
Site Announcements and Feedback => Announcements/Feedback/Suggestions => Topic started by: SpAmRaY on Sat, 17 January 2015, 09:23:06

Title: Sticky thread explaining how not to go into debt over the keyboard hobby?
Post by: SpAmRaY on Sat, 17 January 2015, 09:23:06
I know we have a large population of young people who may or may not understand the dangers of over spending, maxing out their credit cards and going into debt in general.

Granted this can happen to anyone but many of us 'older' folks have been there and done that and have the t-shirt.

Of course it is pretty obvious a good portion of members are obviously wealthy or their parents are so perhaps this is a non-issue.

But I know when I was younger I got into headphones and amps and good sources and cables etc over at head-fi and spent so much money in so little time I ended up having to sell it all when my car broke down, sad times. And even after joining geekhack I got in over my head a few times and most people were not helpful at all and were actually very nasty to me.

Many threads here are dedicated to showing off gear that is expensive and could be causing a lot of peer pressure for both adults and teens alike. Also many people who may be drawn to a forum like this may be predisposed to hoarding and or overcompensating anyway.

Anyways just a random thought perhaps we should encourage people to be cautious because the wallethack is REAL.
Title: Re: Sticky thread explaining how not to go into debt over the keyboard hobby?
Post by: heedpantsnow on Sat, 17 January 2015, 09:32:29
Yes. Keyboards are great, but debt and bad credit are real issues that no keyboard in the world is worth.

Thanks for posting this!
Title: Re: Sticky thread explaining how not to go into debt over the keyboard hobby?
Post by: Belfong on Sat, 17 January 2015, 09:34:48
/calculating the interest rate that the credit card company charged for a $710 Jack O Lantern purchase...


real issue indeed!
Title: Re: Sticky thread explaining how not to go into debt over the keyboard hobby?
Post by: CPTBadAss on Sat, 17 January 2015, 10:06:55
This is, not I don't think we should have to teach you how to budget. And I wouldn't learn about budgeting from a forum. There's plenty of better resources for that.
Title: Re: Sticky thread explaining how not to go into debt over the keyboard hobby?
Post by: SpAmRaY on Sat, 17 January 2015, 10:08:50
This is, not I don't think we should have to teach you how to budget. And I wouldn't learn about budgeting from a forum. There's plenty of better resources for that.

Who said anything about budgeting? All I'm saying is perhaps we shouldn't always be so quick to encourage people to spend lots of money on things they may or may not need.
Title: Re: Sticky thread explaining how not to go into debt over the keyboard hobby?
Post by: CPTBadAss on Sat, 17 January 2015, 10:11:52
If you think looking at pictures is peer pressure to buy, than you're a) well off and able to afford the goods b) need to step back and learn about budgeting and personal finances.
Title: Re: Sticky thread explaining how not to go into debt over the keyboard hobby?
Post by: Bromono on Sat, 17 January 2015, 10:13:18
If my card doesn't decline me I am good....right?
Title: Re: Sticky thread explaining how not to go into debt over the keyboard hobby?
Post by: SpAmRaY on Sat, 17 January 2015, 10:16:18
If you think looking at pictures is peer pressure to buy, than you're a) well off and able to afford the goods b) need to step back and learn about budgeting and personal finances.

I think there are many people who come here and are very impressionable and they may find themselves on a slippery slope. A simple word of caution to think before you spend wouldn't hurt anything.

I often wonder if many of the people who have left us have done so because they got in over their heads and lost it all just because keyboards.  :-\
Title: Re: Sticky thread explaining how not to go into debt over the keyboard hobby?
Post by: Belfong on Sat, 17 January 2015, 10:20:53
spamray has something there. The hive mind is very powerful and when everyone start oogling and get excited over an impending sales, it's easy for this enthusiasm to get caught by someone who is impressionable (I like this word!)
Title: Re: Sticky thread explaining how not to go into debt over the keyboard hobby?
Post by: exitfire401 on Sat, 17 January 2015, 10:43:59
Step 1) don't apply for a credit card in the first place.
Step 2) put 10% of your income into a savings account and invest another 10%
Step 3) ????
Step 4) enjoy your swimming pool full of clacks
-drops mic-
Title: Re: Sticky thread explaining how not to go into debt over the keyboard hobby?
Post by: dante on Sat, 17 January 2015, 10:59:05
Start shopping at your local GoodWill or PC recycler.

I picked up an uber rare Packard Bell ANSI White Alps board at GW for only 99 cents.

This guy ( picked up a Matias Quiet Pro at GW for $15!

Also look at local hobbyist computer shows; these typically have a "Free Pile" ... I picked up a Dell AT101 at one of these too.
Title: Re: Sticky thread explaining how not to go into debt over the keyboard hobby?
Post by: Melvang on Sat, 17 January 2015, 11:01:42
I get 4% of my gross income put into another bank account.  If I can't pay for something directly from that account, I don't need it.  This applies for play things and hobby stuffs.  I do have a credit card, but it is truely for emergency purposes.  I think between the wife and I, we have used it 4 times in the 7+ years we have been married.
Title: Re: Sticky thread explaining how not to go into debt over the keyboard hobby?
Post by: heedpantsnow on Sat, 17 January 2015, 12:25:27
My wife and I have an allowance of $100/m to spend on hobbies, clothes, haircuts, makeup, and eating out (not with the family). So I try to keep about $100-$150 "saved" just in case I win a clack or bro raffle. She keeps some saved in case she finds some shoes or whatever.
Title: Re: Sticky thread explaining how not to go into debt over the keyboard hobby?
Post by: SpAmRaY on Sat, 17 January 2015, 15:59:59
My wife and I have an allowance of $100/m to spend on hobbies, clothes, haircuts, makeup, and eating out (not with the family). So I try to keep about $100-$150 "saved" just in case I win a clack or bro raffle. She keeps some saved in case she finds some shoes or whatever.

Wonder if I could get my wife to stay on an allowance.....she thinks the checkbook is her allowance  :))
Title: Re: Sticky thread explaining how not to go into debt over the keyboard hobby?
Post by: PunksDead on Sat, 17 January 2015, 16:03:04
Geekhack comes with sacrifice. I put off ever driving a nice car in place of having a lot of sweet keyboards.
Title: Re: Sticky thread explaining how not to go into debt over the keyboard hobby?
Post by: byker on Sat, 17 January 2015, 16:05:48
Geekhack comes with sacrifice. I put off ever driving a nice car in place of having a lot of sweet keyboards.

Title: Re: Sticky thread explaining how not to go into debt over the keyboard hobby?
Post by: Puddsy on Sat, 17 January 2015, 16:08:34
This is, not I don't think we should have to teach you how to budget. And I wouldn't learn about budgeting from a forum. There's plenty of better resources for that.

Title: Re: Sticky thread explaining how not to go into debt over the keyboard hobby?
Post by: demik on Sat, 17 January 2015, 16:09:26
ppl don't need us to hold their hand, they're grown enough to make their own decisions.
Title: Re: Sticky thread explaining how not to go into debt over the keyboard hobby?
Post by: SpAmRaY on Sat, 17 January 2015, 16:11:36
ppl don't need us to hold their hand, they're grown enough to make their own decisions.

but, but they aren't all grown :eek:
Title: Re: Sticky thread explaining how not to go into debt over the keyboard hobby?
Post by: demik on Sat, 17 January 2015, 16:18:31
ppl don't need us to hold their hand, they're grown enough to make their own decisions.

but, but they aren't all grown :eek:

grown enough
Title: Re: Sticky thread explaining how not to go into debt over the keyboard hobby?
Post by: honoka on Sat, 17 January 2015, 16:53:09
I agree with Spam, but I also generally agree with demik, the one who says what I think but never post.... I think that the wallethack is real but I'm not sure that GH has the obligation to deter members from spending money. If you buy more stuff than you can afford maybe you need to learn that lesson? Tricky subject
Title: Re: Sticky thread explaining how not to go into debt over the keyboard hobby?
Post by: Geroximo on Sat, 17 January 2015, 19:20:04
Who said anything about budgeting? All I'm saying is perhaps we shouldn't always be so quick to encourage people to spend lots of money on things they may or may not need.

Yeah, people are commenting "a must buy", "I won't skip this one for sure", "my wallet is crying but i need this" even on the most boring and unoriginal keycap group-buys, which leads newbies to the belief, that they have to buy every goddamn keycap-set that shows up on [IC] and [GB] or they'll miss something.
Title: Re: Sticky thread explaining how not to go into debt over the keyboard hobby?
Post by: Dreamre on Sat, 17 January 2015, 19:52:07
This place is a drug. I've gone through 5 different keyboards...and it won't stop...
Title: Re: Sticky thread explaining how not to go into debt over the keyboard hobby?
Post by: tbc on Sat, 17 January 2015, 19:52:33
if someone is impressionable enough to be peer pressured into buying too many keycaps, the fact of the matter is, even if they don't overspend here, they're going to overspend on head fi or somewhere else instead.

with that in mind, I really rather have them contribute to our groupbuys.

the best thing would be that everyone would spend correctly, but we're not able to control others' actions through our computer screens.  that means we must teach them to control themselves.  quite frankly, there are already tens of thousands of easily found articles on how to manage your money.
Title: Re: Sticky thread explaining how not to go into debt over the keyboard hobby?
Post by: Belfong on Sat, 17 January 2015, 20:01:51

Who said anything about budgeting? All I'm saying is perhaps we shouldn't always be so quick to encourage people to spend lots of money on things they may or may not need.

Yeah, people are commenting "a must buy", "I won't skip this one for sure", "my wallet is crying but i need this" even on the most boring and unoriginal keycap group-buys, which leads newbies to the belief, that they have to buy every goddamn keycap-set that shows up on [IC] and [GB] or they'll miss something.


Especially if its Elrick talking, in a GMK group buy :)
Title: Re: Sticky thread explaining how not to go into debt over the keyboard hobby?
Post by: rowdy on Sat, 17 January 2015, 21:25:46
This would only work if you could get new members to actually read it.

And then to understand that it applies to them.

Might as well start another thread about the perils of buying and selling artisan keycaps, Clacks in particular :p
Title: Re: Sticky thread explaining how not to go into debt over the keyboard hobby?
Post by: Photekq on Sat, 17 January 2015, 21:28:38
If you have to explain to someone how to not get into debt over the keyboard hobby, then they probably deserve to be in debt over the keyboard hobby :))

Really, I don't understand how this could happen. It's simple, just don't spend money you don't have.
Title: Re: Sticky thread explaining how not to go into debt over the keyboard hobby?
Post by: pasph on Sun, 18 January 2015, 17:55:13
It's not only about money but also a distorted perception of reality, for ex. lurk enough in some photo forums and you'll start to think that you can't spend less than  $800 for a tripod
Title: Re: Sticky thread explaining how not to go into debt over the keyboard hobby?
Post by: tbc on Sun, 18 January 2015, 18:34:54
It's not only about money but also a distorted perception of reality, for ex. lurk enough in some photo forums and you'll start to think that you can't spend less than  $800 for a tripod


distorted perception has nothing to do with money.  it has to do with being gullible, lazy, and an unhealthy need to fit it at the expense of personal wellbeing.

those issues go FAR beyond money management.

remember: treat the root cause, not the symptoms
Title: Re: Sticky thread explaining how not to go into debt over the keyboard hobby?
Post by: Computer-Lab in Basement on Sun, 18 January 2015, 18:54:15
use logic
Title: Re: Sticky thread explaining how not to go into debt over the keyboard hobby?
Post by: Belfong on Sun, 18 January 2015, 18:57:28
When you spent time in GH and kept on seeing this Clackvent and Clack Therapy get bounced up daily in the Spy thread, and you wondered what the heck is clack and what's so big deal about it and then you said, hey, no harm trying and you get picked. It's like getting lottery! And then you realize you can't afford it. And.................. you are already in deep ****. That's what "distortion perception" can do to you.
Title: Re: Sticky thread explaining how not to go into debt over the keyboard hobby?
Post by: tbc on Sun, 18 January 2015, 19:24:32
When you spent time in GH and kept on seeing this Clackvent and Clack Therapy get bounced up daily in the Spy thread, and you wondered what the heck is clack and what's so big deal about it and then you said, hey, no harm trying and you get picked. It's like getting lottery! And then you realize you can't afford it. And.................. you are already in deep ****. That's what "distortion perception" can do to you.

i think that's the opposite of getting the lottery :P

you can afford anything after winning the lottery :P
Title: Re: Sticky thread explaining how not to go into debt over the keyboard hobby?
Post by: Evo_Spec on Sun, 18 January 2015, 19:46:20
When you spent time in GH and kept on seeing this Clackvent and Clack Therapy get bounced up daily in the Spy thread, and you wondered what the heck is clack and what's so big deal about it and then you said, hey, no harm trying and you get picked. It's like getting lottery! And then you realize you can't afford it. And.................. you are already in deep ****. That's what "distortion perception" can do to you.

I'm not gonna lie, i almost did this..... quickly realized that i don't have $50+ for a cap atm lol
Title: Re: Sticky thread explaining how not to go into debt over the keyboard hobby?
Post by: C5Allroad on Tue, 20 January 2015, 22:08:05
I haven't got into spending loads of dough yet. Really cautious about my money lol