, 16:58:37
Lol. I just want peace anymore.

I'm tired of all the war in this world :(

fight me you pansy..

Title: Re: 1 year notice
Post by: xsphat on Thu, 15 November 2012, 18:44:08
I wish I could "Like" a post.
Title: Re: 1 year notice
Post by: SmallFry on Thu, 15 November 2012, 19:00:51
If there's a like button, then I demand the dislike button. I hate Facebook by the way.
Title: Re: 1 year notice
Post by: rowdy on Thu, 15 November 2012, 19:01:47
I wish I could "Like" a post.

feedback/suggestions ( ?
Title: Re: 1 year notice
Post by: rowdy on Thu, 15 November 2012, 19:03:22
I hate Facebook by the way.

Wrong thread ;)
Title: Re: 1 year notice
Post by: SmallFry on Thu, 15 November 2012, 19:03:48
Meh. Off topic.
Title: Re: 1 year notice
Post by: rowdy on Thu, 15 November 2012, 19:07:00
lol I'm starting to sound like a moderator  :eek:
Title: Re: 1 year notice
Post by: SmallFry on Thu, 15 November 2012, 19:17:02
Meh. No worries.
Title: Re: 1 year notice
Post by: Trent on Thu, 15 November 2012, 21:36:15
I'm not naive, but think whatever you want bud.  You are entitled to your opinion just as I am mine.  I understand why certain individuals feel the want/desire to use them but personally I don't like the idea of poisoning my body.  Some 16 year old kid getting stoned constantly, what is he contributing to society?  Spend time making things, learning about the world.  You think you have me figured out, you don't man, but it's alright because this is an online forum where hopefully no ones feelings are going to get hurt.  But then again, the internet is serious business sometimes  :))

I understand you wanting that, and I truly do hope things work out for you.  Don't lose hope man.

Please stop pretending to "know" what's right for society.

Whatever the market wants is right....

The market wants "less population", so, now more kids are doing drugs, they stumble and they die. Instant population control.... Drugs is part of the natural order.

>implying I know what is right for society


I don't think I'm the paragon of truth.  And you aren't either bud  :)) -- Relax.


I'm not naive, but think whatever you want bud.  You are entitled to your opinion just as I am mine.  I understand why certain individuals feel the want/desire to use them but personally I don't like the idea of poisoning my body.  Some 16 year old kid getting stoned constantly, what is he contributing to society?

I know of some people who just get absolutely ripped and then crank out a 12 hour work day at a mind-numbingly boring job that they otherwise wouldn't be motivated to do.

In either case, I can see both sides of the arguement. Drugs are as illegal as we make them.

If back in the day somebody ruled that cocaine was not illegal to use, but caffeine causes all sorts of adverse effects, would you be going on right now about the horrors of coffee? or nicotine? Would you be sipping your coca-cola the way the original recipe intended as a pick me up for your 4 o'clock hump?

I've never done any "illegal" drugs myself, but I head out to the bar every couple of weeks and every so often have one or two too many. How is that really that different?

  Spend time making things, learning about the world.

Another illegal substance is wormwood, a key ingredient in true absinthe. You would be amazed how many authors and artists had some of their greatest works inspired by crazy absinthe trips.

And do you like the Beatle's music? I've got some news for you. . .

In my humble (and sometimes retarded) opinion, There's a time and a place for everything. I'm not saying that the aircraft mechanics or engineers designing apartment complexes should drop acid then head off to work, i'm just saying that I know of quite a few people who had "experimental" phases in their youth, and turned out fine.

Not trying to start a flame war, I'm just saying that it's very close-minded to think "Drugs are bad mm'kay?"

EDIT: Another thought coming to mind, Salvia divinorum is still legal in many states, only a few have passed bills outlawing it. If you still don't think the drug laws are goofy in this country, do some searching on that stuff. Basically mini-acid.

1. I know about Salvia, from my research and opinions brought to me by others it really isn't a drug that does anything.  Wouldn't know, haven't tried it.

2. I love the Beatles, I'm certain that much of their inspiration came from drugs, that's their life, mine is my own.  Problem?  :))

3. Eh I've lost interest.....

OH and

Some 16 year old kid getting stoned constantly, what is he contributing to society?
the average sober 16 year old isn't doing anything worthwhile for anybody either. have you MET a 16 year old?
Yes, yes you have! I do meaningful stuff!

Pwned by a 16 year old.  :))

Lol. I just want peace anymore.

I'm tired of all the war in this world :(

fight me you pansy..

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This is why I love the offtopic board  :D
Title: Re: 1 year notice
Post by: Internetlad on Fri, 16 November 2012, 11:09:30
If there's a like button, then I demand the dislike button. I hate Facebook by the way.

I dislike this post.
Title: Re: 1 year notice
Post by: BucklingSpring on Fri, 16 November 2012, 21:24:06
xsphat - somtimes you need a kick in the -beep- to finish something you start.

I have 3 book subjects that are going nowhere. Still huggin the comfort of a decent job during the day and wasting my life on useless things during the evenings.

Making a living for most writers is no piece of cake. I really whish you do well with it.
My grand father was a painter. He also wrote a piece of paper that changed our culture. Art schools are still talking about him.

I used to get 3000 to 8000 per year in copyrights for his paper. Now that he died more than 50 years ago. That money falling off the sky is over. It's good extra when you already have a job... But far from enough to feed and provide a roof.

Anyway... Good luck man with your project.
Title: Re: 1 year notice
Post by: iMav on Fri, 16 November 2012, 21:46:27
A college degree shows an employer that you can see a task to completion.  Experience and a demonstrated aptitude for the position is far more important, IMHO.
Title: Re: 1 year notice
Post by: BucklingSpring on Fri, 16 November 2012, 21:56:09
A college degree shows an employer that you can see a task to completion.  Experience and a demonstrated aptitude for the position is far more important, IMHO.

Words of wisdom. I heard that before. I drank to that back then.

I drink to that again

My boss is currently recruiting for a position that has nothing to do with what they will teach you in school. I looked at the job description and requirements and saw that degree thing. I asked him, wtf are you asking for a degree?

Once again, he said the same freaking thing as iMav.
Title: Re: 1 year notice
Post by: Trent on Fri, 16 November 2012, 22:13:43
A college degree shows an employer that you can see a task to completion.  Experience and a demonstrated aptitude for the position is far more important, IMHO.
