
geekhack Community => Other Geeky Stuff => Topic started by: ra7c7er on Wed, 21 November 2012, 12:41:25

Title: recommendations on a turntable
Post by: ra7c7er on Wed, 21 November 2012, 12:41:25
I am getting back into records after my collection was destroyed several years ago and I need a new turntable. Since I do not have a home theater system anymore I am looking for something I can play through my computer to my computer speakers or something that has built in stereo. I know most modern turntables have usb (for recording) but I don't if you can direct play through that. I'm not looking for something crazy I'm not a DJ. I just enjoy the sound of records much better and its fun collecting them. I usually listen to them once or twice record them to digital and then either store, display or trade them.

Title: Re: recommendations on a turntable
Post by: IvanIvanovich on Wed, 21 November 2012, 15:46:51
If you can budget for about $200 for a turntable, I quite like Pro-ject debut. It's very good quality and has some style if it's going to be out in the room all the time. Couple it with a behringer ufo202 to connect with pc and you're set. Even if you don't go with turntable suggestion I still really reccomend the ufo202. You could even pick up a thrift store turntable, spend a bit on a good needle and that and be pretty good.
Title: Re: recommendations on a turntable
Post by: nebo on Wed, 21 November 2012, 15:52:03
I can second the debut, I used to have one. Sounded great for the price and was pretty solid, kind of miss it but I don't have a place for a turntable ATM.
Title: Re: recommendations on a turntable
Post by: Batmann on Wed, 21 November 2012, 16:13:15
If you are really on a budget  the Numark TTusb is not a bad choice but it's belt driven meaning that playing with it will probably be painfull (it doesn't keep speed for scratching for example)
If you like Beauties and you are looking for something nice and efficient I would say try fo find some second hand Technics SL-1200 MK2, you can't be disappointed with this, I trully regret having sold mines
Title: Re: recommendations on a turntable
Post by: ra7c7er on Wed, 21 November 2012, 18:45:06
Thanks guys suggestions so far. I had never heard of the Pro-ject tables before so those are very interesting and really good looking. Sadly probably a bit out of my range at the moment but I might save up if I don't blow all my money on records before I get a table.

I forgot to mention that the table needs to be at least dual speed. So most DJ spec tables won't work for me.

Title: Re: recommendations on a turntable
Post by: sth on Wed, 21 November 2012, 18:49:44
project debut is a great choice. if you DO want to budget a little more the SL1200MK2 is a beast, get it used and it will last you forever.

dont buy any turntable without a tone arm adjuster, or anything made primarily out of plastic. avoid crosley like the plague they use **** needles that destroy records.
Title: Re: recommendations on a turntable
Post by: ra7c7er on Wed, 21 November 2012, 23:57:27
Where are you guys finding the Debut for only 200? All I am finding is the Debut III for 399. My max budget is probably right at about 200 give or take the cost of a cheapish pre-amp.
Title: Re: recommendations on a turntable
Post by: nebo on Thu, 22 November 2012, 01:15:44
Where are you guys finding the Debut for only 200? All I am finding is the Debut III for 399. My max budget is probably right at about 200 give or take the cost of a cheapish pre-amp.
Ebay. Takes time just like more specific keyboards, but the deals are there.
Title: Re: recommendations on a turntable
Post by: bavman on Thu, 22 November 2012, 01:28:09
Too bad you can't use one that needs an amp. I have a sony usb one that I've used for maybe 30 minutes total. It was a gift and I'll probably never use it again
Title: Re: recommendations on a turntable
Post by: ra7c7er on Fri, 23 November 2012, 04:31:42
With your guys recommendations and what I've been reading other places. I think I am leaning towards the Pro-Ject Debut Carbon. I don't know why but the Debut III and the Debut Carbon are the same price but the Carbon has an upgraded tone arm and needle with everything else being the same. It's going to take the time for me to save the 400+ to buy it so I will still be looking at other tables If anyone has other recommendations.
Title: Re: recommendations on a turntable
Post by: IvanIvanovich on Sat, 24 November 2012, 21:18:16
Sometimes you can find old stock debut for around that $200ish mark new since they are older version. You just have to look around. If you can find any good deals on stantons or technics, you might go there too. DJ's are always upgrading shizz and drop their old stuff for dirt sometimes. I picked up a cheap $50 stanton t60. I mainly just use it for timecode so it dosen't matter very much but it isn't bad.
Title: Re: recommendations on a turntable
Post by: fohat.digs on Mon, 26 November 2012, 11:57:18
They are getting harder to find, but yard sales and thrift stores are sometimes a good source.

Technics Quartz Direct Drives from the 1980s are pretty much bulletproof and fairly plentiful. Expect to spend another $50 on a decent cartridge. I consider Audio-Technica to be the best value in the lower price ranges.
Title: Re: recommendations on a turntable
Post by: Batmann on Mon, 26 November 2012, 12:42:01
They are getting harder to find, but yard sales and thrift stores are sometimes a good source.

Technics Quartz Direct Drives from the 1980s are pretty much bulletproof and fairly plentiful. Expect to spend another $50 on a decent cartridge. I consider Audio-Technica to be the best value in the lower price ranges.

I red Technics stopped their SL-1200 series 2 years ago,
MK2 prices triple since then! that's a pretty bad news
Digital equipments seem to be taking over...
Title: Re: recommendations on a turntable
Post by: rknize on Mon, 26 November 2012, 12:58:35
Some DJs still use vinyl, so the SL-1200 is still sought after by professionals (not just audiophiles).
Title: Re: recommendations on a turntable
Post by: absyrd on Wed, 28 November 2012, 16:50:06
I miss my 1200s. DJ'd in and after high school and to this day I'm still sad I dumped them. Like lysol said, you'll run across this stuff as the hobby/profession can quickly lead you into needing cash in a hurry. Often people sell then buy again when times are better and money allows!

I spent so many hours/days/months scrounging records (even out of dumpsters behind mom'n'pop record shops), and they are all just sitting lonely in my basement.
Title: Re: recommendations on a turntable
Post by: deegaf on Fri, 30 November 2012, 05:23:12
For just listening to vinyls? I have a real vintage turntable I got from a thrift shop for $40. It's got a neat automatic arm for when it's done playing. They don't make em like they used to :P