
geekhack Community => Off Topic => Topic started by: Air tree on Thu, 08 October 2015, 03:58:45

Title: What is your take on the Syrian refugee crisis? (Europeans wanted!)
Post by: Air tree on Thu, 08 October 2015, 03:58:45
Well after being utterly stumped on the whole situation over in europe with the syrian refugees, I'm quite curious what everyone's thoughts are on here.

I'm totally for the humanitarian side of things, and of course shouldn't turn away people from getting help from the conflict in their home country, but on another note, people are quite loud on the front of much higher crime rate with the influx of people, obvious thought it that it is the culture clash of progressive europe and with a conservative country such as europe.

The crime rate spike does seem to be a thing due to the migrants, but sifting through the information about how they file reports and the over inflation of crime rates and other things just make this whole thing a cluster **** in my mind and make this whole situation hard to grasp.

I wanted to try and get some outside perspective outside of racist sounding youtube comments and right wing propaganda websites (Like 'mrconservative')

Geekhack for the most part seems pretty sane and calm and collected when talking about serious issues.

TLDR; WHAT THE **** IS GOING ON IN EUROPE? (Please actually read the main post <3)
Title: Re: What is your take on the SYrian refugee crisis? (Europeans wanted!)
Post by: azhdar on Thu, 08 October 2015, 04:04:37
Murica turns upside down a country that was well working.
Europe take the consequences.

I'm totally up to take them in there. Just find it interesting that they move to the higher social assisted countries (germany, Sweden) when they are way harder to go to (especially sweden).
Eastern europe isn't good enough for them, I guess.

Title: Re: What is your take on the Syrian refugee crisis? (Europeans wanted!)
Post by: sth on Thu, 08 October 2015, 04:04:53
Geekhack for the most part seems pretty sane and calm and collected when talking about serious issues.


the netherlands has a PEGIDA branch now which is ridiculous because PEGIDA is run by neonazi ideologists and the netherlands was occuypied by the nazis during WW2. there is going to be a pegida anti-islamic/refugee immigration rally in my town this sunday and i expect there to be quite a lot of 'action' against them -- i will be there to witness, at the very least. here's hoping i'm not arrested for throwing eggs at neonazis  :-X
Title: Re: What is your take on the Syrian refugee crisis? (Europeans wanted!)
Post by: Air tree on Thu, 08 October 2015, 04:09:07
Geekhack is still better than the comments on any news site or youtube... :))
Title: Re: What is your take on the SYrian refugee crisis? (Europeans wanted!)
Post by: DanielT on Thu, 08 October 2015, 04:14:16
Murica turns upside down a country that was well working.
Europe take the consequences.

I'm totally up to take them in there. Just find it interesting that they move to the higher social assisted countries (germany, Sweden) when they are way harder to go to (especially sweden).
Eastern europe isn't good enough for them, I guess.

For some not even Germany is good enough, they complain the food is bad and the shelters are too small. Also some behave in a rather bizarre way for a refugee, throwing stones at passing Germans is not a nice way to say thank you (this really happened in München ). The sad part is that between the true refugees there are also some rotten apples that give a bad image to the whole situation.
The people really need help, now which is the best way to do it's another story. The effect of this "migration" will be seen in a couple of years. If the countries that offer asylum for the refugees don't have also a plan to integrate them, a long term plan not flowers and hugs, then I don't want think how it will look (I have an idea but I don't want to go there )
Title: Re: What is your take on the Syrian refugee crisis? (Europeans wanted!)
Post by: Air tree on Thu, 08 October 2015, 04:16:49
The really odd thing for me is a considerable amount of people around me think that taking in a measly 100,000 people is a death threat waiting to happen or something. and that is measly compared to the numbers other countries have taken in, with turkey taking in millions....

I'm tired of being spammed on facebook at how the majority of the people are male and are a terrorist army; and it appears those statistics are quite off, according to the UN
Title: Re: What is your take on the Syrian refugee crisis? (Europeans wanted!)
Post by: DanielT on Thu, 08 October 2015, 04:23:26
The really odd thing for me is a considerable amount of people around me think that taking in a measly 100,000 people is a death threat waiting to happen or something. and that is measly compared to the numbers other countries have taken in, with turkey taking in millions....

I'm tired of being spammed on facebook at how the majority of the people are male and are a terrorist army; and it appears those statistics are quite off, according to the UN
For a country like US 100k is nothing. For a country like Romania even 10k is a huge effort, we took around 6k. Germany took a lot of them, but the big problem they don't have decent laws and regulations for this kind of things and now they are swamped, I've read that the precessing rate is 20 a day  :eek:
What people don't realize is that some people that have nothing to do with Syria or other conflict region are trying to pass as refugees, and they are not a hand full. I know how shady people look, I'm East European, grew up in a shady neighbourhood  :)) and I saw a lot of people that don't belong to the refugees, a lot of them
Title: Re: What is your take on the Syrian refugee crisis? (Europeans wanted!)
Post by: sth on Thu, 08 October 2015, 04:23:56
The really odd thing for me is a considerable amount of people around me think that taking in a measly 100,000 people is a death threat waiting to happen or something. and that is measly compared to the numbers other countries have taken in, with turkey taking in millions....

I'm tired of being spammed on facebook at how the majority of the people are male and are a terrorist army; and it appears those statistics are quite off, according to the UN

yikes you must not be in bellingham/seattle/oly then. the rest of washington is a mean place :(
Title: Re: What is your take on the Syrian refugee crisis? (Europeans wanted!)
Post by: Fire Brand on Thu, 08 October 2015, 04:24:03
Don't mind rather have them here in the UK, providing they contribute to the economy which most do than getting needlessly killed.
Title: Re: What is your take on the Syrian refugee crisis? (Europeans wanted!)
Post by: Air tree on Thu, 08 October 2015, 04:28:51
The really odd thing for me is a considerable amount of people around me think that taking in a measly 100,000 people is a death threat waiting to happen or something. and that is measly compared to the numbers other countries have taken in, with turkey taking in millions....

I'm tired of being spammed on facebook at how the majority of the people are male and are a terrorist army; and it appears those statistics are quite off, according to the UN

yikes you must not be in bellingham/seattle/oly then. the rest of washington is a mean place :(
I thinks it's just some of my quite politically far right family who thinks universal health care is communism and that all muslims are terrorists or commit honour killings.  :-[
Title: Re: What is your take on the Syrian refugee crisis? (Europeans wanted!)
Post by: DanielT on Thu, 08 October 2015, 04:29:35
Don't mind rather have them here in the UK, providing they contribute to the economy which most do than getting needlessly killed.
In order to contribute you need to integrate them, learn the language, provide education for the children, it's not that easy. If these people are not integrated they will become a social burden and a huge problem. I know what I'm talking about, in Romania we have this with a specific ethnic minority (I'm trying to be political ****ing correct ).
Title: Re: What is your take on the Syrian refugee crisis? (Europeans wanted!)
Post by: hudson0804 on Thu, 08 October 2015, 04:33:08
Firstly, I want to say these poor bastards go through hell in the vague hope of a better life, the reality is something very different.

I have very mixed emotions when it comes to the whole refugee crisis, one side of me is very sympathetic, these people leave what little nothing they have and throw it all in to try for a better life.  The other side of me asks the question of how legitimate is their claim of asylum. 

I mean literally walk to the boarder of you country of choice and say "yeah, hi I'm from Syria and I'm fleeing for my life"  Thanks very much I'll make a new home in your country. 

They don't have to prove they're even Syrian - this is a very dangerous situation as the world is full of horrible dangerous people who would use this as a perfect opportunity for a clean slate. 

There is also the danger of the wolf in sheep's clothing - aka Islamic state terrorists infiltrate countries posing as refugees. 

The pictures we see on TV everyday is that of groups of males trying to "force" there way into other countries, this act is being met with sympathy and in some cases apathy - another dangerous situation. 

I don't know, I guess from my sofa in Britain the situation looks truly ****ed up and I and not very optimistic of this all ending well. 

Hopefully i am wrong. 

Title: Re: What is your take on the Syrian refugee crisis? (Europeans wanted!)
Post by: sth on Thu, 08 October 2015, 04:33:49
The really odd thing for me is a considerable amount of people around me think that taking in a measly 100,000 people is a death threat waiting to happen or something. and that is measly compared to the numbers other countries have taken in, with turkey taking in millions....

I'm tired of being spammed on facebook at how the majority of the people are male and are a terrorist army; and it appears those statistics are quite off, according to the UN

yikes you must not be in bellingham/seattle/oly then. the rest of washington is a mean place :(
I thinks it's just some of my quite politically far right family who thinks universal health care is communism and that all muslims are terrorists or commit honour killings.  :-[

trust me, i know; i'm from washington :) we all have those family members.
Title: Re: What is your take on the Syrian refugee crisis? (Europeans wanted!)
Post by: baldgye on Thu, 08 October 2015, 05:00:29
I think an issue that won't ever be resolved and will result in these migrants creating ghettos in the countries they do eventually settle in is that the world and culture they come from doesn't work with any European society. And that's not something you can teach people quickly, you look at the behavior of the migrants in Germany when a Koran was burned and there attitudes towards punishment and women, these ideas and beliefs don't work outside of the Middle East and cause problems.

I feel for these people as they have no where to go and never chose to be born Syrian, but its an issue with no quick fix. It's also very sad to see that in such a crisis Europe, this great coalition between some of the biggest countries in the world can't even come to an agreement on how this should be sorted out.
Another sad thing is that these people are here for the long haul, Syria is being turned into a battle field for not only ISIS and Assad forces but now also America and Russia for no obvious reason than to help out our glorious allies Saudi Arabia, the people ultimately responsible for ISIS and most modern Islam extremism.
Title: Re: What is your take on the SYrian refugee crisis? (Europeans wanted!)
Post by: Findecanor on Thu, 08 October 2015, 14:36:27
I'm totally up to take them in there. Just find it interesting that they move to the higher social assisted countries (germany, Sweden) when they are way harder to go to (especially sweden).
Eastern europe isn't good enough for them, I guess.
I think that it is not so much a question of social security system but about who would take them in with open arms. Sweden and Germany are the most friendly countries - and the refugees hear about that.
The neighbouring Denmark and Finland also have highly developed social security but the political climate there is more right-wing and in Denmark almost openly racist. I think Denmark is more of a transit-country for refugees to Sweden than a destination.

A couple of weeks ago I did ride trains from Germany and Denmark to Sweden - with some refugees among the rest of us. There were delays for sure and seat-reservations are now compulsory where before they were not. There was some bustling, but not that much.  I saw police, migration-workers and volunteers all along the route and all I can say is that I see them doing a great job.
However, on the station in Denmark I did chat with a guy with dark complexion who had immigrated to Denmark back in 1988 (!) and he complained that he was being hustled by racist Danish police who thought he was a recent immigrant. That happens sometimes in Sweden too, but it is much less tolerated - and has caused headlines and public outrage.

Back when the Berlin wall was still up, people in the West travelled to far-away countries but people in Eastern Europe almost never ever saw any foreigners so the attitudes are very different.
It seems to be easier for right-wing parties to gain a hold over in the previous Eastern Block.

I had an elderly neighbour over for dinner earlier tonight. She has signed up as a volunteer to care for a alone Syrian refugee teenager that is expected to arrive soon. While she is of Swedish descent, she was once a teacher of Swedish for Immigrants and she has a son that once converted to Islam (because the father) and speaks Arabic, so I think they are well suited for this task.
You won't find people like that everywhere.

In order to contribute you need to integrate them, learn the language, provide education for the children, it's not that easy. If these people are not integrated they will become a social burden and a huge problem. I know what I'm talking about, in Romania we have this with a specific ethnic minority (I'm trying to be political ****ing correct ).
Yeah, there are people from a Romanian ethnic minority sitting begging outside every ****ing supermarket over here. The Romanian government was notified about this problem over a year ago but has shown no ambition to take care of its own indigenous population. If they had seen opportunity closer to home then they would not have come here.

There are also young men from other parts of the Arab world and Africa coming into Western Europe that are not Syrian refugees. Their cause - economic - is not seen a legitimate cause, so they can't get refugee status and therefore they have a harder time settling down. When they can't get into the social security system (which does not entail just monetary aid, mind you... I mean the whole shebang of schools, education, social security number so they can get a job etc) then they turn to crime.
Those immigrants are the ones I am the most afraid of - and afraid for the future of. Not the refugees.
Title: Re: What is your take on the Syrian refugee crisis? (Europeans wanted!)
Post by: iri on Thu, 08 October 2015, 19:51:39
You can type "gypsies" or "Roma" instead of "Romanian ethnic minority". It will save space in geekhack's database along with some kittens.
Title: Re: What is your take on the Syrian refugee crisis? (Europeans wanted!)
Post by: Oobly on Fri, 09 October 2015, 03:39:22
I haven't actually solidified my views on this whole issue yet.

There are the good sides, like people who really are in danger of losing their lives if they stay getting help from other countries, but there are a lot of bad sides, too.

In Finland, we're already struggling financially, with emergency meetings in parliament to discuss how to adjust the country's budget to cope. With the influx of refugees who need social support before they can start working / contributing to Finnish society and finance, it's causing more antagonism than it would normally. The Finnish system is a bit odd, in that it's not that easy getting onto social security, but once you are, you're well looked after. Most refugees get not only an apartment to stay in and food to eat, but an allowance and some even a car if they qualify for it. This has already been a sticking point in politics before the current situation began. There always seem to be refugees flowing slowly into the country, it's just the country of origin that changes.

The problem with the way it's handled here, is that once a refugee is getting support, there's a large barrier to overcome to get work (language, skills, etc) and very little motivation to do so.

Finland's also a small country of hard working people with strong national pride, so it's easy to see how this is contributing to racist / antagonistic feelings towards immigrants in some people. Also, it's a bit hard to swallow taking in people from so far away, from culture and climates vastly different. Finns are also generally friendly and generous, though, so it's not the majority feeling.
Title: Re: What is your take on the Syrian refugee crisis? (Europeans wanted!)
Post by: Air tree on Fri, 09 October 2015, 03:58:54
You guys have created some hope for me, if I was only exposed to youtube comments and news article comments, I would be convinced that europe is quite xenophobic and that all the refugees where terrorists.  :))
Title: Re: What is your take on the Syrian refugee crisis? (Europeans wanted!)
Post by: baldgye on Fri, 09 October 2015, 04:37:03
You can type "gypsies" or "Roma" instead of "Romanian ethnic minority". It will save space in geekhack's database along with some kittens.

Why bring Italy into this?
Title: Re: What is your take on the Syrian refugee crisis? (Europeans wanted!)
Post by: sth on Fri, 09 October 2015, 04:37:40
Title: Re: What is your take on the Syrian refugee crisis? (Europeans wanted!)
Post by: Fire Brand on Fri, 09 October 2015, 05:01:02
You guys have created some hope for me, if I was only exposed to youtube comments and news article comments, I would be convinced that europe is quite xenophobic and that all the refugees where terrorists.  :))
In the UK we are but we hate the other country's in the UK for example a lot of people around me (not myself mind you) strongly dislike the Scottish currently

Or you can just be like everyone here and rip into photek but I like him :p

Also apparently David Cameron says Yorkshire men hate each other new to me since everyone from where I am calls everyone love and is quite friendly, like get this if you ask someone a question at a bus stop they will actually give you the time of day O.O to respond and help

Title: Re: What is your take on the Syrian refugee crisis? (Europeans wanted!)
Post by: tp4tissue on Fri, 09 October 2015, 05:04:41
You guys have created some hope for me, if I was only exposed to youtube comments and news article comments, I would be convinced that europe is quite xenophobic and that all the refugees where terrorists.  :))
In the UK we are but we hate the other country's in the UK for example a lot of people around me (not myself mind you) strongly dislike the Scottish currently

Or you can just be like everyone here and rip into photek but I like him :p

Also apparently David Cameron says Yorkshire men hate each other new to me since everyone from where I am calls everyone love and is quite friendly, like get this if you ask someone a question at a bus stop they will actually give you the time of day O.O to respond and help

Exactly.. Their concept of Love has become so diluted that it's no more endearing than a common pronoun for total strangers..

Title: Re: What is your take on the Syrian refugee crisis? (Europeans wanted!)
Post by: baldgye on Fri, 09 October 2015, 05:06:49

I understood what iri was chatting about but have never seen it shorted to Roma (which is the capital of Italy)
Title: Re: What is your take on the Syrian refugee crisis? (Europeans wanted!)
Post by: iri on Fri, 09 October 2015, 06:11:42
Sono russo. No parlo italiano. Va fare in culo. Arrivederci.
Title: Re: What is your take on the Syrian refugee crisis? (Europeans wanted!)
Post by: baldgye on Fri, 09 October 2015, 06:13:44
ciao bella
Title: Re: What is your take on the Syrian refugee crisis? (Europeans wanted!)
Post by: DanielT on Fri, 09 October 2015, 11:01:23

I understood what iri was chatting about but have never seen it shorted to Roma (which is the capital of Italy)
Roma it's unknown to me too, Romani is the official name, gipsy( or țigani) is seen as a bad word and not officialy accepted. Anyway this doesn't matter, the point is the same, whenever there is a huge cultural gap the integration is a very complicated process and both sides have to want this.

I can speak for myself, I don't care about race, religion, sexual orientation, alimentar habbits as long as the other party does the same, I'm tolerant with tolerant people. I hate every form of extremism, also "political correct" stuff is a form of extremisms ....
Title: Re: What is your take on the Syrian refugee crisis? (Europeans wanted!)
Post by: NewbieOneKenobi on Fri, 09 October 2015, 13:30:21
Well, my take is that we need to accept those who really are fleeing war, fleeing persecution. As well as those who have no place to go.

We probably should accept economic immigrants as well — but they should receive admission and guidance only, not any sort of privileged treatment, treating them better than the local poor are treated. Unfortunately, in their progressive/politically correct mindset many governments (including local gov'ts) are falling in this trap.

Whom we shouldn't accept are violent folks, those who help themselves with the pretty girls they see, or those who can't help rioting and throwing stones at the police, or those who attack religious Christian folks for wearing a crucifix, or those of the Muslim religion who bully their Christian co-refugees. There should be no place for such people in Europe.

What is really unfortunate is that in some countries the authorities are too lenient on the violent ones, including very low sentences for rape, like community service kind of range of punishment for that horrific crime, just because dude's a refugee from a Muslim country in the Levant. I've been to those countries, met the people, enjoyed it there, and it would be a racist statement to claim that being born there somehow conditions one into being a rapist. This is the kind of racism that those politically correct people don't even realize they are practicing. Real inclusiveness, real respect comes when you hold people to the same standards as you would expect from your own citizens (not just rights but also responsibility).
Title: Re: What is your take on the Syrian refugee crisis? (Europeans wanted!)
Post by: Oobly on Fri, 09 October 2015, 14:17:01
... Real inclusiveness, real respect comes when you hold people to the same standards as you would expect from your own citizens (not just rights but also responsibility).

^^^ Great statement right there. Totally agree.
Title: Re: What is your take on the Syrian refugee crisis? (Europeans wanted!)
Post by: Altis on Fri, 09 October 2015, 16:27:52
I know this is mostly for Europeans, but we have a national election here in Canada this month and it's a major election issue.

The national media (CBC) and most other mainstream media here are extremely biased in how they have been portraying the issue. They don't talk about anything bad happening as a result, or that most migrants aren't refugees, or the high proportion of young males.

What really set it off was the photo of the young boy, Alan Kurdi. The story originally stated that the boy and his family had applied for refugee status here in Canada and had been denied; as a result, the media and two left-wing parties (the right-wing conservatives are in power currently) blamed the government and one guy in particular for this boy's death.

Then it started coming out that actually that family hadn't applied. The sister of the father, who lives in Canada, only applied for their other brother. The media still relentlessly tried to make them accountable for his death.

It's really been a hot conflict here in terms of what to do. The left parties want to let in as many people as possible while the right party wants to let people in, but use caution when making sure that the people are actually in need and from conflict countries.

I'm liberal-left myself (not far progressive-left) and it's astounded me how vicious the progressive left has been. They just call anyone who doesn't want everyone in the world to come here, be housed and financed, a racist. It's all about acting morally superior when really, I think they only are trying to make themselves look and feel good.

The result is the right-wing conservatives are actually appearing far more moderate and are gaining support from a lot of people that otherwise wouldn't consider them.
Title: Re: What is your take on the Syrian refugee crisis? (Europeans wanted!)
Post by: kurplop on Fri, 09 October 2015, 19:06:31
I've heard that if you go far enough to the right or left, you'll run into the same bunch of idiots.
Title: Re: What is your take on the Syrian refugee crisis? (Europeans wanted!)
Post by: Photekq on Fri, 09 October 2015, 19:14:42
USA and Saudi Arabia fuel a "civil war" which creates nothing but suffering and misery for those who used to reside in a relatively free & peaceful country. The same thing happened to Libya.

Many attempt to come to Europe in order to escape this. Most do not intend to stay in Europe longer than necessary; most refugees from Syria who were interviewed said clearly that they wanted nothing more than to be able to return to their families and their beautiful home country. To reiterate in different words : almost nobody coming to Europe from Syria is an economic migrant.

However, along with these genuine Syrian refugees come countless economic migrants from countries other than Syria. The vast majority of which are young men without families. They are enterprising youths seeking a better life not refugees fleeing a war-torn country. They are men who see a weakness in the current stance of the EU and aim to take advantage of it. All they need to do is come to a European shore lacking a passport.

Of course, we've already seen that accepting these huge numbers of young men who hold ideals that are incompatible with Western society leads to nothing but strife and violence. There have been numerous examples of violence and protest in and around areas with large numbers of "refugees". Many attempts to hand out water & aid have been declined and met with hatred. It's blatantly clear that the majority of these people feel as if they are entitled to something and are only here to take advantage. The latter shows itself when looking at the number of people who specifically move to countries where they can claim more benefits.

I think that we should accept Syrian refugees into Europe, as they have a genuine reason to be here - they are not safe in their own country because of war. I think we must require proof that they are who they claim to be and we must stop accepting economic migrants from other parts of the world. I also think that the USA and Saudi Arabia should accept more refugees than Europe since they are responsible for this war, but of course they will not.

I'm just thankful that Russia is intervening. Assad is not perfect, however I do not think there is a stable future for Syria without Assad. I see the situation as similar to Libya. Gaddafi and Assad were/are not perfect, but they both maintain/ed relatively free and peaceful countries. If Assad is removed as Gaddafi was and the "rebels" succeed, I think it's inevitable that Syria will become just like Libya is today. A shell of a country.
Title: Re: What is your take on the Syrian refugee crisis? (Europeans wanted!)
Post by: Lanx on Fri, 09 October 2015, 23:53:14
My opinion is to not take them in, and let them be. if they find help somewhere else, good for them, if they end up dying, oh well.

yea, that sounds bleak and and horrible, but we're countries for a reason, we have borders for a reason. Theres a real easy answer to why the US North border to Canada is laughable and the southern border to Mexico is almost shoot on sight.

The US would not be able to sustain the amount of Mexicans that want to live the American dream if they just "opened up the borders".
Title: Re: What is your take on the Syrian refugee crisis? (Europeans wanted!)
Post by: iri on Sat, 10 October 2015, 03:40:53
Well, my take is that we need to accept those who really are fleeing war, fleeing persecution. As well as those who have no place to go.

We probably should accept economic immigrants as well — but they should receive admission and guidance only, not any sort of privileged treatment, treating them better than the local poor are treated. Unfortunately, in their progressive/politically correct mindset many governments (including local gov'ts) are falling in this trap.

Whom we shouldn't accept are violent folks, those who help themselves with the pretty girls they see, or those who can't help rioting and throwing stones at the police, or those who attack religious Christian folks for wearing a crucifix, or those of the Muslim religion who bully their Christian co-refugees. There should be no place for such people in Europe.

What is really unfortunate is that in some countries the authorities are too lenient on the violent ones, including very low sentences for rape, like community service kind of range of punishment for that horrific crime, just because dude's a refugee from a Muslim country in the Levant. I've been to those countries, met the people, enjoyed it there, and it would be a racist statement to claim that being born there somehow conditions one into being a rapist. This is the kind of racism that those politically correct people don't even realize they are practicing. Real inclusiveness, real respect comes when you hold people to the same standards as you would expect from your own citizens (not just rights but also responsibility).
Are you European?
Title: Re: What is your take on the Syrian refugee crisis? (Europeans wanted!)
Post by: baldgye on Sat, 10 October 2015, 03:41:06
Why the **** would you want people seeking help and asylum going to literally one of the most actively evil places on the planet?!
Title: Re: What is your take on the Syrian refugee crisis? (Europeans wanted!)
Post by: Findecanor on Sat, 10 October 2015, 06:36:24
You can type "gypsies" or "Roma" instead of "Romanian ethnic minority". It will save space in geekhack's database along with some kittens.
The Romani I was referring to are specifically from Romania: born and raised there by Romanian Romani, with houses and family in Romania.
There are Romani from other countries, including Sweden - but none of them are a problem.

Those words can be a bit confusing though, and I am a bit confused as to which other words are considered PK or not ...
The word "gypsy" refers to Egypt, and is misleading because Romani don't originate there.
Title: Re: What is your take on the Syrian refugee crisis? (Europeans wanted!)
Post by: sth on Sat, 10 October 2015, 07:18:57
Well, my take is that we need to accept those who really are fleeing war, fleeing persecution. As well as those who have no place to go.

We probably should accept economic immigrants as well — but they should receive admission and guidance only, not any sort of privileged treatment, treating them better than the local poor are treated. Unfortunately, in their progressive/politically correct mindset many governments (including local gov'ts) are falling in this trap.

Whom we shouldn't accept are violent folks, those who help themselves with the pretty girls they see, or those who can't help rioting and throwing stones at the police, or those who attack religious Christian folks for wearing a crucifix, or those of the Muslim religion who bully their Christian co-refugees. There should be no place for such people in Europe.

What is really unfortunate is that in some countries the authorities are too lenient on the violent ones, including very low sentences for rape, like community service kind of range of punishment for that horrific crime, just because dude's a refugee from a Muslim country in the Levant. I've been to those countries, met the people, enjoyed it there, and it would be a racist statement to claim that being born there somehow conditions one into being a rapist. This is the kind of racism that those politically correct people don't even realize they are practicing. Real inclusiveness, real respect comes when you hold people to the same standards as you would expect from your own citizens (not just rights but also responsibility).
Are you European?

are you?
Title: Re: What is your take on the Syrian refugee crisis? (Europeans wanted!)
Post by: Air tree on Sat, 10 October 2015, 07:28:40
Well, my take is that we need to accept those who really are fleeing war, fleeing persecution. As well as those who have no place to go.

We probably should accept economic immigrants as well — but they should receive admission and guidance only, not any sort of privileged treatment, treating them better than the local poor are treated. Unfortunately, in their progressive/politically correct mindset many governments (including local gov'ts) are falling in this trap.

Whom we shouldn't accept are violent folks, those who help themselves with the pretty girls they see, or those who can't help rioting and throwing stones at the police, or those who attack religious Christian folks for wearing a crucifix, or those of the Muslim religion who bully their Christian co-refugees. There should be no place for such people in Europe.

What is really unfortunate is that in some countries the authorities are too lenient on the violent ones, including very low sentences for rape, like community service kind of range of punishment for that horrific crime, just because dude's a refugee from a Muslim country in the Levant. I've been to those countries, met the people, enjoyed it there, and it would be a racist statement to claim that being born there somehow conditions one into being a rapist. This is the kind of racism that those politically correct people don't even realize they are practicing. Real inclusiveness, real respect comes when you hold people to the same standards as you would expect from your own citizens (not just rights but also responsibility).
Are you European?

are you?

<3 you iri
Title: Re: What is your take on the Syrian refugee crisis? (Europeans wanted!)
Post by: Photekq on Sat, 10 October 2015, 08:19:23
Why the **** would you want people seeking help and asylum going to literally one of the most actively evil places on the planet?!
Are you referring to the USA or Saudi Arabia? In either case - beggars can't be choosers.
Title: Re: What is your take on the Syrian refugee crisis? (Europeans wanted!)
Post by: baldgye on Sat, 10 October 2015, 09:57:42
Why the **** would you want people seeking help and asylum going to literally one of the most actively evil places on the planet?!
Are you referring to the USA or Saudi Arabia? In either case - beggars can't be choosers.

Clueless is as clueless does I guess
Title: Re: What is your take on the Syrian refugee crisis? (Europeans wanted!)
Post by: Photekq on Sat, 10 October 2015, 10:02:22
Clueless is as clueless does I guess
I don't understand what you're trying to say.
Title: Re: What is your take on the Syrian refugee crisis? (Europeans wanted!)
Post by: baldgye on Sat, 10 October 2015, 10:28:41
Clueless is as clueless does I guess
I don't understand what you're trying to say.

Title: Re: What is your take on the Syrian refugee crisis? (Europeans wanted!)
Post by: Photekq on Sat, 10 October 2015, 10:35:13
If you were a bit more specific it would avoid my being confused. Are you calling me clueless because I assumed "one of the most actively evil places on the planet" to be either the USA or Saudi Arabia? Or are you calling me clueless because I said "beggars can't be choosers"?

Title: Re: What is your take on the Syrian refugee crisis? (Europeans wanted!)
Post by: baldgye on Sat, 10 October 2015, 10:42:50
If you were a bit more specific it would avoid my being confused. Are you calling me clueless because I assumed "one of the most actively evil places on the planet" to be either the USA or Saudi Arabia? Or are you calling me clueless because I said "beggars can't be choosers"?

I'm calling you clueless because you clearly have no ****ing idea what your talking about if you think that SA and the USA are even remotely comparable places for people seeking asylum.
I'm sorry I find it difficult not to confuse dumb ****s who just chat **** in some deranged effort to try and be edgy, when they clearly have no ****ing clue what they are talking about. But then what would I expect from a child who wanted to vote for UKIP?
Title: Re: What is your take on the Syrian refugee crisis? (Europeans wanted!)
Post by: Photekq on Sat, 10 October 2015, 11:27:06
I'm calling you clueless because you clearly have no ****ing idea what your talking about if you think that SA and the USA are even remotely comparable places for people seeking asylum.
I never said they were comparable places for those people. Again, I think that beggars can't be choosers. Why would someone turn their nose up at the USA (or some of the eastern EU members for that matter)when they're currently trying to flee a country that is war-torn? Ok, SA I can understand, but it's not as if they're offering to take people in anyway.
I'm sorry I find it difficult not to confuse dumb ****s who just chat **** in some deranged effort to try and be edgy, when they clearly have no ****ing clue what they are talking about.
No, it's just that you clearly find it difficult to construct sentences and responses that are clear. Is that your dyslexia or do you just find it laborious? As I said, you weren't specific enough. I'm "chatting" what I see to be the truth. If you see what I'm chatting to be **** then you could at least attempt to refute it instead of just calling me a "dumb ****" and giving vague responses.
But then what would I expect from a child who wanted to vote for UKIP?
Eh, as I think I've said I have changed my views on UKIP. I don't agree with a lot of their policies and my views don't really align perfectly with any of their policies aside from their wanting to leave the EU. I don't really think they're much better than any of the other parties and if I did vote for them it would only be protest. Who did you vote for out of curiosity?
Title: Re: What is your take on the Syrian refugee crisis? (Europeans wanted!)
Post by: baldgye on Sat, 10 October 2015, 11:39:21
Sorry Photekq I came to a realisation half way though my reply to you that explaining to you, how clueless and brain dead you are, is wasted energy.
Title: Re: What is your take on the Syrian refugee crisis? (Europeans wanted!)
Post by: Photekq on Sat, 10 October 2015, 11:44:38
Sorry Photekq I came to a realisation half way though my reply to you that explaining to you, how clueless and brain dead you are, is wasted energy.
Ok. Thank you. If you don't want to argue that's fair enough, but there's no need to resort to personal attack. That's just childish.

Could you at least answer my final question? I really am curious.
Title: Re: What is your take on the Syrian refugee crisis? (Europeans wanted!)
Post by: byker on Sat, 10 October 2015, 11:44:50
Sorry Photekq I came to a realisation half way though my reply to you that explaining to you, how clueless and brain dead you are, is wasted energy.

Kinda rude when this thread encouraged people's opinions and photekq gave his. His opinion is worth as much as anyone else's. Why not have a proper discussion about it, rather than resulting to name calling?
Title: Re: What is your take on the Syrian refugee crisis? (Europeans wanted!)
Post by: baldgye on Sat, 10 October 2015, 12:04:09
Sorry Photekq I came to a realisation half way though my reply to you that explaining to you, how clueless and brain dead you are, is wasted energy.

Kinda rude when this thread encouraged people's opinions and photekq gave his. His opinion is worth as much as anyone else's. Why not have a proper discussion about it, rather than resulting to name calling?

Which is what russles me the most
Title: Re: What is your take on the Syrian refugee crisis? (Europeans wanted!)
Post by: Photekq on Sat, 10 October 2015, 12:08:14
Which is what rustles me the most
Again, if you don't want to argue that's fine, but don't go making these vague snarky comments. They don't mean anything unless you back them up with reasons/proof that what I'm saying is false.
Title: Re: What is your take on the Syrian refugee crisis? (Europeans wanted!)
Post by: baldgye on Sat, 10 October 2015, 13:19:46
Which is what rustles me the most
Again, if you don't want to argue that's fine, but don't go making these vague snarky comments. They don't mean anything unless you back them up with reasons/proof that what I'm saying is false.

If you read current affairs or had any clue about the world outside your narrow little world you might have some idea as to why I'm not going to the effort to argue against your nonsense.

Title: Re: What is your take on the Syrian refugee crisis? (Europeans wanted!)
Post by: Photekq on Sat, 10 October 2015, 13:41:45
If you read current affairs or had any clue about the world outside your narrow little world you might have some idea as to why I'm not going to the effort to argue against your nonsense.

I do read current affairs. I try to get a broad view of the world by observing as many sources from different parts of the world as I can, although I typically stay away from popular western media due to the degree to which it is biased, especially against Assad, Putin and anti-immigration.

When it comes to vast issues like this it's incredibly hard to find truths. There is bias and propaganda from all sides. All we can do is observe sources, evaluate the credibility of those sources and then take from them what we see fit. This is what I've done.

Perhaps your thinking that what I'm saying is baseless nonsense says something about the lack of diversity in the sources which you observe. I assure you that nothing I've said is the product of my own imagination.
Title: Re: What is your take on the Syrian refugee crisis? (Europeans wanted!)
Post by: baldgye on Sat, 10 October 2015, 14:02:52
If you read current affairs or had any clue about the world outside your narrow little world you might have some idea as to why I'm not going to the effort to argue against your nonsense.

I do read current affairs. I try to get a broad view of the world by observing as many sources from different parts of the world as I can, although I typically stay away from popular western media due to the degree to which it is biased, especially against Assad, Putin and anti-immigration.

When it comes to vast issues like this it's incredibly hard to find truths. There is bias and propaganda from all sides. All we can do is observe sources, evaluate the credibility of those sources and then take from them what we see fit. This is what I've done.

Perhaps your thinking that what I'm saying is baseless nonsense says something about the lack of diversity in the sources which you observe. I assure you that nothing I've said is the product of my own imagination.

You think asylum seekers should go to Saudi Arabia. Your a ****ing moron lmao

Yeah I guess I shouldn't call people out when they say dumb things as everyone is entitled to an opinion and everyone's opinion is as valuable as everyone else's. It's the beautiful world we live in. But I shouldn't be rude about it, oh no, it's not nice to be rude... Lmao
Title: Re: What is your take on the Syrian refugee crisis? (Europeans wanted!)
Post by: Photekq on Sat, 10 October 2015, 15:06:25
You think asylum seekers should go to Saudi Arabia. You're a ****ing moron lmao
I never said that. I said that Saudi Arabia should OFFER to take in refugees, since they're one of the two main reasons there is a war in Syria. But of course I know this will never happen..

In fact, I later said the complete opposite of what you're saying I said. I said that I could understand Syrians choosing to stay in Syria rather than flee to SA.

I'm calling you clueless because you clearly have no ****ing idea what your talking about if you think that SA and the USA are even remotely comparable places for people seeking asylum.
I never said they were comparable places for those people. Again, I think that beggars can't be choosers. Why would someone turn their nose up at the USA (or some of the eastern EU members for that matter)when they're currently trying to flee a country that is war-torn? Ok, SA I can understand, but it's not as if they're offering to take people in anyway.

Stop "chatting ****" pal.
Title: Re: What is your take on the Syrian refugee crisis? (Europeans wanted!)
Post by: azhdar on Sat, 10 October 2015, 15:18:30
baldgye if you want to have constructive discussions you should really stop calling people out and actually have a discussion.

If you can't do that you should really stay out of conversations you are clueless about.
Title: Re: What is your take on the Syrian refugee crisis? (Europeans wanted!)
Post by: Lanx on Sat, 10 October 2015, 20:17:06
If you read current affairs or had any clue about the world outside your narrow little world you might have some idea as to why I'm not going to the effort to argue against your nonsense.

I do read current affairs. I try to get a broad view of the world by observing as many sources from different parts of the world as I can, although I typically stay away from popular western media due to the degree to which it is biased, especially against Assad, Putin and anti-immigration.

When it comes to vast issues like this it's incredibly hard to find truths. There is bias and propaganda from all sides. All we can do is observe sources, evaluate the credibility of those sources and then take from them what we see fit. This is what I've done.

Perhaps your thinking that what I'm saying is baseless nonsense says something about the lack of diversity in the sources which you observe. I assure you that nothing I've said is the product of my own imagination.

You think asylum seekers should go to Saudi Arabia. Your a ****ing moron lmao

Yeah I guess I shouldn't call people out when they say dumb things as everyone is entitled to an opinion and everyone's opinion is as valuable as everyone else's. It's the beautiful world we live in. But I shouldn't be rude about it, oh no, it's not nice to be rude... Lmao
Y u ruin da party? Learn2 forum better.
I swear this stems from baldguy being jelly of photeks avatar

Title: Re: What is your take on the Syrian refugee crisis? (Europeans wanted!)
Post by: Photekq on Sat, 10 October 2015, 20:57:29
Yeah I guess I shouldn't call people out when they say dumb things
You should also properly read what people say and avoid being slanderous.

I swear this stems from baldguy being jelly of photeks avatar
As he should be. He probably thinks he was a nasty racist who chatted a lot of **** though.
Title: Re: What is your take on the Syrian refugee crisis? (Europeans wanted!)
Post by: hwood34 on Sat, 10 October 2015, 21:12:38
People usually resort to name-calling right around the time when they have no argument left. Seems like baldgye just can't manage to construct a coherent rebuttal
Title: Re: What is your take on the Syrian refugee crisis? (Europeans wanted!)
Post by: tbc on Sun, 11 October 2015, 02:58:29
If you read current affairs or had any clue about the world outside your narrow little world you might have some idea as to why I'm not going to the effort to argue against your nonsense.

I do read current affairs. I try to get a broad view of the world by observing as many sources from different parts of the world as I can, although I typically stay away from popular western media due to the degree to which it is biased, especially against Assad, Putin and anti-immigration.

When it comes to vast issues like this it's incredibly hard to find truths. There is bias and propaganda from all sides. All we can do is observe sources, evaluate the credibility of those sources and then take from them what we see fit. This is what I've done.

Perhaps your thinking that what I'm saying is baseless nonsense says something about the lack of diversity in the sources which you observe. I assure you that nothing I've said is the product of my own imagination.

You think asylum seekers should go to Saudi Arabia. Your a ****ing moron lmao

Yeah I guess I shouldn't call people out when they say dumb things as everyone is entitled to an opinion and everyone's opinion is as valuable as everyone else's. It's the beautiful world we live in. But I shouldn't be rude about it, oh no, it's not nice to be rude... Lmao

you're dumb.

just calling you out :)
Title: Re: What is your take on the Syrian refugee crisis? (Europeans wanted!)
Post by: iri on Sun, 11 October 2015, 07:10:13
Well, my take is that we need to accept those who really are fleeing war, fleeing persecution. As well as those who have no place to go.

We probably should accept economic immigrants as well — but they should receive admission and guidance only, not any sort of privileged treatment, treating them better than the local poor are treated. Unfortunately, in their progressive/politically correct mindset many governments (including local gov'ts) are falling in this trap.

Whom we shouldn't accept are violent folks, those who help themselves with the pretty girls they see, or those who can't help rioting and throwing stones at the police, or those who attack religious Christian folks for wearing a crucifix, or those of the Muslim religion who bully their Christian co-refugees. There should be no place for such people in Europe.

What is really unfortunate is that in some countries the authorities are too lenient on the violent ones, including very low sentences for rape, like community service kind of range of punishment for that horrific crime, just because dude's a refugee from a Muslim country in the Levant. I've been to those countries, met the people, enjoyed it there, and it would be a racist statement to claim that being born there somehow conditions one into being a rapist. This is the kind of racism that those politically correct people don't even realize they are practicing. Real inclusiveness, real respect comes when you hold people to the same standards as you would expect from your own citizens (not just rights but also responsibility).
Are you European?

are you?
Show Image

<3 you iri
For being a European?
Title: Re: What is your take on the Syrian refugee crisis? (Europeans wanted!)
Post by: Air tree on Sun, 11 October 2015, 07:54:42
Well, my take is that we need to accept those who really are fleeing war, fleeing persecution. As well as those who have no place to go.

We probably should accept economic immigrants as well — but they should receive admission and guidance only, not any sort of privileged treatment, treating them better than the local poor are treated. Unfortunately, in their progressive/politically correct mindset many governments (including local gov'ts) are falling in this trap.

Whom we shouldn't accept are violent folks, those who help themselves with the pretty girls they see, or those who can't help rioting and throwing stones at the police, or those who attack religious Christian folks for wearing a crucifix, or those of the Muslim religion who bully their Christian co-refugees. There should be no place for such people in Europe.

What is really unfortunate is that in some countries the authorities are too lenient on the violent ones, including very low sentences for rape, like community service kind of range of punishment for that horrific crime, just because dude's a refugee from a Muslim country in the Levant. I've been to those countries, met the people, enjoyed it there, and it would be a racist statement to claim that being born there somehow conditions one into being a rapist. This is the kind of racism that those politically correct people don't even realize they are practicing. Real inclusiveness, real respect comes when you hold people to the same standards as you would expect from your own citizens (not just rights but also responsibility).
Are you European?

are you?

<3 you iri
For being a European?
I took it as a joke about you being born in russia/being russian, as russia is not part of the European union.  :p

(Or I might just be dense)
Title: Re: What is your take on the Syrian refugee crisis? (Europeans wanted!)
Post by: iri on Sun, 11 October 2015, 07:59:50
You are not dense mate. Just don't forget that EU =/= Europe :p
Title: Re: What is your take on the Syrian refugee crisis? (Europeans wanted!)
Post by: Fire Brand on Sun, 11 October 2015, 08:32:51
Holy balls this thread took a nose dive, well time to lock it then before it starts derailing more than the 9:00AM train
Title: Re: What is your take on the Syrian refugee crisis? (Europeans wanted!)
Post by: iri on Sun, 11 October 2015, 08:45:01
Well, there's not much to be said on topic anyway.

If I were Cameron, I'd exchange Syrians for chavs, rate 1::10
Title: Re: What is your take on the Syrian refugee crisis? (Europeans wanted!)
Post by: mauri on Sun, 11 October 2015, 10:54:26
well this ****s only the tip of the iceberg most of the refugees are men right? most of those men have families back in wherever. if one's granted asylum doesn't it apply to the whole family too?
Title: Re: What is your take on the Syrian refugee crisis? (Europeans wanted!)
Post by: hudson0804 on Tue, 13 October 2015, 09:09:56
well this ****s only the tip of the iceberg most of the refugees are men right? most of those men have families back in wherever. if one's granted asylum doesn't it apply to the whole family too?

Correct, however in doing so the male seeking refuge would need to prove that it is his family and thus through the process of disclosure have to give more information, this information can be used to ultimately make the decision on the application for asylum. 

Which should weed out the "financial migrants". 

Title: Re: What is your take on the Syrian refugee crisis? (Europeans wanted!)
Post by: Air tree on Wed, 14 October 2015, 09:45:01
The UN reports that there are more Women and Children than men in the whole of the registered refugees. So that claim that most are men, seems to be incorrect.
Title: Re: What is your take on the Syrian refugee crisis? (Europeans wanted!)
Post by: iri on Wed, 14 October 2015, 10:01:21
yeah, but how many of them are actually syrians?
Title: Re: What is your take on the Syrian refugee crisis? (Europeans wanted!)
Post by: katushkin on Wed, 14 October 2015, 10:05:48
yeah, but how many of them are actually syrians?

Like four million.
Title: Re: What is your take on the Syrian refugee crisis? (Europeans wanted!)
Post by: iri on Wed, 14 October 2015, 10:23:23
lol, found this one while searching for the UNHCR report

Title: Re: What is your take on the Syrian refugee crisis? (Europeans wanted!)
Post by: Air tree on Wed, 14 October 2015, 10:38:31
lol, found this one while searching for the UNHCR report

Show Image

we r de best, u just ned mor fredom
Title: Re: What is your take on the Syrian refugee crisis? (Europeans wanted!)
Post by: henz on Wed, 14 October 2015, 10:41:28
Sweden are accepting as many as they can, Swedish celebrities are even housing lone children etc :). Its alot of talk about letting in more/less refugees into the country. Personally i think its good, but they must get integretad into our society and our segregation must stop. I am of the same opinion as Azdhar, muricans should take care of the people they messed up. It does not matter how many bombs they drop or killing islamist jihadist or whatever. THEY CANNOT ENFORCE DEMOCRACY. Its like the bully in the class, who thinks everything can be solved with violence.

 but our real problem(although we cannot call them refugees) are eatern europenas coming to sweden to "live the dream" but what they actually do is occupy families houses or lots and stay there. Rumanian gypsies pissing and ****ting everywhere. Fregging disgusting, and Sweden as its state its in, they do nothing about it. Better to take care of the syrians who needs help.
Title: Re: What is your take on the Syrian refugee crisis? (Europeans wanted!)
Post by: swimmingbird on Mon, 19 October 2015, 09:58:49
celebrities are even housing lone children etc :)

wow sounds like nothing could go wrong here