
geekhack Community => Off Topic => Topic started by: esoomenona on Wed, 13 November 2013, 13:50:12

Title: .
Post by: esoomenona on Wed, 13 November 2013, 13:50:12
Title: Re: How do you feel about extortion threads?
Post by: kmiller8 on Wed, 13 November 2013, 13:51:27
I think the extortion threads encourages new members to join the forum and become more active in hope of gaining a chance to extort someone in the near future.
Title: Re: How do you feel about extortion threads?
Post by: SpAmRaY on Wed, 13 November 2013, 13:52:08
Title: .
Post by: esoomenona on Wed, 13 November 2013, 13:52:12
Title: Re: How do you feel about extortion threads?
Post by: SpAmRaY on Wed, 13 November 2013, 13:53:02
Oh...extortion....I thought it said bad.

Really it keeps people around because how else will they get there money back.
Title: Re: How do you feel about extortion threads?
Post by: ITzNybble on Wed, 13 November 2013, 13:53:27
I think the extortion threads encourages new members to join the forum and become more active in hope of gaining a chance to extort someone in the near future.

So it builds the community? That is a good thing. The extortion should continue then?

If the ultimate goal is to grow the userbase not the quality of the user base then...yes...this logic is valid :P
Title: .
Post by: esoomenona on Wed, 13 November 2013, 13:54:10
Title: Re: How do you feel about extortion threads?
Post by: ITzNybble on Wed, 13 November 2013, 13:54:41
I think we all know that eBay is full of extortion. We had reports of just this not too long ago. Should we move the extortion to eBay to join the other extortionists?

Or should we keep our extortion here. Is it better to keep it in the community?

Keep your enemies close...I suppose?
Title: Re: How do you feel about extortion threads?
Post by: Moosecraft on Wed, 13 November 2013, 13:56:57
I feel extortionist
Title: .
Post by: esoomenona on Wed, 13 November 2013, 13:58:30
Title: Re: How do you feel about extortion threads?
Post by: SpAmRaY on Wed, 13 November 2013, 13:58:46
Title: .
Post by: esoomenona on Wed, 13 November 2013, 14:00:21
Title: Re: How do you feel about extortion threads?
Post by: ITzNybble on Wed, 13 November 2013, 14:03:20
(Attachment Link)

Spamray, you extort your use of posting. Every post you post is an extortion of my time.

Seems to be a case of extortception :D
Title: Re: How do you feel about extortion threads?
Post by: tjcaustin on Wed, 13 November 2013, 14:06:10
(Attachment Link)

Spamray, you extort your use of posting. Every post you post is an extortion of my time.


I feel that this thread extorts extortion for it's own gain.

Extortion should be moved to its own subforum and kept there.

Or banned.

But something has to be done to control the rampant extorting.

You're wrong if you think extortion harms the community as the market clearly wants to be extortioned.  Everyone that's been subject to extortion is just butthurt that they had to be extorted so much and weren't as lucky as the ones that were extorted for less.

All the butthurt over extortion is just envy. First butthurt incident: you lost the extortion event. This is absolute proof that the universe is deeply unfair; possibly even openly hostile to you. And then the final indignity: the horrible person(s) who won the extortion at the below-market price immediately offers to sell it at a price you either cannot or will not pay. Cloak that envy and butthurt in rage against profit and you can take some solace in the knowledge that you hurt the guy who was luckier than you. Take that, unfair universe!

Why should they have to keep it off the forum?  The people interested in extortion are right here.  $25 isn't the true value of an extorting.    People can pay however much they want!
Title: Re: How do you feel about extortion threads?
Post by: SpAmRaY on Wed, 13 November 2013, 14:12:13
Title: Re: How do you feel about extortion threads?
Post by: tp4tissue on Wed, 13 November 2013, 15:29:17
I think the extortion threads encourages new members to join the forum and become more active in hope of gaining a chance to extort someone in the near future.

So it builds the community? That is a good thing. The extortion should continue then?

If the ultimate goal is to grow the userbase not the quality of the user base then...yes...this logic is valid :P

Worry not..

When it comes to raising the average quality of the GH user base, as long as we got that guy TP4, he is orders of magnitude above the average..  It would take 100,000+ bad members to even put a miniscule dent our quality-users-score...

Title: Re: How do you feel about extortion threads?
Post by: eth0s on Wed, 13 November 2013, 15:40:56
Hmm, I kind of understand what this thread is about, but I'm not sure you should use the word "Extortion".  Extortion is getting money from somebody by use of a threat, like bodily harm or public humiliation.  I think what you really mean to say is "overcharging".  Some other words you could use to describe the phenomenon of which you are complaining:  fleece, gazump, cozen, diddle, rook, plume, rob, defraud, soak, hook, pluck, cheat, rip off, chisel, con, skin, stiff, sting, swindle, stitch up, take for a ride, and take advantage of.
Title: Re: How do you feel about extortion threads?
Post by: tp4tissue on Wed, 13 November 2013, 15:44:40
^^... I actually have no idea what you guys are talking about w/ respect to GH-extortion.. who's extorting you guys... and with what leverage??

Title: .
Post by: esoomenona on Wed, 13 November 2013, 15:46:22
Title: Re: How do you feel about extortion threads?
Post by: swill on Wed, 13 November 2013, 15:47:15
I'd really like to get the communities input on these, what do you guys think? Should we keep 'em around? Is it worth it?

Maybe I am just naive here, but what are you referring to as 'extortion threads'?  Can you link one so n00bs like me can understand?
Title: Re: How do you feel about extortion threads?
Post by: tp4tissue on Wed, 13 November 2013, 15:48:55
Can you guys please stop extorting the discussion and focus on discussing about the extortion?

please link a few xtortion threads.. so we know what you're talking about...

If you'd like.. Please also List the MEMBERS of whom you think is an extortionist...

This random ambiguous splash of "oh no he didn't "   will resolve nothing..

Title: Re: How do you feel about extortion threads?
Post by: Photoelectric on Wed, 13 November 2013, 15:49:18
Extortion, definition:

The obtaining of property from another induced by wrongful use of actual or threatened force, violence, or fear, or under color of official right.

Under the Common Law, extortion is a misdemeanor consisting of an unlawful taking of money by a government officer. It is an oppressive misuse of the power with which the law clothes a public officer.Most jurisdictions have statutes governing extortion that broaden the common-law definition. Under such statutes, any person who takes money or property from another by means of illegal compulsion may be guilty of the offense. When used in this sense, extortion is synonymous with blackmail, which is extortion by a private person. In addition, under some statutes a corporation may be liable for extortion."

1. The act or an instance of extorting.
2. Illegal use of one's official position or powers to obtain property, funds, or patronage.
3. An excessive or exorbitant charge.
4. Something extorted."

the act of securing money, favours, etc. by intimidation or violence; blackmail
extortioner , extortionist n"

I am guessing you mean #3 in the second set of definitions?  Otherwise, for the most part this word doesn't mean what is implied in this thread.  What you really mean is capitalism.  Let's discuss the merits and demerits of capitalism.
The proper term is "profiteering". 

One who makes excessive profits on goods in short supply.
intr.v. profˇitˇeered, profˇitˇeerˇing, profˇitˇeers
To make excessive profits on goods in short supply."
Title: Re: How do you feel about extortion threads?
Post by: Blazed on Wed, 13 November 2013, 15:50:13
He was extorted into paying $400 on a clack.
Title: Re: How do you feel about extortion threads?
Post by: tp4tissue on Wed, 13 November 2013, 15:54:44
Extortion, definition:

The obtaining of property from another induced by wrongful use of actual or threatened force, violence, or fear, or under color of official right.

Under the Common Law, extortion is a misdemeanor consisting of an unlawful taking of money by a government officer. It is an oppressive misuse of the power with which the law clothes a public officer.Most jurisdictions have statutes governing extortion that broaden the common-law definition. Under such statutes, any person who takes money or property from another by means of illegal compulsion may be guilty of the offense. When used in this sense, extortion is synonymous with blackmail, which is extortion by a private person. In addition, under some statutes a corporation may be liable for extortion."

1. The act or an instance of extorting.
2. Illegal use of one's official position or powers to obtain property, funds, or patronage.
3. An excessive or exorbitant charge.
4. Something extorted."

the act of securing money, favours, etc. by intimidation or violence; blackmail
extortioner , extortionist n"

I am guessing you mean #3 in the second set of definitions?  Otherwise, for the most part this word doesn't mean what is implied in this thread.  What you really mean is capitalism.  Let's discuss the merits and demerits of capitalism.

Thanks Ph..

I was unaware of that definition of extortion..

So Essomenona is complaining about the seemingly-irrational (buyers) who are willing to pay exorbitant price for what (Essomenona) considers a product worth far less,  THUS driving up the cost of the item he himself wish to procure at a far "lower price"...

Well.... Essom, if you pride your  rationality.. then I don't see why it's so difficult to just say : " f**k clacks, lets go buy something else. "

Yes there are people trying to extort, but you bear half the responsibility of "the extortion" because you "let yourself" become extorted... KNOWING full well that it's extortion...
Title: Re: How do you feel about extortion threads?
Post by: tp4tissue on Wed, 13 November 2013, 15:59:31
So... This reduce this thread to esoomenona's buyer remorse GH-confession...

esoo, did you really spend $400 on a keycap?

Honestly, I don't want to dig up my conspiracy threads... but... perhaps esoomenona or anyone buying the Caps are drumming up PRESS so they can flip the cap, as they realize the risk to their INSANE investment...

PM me for conspiracy conversation

Title: Re: How do you feel about extortion threads?
Post by: SpAmRaY on Wed, 13 November 2013, 16:01:01
Title: Re: How do you feel about extortion threads?
Post by: eth0s on Wed, 13 November 2013, 16:05:28
Or is this thread about the "I need a free Clack because of X" type of thread.  Which I guess could be construed as a kind of emotional extortion of CC?
Title: Re: How do you feel about extortion threads?
Post by: tp4tissue on Wed, 13 November 2013, 16:07:55
(Attachment Link)

Those are 'farsighted'  glasses..  I think that's why his eyes look super big.
Title: Re: How do you feel about extortion threads?
Post by: SpAmRaY on Wed, 13 November 2013, 16:08:45
Or is this thread about the "I need a free Clack because of X" type of thread.  Which I guess could be construed as a kind of emotional extortion of CC?

Now what kind of person would actually make a thread to get a free clack...
Title: Re: How do you feel about extortion threads?
Post by: Photoelectric on Wed, 13 November 2013, 16:09:25
Or is this thread about the "I need a free Clack because of X" type of thread.  Which I guess could be construed as a kind of emotional extortion of CC?

Perhaps that's it... But nonetheless, it's not really extortion.
Title: Re: How do you feel about extortion threads?
Post by: tp4tissue on Wed, 13 November 2013, 16:10:23
Or is this thread about the "I need a free Clack because of X" type of thread.  Which I guess could be construed as a kind of emotional extortion of CC?

LOL, emotional extortion...  so whos emotions is esoo trying to leverage...

Title: Re: How do you feel about extortion threads?
Post by: Michael on Wed, 13 November 2013, 16:12:46
Title: Re: How do you feel about extortion threads?
Post by: eth0s on Wed, 13 November 2013, 16:59:00
I haz no clack.

Title: Re: How do you feel about extortion threads?
Post by: BunnyLake on Wed, 13 November 2013, 17:05:55
i extort myself
Title: Re: How do you feel about extortion threads?
Post by: SpAmRaY on Wed, 13 November 2013, 17:12:29
i extort myself

We all have our vices....
Title: Re: How do you feel about extortion threads?
Post by: eth0s on Wed, 13 November 2013, 17:35:27
I still haz no clack.

Title: Re: How do you feel about extortion threads?
Post by: okooko on Wed, 13 November 2013, 17:42:25
I still haz no clack.

neither do i =P
Title: Re: How do you feel about extortion threads?
Post by: tp4tissue on Wed, 13 November 2013, 17:54:11
I just plain don't want one...   

Title: Re: How do you feel about extortion threads?
Post by: Michael on Wed, 13 November 2013, 17:54:38
I just plain don't want one...   

Show Image

Title: Re: How do you feel about extortion threads?
Post by: IvanIvanovich on Wed, 13 November 2013, 18:02:12
Damn IT! My keyboard insurance racket was supposed to be a SECRET! If I find out who blabbed about this its going to cost you
Title: Re: How do you feel about extortion threads?
Post by: Puddsy on Wed, 13 November 2013, 18:22:40
Probably the worst thing on this forum. I dislike a lot of things here (not gonna get into that, that's drama), but the extortion threads are by far the worst thing.
Title: Re: How do you feel about extortion threads?
Post by: noisyturtle on Wed, 13 November 2013, 19:26:14
I just plain don't want one...   

Show Image

So brave

And in terms of 'extortion threads' DON"T PAY $400. Just stop doing that. It's like having a crack dealer in your neighborhood and then complaining about all the crack heads hanging around. The dealer brought them here, stop buying their crack.