
geekhack Community => geekhack Media => Topic started by: daviswalkers on Tue, 27 January 2015, 00:34:11

Title: Today was a glorious mail day!
Post by: daviswalkers on Tue, 27 January 2015, 00:34:11
I didn't see the thread for this sort of post already in existence, I already x-posted to there so if this needs deleted I understand.

So today I was sitting at work (I work at a call center), and there was quite a long gap between calls, so I decided now was as good a time as any to check my email to see if anything I have bought recently should be delivered soon, sadly I was only able to find the tracking information for one of my recent trades and all of my purchases didn't have any tracking information. Happily the trades tracking information showed delivered! I immediately requested an early departure as I just wanted to get home as what I had received was partially a surprise but just as rapidly as I had requested the leave it was denied. I then get off work at 11:00 PM EST. and am ready to rush home and check my loot, when one of my work friends decided he wanted to spend what felt like 24 hours, but in reality was 2, in deep discussion about his dissertation and his idea that an idea is actually a thing and not just an idea, which mind you was quite interesting to listen to but I felt bad because my mind was elsewhere.   After getting home I open my mail to not see one, not two, but three packages in my box! I quickly rushed inside and opened all three and here is my bounty!

Easy to view image gallery:

Also easy to view because you don't have to go to another website:
The first thing I opened was my Pexon cable, I'll be honest I had just got done sending an email to Pexon as it had been since 01/09/15 that it shipped, and while it was international his website stated ~10 days and I wanted to make sure I provided the correct shipping address as there is no tracking offered with his packages. Man is it beautiful! I had hoped it would be a bit longer but that is my own short coming as I'm sure I misread his instructions somehow but I will find a way to make this beautiful cord work :D!! Also cant forget to mention those candies were delish, now I have a craving for more sour sweets!
The next box was from nubbinator, his contained a mystery, as he noticed I had posted that a certain bro I had didn't quite match the color scheme I was going for and he felt it would match his perfectly and reached out to me, being completely new to the artisan cap scene I'm very lacking in information on trade etiquette so he walked me through what he felt was fair and helped me realize how in all honesty it's all subjective like art, as something I highly value could be of no value to someone else so there really isn't a way to say "your cap is worth this, so I'll give you this cap that's worth that and it's a fair trade" as I may not find value in what he has, in the end I was more than happy to trade him for whatever he wanted to send me because I knew it would be going to an amazing member of the community and that I would get at least one cap I found to be of value to me out of it.  However I ended up with 3! He ended up sending me the Purple Mummy that was my favorite out of what he had to offer which looks even better in person, as well as a transparent red, which I think will look amazing once I use what I'm going to open next on my Poker II, and a blue heart, that he himself made, I had mentioned to him that I was really looking for a blue cap to go on my Poker II but everything wasn't quite the right blue, however as this one is transparent as well I think it will end up matching quite well once, again, I go over what I opened next!
My final haul, sadly this is my second time ordering these, as the first time paypal decided it was going to provide a shipping address from 4 years ago and they never showed up, apparently whoever lives there now found a use for them so good on him... Anyway, I'm trying to get into keyboard modification, I started out with a Razor Black Widow about 5 years ago when one of my friends told me about mechanical keyboards and how "I was a noob and wouldn't be good at league if I was using a trashy rubber dome". After using that for about 3 years I started looking more into the culture, at which point I found /r/mk, they constantly talked about a terrible website named "geekwhack" that had nazi mods and the worst people on the internet, so naturally, being a heathen I am, I decided that I would try to find a home here. While I still use /r/MK for things like, what color scheme looks good on a poker II or what cool things have people done with their HHKB Pro 2, as I find it way easier for me to browse reddit than I do forums I use this site for the community and the in depth look into it rather than just the surface and it has pushed me to want to do more than just buy pretty key caps and colorful cases and such, but to rather make something of my own, so my first step to do so (damn that was a long winded intro to something so simple) was/is to buy a Poker II w/o LED's and add them myself. So here's the LED's I went with.

TLDR: Got a bunch of cool **** to help me expand my nerdom.

Sorry I'm really bad at formatting and grammatical stuff, English is something I've never been good at so I understand if my continuous run-on sentences annoy you to the point that you want me to leave this website :P
Title: Re: Today was a glorious mail day!
Post by: rowdy on Tue, 27 January 2015, 03:43:51

Title: Re: Today was a glorious mail day!
Post by: daviswalkers on Tue, 27 January 2015, 03:45:08


If you look at the very top of my post it states:
I didn't see the thread for this sort of post already in existence, I already x-posted to there so if this needs deleted I understand.

ya jerk!
Title: Re: Today was a glorious mail day!
Post by: rowdy on Tue, 27 January 2015, 03:49:29


If you look at the very top of my post it states:
I didn't see the thread for this sort of post already in existence, I already x-posted to there so if this needs deleted I understand.

ya jerk!

I read that as you didn't see that a thread for that already existed :))

Anyway you can lock this thread yourself, if you want, by clicking the "LOCK" button in the bottom left corner of the page.