
geekhack Projects => Making Stuff Together! => Topic started by: Steezus on Mon, 14 December 2015, 20:08:37

Title: Steezus's TGR-Jane Build Log
Post by: Steezus on Mon, 14 December 2015, 20:08:37
Steezus's TGR-Jane Build Log
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The TGR-Jane, yuktsi's first endeavor into custom keyboard group buy. I'm very glad to have obtained a TGR-Jane and it hasn't let me down yet. The board does have it's minor flaws such as the gap between the two pieces of the case and few anodizing inconsistencies, other than that it's a wonderful board. It was definitely the most frustrating out of all my builds but the final outcome is superb. This is my third keyboard I have ever built but the first to solder diodes and resistors. At the start I had a few LEDs not working and a couple dead switches, after swapping out the few dead items the keyboard is working like a charm. The TX87 is a very good PCB, although I wish the firmware was a little more up to date because it's missing out on MX Lock and In-Switch LED Brightness functionalities. I also noticed a bug that the ESC key does not work unless you have a FN key assigned. I rarely use the caps lock so I opted to just wait for the firmware to update rather than swapping out my MX Lock switch. I am planning on switching the caps since GMK Triumph Adler has terrible light bleed.

I apologize for the long post, I like to document my keyboard builds. :D

My overall plan for the board is:

TGR-Jane Kit




Soldering Time
These diodes are quite the pain, I find it's easiest to tape one side, solder the other, and then remove the tape and finish.

As for the resistors, I recommend adding solder to the PCB first. I like to hold the resistor with tweezers, reheat the solder on the PCB and then slide the resistor in.

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Light Bleed Fix
After trying several solutions to fix the light bleed, in my opinion, I think I found the best solution for what I wanted to achieve. I applied electrical tape to the tops of my 2x3x4mm LEDs dimming them and almost 100% eliminating light bleed.

Here is the final product, make sure that the tape does not hang over the edges of the LED or the key cap can catch it and get stuck. It didn't take me long at all to do a full board, just line up a row of 5 and cut with some scissors.

Before Shot

After Shot

Finished Product

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What's Next?

I ended up fixing the light bleed issue on the TA caps, currently deciding to keep them on. I also found a Northern Lights BBv2 for the ESC key. I'm now just waiting on RGBs LEDs and a Diffuser coming for the TGR-Jane, plus there will be a matching numpad to come.

Slight Damage

I found some matching nail polish and put the tiniest amount on it, you can't really even notice it now! :D

Log Edit:
12/31/2015 - Added some bare-bones shots of the board.
01/01/2016 - Added a full board shot, also changed all the LEDs to sky blue. Having difficulty getting a good picture of the the LEDs. Happy New Year!
01/03/2016 - Changed some more shots up, added my favorite photos yet with the copper background. :)
01/05/2016 - Found very minuscule damage by the right arrow key, still very disappointing.
01/06/2016 - Added my method of fixing the light bleed issue of the GMK Triumph Adler keycaps.
01/18/2016 - Added a LED picture and updated the "What's Next?" section.
Title: Re: Steezus's TGR-Jane Build Log
Post by: hrinfinity on Tue, 15 December 2015, 00:20:32
Nice build man! Love the color ;)

How do you like the switches?
Title: Re: Steezus's TGR-Jane Build Log
Post by: YongJK on Tue, 15 December 2015, 00:30:53
Title: Re: Steezus's TGR-Jane Build Log
Post by: Steezus on Tue, 15 December 2015, 11:24:41
Nice build man! Love the color ;)

How do you like the switches?

Thanks, I actually like the switches. I wouldn't say they're my first choice by any means but with an aluminum plate it has a little bit of tactility to it. I mainly chose mx browns so the board could be used in an office environment where I wouldn't annoy anybody. I still have a few years of college left before I get a job so that's a long ways away. I also put a tactile mx grey for the spacebar, I love the sound of the thud it makes.
Title: Re: Steezus's TGR-Jane Build Log
Post by: romevi on Tue, 15 December 2015, 16:14:55
Title: Re: Steezus's TGR-Jane Build Log
Post by: Steezus on Tue, 15 December 2015, 16:17:43

TY, I can't wait to get the diffuser and matching numpad. I also need to invest in a good cable too, I've been too cheap about cables and have been using the one's that came with my Pok3rs. I'm also very excited to see your board, shouldn't bee too much longer until you get it. Sorry to be teasing you with all these pics. :p
Title: Re: Steezus's TGR-Jane Build Log
Post by: filphil on Tue, 15 December 2015, 17:16:53

TY, I can't wait to get the diffuser and matching numpad. I also need to invest in a good cable too, I've been too cheap about cables and have been using the one's that came with my Pok3rs. I'm also very excited to see your board, shouldn't bee too much longer until you get it. Sorry to be teasing you with all these pics. :p

I feel ya.  hundreds of dollars on keyboards but 5 dollar cable at most.  Story of my life.. 
Title: Re: Steezus's TGR-Jane Build Log
Post by: Steezus on Tue, 15 December 2015, 17:27:14

TY, I can't wait to get the diffuser and matching numpad. I also need to invest in a good cable too, I've been too cheap about cables and have been using the one's that came with my Pok3rs. I'm also very excited to see your board, shouldn't bee too much longer until you get it. Sorry to be teasing you with all these pics. :p

I feel ya.  hundreds of dollars on keyboards but 5 dollar cable at most.  Story of my life..

I really want to get into making cables myself but am honestly too lazy and cheap at the moment. CalvinXC cables look really cool, I may grab one or two once he comes out with more color options.
Title: Re: Steezus's TGR-Jane Build Log
Post by: whmeltonjr on Tue, 15 December 2015, 17:30:13
That blue gray is so nice. Great looking build.
Title: Re: Steezus's TGR-Jane Build Log
Post by: Steezus on Tue, 15 December 2015, 17:33:15
That blue gray is so nice. Great looking build.

Thank you very much ;D

It was definitely tricky getting the color of the case, it is definitely more gray than blue. I'm also thinking of swapping out the blue LEDs with some sky blue ones that I just ordered. I'm hoping to get an GMK Olivetti set as well to have the board exactly how I want it.
Title: Re: Steezus's TGR-Jane Build Log
Post by: Steezus on Tue, 05 January 2016, 18:39:10
Update: Changed around some pictures the past few days. While inspecting my board I found some very minuscule damage in the anodization by the right arrow key. Just wanted to document it just in case I ever need to sell the board, very sad that I noticed it because now I can't stop looking at it. :(

Edit: Shout out to my mother for her vast collection of nail polish and to MiTo for recommending the trick, 10/10 would recommend myself. I found a matching color and put the tiniest amount on making the damage almost invisible. :D
Title: Re: Steezus's TGR-Jane Build Log
Post by: switchnollie on Tue, 05 January 2016, 20:36:00
Great build & photos! :eek: :thumb:

Those updates you're planning are gonna be nice ^-^
Title: Re: Steezus's TGR-Jane Build Log
Post by: Steezus on Wed, 06 January 2016, 13:24:19
Great build & photos! :eek: :thumb:

Those updates you're planning are gonna be nice ^-^

Thank you very much, I'm now debating GMK Olivetti since I saw a really nice Cyrillic set with blue printed Cyrillic rather than red. I may also just save a few bucks and try to fix this back light bleed on my TA set.
Title: Re: Steezus's TGR-Jane Build Log
Post by: yomammary on Thu, 07 January 2016, 07:18:17
While inspecting my board I found some very minuscule damage in the anodization by the right arrow key. Just wanted to document it just in case I ever need to sell the board, very sad that I noticed it because now I can't stop looking at it. :(
I'll give you 100$ ;)
Title: Re: Steezus's TGR-Jane Build Log
Post by: jaffers on Thu, 07 January 2016, 07:21:10
First time I've seen this thread. But already seen the photos on flickr.

Do I need to tell you how much I love the look of this? I think you already know  :p
Title: Re: Steezus's TGR-Jane Build Log
Post by: Steezus on Thu, 07 January 2016, 22:37:38
First time I've seen this thread. But already seen the photos on flickr.

Do I need to tell you how much I love the look of this? I think you already know  :p

Haha thank you very much for the compliments, I'm very happy with with the outcome of the board. Now that I mostly fixed the back light bleed, I just need one good matching artisan for the ESC key and then it's perfect. :thumb:
Title: Re: Steezus's TGR-Jane Build Log
Post by: swimmingbird on Wed, 13 January 2016, 22:32:56
Your light bleed fix looks great!
Might give it a shot soon
Title: Re: Steezus's TGR-Jane Build Log
Post by: Steezus on Wed, 13 January 2016, 22:35:29
Your light bleed fix looks great!
Might give it a shot soon

Thank you very much, I definitely like how it turned out. I was able to do all the LEDs in about an hour or so, relatively quick. However with some keycaps if the tape is hanging over the edge then it can get the key to stick but there is two ways to solve that by either sliding the tape up towards the switch or shaving the LEDs down first but then you need to make sure that they're shaved flat for the tape to be even.
Title: Re: Steezus's TGR-Jane Build Log
Post by: swimmingbird on Wed, 13 January 2016, 22:40:41
Your light bleed fix looks great!
Might give it a shot soon

Thank you very much, I definitely like how it turned out. I was able to do all the LEDs in about an hour or so, relatively quick. However with some keycaps if the tape is hanging over the edge then it can get the key to stick but there is two ways to solve that by either sliding the tape up towards the switch or shaving the LEDs down first but then you need to make sure that they're shaved flat for the tape to be even.

I've got the round top ones which is kinda annoying but I'm sure it will work fine - just a bit more effort that's all
Title: Re: Steezus's TGR-Jane Build Log
Post by: Steezus on Wed, 13 January 2016, 22:46:19
Your light bleed fix looks great!
Might give it a shot soon

Thank you very much, I definitely like how it turned out. I was able to do all the LEDs in about an hour or so, relatively quick. However with some keycaps if the tape is hanging over the edge then it can get the key to stick but there is two ways to solve that by either sliding the tape up towards the switch or shaving the LEDs down first but then you need to make sure that they're shaved flat for the tape to be even.

I've got the round top ones which is kinda annoying but I'm sure it will work fine - just a bit more effort that's all

Ah yeah they should work just fine, you basically just need the tape to stop the light from directly shining above.
Title: Re: Steezus's TGR-Jane Build Log
Post by: swimmingbird on Wed, 13 January 2016, 22:53:11
Your light bleed fix looks great!
Might give it a shot soon

Thank you very much, I definitely like how it turned out. I was able to do all the LEDs in about an hour or so, relatively quick. However with some keycaps if the tape is hanging over the edge then it can get the key to stick but there is two ways to solve that by either sliding the tape up towards the switch or shaving the LEDs down first but then you need to make sure that they're shaved flat for the tape to be even.

I've got the round top ones which is kinda annoying but I'm sure it will work fine - just a bit more effort that's all

Ah yeah they should work just fine, you basically just need the tape to stop the light from directly shining above.

I was originally thinking of putting something on the bottom of the TA caps but this looks way easier
Title: Re: Steezus's TGR-Jane Build Log
Post by: Steezus on Wed, 13 January 2016, 22:55:03
Your light bleed fix looks great!
Might give it a shot soon

Thank you very much, I definitely like how it turned out. I was able to do all the LEDs in about an hour or so, relatively quick. However with some keycaps if the tape is hanging over the edge then it can get the key to stick but there is two ways to solve that by either sliding the tape up towards the switch or shaving the LEDs down first but then you need to make sure that they're shaved flat for the tape to be even.

I've got the round top ones which is kinda annoying but I'm sure it will work fine - just a bit more effort that's all

Ah yeah they should work just fine, you basically just need the tape to stop the light from directly shining above.

I was originally thinking of putting something on the bottom of the TA caps but this looks way easier

That was my original plan as well but it did seem a lot more time consuming, some of the blue modifier caps and the F & J ones because they're scooped will show the tiniest bit of backlight bleed still but in complete darkness basically. If still not satisfied then you can then put a small piece of tape on the cap.
Title: Re: Steezus's TGR-Jane Build Log
Post by: swimmingbird on Wed, 13 January 2016, 23:13:06
Your light bleed fix looks great!
Might give it a shot soon

Thank you very much, I definitely like how it turned out. I was able to do all the LEDs in about an hour or so, relatively quick. However with some keycaps if the tape is hanging over the edge then it can get the key to stick but there is two ways to solve that by either sliding the tape up towards the switch or shaving the LEDs down first but then you need to make sure that they're shaved flat for the tape to be even.

I've got the round top ones which is kinda annoying but I'm sure it will work fine - just a bit more effort that's all

Ah yeah they should work just fine, you basically just need the tape to stop the light from directly shining above.

I was originally thinking of putting something on the bottom of the TA caps but this looks way easier

That was my original plan as well but it did seem a lot more time consuming, some of the blue modifier caps and the F & J ones because they're scooped will show the tiniest bit of backlight bleed still but in complete darkness basically. If still not satisfied then you can then put a small piece of tape on the cap.

Thanks dude
Title: Re: Steezus's TGR-Jane Build Log
Post by: Steezus on Wed, 13 January 2016, 23:13:57
Your light bleed fix looks great!
Might give it a shot soon

Thank you very much, I definitely like how it turned out. I was able to do all the LEDs in about an hour or so, relatively quick. However with some keycaps if the tape is hanging over the edge then it can get the key to stick but there is two ways to solve that by either sliding the tape up towards the switch or shaving the LEDs down first but then you need to make sure that they're shaved flat for the tape to be even.

I've got the round top ones which is kinda annoying but I'm sure it will work fine - just a bit more effort that's all

Ah yeah they should work just fine, you basically just need the tape to stop the light from directly shining above.

I was originally thinking of putting something on the bottom of the TA caps but this looks way easier

That was my original plan as well but it did seem a lot more time consuming, some of the blue modifier caps and the F & J ones because they're scooped will show the tiniest bit of backlight bleed still but in complete darkness basically. If still not satisfied then you can then put a small piece of tape on the cap.

Thanks dude

No problem! I'm glad to help out where I can. :thumb:
Title: Re: Steezus's TGR-Jane Build Log
Post by: HannahPeach on Mon, 18 January 2016, 11:19:39
Thank you SO much for the idea with the Electrical tape to prevent light leak! So smart.
Title: Re: Steezus's TGR-Jane Build Log
Post by: Steezus on Mon, 18 January 2016, 13:02:27
Thank you SO much for the idea with the Electrical tape to prevent light leak! So smart.

Thank very much, I'm pretty happy with the outcome of it.

Update: I finally got my hands on a matching artisan, a Nothern Lights BBv2, I also added a new picture of the board with the LEDs on.
Title: Re: Steezus's TGR-Jane Build Log
Post by: swimmingbird on Mon, 18 January 2016, 16:28:41
Thank you SO much for the idea with the Electrical tape to prevent light leak! So smart.

Thank very much, I'm pretty happy with the outcome of it.

Update: I finally got my hands on a matching artisan, a Nothern Lights BBv2, I also added a new picture of the board with the LEDs on.

perfect cap to go with it

Looks fantastic
Title: Re: Steezus's TGR-Jane Build Log
Post by: Waateva on Mon, 18 January 2016, 16:30:52
Thank you SO much for the idea with the Electrical tape to prevent light leak! So smart.

Thank very much, I'm pretty happy with the outcome of it.

Update: I finally got my hands on a matching artisan, a Nothern Lights BBv2, I also added a new picture of the board with the LEDs on.

perfect cap to go with it

Looks fantastic

Completely agree, that BBv2 matches perfectly.
Title: Re: Steezus's TGR-Jane Build Log
Post by: Steezus on Mon, 18 January 2016, 16:40:54
Thank you SO much for the idea with the Electrical tape to prevent light leak! So smart.

Thank very much, I'm pretty happy with the outcome of it.

Update: I finally got my hands on a matching artisan, a Nothern Lights BBv2, I also added a new picture of the board with the LEDs on.

perfect cap to go with it

Looks fantastic

Thank you SO much for the idea with the Electrical tape to prevent light leak! So smart.

Thank very much, I'm pretty happy with the outcome of it.

Update: I finally got my hands on a matching artisan, a Nothern Lights BBv2, I also added a new picture of the board with the LEDs on.

perfect cap to go with it

Looks fantastic

Completely agree, that BBv2 matches perfectly.

Thank you very much, I'm super happy with the overall outcome of the board. My endgame would be a Northern Lights Reaper or White Walker Reaper but I feel like I may not find as much luck. :(
Title: Re: Steezus's TGR-Jane Build Log
Post by: livingspeedbump on Mon, 18 January 2016, 17:06:24
great build log! every time i see a Jane I'm just so upset I didn't get one. Ugh.
Title: Re: Steezus's TGR-Jane Build Log
Post by: Steezus on Mon, 18 January 2016, 17:25:00
great build log! every time i see a Jane I'm just so upset I didn't get one. Ugh.

Thank you very much LSB! I don't want to rub salt on the wounds but it is a fantastic board. I really like the blue grey but love the titanium grey color, sad that wasn't an option for the Jane CE. I hope my build log is detailed enough to help other users out but I'm planning on doing a better one for my upcoming builds. :thumb:
Title: Re: Steezus's TGR-Jane Build Log
Post by: livingspeedbump on Mon, 18 January 2016, 17:36:45
great build log! every time i see a Jane I'm just so upset I didn't get one. Ugh.

Thank you very much LSB! I don't want to rub salt on the wounds but it is a fantastic board. I really like the blue grey but love the titanium grey color, sad that wasn't an option for the Jane CE. I hope my build log is detailed enough to help other users out but I'm planning on doing a better one for my upcoming builds. :thumb:

I've done more than a few, and always think of more i could have added afterwards haha