
Site Announcements and Feedback => Announcements/Feedback/Suggestions => Topic started by: iMav on Thu, 02 July 2015, 10:44:54

Title: Ok, NOW we are back!
Post by: iMav on Thu, 02 July 2015, 10:44:54
Title: Re: Ok, NOW we are back!
Post by: trizkut on Thu, 02 July 2015, 10:45:15
Title: Re: Ok, NOW we are back!
Post by: infiniti on Thu, 02 July 2015, 10:46:20
Title: Re: Ok, NOW we are back!
Post by: inanis on Thu, 02 July 2015, 10:47:24
Some database troubles this time?

Yeah for being back for real! :)

I missed you guys.  :-*
Title: Re: Ok, NOW we are back!
Post by: nmur on Thu, 02 July 2015, 10:48:01
Yeahh! I thought we were almost getting teased.
Title: Re: Ok, NOW we are back!
Post by: CPTBadAss on Thu, 02 July 2015, 10:50:38
Title: Re: Ok, NOW we are back!
Post by: azhdar on Thu, 02 July 2015, 10:52:30
Look like there is a rollback of what was posted earlier today.
Title: Re: Ok, NOW we are back!
Post by: meiosis on Thu, 02 July 2015, 10:53:01
Look like there is a rollback of what was posted earlier today.
That photekq guy tho..
Title: Re: Ok, NOW we are back!
Post by: Badwrench on Thu, 02 July 2015, 10:53:03
Thank you iMav. 
Title: Re: Ok, NOW we are back!
Post by: infiniti on Thu, 02 July 2015, 10:53:25

Title: Re: Ok, NOW we are back!
Post by: iMav on Thu, 02 July 2015, 10:53:28
Yes.  No details will be reveal to secure my self-esteem.  :)
Title: Re: Ok, NOW we are back!
Post by: A-train on Thu, 02 July 2015, 10:59:29
I can't access the search feature. Is that intentional?

An Error Has Occurred!
Unable to access the search daemon
Title: Re: Ok, NOW we are back!
Post by: Zeal on Thu, 02 July 2015, 11:00:59
That downtime felt longer than expected . :'(
Title: Re: Ok, NOW we are back!
Post by: HoffmanMyster on Thu, 02 July 2015, 11:02:19
:(  pls come back forever, geekhack

don't leave me again
Title: Re: Ok, NOW we are back!
Post by: iMav on Thu, 02 July 2015, 11:03:25
I can't access the search feature. Is that intentional?

An Error Has Occurred!
Unable to access the search daemon

That will be resolved in a couple of minutes.  :)

Title: Re: Ok, NOW we are back!
Post by: bazh on Thu, 02 July 2015, 11:05:40
Title: Re: Ok, NOW we are back!
Post by: Computer-Lab in Basement on Thu, 02 July 2015, 11:05:53
Title: Re: Ok, NOW we are back!
Post by: Dreamre on Thu, 02 July 2015, 11:08:49
WOOO! I felt so empty when GH was gone...
Title: Re: Ok, NOW we are back!
Post by: A-train on Thu, 02 July 2015, 11:10:16
I can't access the search feature. Is that intentional?

An Error Has Occurred!
Unable to access the search daemon

That will be resolved in a couple of minutes.  :)

Sounds good, thanks for your hard work!
Title: Re: Ok, NOW we are back!
Post by: derezzed on Thu, 02 July 2015, 11:18:32
You Have No Idea!  I cut my thumb on a Taylor Swift gif. It got really inflamed and started turning purple.  I couldn't access GeekHack to get help!  I called the poison hotline. They didn't know what to do! Why is there no MSDS for Taylor Swift gifs?!  Another example of our institutions not keeping up with technology.  I really started to panic.  Then I recalled some of the threads I've seen on GeekHack in the past and, on a hunch, I tried applying an Emma Stone gif to the wound.  It didn't cure the infection but it helped control it enough for my immune system to successfully fight it.  Thanks to GeekHack, I can continue to use this emoticon unironically  :thumb:

A word of advice for mechanical newbs: leave the handling of Taylor Swift gifs to trained professionals.  It's not worth the risk.
Title: Re: Ok, NOW we are back!
Post by: luckyryan333 on Thu, 02 July 2015, 11:22:50
 :thumb: :thumb: :thumb:
Good to see you guys again!
Title: Re: Ok, NOW we are back!
Post by: Sent on Thu, 02 July 2015, 11:24:49
I feel complete again.
Title: Re: Ok, NOW we are back!
Post by: atectatifern on Thu, 02 July 2015, 11:26:42
Welcome back! Is the ISP that threw you after the DoS over named and shamed anywhere?
Title: Re: Ok, NOW we are back!
Post by: iMav on Thu, 02 July 2015, 11:30:53
Search fixed.
Title: Re: Ok, NOW we are back!
Post by: Lurch on Thu, 02 July 2015, 11:31:24
iMav! iMav! iMav! iMav! iMav!
Title: Re: Ok, NOW we are back!
Post by: Computer-Lab in Basement on Thu, 02 July 2015, 11:32:27
Title: Re: Ok, NOW we are back!
Post by: atlas3686 on Thu, 02 July 2015, 11:37:44
That was a long couple days! :)
Title: Re: Ok, NOW we are back!
Post by: Freebird on Thu, 02 July 2015, 11:40:03
It was a dark time not having this tab open in my browser.
Title: Re: Ok, NOW we are back!
Post by: dustinhxc on Thu, 02 July 2015, 11:46:46
Yay thanks a ton!!! :) a week felt like an eternity!!!!
Title: Re: Ok, NOW we are back!
Post by: lasttycoon on Thu, 02 July 2015, 11:48:49
I heard a little about a DDOS, but what happened?
Title: Re: Ok, NOW we are back!
Post by: ShardZer0 on Thu, 02 July 2015, 11:51:55
So great to have this site open in my browser again! Hope you guys take out the script kiddie who DoS'd the site.
Title: Re: Ok, NOW we are back!
Post by: jerue on Thu, 02 July 2015, 11:53:45
This feels so weird....

Who am I?

What do I do?

Glad we're back  :)
Title: Re: Ok, NOW we are back!
Post by: jwaz on Thu, 02 July 2015, 12:16:11
Hi everyone!!!  8)
Title: Re: Ok, NOW we are back!
Post by: pizza_is_a_lie on Thu, 02 July 2015, 12:24:14
Congratulations. Welcome back, everybody!
Title: Re: Ok, NOW we are back!
Post by: asdfjkl36 on Thu, 02 July 2015, 12:24:44
We back boyz
Title: Re: Ok, NOW we are back!
Post by: Computer-Lab in Basement on Thu, 02 July 2015, 12:32:21
Title: Re: Ok, NOW we are back!
Post by: hashbaz on Thu, 02 July 2015, 12:41:16
Aww yiss  :cool:

 :llama: :llama: :llama: :llama: :llama: :llama:
Title: Re: Ok, NOW we are back!
Post by: Psybin on Thu, 02 July 2015, 12:45:03
hellll yeaaaasss   :thumb:

Although I think the downtime helped me out on that Bro Sale  :thumb:
Title: Re: Ok, NOW we are back!
Post by: byker on Thu, 02 July 2015, 12:52:13
Thanks imav for getting the site back up and running.  :)
Title: Re: Ok, NOW we are back!
Post by: JaccoW on Thu, 02 July 2015, 12:53:20
Excellent. No place like GH. :)
Title: Re: Ok, NOW we are back!
Post by: CommonCurt on Thu, 02 July 2015, 14:13:19
Yay!  Thank the gods  :)
Title: Re: Ok, NOW we are back!
Post by: mylove1431 on Thu, 02 July 2015, 14:34:37
Wellcome back everyone? Wot did u do when gh down ?  :p
Title: Re: Ok, NOW we are back!
Post by: SpAmRaY on Thu, 02 July 2015, 14:37:28
Wellcome back everyone? Wot did u do when gh down ?  :p
Title: Re: Ok, NOW we are back!
Post by: Computer-Lab in Basement on Thu, 02 July 2015, 14:45:58
Title: Re: Ok, NOW we are back!
Post by: rknize on Thu, 02 July 2015, 16:17:03
Thanks for finding us a new home, iMav!
Title: Re: Ok, NOW we are back!
Post by: ander on Thu, 02 July 2015, 17:08:51
Welcome back, guys! I was sorry to see GH down—but on the plus side, I got a bachelor's degree and learned two foreign languages with all the extra time I had.  :?)

I understand the kid who did the DDoS attack thought he was jamming a "hacker" site because of GH's name. Sheesh, what a loser.
Title: Re: Ok, NOW we are back!
Post by: rowdy on Thu, 02 July 2015, 18:15:37

Thank you iMav and the other admins :)
Title: Re: Ok, NOW we are back!
Post by: Doyniish on Thu, 02 July 2015, 21:15:20
Good work guys, glad it is back up and running!
Title: Re: Ok, NOW we are back!
Post by: demik on Thu, 02 July 2015, 21:17:54
thank you InternetMav
Title: Re: Ok, NOW we are back!
Post by: nogamesplayed on Thu, 02 July 2015, 23:30:08
 :thumb: :thumb: :thumb: :thumb: :thumb:
Title: Re: Ok, NOW we are back!
Post by: iMav on Fri, 03 July 2015, 01:52:48

Welcome back! Is the ISP that threw you after the DoS over named and shamed anywhere?

They are Lifeline Data Centers in Indianapolis.  It was a great near-decade run with them.  But I was definitely disappointed at how they managed the situation...
Title: Re: Ok, NOW we are back!
Post by: Coreda on Fri, 03 July 2015, 02:22:35
Title: Re: Ok, NOW we are back!
Post by: wupi on Fri, 03 July 2015, 06:13:28
Geekhack is much faster now.
Title: Re: Ok, NOW we are back!
Post by: atectatifern on Fri, 03 July 2015, 07:40:46
They are Lifeline Data Centers in Indianapolis.  It was a great near-decade run with them.  But I was definitely disappointed at how they managed the situation...

A gentlemanly way to put it. I have to find new hosting for a non-profit I work with in the next few months and appreciate the data point.
Title: Re: Ok, NOW we are back!
Post by: HendyZone on Fri, 03 July 2015, 07:41:58
Aw yess geekhack back forever <3

My internet just up now :))
Title: Re: Ok, NOW we are back!
Post by: PunksDead on Fri, 03 July 2015, 07:47:21
thank god,

i was lost without my DDOSing for beginners forum guides
