
geekhack Community => Other Geeky Stuff => Topic started by: bigpook on Mon, 04 May 2009, 16:23:43

Title: What do you use to play back audio?
Post by: bigpook on Mon, 04 May 2009, 16:23:43
I am no audiophile, and my hearing isn't as sharp as it used to be but I do like to listen to music.

I have this for the sound card:

M-Audio Revolution (

and am using these for the speakers:

Creative Gigaworks T20 (

Am listening to this:

Miles Davis Walkin' (

I ripped it at 192k and it really sounds clear and clean.

I find the old jazz recordings from the 50's seem to have been recorded with great care. There isn't a whole lot of production going on, just some microphones capturing the sound of the acoustic instruments.

I can't imagine what these would sound like on a real system. It would be awesome no doubt. But as it is right now for me, it does sound really good.
Title: What do you use to play back audio?
Post by: ozar on Mon, 04 May 2009, 16:32:02
I run Linux and generally use MPlayer or Rhythmbox to play music through my Klipsch speakers setup.

Nothing all that fancy, but it works well enough for me.
Title: What do you use to play back audio?
Post by: wheel83 on Mon, 04 May 2009, 16:34:30
I use a Presonus FP10 Sound card and Event Near field 8" Tuned References.

I love Event Monitor Speakers.  I will probably stick with them forever.
Title: What do you use to play back audio?
Post by: bigpook on Mon, 04 May 2009, 16:35:22
Forgot to mention I use rhythmbox to play back.

ozar, what kind of sound card and what kind of klipsch?
Title: What do you use to play back audio?
Post by: itlnstln on Mon, 04 May 2009, 16:35:43
Speakers: the 450s (x2) the 2002 (x1) the BP2x (x2)
1 Definitive ProSub 100 (OOP)
Yamaha HTR790 (OOP)
CD Player:
Digital Music Transport:
Title: What do you use to play back audio?
Post by: bigpook on Mon, 04 May 2009, 16:36:01
Hey, if you can , post some pics or links....
Title: What do you use to play back audio?
Post by: itlnstln on Mon, 04 May 2009, 16:37:46
Quote from: bigpook;89034
Hey, if you can , post some pics or links....

No problem. :)
Title: What do you use to play back audio?
Post by: IBI on Mon, 04 May 2009, 16:37:52
X-fi Titanium and Audio-Technica ATH-AD700 headphones. I'm somewhat disappointed in the sound quality of the Audio-Technicas (unexpected, given my previous pairs only cost half as much), but the build quality seems great, and once you get used to the ridiculously thick foam velvet pads they're comfy too, if occasionally a bit warm.
Title: What do you use to play back audio?
Post by: bigpook on Mon, 04 May 2009, 16:39:25
Quote from: itlnstln;89036
No problem. :)

: ) I posted that before I saw your post. Thats quite the setup you have going there. Must sound pretty sweet.
Title: What do you use to play back audio?
Post by: ozar on Mon, 04 May 2009, 16:39:32
Quote from: bigpook;89032
ozar, what kind of sound card and what kind of klipsch?

It's all getting to be rather old and outdated now, but still working fine for me so no reason to upgrade, yet:

Soundblaster Audigy 2 zs
Klipsch 2.1 ProMedia
Title: What do you use to play back audio?
Post by: itlnstln on Mon, 04 May 2009, 16:49:02
Quote from: bigpook;89038
: ) I posted that before I saw your post. Thats quite the setup you have going there. Must sound pretty sweet.

It's money. I LOVE music, and the system never fails to impress. The weather was a little crappy on Saturday, and we sat and watched Palladia most of the day in the theater, and it was like being at the concerts. We watched John Fogerty, a little Eric Clapton, Fleetwood Mac and Oasis (and the NY Mets/Phillies game and the Bulls/Celtics). Fantastic.
The theater recliners are about 8-10' from the TV.
Attached is a (crappy) pic my Realtor took of the entire setup.
Title: What do you use to play back audio?
Post by: huha on Mon, 04 May 2009, 16:51:54
I use a pair of really old beyerdynamic dt990 headphones connected to copious lengths of extension cables so I can walk around my room when listening to music. They're connected to my thinkpad's soundcard, which leaves quite a bit to be desired, although it's not as bad as older models; playback quality is okay, but I'd rather prefer a decent sound solution. (Which unfortunately costs a pretty penny)

Title: What do you use to play back audio?
Post by: cchan on Mon, 04 May 2009, 18:03:05
I listen through either a pair of Yamaha YST-M10's connected to an emu10k1 SBLive!, or a Zenith K472W.
Title: What do you use to play back audio?
Post by: D-EJ915 on Mon, 04 May 2009, 18:11:59
chaintech av-710->plate sub amp [alpine typer 10"]->amp from a sharp sd-nx10 [jbl E30]

works great for me.
Title: What do you use to play back audio?
Post by: rdjack21 on Mon, 04 May 2009, 22:41:47
Ok you asked for it :) So don't complain when it blows your mind. I had to hunt for the specs for this but here it goes. Right now I don't have this hooked up because I just moved and have not had the chance to hook it all back up but this is what it is going to be when I finish and Yes I do have all of this.

If you have not figured it out this is my old stereo system that my wife will not let me have in the living room :( But hey it does make for one H*** of a computer sound system. It will literally make the walls shake. And you can't beat the sound quality out of it. I can't really crank it up unless I'm the only one home. When that happens I put in some old Rock bands and Rock out! Oh all of my rips are to flac so that is what I feed through this thing as well. As far as sound cards go I have an old Pro sound blaster sorry I forget the model and stuff. I plan on replacing it at some point. What I really want though is one that has AC3/PCM Digital out so I can go fiber to the receiver :)

I just got a new desk and some other stuff so I'm going to be hooking this monster up in the next few weeks. I was planning at that time to take some shots to post on the Computing setup thread.
Title: What do you use to play back audio?
Post by: Manyak on Mon, 04 May 2009, 22:49:06
For now, its just some Antec Lansing computer speakers in the computer room, and an early 90's Sony floorstanding stereo system in the living room.

I haven't had a stereo system worth mentioning in two years now :(. I used to have some really, really high quality stuff in my car, but ever since I bought a new one I never bothered installing it again. And I never bought a good system for the house because I can't really crank it with my neighbors around :(.

Maybe this winter that'll be my project though.
Title: What do you use to play back audio?
Post by: keyb_gr on Tue, 05 May 2009, 03:59:09
Quote from: ripster;89080
Sad thing is I probably listen to the most music while jogging or walking the dog with my Sansa clip and $15 headphones link ( (the dog likes chewing up expensive earbuds).
The Clip is not the limitation though, I can feed my entire headphone collection with it (and it neither gets too noisy on SE420s nor runs out of breath so quickly with 600 ohm Sennheiser antiques). It's chewed up its filesystem twice so far, but I suppose this was because I was using the "test" firmware (which actually is kinda handy because you can have the battery voltage displayed). Advanced users have advanced methods for shooting themselves in the foot...

BTW, SE530s would probably be embarrassed to be compared to lowly earduds. ;)
P.S.  Now I want Itlnstln's 60" TV but my wife won't let me put that big a screen in the living room.
Your power bill will thank you for it. ;)

EDIT: Oh, I promptly forgot listing my stuff:
Computer w/ 2x Terratec Aureon Sky (1 reflashed to Audiotra Prodigy 7.1; having two cards avoids interferences between recording and playback), feeding either
1 pair Tascam VL-X5
Sennheiser HD580 (sometimes ye olde HD540 as well)

Sometimes I also use my Onkyo DX-6920 CD player with headphones for checking out newly-arrived CDs. (Basic Technics record player with Ortofon cartridge and TC-750 phono amp, old Onkyo surround receiver with relays needing some cleaning and Jamo speakers and various other old gear are rarely used.)

Sansa Clip 8G with
Shure SE420

Same Clip with
Sennheiser HD420SL
Title: What do you use to play back audio?
Post by: cchan on Tue, 05 May 2009, 06:37:19
Quote from: rdjack21;89089

  • Reciever/amp: Pioneer Elite VSX-09TX ( Yes I have my computers audio output plugged into this :)
(: I have the downstairs computer plugged into a Sansui 8080DB driving a pair of $70 Presidian outdoor speakers.
Title: What do you use to play back audio?
Post by: itlnstln on Tue, 05 May 2009, 06:57:49
P.S. Now I want Itlnstln's 60" TV but my wife won't let me put that big a screen in the living room.
Your power bill will thank you for it. ;)

No joke; it's very efficient. My TV is a rear projection with an LED light source. While I am not sure exactly how much power it uses, it's almost next to nothing compared to LCDs, CRTs (shocker) and other DLP RPs with a regular light bulb source. That, and I will never have to change bulbs. In the pic I posted, you can see my old front projector. It is a 480p machine, so I don't use it anymore, but it was nice having an 80" in that same room.
Title: What do you use to play back audio?
Post by: cb951303 on Tue, 05 May 2009, 09:01:10
I use Esi MAYA 44  ( with M-Audio AV40 (
I think it's an overkill for listening though. I mainly bought them  to do recordings.

Oh, and I use Banshee ( as the player.
Title: What do you use to play back audio?
Post by: rdjack21 on Tue, 05 May 2009, 09:22:13
Quote from: ripster;89099
Rdjack, I'm more worried about you blowing out your ears!:scared::scared:

I'm curious to see your final setup - that center speaker alone is going to take up a lot of space (and weight).

- Ripster

The center speaker is under the desk. Well Actually my desk is a dinning room table :) And you are right about the ears. When I was a kid my mom listened to allot of Heart/Elo ect.. on her system (Pioneer 500w reciever/amp with Altec Lansing stadium speakers) so I grew up liking my music LOUD. But it is true now that I'm much older my hearing is not quite as good as it used to be. I've actually never cranked my system all the way up before but I have had it to a little over half volume quite a few times. But very few systems can match the sound quality I get out of this setup.
Title: What do you use to play back audio?
Post by: itlnstln on Tue, 05 May 2009, 09:33:37
Those NHTs are great speakers.  It's a shame that they shut down operations not too long ago.  Supposedly, it is only temporary, but there was no indication if/when they would return.  
There is something to be said in terms of quality vs. quantity (loudness).  Many times people tend to crank their music due to poor quality (speakers, receivers, crappy MP3s, etc.).  The idea, I guess, is that they make up for the lack in quality with, simply, more.  It's kinda like eating at a buffet (think Golden Corral, if they are in your area).  The food usually isn't terrific, but people will make up for that by crushing relentlesly until they are satisfied.  Those same people may not crush so heavily  if they are at a nicer restaurant with better food.  The same can be said for audio equipment.  I don't have a lot of "stuff," but I chose to invest in audio equipment, because I really love music, and I appreciate listening to fine reproductions of quality tunes.
That, and concerts on Palladia are bad-a*s.
Title: What do you use to play back audio?
Post by: ozar on Tue, 05 May 2009, 12:30:32
Yes, I'm really anxious to see the new Strek Trek movie.  Oh, and Kirk really was awesome as far as Star Trek captains go.  I still watch the original series any time the opportunity presents itself.
Title: What do you use to play back audio?
Post by: bigpook on Tue, 05 May 2009, 15:24:36
Sorry, but Kirk was the Man!
Title: What do you use to play back audio?
Post by: ozar on Wed, 13 May 2009, 12:58:59
Quote from: bigpook;89236
Sorry, but Kirk was the Man!

Yeah, I was a little saddened that he didn't get to appear in the new movie.  It was good to hear that Nimoy got a small part, though.
Title: What do you use to play back audio?
Post by: o2dazone on Wed, 13 May 2009, 15:21:31
More than a small part, he wasn't just a cameo. I guess Shatner was outraged that he wasn't given a main role. I guess he's too busy doing Priceline commercials hahahahaha

spoilers, dont read the third paragraph if you haven't seen it (
Title: What do you use to play back audio?
Post by: itlnstln on Thu, 07 January 2010, 10:15:06
Nice.  I had a friend that had a whole Mirage setup.  The surrounds are pretty nice.  I prefer dipoles no matter what for my surrounds.  Engineers usually mix for dipoles, because dipoles are normally used in theaters. I would like upgrade the Def. Techs with an Axiom Audio setup.  I think they have switchable surrounds to go between dipole and bipole.
Title: What do you use to play back audio?
Post by: itlnstln on Thu, 07 January 2010, 10:37:07
Those GainClones are sweet.  There is no such thing as overkill when it comes to amplifier components.  Strong work.
Title: What do you use to play back audio?
Post by: timw4mail on Thu, 07 January 2010, 11:51:40
Uhh...I have yellowing 2.1 "Surround" Altec Lansing speakers.
Title: What do you use to play back audio?
Post by: AndrewZorn on Thu, 07 January 2010, 11:56:28

audio-technica ath-m50s
razer sound card...
foobar2000 + wasapi
Title: What do you use to play back audio?
Post by: watduzhkstand4 on Thu, 07 January 2010, 11:59:44
I have some cheap M-Audio AV40. I want to get something better for the vocals though. Any suggestions?
Title: What do you use to play back audio?
Post by: snerd on Thu, 07 January 2010, 13:13:13
I use:

but will be upgrading to:

(oh, that link doesn't get you the actual product... cantante.2)

I'm a headphone geek like you guys are keyboard geeks.
Title: What do you use to play back audio?
Post by: ricercar on Thu, 07 January 2010, 13:40:08
First magazine article I sold was documenting my Gainclone amp a decade before the Gainclone was invented (Speaker Builder Magazine, one of the 1987 issues). My 14-year old NAD went into service so I wrote up the construction of my 1-chip TDAnnnn amp, and it paid for the NAD service call and more. Wrote and illustrated the article on my Commodore 64. Those were the days.

Now I listen to Acoustat Electrostatics driven by a pair of Rotel 1070s. The TDA amp couldn't have driven even one of these electrostats had I strapped both channels to mono.
Title: What do you use to play back audio?
Post by: InSanCen on Thu, 07 January 2010, 15:48:12
I use standard onboard for now, will be getting an M-Audio 2496 at some point though.

Depending on what I'm listening to, it goes through a Unison Unico amp (Tube/Chip hybrid), or an old but nice Rotel 976. Speakers are craptastic Wharfedale Zaldek 1000's, but I will not be upgrading until my daughter is older (I am still fishing toys out of the speakers apparently an open bass tube is too much for a small child to resist!). I might pull out my old Mission 753's then.
Title: What do you use to play back audio?
Post by: keyb_gr on Thu, 07 January 2010, 17:09:32
Quote from: watduzhkstand4;148864
I have some cheap M-Audio AV40. I want to get something better for the vocals though. Any suggestions?

Basically those should be fine save for a bit of a midbass hump. Try getting them away from the desk vertically and leave a good bit of clearance at the rear.
Quote from: snerd;148878
I'm a headphone geek like you guys are keyboard geeks.

There are a few headphoniacs running around here, too, no worries. ;)

For da comp, I have some HD580s and a pair of VL-X5s.
Quote from: kishy;148931
Sony MDR-G42LP headphones (previous)
Sony MDR-G45LP headphones (current, but I'm torn between the 45 and the 42 because the 42s manage to sound deeper outdoors, but only outdoors...weird)

Thanks to my crystal ball, I can see some big headphone upgrades in your future... Sorry 'bout your wallet though. :P
Title: What do you use to play back audio?
Post by: snerd on Thu, 07 January 2010, 18:05:34
Quote from: keyb_gr;148937
Basically those should be fine save for a bit of a midbass hump. Try getting them away from the desk vertically and leave a good bit of clearance at the rear.

There are a few headphoniacs running around here, too, no worries. ;)

For da comp, I have some HD580s and a pair of VL-X5s.

Thanks to my crystal ball, I can see some big headphone upgrades in your future... Sorry 'bout your wallet though. :P

I managed to pick up some HD600s before Germany went to euro. They ended up being about $260 US. Otherwise I would have the HD580s too. I've also got Some etymotics for my subway ride, HD280s for sealed at work (picked them up for $69 on sale), some HD595s which lead to my buying of the 600s, and a few other misc experiments.

I really want to test some high end grados, but I generally don't like things touching my earlobes.
Title: What do you use to play back audio?
Post by: datamonger128 on Fri, 08 January 2010, 05:19:47
When using my main desktop, I normally use the speakers built into my TV along with an old set of Cambridge SoundWorks speakers.  I don't know the model number though.  As a matter of fact, I don't think there even is a model number.  I remember when I first got them the box just said Cambridge SoundWorks.  If I'm using headphones, whether it's on my desktop, iPod, or notebook, I use my Sennheiser HD 201 headphones.  Lots of people complain about them, but I find them more than suitable for my uses.

With my secondary desktop, which is an old G3 iMac, I just use the built-in speakers.  I don't really use that computer for much more than recording vinyl to a digital format.  I have my Ion USB turntable and Yamaha 5-disc changer hooked up to my Technics graphic equalizer which has a set of Creative speakers hooked up to it.  Not the best sound quality in the world, but it will do until I can get my studio monitors.
Title: What do you use to play back audio?
Post by: In Stereo! on Sun, 31 January 2010, 15:19:41

The amp and speakers were made in 1990 and were passed on to me by my father. The soundcard was bought last year. Not changing ever. And some AKG K271 MKII are VERY slowly coming to me. Hope that they'll sound fine on the EMU.
Title: What do you use to play back audio?
Post by: firestorm on Mon, 01 February 2010, 10:02:00
Until we can afford to finish our basement, plus find a workable layout for down there, our system is multi-purpose - movies and music.

Yamaha RX-V1300 receiver
Mains: Paradigm Monitor 7 towers
Center: Paradigm CC-270
Rears: Boston Acoustics HD-8 bookshelves
Sub: DIY Partsexpress 15" Quatro + SA240 Plate amp.
Music player: Slimdevices Squeezebox

I'd really like to build a Rythmik Audio kit to replace the sub.  The current sub is a monster somewhere around 35Hz, but rolls of fast below that.  It's fine for movies, and fast enough for music, but the lack of a flat response curve is noticeable to me.  It's in a sealed cabinet/enclosure that is too small.  I could fix the problem by building a vented cab, but it's good enough as-is that I'd rather wait for a more substantial upgrade.

If I were going for a pure music rig, I probably would have bought the Paradigm Studio 20 bookshelves, but I thought the fullness of the Monitor 7s would be better for music.  I'm not disappointed at all.  I'm not an audiophile, and I'm quite happy with the image produced by the 7s.

I have our Squeezebox connected via toslink and have about 500+ CDs ripped to FLAC (lossless).  I originally had the Squeezebox connected through stereo RCA, in order to take advantage of the Burr Brown DAC, but found that the DAC within the Yamaha RX-V1300 produced a much better image.  The image from the Burr Brown DAC was very flat and didn't protrude out into the room at all - very disappointing, but I guess that's why many SB owners send theirs out for upgrades or opt for the Transporter.
Title: What do you use to play back audio?
Post by: itlnstln on Mon, 01 February 2010, 10:45:33
I am going to have to put off my audio upgrades this year, I think.  I just got done spending an ass-ton of money getting my house re-decorated after some unfortunate event(s) left my house damn-near empty about a year or so ago.  It looks awesome, though, so I'll post some pics tomorrow, or something.  That said, I am considering getting rid of the "theater," so I will have to do some reevaulating to see what my needs would be.  The living room/dining room/kitchen (I have a very open floorplan) is a much larger space; the "theater" is really an appointed 11' x 12' bedroom.  The Def Tech 10" sub I have is nice for that space, but it's a bit anemic for the living room.  We'll see.
Title: What do you use to play back audio?
Post by: Wildcard on Sat, 18 February 2012, 14:05:04
Not sure if anyone has mentioned this yet. But in regards to high quality audio, one overlooked factor is the use of a power conditioner. Most audio systems are designed to handle slight fluctuations in power, but I figure why even take the chance when mixing components. I've picked up several PowerVar units at medical auctions to use with my setups and I've been very happy with the results.

I use to hear strange anomalies in some of my sound which stopped after the PowerVar's were put in. I bought so many of them, I have backup stock in my basement.

PowerVar has a nice read on "their" ABC's of power conditioning (
Title: What do you use to play back audio?
Post by: rknize on Sat, 18 February 2012, 18:12:46
Ripster is full of BS.  You need to spend at least $500 on a decent power cable.
Title: What do you use to play back audio?
Post by: Wildcard on Sat, 18 February 2012, 20:03:18
Quote from: ripster;518028
I don't even use a conditioner on my hair.  One of my friends raves about it.  I just upgraded to a 200Amp Panel and ignored him.  

You learn this stuff from building amps.  There is PLENTY of good power conditioning in a decent amp.

Yea but that's not where the problem is. The problem is in mixing components, DVD/Blu-Ray player, Media Center, minidisk ;)

Most modern electronic systems, however, have switched mode power supplies (SMPS). This type of power supply technology is largely immune to changes in power line voltage but in the process of making the power supply smaller, more efficient, and cheaper, the isolation transformer has been eliminated from the design. Systems with a switched mode power supply will require, at a minimum, a surge diverter, a noise filter, and an isolation transformer.

Essentially, your amp sounds good by itself, but your other equipment which feeds to the amp doesn't. Put it all behind a good power conditioner and you're covered, for the most part...
Title: What do you use to play back audio?
Post by: whiskerBox on Sat, 18 February 2012, 20:54:18
I use these to pump music privately

Title: What do you use to play back audio?
Post by: Wildcard on Sun, 19 February 2012, 16:37:19
I don't think SMPS is that bad, it regulates voltage and allows devices to be smaller, lighter, and cheaper. I guess you could create custom analog power supplies for your components, but I don't see the harm in putting them behind an all-in-one surge diverter, isolation transformer, and noise filter. My paradigm is based on experience doing some work at a few hospitals and noticing they had all their computers hooked up to Powervar units. Since I have a computer hooked up to most amps, I just put them all behind a Powervar unit and it works well.
Title: What do you use to play back audio?
Post by: rknize on Sun, 19 February 2012, 16:44:43
Much of the noise comes from back-EMF of other, cheap SMPS's.  This gets into the primary of the mains transformer in your analog supply and then gets coupled to the input via local EMF form the core.  A decent line filter is kills most of that.