
geekhack Community => geekhack Media => Topic started by: CPTBadAss on Sat, 27 April 2013, 01:47:06

Title: First Keyboard Mod - Filco Cable Swap
Post by: CPTBadAss on Sat, 27 April 2013, 01:47:06
I know it's a little thing for everyone here but I actually never opened up a keyboard before. Bought a mimic cable to swap into my Filco MJ2 since i really love his cables. Turns out it's a pretty easy thing to do. I thought I'd document this for giggles and so I'd remember. And to just show a few pics for anyone curious.

A Mimic Cable - BSpec Color

So the Filco MJ2 doesn't have a detachable cable so you have to open the case up. I've never opened a keyboard up before and I was a little leery of potentially destroying my expensive baby. But like I said before, it was pretty easy.

Backside of my Filco

First you remove the three screws. The two near the feet and the one that's hidden by the "Do Not Remove" sticker.

Close up of the Screws

Then you need to take a credit card or something thing to pop off the snap fits in the front edge. There should be four of them.

Close up of the Front Edge

Then you remove the case top and bottom to reveal the naked glory of the PCB.


Pop off the Filco cable plug (see top right in the first picture, the plug is the little white bit) and then pop Mimic's cable in. He said that it might be a little wonky so if it doesn't work when you test it, just unplug and replug the cable a few times. Mine worked on the first shot. Then you just reverse the process, reassemble, and enjoy.


The colors are mismatched for now but I'm going to swap in something else soon so it all matches.

Pro-Tip from Glissant:

I would only add one little thing about the Filco connector. Don't pull on it when disconnecting it, just use something to push the connector out from the top slits on the connector.
Title: Re: First Keyboard Mod - Filco Cable Swap
Post by: baldgye on Sat, 27 April 2013, 01:49:14
Never realised it was so easy... Might have to get a custom cable for my filco now lol
Title: Re: First Keyboard Mod - Filco Cable Swap
Post by: CPTBadAss on Sat, 27 April 2013, 01:51:36
From what I've seen, Pexon does good work and he's closer to you. You should snag some hotness and do the swap!
Title: Re: First Keyboard Mod - Filco Cable Swap
Post by: Dubsgalore on Sat, 27 April 2013, 08:12:30
Good Job CPT
maybe this would be possible with a DAS? ;)
Title: Re: First Keyboard Mod - Filco Cable Swap
Post by: Photekq on Sat, 27 April 2013, 08:20:09
Looks awesome CPT!

Good Job CPT
maybe this would be possible with a DAS? ;)

Don't quote me on this, but I don't think the das uses the same molex connector that the filco does. However, if the connector can be bought then I don't see any reason why mimic couldn't make one for you if you asked.
Title: Re: First Keyboard Mod - Filco Cable Swap
Post by: Dubsgalore on Sat, 27 April 2013, 08:23:46
i think if i really wanted it, that would be pretty awesome for the DAS.

my only complaint with the DAS is the glossy finish, so i would need to find something to go along with that and the keycaps, but i can see that being really epic

would i need to buy a new connector for the das? just to use this cable?
Title: First Keyboard Mod - Filco Cable Swap
Post by: Halverson on Sat, 27 April 2013, 08:25:59
You did all that while on Skype! No wonder you were so quiet! :D
Looking good mine captain.
Title: Re: First Keyboard Mod - Filco Cable Swap
Post by: BunnyLake on Sat, 27 April 2013, 08:27:16
You did all that while on Skype! No wonder you were so quiet! :D
Looking good mine captain.

pot calling the kettle black
Title: .
Post by: esoomenona on Sat, 27 April 2013, 08:27:53
Title: Re: First Keyboard Mod - Filco Cable Swap
Post by: Photekq on Sat, 27 April 2013, 08:33:41
i think if i really wanted it, that would be pretty awesome for the DAS.

my only complaint with the DAS is the glossy finish, so i would need to find something to go along with that and the keycaps, but i can see that being really epic

would i need to buy a new connector for the das? just to use this cable?
Ok I looked into it. Here's the controller of the das - you can see the two usb ports and I think the white connector I've circled red is where the USB cable connects to. I honestly can't tell whether it's the same connector as the filco, but if mimic can make a cable for the filco then he'll be able to make one for the das (just because he can doesn't mean he will). You'd just need to find out what connector the das uses and find a place where you can buy one.
Title: First Keyboard Mod - Filco Cable Swap
Post by: Halverson on Sat, 27 April 2013, 08:36:04
You did all that while on Skype! No wonder you were so quiet! :D
Looking good mine captain.

pot calling the kettle black

Title: Re: First Keyboard Mod - Filco Cable Swap
Post by: Dubsgalore on Sat, 27 April 2013, 08:36:53
wow thanks a lot for the detail bud!

currently figuring out whether or not i want to sell my das, but if i keep it, i think this would be a sick project. buying a das controller will probably be the hardest part.

i'll take mine apart if i keep mine and look into it myself.
Title: .
Post by: esoomenona on Sat, 27 April 2013, 08:37:15
Title: Re: First Keyboard Mod - Filco Cable Swap
Post by: CPTBadAss on Sat, 27 April 2013, 09:17:26
Thanks guys. I was really excited that I finally made the jump into learning how to mod my boards. I hope to be elbow deep in 808s, 888s, and controllers in 3 months time :P

But anyways this is what the Filco connector looks like:

Title: Re: First Keyboard Mod - Filco Cable Swap
Post by: moonprismpwr on Sat, 27 April 2013, 11:06:27
Good job bb :D I think you've earned some well deserved sleep
Title: Re: First Keyboard Mod - Filco Cable Swap
Post by: Dreamre on Sat, 27 April 2013, 20:25:13
Thanks for this! Will be helpful once I receive Paranoid's cables :D.
Title: Re: First Keyboard Mod - Filco Cable Swap
Post by: ComradeSniper on Sat, 27 April 2013, 20:51:21
Woah, I always assumed it required some soldering, never realized that's all it takes. Now I need a cool cable for my Filco.
Title: Re: First Keyboard Mod - Filco Cable Swap
Post by: Glissant on Sun, 28 April 2013, 06:00:19
Yay for finally taking the leap, and writing about it :).

I would only add one little thing about the Filco connector. Don't pull on it when disconnecting it, just use something to push the connector out from the top slits on the connector.

Anyway; you're very organized and you took relevant pictures for your post. I'm sure your thread will inspire more people to open their Filcos to swap cables and paint cases.
Job well done!
Title: Re: First Keyboard Mod - Filco Cable Swap
Post by: CPTBadAss on Sun, 28 April 2013, 09:58:05
Thanks Glissant. I was super excited when I finally got it open. And I wish I had figured out that pro-tip on my own. I was freaking out that I was flexing that plug so it took me a little while to get it unplugged.
Title: Re: First Keyboard Mod - Filco Cable Swap
Post by: Grim Fandango on Fri, 24 May 2013, 04:26:30
Hey guys,
I just ordered a cable from Pexon so I am looking into this as well.

There is just one thing that is not clear to me. What did you use as a stress relief? It seems that there is no stress relief included with the cable. While a keyboard may not need a stress relief in the same way as a mouse (moved all the time, cable might be damaged), I would still like to have something that keeps the cable from tugging at the connector when the keyboard is moved, and to slightly diminish any stress on the cable at the point where it exits the case.

Have you done anything about that here? Did you somehow attach the cable to the housing? Would a zip-tie around the cable at the inside of the case housing work? Or would it slip? I am sure you could get away with not having any stress relief at all if you do not move it around much, but preferably I would like any customization to be at least functionally on par with the stock parts.
Title: Re: First Keyboard Mod - Filco Cable Swap
Post by: CPTBadAss on Sun, 16 June 2013, 21:28:13
I just saw this and I apologize for taking so long to respond. I didn't put any support on it at all. Doesn't seem to be an issue unless you're dangling the board from just the cable.
Title: Re: First Keyboard Mod - Filco Cable Swap
Post by: Keytrun on Mon, 25 November 2013, 22:43:43
Sorry about necroing an old thread - but I'm curious about something. Was there a reason in particular you chose to go with a standard cable as opposed to a detachable option?
Title: Re: First Keyboard Mod - Filco Cable Swap
Post by: CPTBadAss on Tue, 26 November 2013, 07:06:42
'Cause I like that non-detachable cable. I'm getting a detachable one now. I don't really have a good reason other than that's what I felt like doing at the time.
Title: Re: First Keyboard Mod - Filco Cable Swap
Post by: atlas3686 on Tue, 26 November 2013, 08:44:40
Thanks, definitely inspired me. I'm keen to change my cable but didn't really want to open the board up. Seems pretty easy :)
Title: Re: First Keyboard Mod - Filco Cable Swap
Post by: gothatway on Fri, 03 January 2014, 13:35:41
thank you so much!! I can now fix my stupid filco keyboard!
Title: Re: First Keyboard Mod - Filco Cable Swap
Post by: riotonthebay on Fri, 03 January 2014, 13:41:36
thank you so much!! I can now fix my stupid filco keyboard!

Please try to avoid bumping old threads unless you have something new and constructive to add.

But, welcome to GeekHack!
Title: Re: First Keyboard Mod - Filco Cable Swap
Post by: Sifo on Fri, 03 January 2014, 15:57:56
thank you so much!! I can now fix my stupid filco keyboard!

Please try to avoid bumping old threads unless you have something new and constructive to add.

But, welcome to GeekHack!

Looks pretty new to me
Title: Re: First Keyboard Mod - Filco Cable Swap
Post by: Glissant on Sat, 29 March 2014, 22:07:07
Title: Re: First Keyboard Mod - Filco Cable Swap
Post by: Sifo on Sat, 29 March 2014, 22:09:20
Wow welcome to the forums CDTBadAss!
Title: Re: First Keyboard Mod - Filco Cable Swap
Post by: CPTBadAss on Sat, 29 March 2014, 22:24:15
Wow welcome to the forums CDTBadAss!

Thanks, it's really great to be here.  :-*