
geekhack Community => New Members => Topic started by: OldDogmeat on Thu, 26 December 2013, 10:14:17

Title: Hello all and Merry Christmas holidays and New year from Yorkshire :D
Post by: OldDogmeat on Thu, 26 December 2013, 10:14:17
I feel I should be typing this on something a bit special and not my little wireless A4Tech GK-5 mini which in many respects I love but it has its issues as well..

I pretty much stumbled upon this forum whilst scouring the web for my perfect gaming keyboard, which  I doubt actually exists but thanks to this brilliant (if not geeky :D ( I consider myself a geek in many respects btw )) forum I am now at least getting close to my goal of finding something suitable.

During the few days of searching and researching online I've found myself more and more intrigued and drawn by some of this keyboard tech as well as the actual form and aesthetics of some of the keyboards I've been looking at so thought it a good idea to sign up here and see if I can get help with tracking down my perfect keyboard; I say keyboard here in the singular but already I can feel myself being drawn in to the idea of owning several.

I've used computers all my life pretty much, from my childhood ZX81 and Spectrum 48k (Good old Clive, he kickstarted it all for me) through to present day PC's with all sorts in-between, both professionally (I work in video games and have done for the past 20 years) and also personally..  I'm a gamer and a computer geek at heart; but it's only with my recent purchase of a new high end gaming PC that I've realised that I've been overlooking the input devices all this time..

Anyway, I won't clutter this 'Hello' post further and will start a new one for my 'Search for my ideal keyboard' cry of help   :D
Title: Re: Hello all and Merry Christmas holidays and New year from Yorkshire :D
Post by: greyhame on Fri, 27 December 2013, 05:57:46
Hey man, nice to meat you. My dad's actually from Yorkshire, but aaages ago lol.
Hope you find your dream keyboard  :)