
geekhack Community => Other Geeky Stuff => Topic started by: rowdy on Mon, 22 June 2015, 06:14:11

Title: NetBSD
Post by: rowdy on Mon, 22 June 2015, 06:14:11
Anyone here a NetBSD ( fan?

I like it because of it's small size, that everything (kernel and userland) are all packaged in one release, doesn't need much system resources, and is portable across dozens pf architectures.

I've run it on i386, amd64, cobalt, sparc, spacr64 and alpha.

Version 7.0 has reached RC1 - anyone using it?

Having said all that, I'm not actually running it on anything any more - most of my older hardware is long gone, and I needed to run a few things, including Java, that NetBSD unfortunately did not support very well.
Title: Re: NetBSD
Post by: osi on Mon, 22 June 2015, 06:18:13
I've only used BSD variants as a proof of concept :(
Title: Re: NetBSD
Post by: rowdy on Mon, 22 June 2015, 17:25:38
I've only used BSD variants as a proof of concept :(

Pretty much the same here.

I tried using it in a VM for miscellaneous development purposes, but the effort required to install and configure a usable desktop, plus the lack of Java support, kinda killed my enthusiasm.

It is about the only OS I could get to work on some of my older hardware, and it was great to see old alphas and the like firing up with the same messages :)
Title: Re: NetBSD
Post by: 1o57 on Mon, 22 June 2015, 17:39:41
As an embedded systems guy I was a fan of NetBSD, but I rarely use it now- for security intense projects I use OpenBSD for other applications I used FreeBSD (if I'm not using a Linux variant) based on project requirements...

Title: Re: NetBSD
Post by: dndlmx on Wed, 24 June 2015, 08:30:31
OpenBSD is small size and runs on loads of oddball machines too, enough for most people.
Title: Re: NetBSD
Post by: rowdy on Wed, 24 June 2015, 19:57:18
OpenBSD is small size and runs on loads of oddball machines too, enough for most people.

Is the community still as unfriendly and antagonistic as they were in the old days?
Title: Re: NetBSD
Post by: jwaz on Wed, 24 June 2015, 20:22:38
OpenBSD is small size and runs on loads of oddball machines too, enough for most people.

Is the community still as unfriendly and antagonistic as they were in the old days?

I'd say it's arguably much more friendly and open vs some of the Linux communities. :))
Title: Re: NetBSD
Post by: dndlmx on Wed, 24 June 2015, 20:51:14
It's true though,  team OpenBSD are notorious a-holes. That's 4ever homey.   :))
Title: Re: NetBSD
Post by: rowdy on Wed, 24 June 2015, 20:54:15
I made a tiny little contribution to NetBSD/cobalt a few years back and found the people I dealt with to be very patient and helpful.

Linux communities can be good or bad.

FreeBSD - I didn't really interact with that community, but did use it on a few servers many years ago.

OpenBSD I have not tried.