
geekhack Community => Off Topic => Topic started by: neverused on Mon, 09 November 2015, 21:49:07

Title: [Give Away] IBM Model F XT
Post by: neverused on Mon, 09 November 2015, 21:49:07
Edit: the winner is livingspeedbump!

This forum has given me a lot, I've gained priceless knowledge, met great people, and been the beneficiary of many generous members. With that said, I would like to propose a give away. I have one IBM Model F XT that I purchased from compgeek on DT. It can use a little cleaning, but I am assured that it is in working order, as he checked it on an original system. With a teensy as a converter, this maybe a fun board for someone.

The give away is this: please nominate a member that has shown you or others generosity. Give details, we want to know all the good deeds going on around here. After one week (ending November 17, 2015 at 11:59pm AZ time), I'll tally up the nominations and announce a winner. If the winner accepts, I will mail the board to them directly.

Details: You cannot nominate yourself. CONUS if possible please, though if someone like bunnylake comes in, wags his fluffy tail and wins, I'll find some way to get this beast of a board across the pond. You can nominate more than one person, just please do separate posts so I can sort easier.

Have fun and I hope we get a lot of nominations!


Title: Re: [Give Away] IBM Model F XT
Post by: neverused on Tue, 10 November 2015, 11:05:42
Current nominees and count (if more than 1):

1swtgs= 2
asdfjkl36= 2
inanis= 2
livingspeedbump= 5
Title: Re: [Give Away] IBM Model F XT
Post by: neverused on Tue, 10 November 2015, 18:19:34
Really? Nothing? No one?

With the Free Stuff thread and the pay it forward threads we still have no nominations yet?
Title: Re: [Give Away] IBM Model F XT
Post by: noisyturtle on Tue, 10 November 2015, 18:26:53
Ohhhh man, I forever regret selling my F AT a few years ago.

I never help anyone, so no one will nominate me :(

and so through a random generator I nominate... Booper
Title: Re: [Give Away] IBM Model F XT
Post by: azhdar on Tue, 10 November 2015, 18:31:33
I nominate leeku for so many reasons.
Title: Re: [Give Away] IBM Model F XT
Post by: hyperhopper on Tue, 10 November 2015, 18:35:27
I nominate asdfjkl36 for sending me free keycaps when I was asking where I could buy some myself, and for being extremely helpful as well
Title: Re: [Give Away] IBM Model F XT
Post by: heedpantsnow on Tue, 10 November 2015, 18:38:01
I nominate noisyturtle. He's often quite nice and he nominated Booper.
Title: Re: [Give Away] IBM Model F XT
Post by: fohat.digs on Tue, 10 November 2015, 18:42:25
Wcass has been extremely generous with all things F - with the entire XTant project topping them all.
Title: Re: [Give Away] IBM Model F XT
Post by: noisyturtle on Tue, 10 November 2015, 18:49:02
I nominate noisyturtle. He's often quite nice and he nominated Booper.
Title: Re: [Give Away] IBM Model F XT
Post by: Badwrench on Tue, 10 November 2015, 18:55:27
First nomination is for inanis.  She has been so active and so generously donated most of her collection of keyboard stuff to raise $$ for Destiny. 

Title: Re: [Give Away] IBM Model F XT
Post by: Badwrench on Tue, 10 November 2015, 18:55:56
Second nomination is for codyeatworld.  He has been so diligent behind the scene over at ctrlalt getting everyone their stuff and apologizing when he has no need to. 

Title: Re: [Give Away] IBM Model F XT
Post by: Badwrench on Tue, 10 November 2015, 18:57:56
Third nomination is 1swtgs.  He is new here and has been doing it right.  He is very positive with his posts and asks genuine questions (both in pm and in thread).  It's nice to see a new member really try to be part of what we have here rather than just crap post to get in a bro sale. 
Title: Re: [Give Away] IBM Model F XT
Post by: neverused on Tue, 10 November 2015, 19:56:21
Third nomination is 1swtgs.  He is new here and has been doing it right.  He is very positive with his posts and asks genuine questions (both in pm and in thread).  It's nice to see a new member really try to be part of what we have here rather than just crap post to get in a bro sale.

First nomination is for inanis.  She has been so active and so generously donated most of her collection of keyboard stuff to raise $$ for Destiny.

I nominate asdfjkl36 for sending me free keycaps when I was asking where I could buy some myself, and for being extremely helpful as well

Second nomination is for codyeatworld.  He has been so diligent behind the scene over at ctrlalt getting everyone their stuff and apologizing when he has no need to.
Great! Keep these coming, these are good ones.
Title: Re: [Give Away] IBM Model F XT
Post by: heedpantsnow on Tue, 10 November 2015, 20:37:15

Third nomination is 1swtgs.  He is new here and has been doing it right.  He is very positive with his posts and asks genuine questions (both in pm and in thread).  It's nice to see a new member really try to be part of what we have here rather than just crap post to get in a bro sale.

First nomination is for inanis.  She has been so active and so generously donated most of her collection of keyboard stuff to raise $$ for Destiny.

I nominate asdfjkl36 for sending me free keycaps when I was asking where I could buy some myself, and for being extremely helpful as well

Second nomination is for codyeatworld.  He has been so diligent behind the scene over at ctrlalt getting everyone their stuff and apologizing when he has no need to.
Great! Keep these coming, these are good ones.

I also nominate Badwrench, who also auctioned off stuff for Destiny but he's too modest to say so.
Title: Re: [Give Away] IBM Model F XT
Post by: njbair on Tue, 10 November 2015, 20:51:33
Nominating livingspeedbump. I was recently made aware of one newbie with whom lsb spent a lot of time in PMs and emails, answering questions and offering advice. I'm sure that newbie is one of many who we never hear about. Not to mention everything else he's got going on around here.
Title: Re: [Give Away] IBM Model F XT
Post by: sth on Wed, 11 November 2015, 02:25:58
i nominate rm-rf because he definitely needs more beige keyboards!!!
Title: Re: [Give Away] IBM Model F XT
Post by: rm-rf on Wed, 11 November 2015, 02:47:20
i nominate rm-rf because he definitely needs more beige keyboards!!!
that sure would be nice to have.
Title: Re: [Give Away] IBM Model F XT
Post by: Remenition on Wed, 11 November 2015, 12:38:36
Nominating nickheller for just being a friendly, welcoming, and generous guy
Title: Re: [Give Away] IBM Model F XT
Post by: Remenition on Wed, 11 November 2015, 12:39:35
Nominating BunnyLake for making awesome things for the community despite the fact that him and his wife just welcomed a beautiful baby boy.
Title: Re: [Give Away] IBM Model F XT
Post by: Remenition on Wed, 11 November 2015, 12:40:42
Nominating BroCaps for similar reasons as BunnyLake. He took so much **** over that silly post count drama and people on reddit have just been absolutely nasty towards him. Despite these facts, he still continues to make awesome caps while somehow balancing his family life.
Title: Re: [Give Away] IBM Model F XT
Post by: neverused on Thu, 12 November 2015, 14:18:54
Title: Re: [Give Away] IBM Model F XT
Post by: jerue on Thu, 12 November 2015, 14:22:55
Nominating 1swtgs because I think he deserves it for being awesome, and to have something to oogle over other than translucent gasmasks :P
Title: Re: [Give Away] IBM Model F XT
Post by: jerue on Thu, 12 November 2015, 14:23:51
nominating livingspeedbump for his legendary beard and his legendary kindness towards one another in this community  :thumb:
Title: Re: [Give Away] IBM Model F XT
Post by: jerue on Thu, 12 November 2015, 14:27:00
nominating inanis because she is awesome, and so she can use this board to create imaginary scenarios where she hits manager on the head with this. he deserves it :P
Title: Re: [Give Away] IBM Model F XT
Post by: demik on Thu, 12 November 2015, 14:28:04
I win!
Title: Re: [Give Away] IBM Model F XT
Post by: XMIT on Thu, 12 November 2015, 14:38:10
I nominate ander, I bet he would appreciate it.

Please, no one nominate me, I already have one and will respectfully decline if I win. I don't expect to win.
Title: Re: [Give Away] IBM Model F XT
Post by: demik on Thu, 12 November 2015, 14:38:53
I nominate ander, I bet he would appreciate it.

Please, no one nominate me, I already have one and will respectfully decline if I win. I don't expect to win.
I nominate you
Title: Re: [Give Away] IBM Model F XT
Post by: inanis on Thu, 12 November 2015, 14:58:10
I just found this thread, and you guys that nominated me are beyond wonderful. I don't even know what to say. Now I'm blushing over here.

I am going to have to hand out some nominations too. They will be here soon. Promise!

Title: Re: [Give Away] IBM Model F XT
Post by: neverused on Thu, 12 November 2015, 15:00:03
I nominate ander, I bet he would appreciate it.

Please, no one nominate me, I already have one and will respectfully decline if I win. I don't expect to win.
I nominate you
The kind demik
Title: Re: [Give Away] IBM Model F XT
Post by: jerue on Thu, 12 November 2015, 15:27:35
I nominate demik. Because, demik.
Title: Re: [Give Away] IBM Model F XT
Post by: azhdar on Thu, 12 November 2015, 17:07:34
Nominating Rowdy for being awesome all the time on GH.
Also he's looking for an F it seems.
Title: Re: [Give Away] IBM Model F XT
Post by: 1swt2gs on Fri, 13 November 2015, 02:13:19
Just also tuned in, don't know how I missed this thread!

Thanks for all the nominations and kind words (: My short time here has been so welcoming and everyone here is freaking awesome! Gives me an excuse to pound away at my new mechs! I really feel as if I'm a child and you all are my parents nurturing me to become well versed in mechs, artisans, keycaps, etc.

Title: Re: [Give Away] IBM Model F XT
Post by: Pwner on Fri, 13 November 2015, 03:55:06

He's helped me out quite a bit, saving me a lot of time and research with my current interest check along with all the other ic's I see him involved with.  Good guy, Oobly.

*Missed the CONUS part.  I standby my nomination.  I'll help with shipping if he was to win.
Title: Re: [Give Away] IBM Model F XT
Post by: neverused on Sat, 14 November 2015, 09:13:21
Keep it up! We currently have a three-way tie, but we need more votes/nominations!
Title: Re: [Give Away] IBM Model F XT
Post by: neverused on Sun, 15 November 2015, 09:35:27
Good things happening here:

Title: Re: [Give Away] IBM Model F XT
Post by: neverused on Mon, 16 November 2015, 19:58:14
2 days left, come on there are hardly any nominations!
Title: Re: [Give Away] IBM Model F XT
Post by: Hexterdude on Mon, 16 November 2015, 20:02:35
mobbo and kaztenkinder

Mobbo- great guy, started around the same time i did and had some pleasant conversations about caps. First canuck I talked with on GH

katzenkinder - this man is a god and overall a super nice guy. He's underrated and work extremely hard in order to make his caps the best they can be, he deserves our respect or at least a chance to get that IBM
Title: Re: [Give Away] IBM Model F XT
Post by: ander on Tue, 17 November 2015, 02:00:29
I really, really am tempted to nominate Snowdog993. He's indeed very generous and likable—but the reason I'd nominate him is because I know how much he dislikes Model F's and it'd be a real laugh if he won one.  :?D

Other than that, it's a very hard choice, as there are so many great, helpful people here. A few come to mind right away, but I know they have as many KBs as they'll ever want.

So I'll put in my vote for:


...whom I believe just recently got started in the wonderful MK world, and is really enjoying it. I don't think he has any style of Model F yet, and I know he'd get a charge out of fixing this one up. Plus, he's a really nice dude.
Title: Re: [Give Away] IBM Model F XT
Post by: rowdy on Tue, 17 November 2015, 03:34:52
I'll also nominate Snowdog993 - he doesn't hesitate to hop in to help someone with any buckling spring questions.  He has responded a number of times to queries I've had, and usually posts a couple of pictures of his collection as inspiration.

Although as ander noted, he apparently doesn't like Model F, so make of it what you will.
Title: Re: [Give Away] IBM Model F XT
Post by: rowdy on Tue, 17 November 2015, 03:37:29
I'd also like to nominate fohat.digs, who often provides valuable technical advice with a succinct and easily understandable explanation, and usually involves some sort of buckling spring device.  He also provided some valuable non-keyboard-related advise in my speaker thread recently, as well as writing an excellent F122 ISO to ANSI conversion guide that I intend to follow to convert mine.
Title: Re: [Give Away] IBM Model F XT
Post by: hudson0804 on Tue, 17 November 2015, 04:10:45
jerue - For doing giveaways and being really helpful to a newbie like myself.   
Title: Re: [Give Away] IBM Model F XT
Post by: Oobly on Tue, 17 November 2015, 04:36:32
I support the livingspeedbump nomination. He does a whole lot for this community in the background and keeps things rolling along. Also super helpful and informative.

Thanks so much, Pwner for the nomination, I'm flattered, but I think I'd prefer it to stay in CONUS since the shipping for a Model F is high and it doesn't make much sense. Thanks again, though.
Title: Re: [Give Away] IBM Model F XT
Post by: fohat.digs on Tue, 17 November 2015, 08:02:09
I'd also like to nominate fohat.digs, who often provides valuable technical advice with a succinct and easily understandable explanation,

Thank you for the kind words, but I don't need it. I have most of 2 XTs in parts, of which I need 1 for my XTant if I ever build it.
Title: Re: [Give Away] IBM Model F XT
Post by: azhdar on Tue, 17 November 2015, 08:14:13
+1 for livingspeedbump (if we can even +1 here)
Title: Re: [Give Away] IBM Model F XT
Post by: mobbo on Tue, 17 November 2015, 08:14:48
I'd like to nominate asdfjkl36 for taking the time to write some insanely detailed responses to a few newbie questions I had.

I'd also like to nominate SpAmRaY for generously hosting an awesome giveaway, and helping me out with a few questions. 

Title: Re: [Give Away] IBM Model F XT
Post by: Lurch on Tue, 17 November 2015, 08:17:58
livingspeedbump is a legend.
Title: Re: [Give Away] IBM Model F XT
Post by: neverused on Tue, 17 November 2015, 08:18:08
+1 for livingspeedbump (if we can even +1 here)
Please do! The more votes/nominations the better.
Title: Re: [Give Away] IBM Model F XT
Post by: Lurch on Tue, 17 November 2015, 08:19:14
nickheller is also a legend.

both dudes are chill and fun to chat with
Title: Re: [Give Away] IBM Model F XT
Post by: Nai_Calus on Tue, 17 November 2015, 08:21:50
I'll throw in a second nomination for nickheller, he's an awesome dude who's helped me with some great additions to my Bro collection, and he's just plain cool. :D
Title: Re: [Give Away] IBM Model F XT
Post by: SpAmRaY on Tue, 17 November 2015, 08:49:58

I'd also like to nominate SpAmRaY for generously hosting an awesome giveaway, and helping me out with a few questions.

I greatly appreciate the thought but I already have more model f than I want. :thumb:
Title: Re: [Give Away] IBM Model F XT
Post by: mobbo on Tue, 17 November 2015, 08:53:14
Mobbo- great guy, started around the same time i did and had some pleasant conversations about caps. First canuck I talked with on GH

I must have missed this somehow. Thanks a lot for the nomination, I really appreciate it  :-[

I greatly appreciate the thought but I already have more model f than I want. :thumb:

Fair enough!
Title: Re: [Give Away] IBM Model F XT
Post by: ander on Tue, 17 November 2015, 17:20:14
I'll also nominate Snowdog993 - he doesn't hesitate to hop in to help someone with any buckling spring questions.  He has responded a number of times to queries I've had, and usually posts a couple of pictures of his collection as inspiration... Although as ander noted, he apparently doesn't like Model F...

Yes, he's a swell guy. And now I'm starting to hope more people will pick him, just so we can enjoy how he reacts to the idea of winning a Model F.  :?)
Title: Re: [Give Away] IBM Model F XT
Post by: neverused on Thu, 19 November 2015, 20:22:12
And the winner is livingspeedbump! You'll get a pm shortly, I'm holding a sleeping baby while chasing a 2 year old so I'm tied up at the moment.

Congratulations and thank you everyone for voting sharing your nominations!
Title: Re: [Give Away] IBM Model F XT
Post by: mobbo on Thu, 19 November 2015, 20:33:12
Congrats livingspeedbump!
Title: Re: [Give Away] IBM Model F XT
Post by: rowdy on Fri, 20 November 2015, 03:53:05
Congratulations livingspeedbump :)

Thank you for your generosity, never used!
Title: Re: [Give Away] IBM Model F XT
Post by: ander on Fri, 20 November 2015, 19:00:45
Let's give the next one to Snowdog, okay? And not tell him first.  :?)
Title: Re: [Give Away] IBM Model F XT
Post by: livingspeedbump on Fri, 20 November 2015, 20:12:28
I had no idea this existed!!! I have so many people I'd want to nominate  :confused:

Thanks everyone for the kind words though <3
Title: Re: [Give Away] IBM Model F XT
Post by: neverused on Fri, 20 November 2015, 20:30:38
I had no idea this existed!!! I have so many people I'd want to nominate  :confused:

Thanks everyone for the kind words though <3
Too late!
Title: Re: [Give Away] IBM Model F XT
Post by: 1swt2gs on Sat, 21 November 2015, 00:41:19
Congrats livingspeedbump! :D
Title: Re: [Give Away] IBM Model F XT
Post by: rm-rf on Sat, 21 November 2015, 00:56:15
Congrats! it is an amazing board, I use to have one just like it!
Title: Re: [Give Away] IBM Model F XT
Post by: XMIT on Mon, 23 November 2015, 12:57:16
And the winner is livingspeedbump! You'll get a pm shortly, I'm holding a sleeping baby while chasing a 2 year old so I'm tied up at the moment.

Congratulations and thank you everyone for voting sharing your nominations!

Oh thank goodness, I thought I was the only one. Commiserating dad PM coming your way.
Title: Re: [Give Away] IBM Model F XT
Post by: neverused on Mon, 23 November 2015, 12:59:49
And the winner is livingspeedbump! You'll get a pm shortly, I'm holding a sleeping baby while chasing a 2 year old so I'm tied up at the moment.

Congratulations and thank you everyone for voting sharing your nominations!

Oh thank goodness, I thought I was the only one. Commiserating dad PM coming your way.
Thanks! Yeah you're not alone.

Also, this had been shipped to livingspeedbump himself as of a few minutes ago!
Title: Re: [Give Away] IBM Model F XT
Post by: fohat.digs on Mon, 23 November 2015, 13:14:24
I remember those days. Diapers?

Wait until it's "Daddy, can I borrow the car?"
Title: Re: [Give Away] IBM Model F XT
Post by: rowdy on Mon, 23 November 2015, 19:15:08
I remember those days. Diapers?

Wait until it's "Daddy, can I borrow the car?"

With healthy doses of "Dad, can I have some money please" in between!
Title: Re: [Give Away] IBM Model F XT
Post by: livingspeedbump on Fri, 27 November 2015, 19:06:19
Hey! So USPS delivered the keyboard safe and sound today :thumb: Thanks again neverused and all those kind people that voted for me.

So far I've done a tear down to see what I'm working with internally, and cleaned her up a bit.

Next up is soaking the plate in water/vinegar (thanks Engicoder for that tip!), refoaming it, and internal soarers mod :)

I'll be sure to keep posting pics on the way  :thumb:
Title: Re: [Give Away] IBM Model F XT
Post by: neverused on Fri, 27 November 2015, 19:22:58
Looks great! I can hardly recognize it, looking forward to your rebuild!
Title: Re: [Give Away] IBM Model F XT
Post by: 1swt2gs on Fri, 27 November 2015, 19:24:32
Hey! So USPS delivered the keyboard safe and sound today :thumb: Thanks again neverused and all those kind people that voted for me.

So far I've done a tear down to see what I'm working with internally, and cleaned her up a bit.
Show Image

Show Image

Next up is soaking the plate in water/vinegar (thanks Engicoder for that tip!), refoaming it, and internal soarers mod :)

I'll be sure to keep posting pics on the way  :thumb:

Nice to see its in good hands! Looks brand new!
Title: Re: [Give Away] IBM Model F XT
Post by: neverused on Fri, 27 November 2015, 20:08:34
Hey! So USPS delivered the keyboard safe and sound today :thumb: Thanks again neverused and all those kind people that voted for me.

So far I've done a tear down to see what I'm working with internally, and cleaned her up a bit.
Show Image

Show Image

Next up is soaking the plate in water/vinegar (thanks Engicoder for that tip!), refoaming it, and internal soarers mod :)

I'll be sure to keep posting pics on the way  :thumb:

Nice to see its in good hands! Looks brand new!
He did a lot of work to make it look that nice.
Title: Re: [Give Away] IBM Model F XT
Post by: livingspeedbump on Sun, 06 December 2015, 08:32:15
So! I have not forgotten to post here. techmattr was overly kind as well and is making me a cable for this keyboard for free  :eek:

Soarers converter is doing the job well, typing on the keyboard now. I have been using the XT as my daily driver the last few days, such a wonderful keyboard!

I always like keeping vintage boards stock if i can. Naturally the red plate isn't stock, but I can easily refinish that if needed. The USB connector in the back was selected so that it would fit tightly into the slot without having to cut anything.

Monday the caps I ordered from unicomp will arrive :) When the cable arrives I will post a log of everything in the keyboard section and post a link here!

Title: Re: [Give Away] IBM Model F XT
Post by: neverused on Sun, 06 December 2015, 10:17:52
So! I have not forgotten to post here. techmattr was overly kind as well and is making me a cable for this keyboard for free  :eek:

Soarers converter is doing the job well, typing on the keyboard now. I have been using the XT as my daily driver the last few days, such a wonderful keyboard!

I always like keeping vintage boards stock if i can. Naturally the red plate isn't stock, but I can easily refinish that if needed. The USB connector in the back was selected so that it would fit tightly into the slot without having to cut anything.

Monday the caps I ordered from unicomp will arrive :) When the cable arrives I will post a log of everything in the keyboard section and post a link here!
That's great news! Looking forward to seeing the restoration log.
Title: Re: [Give Away] IBM Model F XT
Post by: livingspeedbump on Sun, 06 December 2015, 11:08:48
going to keep posting build log here