
geekhack Community => Reviews => Topic started by: bmilcs on Sun, 27 March 2016, 19:10:41

Title: Key-ed Up Labs and their Customer Service
Post by: bmilcs on Sun, 27 March 2016, 19:10:41

MY FIRST EVER VIDEO. I've never used Adobe Premiere. This was my first shot at making any type of video. What do you think???

I recently decided to dive into mechanical keyboard modification. With my one and only mechanical keyboard, I thought this is a great idea -_-. I went all out... and bought some rosin core, a soldering kit, pump, lubes and springs. "I can do this!" I said to myself. Like a giddy schoolgirl, I waited for it all to be delivered. Before it arrived, I decided to take a look at the inner workings of my precious... the KUL Es-87. My first obstacle: the plastic case. Easy enough. I wedged a butter knife in the plastic crevices and cracked it open with ease. Next, came the screws. No problemo.

Dun dun dun... the wretched white molex connector. I'm no stranger to this neck of the woods. I've built PC's a plenty in my day and went to town. I pinched, I pulled, I pushed, and I pried. Nothing. Wouldn't budge. I tried tweezers, small precision screwdrivers, etc. WHAT THE HECK? So, I put some elbow grease into it and my nightmare came true: the white plastic piece crumbled into a million pieces, rendering my brand new, sole mechanical keyboard completely useless and un-modified at that.

I frantically posted on reddit and community web sites. I came across a sticky with a replacement part but noticed it didn't look like the right piece. I could try soldering the individual legs to the corresponding PCB points but I've never soldered before! AHHHH! I e-mailed mouser, talked to /u/ripster55 and many others. According to the tech sheets, it wasn't a match. So, I finally reached out... a Hail Mary if you will... and e-mailed the manufacturers: Keyed Up Labs. I explained my financial situation, how eager I am to learn about mechanical keyboards and my love for "the game" lol.

A week or so passed and I became hopeless. A rubber domed Dell mocked me day in and day out, my RSI started flaring up again and worst of all, I thought I was out of $120 + modification gear costs. The ideas of buying another keyboard and the doubt of messing that up as well haunted my dreams. My wife is going to kill me and my obsession with mechanical keyboards is being thoroughly challenged. Did I mention the several group buys that I'm involved with? Yeah that too. DAMNIT!

Screw it. I took my KUL apart, painstakingly desoldered & pried out all 87 MX Switches. I opened each one up, and slowly oiled and lubed all the contact points over several days. I reassembled the keys and soldered them back into place. I'm feeling super uneasy and have very little hope that I'll ever find out if I torched the board or if I'm a soldering prodigy. I check r/mk every night and plan all my future builds and mods... without knowing if I'm even capable performing a simple lube job.

One day, I opened up my e-mail: "Give me your mailing address and we'll send you a new wire ."

NO WAY. KUL IS AWESOME. The keyboard gods have smiled down upon me and gave me a glimpse of hope. The next day, USPS alerted me of a new package being shipped to my address and the wait began. It reached LOS Angeles Sorting and then...

Nothing. 14 Days pass and it's lost. Gone. I'm crushed and feel like asking for another one is really pushing my luck.

"No problem. We'll send another one out to you."

A long story short (NOT REALLY?), I am now typing on my KUL ES-87 w/ 78g SPRiT springs, GPL205 & Victorinox lube, and clipped/lubed stabilizers. SCORE! Every key works and my soldering doubts nullified.

I know this ended up being a marathon post but I just wanted to share my experience with you all. I have had MANY poor customer service experiences and I'm in awe with how awesome Keyed-up Labs have been. I cannot recommend the KUL ES-87 model enough... especially to those who want an affordable board with MX Clears. It's built like a tank and gave me a chance to fall in love with mechanical keyboards. Better yet, I realized that lubed 78g + stock clear springs aren't for me. The PCB is so good, it has withstood my novice soldering skills and I now have 62g springs on the way. The PCB is brilliant and is known for being one of the best in the business for modifications... and will take a 3rd beating with ease.

TLDR: The creators of the KUL Es-87, Key-ed Up Labs, are fine people and provide great customer service. If you are looking for a TKL board with tank like quality and solid performance, look no further. I purchased mine on Amazon but they are available at many other vendors as well. MX Blue:

Thank you all for your time and clack on.

PS: This is a repost of my reddit submission. I just wanted to pass on the good word.

Edit: And here she is! NEARLY Complete!

KUL ES-87: Krytox GPL205/105 lubed Cherry MX Clear, clipped stabilizers, 62g SPRiT 24k springs, TEMPORARY Vortex PBT Keycap set (awaiting Pulse, Nantucket Select & Granite)




Title: Re: Key-ed Up Labs and their Customer Service
Post by: callmejag on Sun, 27 March 2016, 23:10:31
Good to know. I plan on picking up a KUL 87 with Clears this week. I love hearing about companies who stand behind their products and their customers.

Thanks for posting.
Title: Re: Key-ed Up Labs and their Customer Service
Post by: bmilcs on Mon, 28 March 2016, 10:31:33
Good to know. I plan on picking up a KUL 87 with Clears this week. I love hearing about companies who stand behind their products and their customers.

Thanks for posting.

You're very welcome. Writing is not my strong suit by any means but I hope that this was interesting enough to get through. I know it's a wall of text ^ ^

I can't stress how great the PCB is if you plan on going Ergo-Clear at any point. It makes my Pok3r look like Fisher Price.
Title: Re: Key-ed Up Labs and their Customer Service
Post by: iLLucionist on Tue, 29 March 2016, 08:25:21
Great to hear they stand behind their product. Now they need to make a KUL with Topre...
Title: Re: Key-ed Up Labs and their Customer Service
Post by: Johan on Fri, 01 April 2016, 10:29:24
Yeah that white connector is a ***** to work with, I remember trying to disconnect it from my filco for the first time. My fingers were in a lot of pain.
Title: Re: Key-ed Up Labs and their Customer Service
Post by: Wilkie on Fri, 01 April 2016, 10:41:11
Good to hear their customer service is still responsive, as their website, Facebook, and Twitter seem to have not been updated for many months.
Title: Re: Key-ed Up Labs and their Customer Service
Post by: HendyZone on Fri, 01 April 2016, 10:51:15
They're keep stalking and keep KUL :cool:
Title: Re: Key-ed Up Labs and their Customer Service
Post by: ThoughtArtist on Sun, 10 April 2016, 01:12:43
Maybe they're still honoring warranties but not making boards anymore?

I found one used and I hope it's okay. It looked more appealing than WASD. It's sad if they're going out of business.
Title: Re: Key-ed Up Labs and their Customer Service
Post by: ThoughtArtist on Sun, 10 April 2016, 01:15:58
They're keep stalking and keep KUL :cool:

Really? It looks like most are not in stock on that site.
Title: Re: Key-ed Up Labs and their Customer Service
Post by: iLLucionist on Sun, 10 April 2016, 05:07:22
Maybe they're still honoring warranties but not making boards anymore?

I found one used and I hope it's okay. It looked more appealing than WASD. It's sad if they're going out of business.

Wait what... KUL not making any boards no more?
Title: Re: Key-ed Up Labs and their Customer Service
Post by: bmilcs on Mon, 11 April 2016, 10:14:01
And here she is... almost complete! Waiting on PULSE and gotta pick out a nice wire for it.

KUL ES-87: Krytox GPL205/105 lubed Cherry MX Clear, clipped stabilizers, 62g SPRiT 24k springs, TEMPORARY Vortex PBT Keycap set (awaiting Pulse, Nantucket Select & Granite)




Title: Re: Key-ed Up Labs and their Customer Service
Post by: iLLucionist on Mon, 11 April 2016, 13:07:27
Here is my beauty smoke white kul with clears! Don't mind my potato cam or crappy shot pleaaazz.. kthx

Title: Re: Key-ed Up Labs and their Customer Service
Post by: ThoughtArtist on Mon, 11 April 2016, 13:28:19
Those look nice!

I've got black Leopold ninja caps waiting for mine. Those pics are making me anxious! ;)
Title: Re: Key-ed Up Labs and their Customer Service
Post by: bmilcs on Mon, 11 April 2016, 14:48:48
Dude, PBT caps infinitely improve your overall experience over stock abs caps. Holy cow. Ergoclears were meh with ABS but now feel ultra smooth n solid. REAL TALK :)
Title: Re: Key-ed Up Labs and their Customer Service
Post by: iLLucionist on Mon, 11 April 2016, 15:20:42
Dude, PBT caps infinitely improve your overall experience over stock abs caps. Holy cow. Ergoclears were meh with ABS but now feel ultra smooth n solid. REAL TALK :)

Stock caps on the KUL suck anyway. Thin, shine like crazy, legends wear off just by looking at it. Ho-rrible.
Title: Re: Key-ed Up Labs and their Customer Service
Post by: ThoughtArtist on Mon, 11 April 2016, 16:53:39
Dude, PBT caps infinitely improve your overall experience over stock abs caps. Holy cow. Ergoclears were meh with ABS but now feel ultra smooth n solid. REAL TALK :)

Stock caps on the KUL suck anyway. Thin, shine like crazy, legends wear off just by looking at it. Ho-rrible.

Ducky Shine 4 with the Leopolds was much better as well, although I didn't necessarily hate those caps. Thin is thin, though.
Title: Re: Key-ed Up Labs and their Customer Service
Post by: ThoughtArtist on Mon, 11 April 2016, 16:58:28
It's shipped... wish me luck ;)

Title: Re: Key-ed Up Labs and their Customer Service
Post by: iLLucionist on Mon, 11 April 2016, 17:11:30
It's shipped... wish me luck ;)

(Attachment Link)

Fine board you got there! :thumb:
Title: Re: Key-ed Up Labs and their Customer Service
Post by: bmilcs on Mon, 11 April 2016, 17:17:13
It's shipped... wish me luck ;)

(Attachment Link)

Great ! Enjoy my man.
Title: Re: Key-ed Up Labs and their Customer Service
Post by: ThoughtArtist on Tue, 12 April 2016, 00:02:03
I'm really ready for it! These rattling stabilizers on my Ducky One TKL are rattling my brain! I'm going to eventually fix that at some point since I like the board otherwise. It's a good one to use at work.

 The KUL's stabilizers are stock Cherry and not noisy from the videos I have seen. Is that your experience?
Title: Re: Key-ed Up Labs and their Customer Service
Post by: iLLucionist on Tue, 12 April 2016, 05:30:09
I'm really ready for it! These rattling stabilizers on my Ducky One TKL are rattling my brain! I'm going to eventually fix that at some point since I like the board otherwise. It's a good one to use at work.

 The KUL's stabilizers are stock Cherry and not noisy from the videos I have seen. Is that your experience?

Stock Cherry I believe indeed (too lazy to flip my spacebar off on mine). They are not noisy at ALL. My enter was a bit squeeky but turned out to be my cap was a bit tight.
Title: Re: Key-ed Up Labs and their Customer Service
Post by: bmilcs on Wed, 13 April 2016, 14:17:33
I should make a sound clip video of my keyboard. It sounds and feels AMAZING. Clipped and lubed stabilizers.
Title: Re: Key-ed Up Labs and their Customer Service
Post by: iLLucionist on Wed, 13 April 2016, 14:40:40
I should make a sound clip video of my keyboard. It sounds and feels AMAZING. Clipped and lubed stabilizers.

I know. It is an awesome board. More videos the better!
Title: Re: Key-ed Up Labs and their Customer Service
Post by: ATXTider on Wed, 13 April 2016, 21:58:03
I love my KULs.  The perfect board for me!
Title: Re: Key-ed Up Labs and their Customer Service
Post by: ThoughtArtist on Wed, 13 April 2016, 23:25:43
I'm really ready for it! These rattling stabilizers on my Ducky One TKL are rattling my brain! I'm going to eventually fix that at some point since I like the board otherwise. It's a good one to use at work.

 The KUL's stabilizers are stock Cherry and not noisy from the videos I have seen. Is that your experience?

Stock Cherry I believe indeed (too lazy to flip my spacebar off on mine). They are not noisy at ALL. My enter was a bit squeeky but turned out to be my cap was a bit tight.

Sweet. That's what I thought and was hoping for. I ended up just ripping the stabs from the stabilizer mount and putting some o-rings on the keys for the Ducky One. It actually works well as the keys don't bind like I thought they would; only the long SHIFT when pressing the very edge. Luckily I didn't need to mess with the spacebar stabilizer, as it didn't rattle. They must have been some cheap clone of Cherry stabilizers. I ordered a couple of replacements from Zeal if I ever decide to put replace them, but it works well enough for work. I don't mind my Ducky One being a kind of "tweaker" board to experiment with. But I want something like the KUL to have as a nice board that I don't have to worry about doing any weird hacks to like that just to have decent functionality, for sure. I'm glad to see you all so enthusiastic about it.

Now just waiting for Friday ;)
Title: Re: Key-ed Up Labs and their Customer Service
Post by: iLLucionist on Thu, 14 April 2016, 18:02:04
I'm really ready for it! These rattling stabilizers on my Ducky One TKL are rattling my brain! I'm going to eventually fix that at some point since I like the board otherwise. It's a good one to use at work.

 The KUL's stabilizers are stock Cherry and not noisy from the videos I have seen. Is that your experience?

Stock Cherry I believe indeed (too lazy to flip my spacebar off on mine). They are not noisy at ALL. My enter was a bit squeeky but turned out to be my cap was a bit tight.

Sweet. That's what I thought and was hoping for. I ended up just ripping the stabs from the stabilizer mount and putting some o-rings on the keys for the Ducky One. It actually works well as the keys don't bind like I thought they would; only the long SHIFT when pressing the very edge. Luckily I didn't need to mess with the spacebar stabilizer, as it didn't rattle. They must have been some cheap clone of Cherry stabilizers. I ordered a couple of replacements from Zeal if I ever decide to put replace them, but it works well enough for work. I don't mind my Ducky One being a kind of "tweaker" board to experiment with. But I want something like the KUL to have as a nice board that I don't have to worry about doing any weird hacks to like that just to have decent functionality, for sure. I'm glad to see you all so enthusiastic about it.

Now just waiting for Friday ;)

Great to hear! I didn't mod my KUL.. was thinking of lubing the stabs but I've never done it before and I don't want to ruin one of my main drivers. I've only put PBT caps on them. Like after 1 week. I couldn't stand the stock caps.
Title: Re: Key-ed Up Labs and their Customer Service
Post by: bmilcs on Fri, 15 April 2016, 12:03:29
I'll tell ya... I was in love with stock clears. But 62g lubed and clipped ergoclear mod truly enhanced my board several levels. Even with cheapie vortex pbt it feels incredible. Sadly  any mod requires soldering, a skill I was terrified of until doing this board.

Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk

Title: Re: Key-ed Up Labs and their Customer Service
Post by: iLLucionist on Fri, 15 April 2016, 14:37:14
I'll tell ya... I was in love with stock clears. But 62g lubed and clipped ergoclear mod truly enhanced my board several levels. Even with cheapie vortex pbt it feels incredible. Sadly  any mod requires soldering, a skill I was terrified of until doing this board.

Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk

Wait... stock clear is 55g... you made them even heavier?
Title: Re: Key-ed Up Labs and their Customer Service
Post by: ATXTider on Fri, 15 April 2016, 15:18:17
I'll tell ya... I was in love with stock clears. But 62g lubed and clipped ergoclear mod truly enhanced my board several levels. Even with cheapie vortex pbt it feels incredible. Sadly  any mod requires soldering, a skill I was terrified of until doing this board.

Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk

Wait... stock clear is 55g... you made them even heavier?

Cherry quotes weight as "force needed to reach switch activation", while everyone else gives spring weights as "force needed to bottom out".  While Cherry Clear switches list their weight as '55g', their bottom out weight is more like 100g, so he's made the switches lighter.

Here's a page with Cherry's force graph to help elucidate:,tenkeyless&pid=es87u_cc_wss_al
Title: Re: Key-ed Up Labs and their Customer Service
Post by: iLLucionist on Fri, 15 April 2016, 15:19:05
I'll tell ya... I was in love with stock clears. But 62g lubed and clipped ergoclear mod truly enhanced my board several levels. Even with cheapie vortex pbt it feels incredible. Sadly  any mod requires soldering, a skill I was terrified of until doing this board.

Sent from my SM-G900V using Tapatalk

Wait... stock clear is 55g... you made them even heavier?

Cherry quotes weight as "force needed to reach switch activation", while everyone else gives spring weights as "force needed to bottom out".  While Cherry Clear switches list their weight as '55g', their bottom out weight is more like 100g, so he's made the switches lighter.

Here's a page with Cherry's force graph to help elucidate:,tenkeyless&pid=es87u_cc_wss_al

Thanks! I see now.
Title: Re: Key-ed Up Labs and their Customer Service
Post by: ThoughtArtist on Fri, 15 April 2016, 22:12:18
I'm really ready for it! These rattling stabilizers on my Ducky One TKL are rattling my brain! I'm going to eventually fix that at some point since I like the board otherwise. It's a good one to use at work.

 The KUL's stabilizers are stock Cherry and not noisy from the videos I have seen. Is that your experience?

Stock Cherry I believe indeed (too lazy to flip my spacebar off on mine). They are not noisy at ALL. My enter was a bit squeeky but turned out to be my cap was a bit tight.

Sweet. That's what I thought and was hoping for. I ended up just ripping the stabs from the stabilizer mount and putting some o-rings on the keys for the Ducky One. It actually works well as the keys don't bind like I thought they would; only the long SHIFT when pressing the very edge. Luckily I didn't need to mess with the spacebar stabilizer, as it didn't rattle. They must have been some cheap clone of Cherry stabilizers. I ordered a couple of replacements from Zeal if I ever decide to put replace them, but it works well enough for work. I don't mind my Ducky One being a kind of "tweaker" board to experiment with. But I want something like the KUL to have as a nice board that I don't have to worry about doing any weird hacks to like that just to have decent functionality, for sure. I'm glad to see you all so enthusiastic about it.

Now just waiting for Friday ;)

Great to hear! I didn't mod my KUL.. was thinking of lubing the stabs but I've never done it before and I don't want to ruin one of my main drivers. I've only put PBT caps on them. Like after 1 week. I couldn't stand the stock caps.

Hey, it just came in. One reviewer was definitely accurate in calling the KUL "smooth". I don't have any rattle. I've just been using it a couple of hours and put on the WOB Gmk set already! The build of the board seems very solid. I'll use the Ducky at work and keep this one at home.

Sorry for bad pic, they really don't capture the elegance that well.

Title: Re: Key-ed Up Labs and their Customer Service
Post by: bmilcs on Sat, 16 April 2016, 00:24:22
Hey guys. I spent the last 8 hours learning the very basics of video editing to show how my ergoclear KUL ES-87 sounds. I'll post a link once it's rendered and uploaded.
Title: Re: Key-ed Up Labs and their Customer Service
Post by: ThoughtArtist on Sat, 16 April 2016, 00:35:40
Hey guys. I spent the last 8 hours learning the very basics of video editing to show how my ergoclear KUL ES-87 sounds. I'll post a link once it's rendered and uploaded.

Nice! I don't think I've listened to a sound-test of those yet.

Title: Re: Key-ed Up Labs and their Customer Service
Post by: iLLucionist on Sat, 16 April 2016, 04:07:16

Hey, it just came in. One reviewer was definitely accurate in calling the KUL "smooth". I don't have any rattle. I've just been using it a couple of hours and put on the WOB Gmk set already! The build of the board seems very solid. I'll use the Ducky at work and keep this one at home.

Sorry for bad pic, they really don't capture the elegance that well.

(Attachment Link)

Nice! You like it?
Title: Re: Key-ed Up Labs and their Customer Service
Post by: iLLucionist on Sat, 16 April 2016, 04:07:49
Hey guys. I spent the last 8 hours learning the very basics of video editing to show how my ergoclear KUL ES-87 sounds. I'll post a link once it's rendered and uploaded.

That'll be interesting! With your new caps or stock caps?
Title: Re: Key-ed Up Labs and their Customer Service
Post by: bmilcs on Sat, 16 April 2016, 13:18:31

MY FIRST EVER VIDEO. I've never used Adobe Premiere. This was my first shot at making any type of video. What do you think???

Make sure you maximize and set to 1080p!
Title: Re: Key-ed Up Labs and their Customer Service
Post by: iLLucionist on Sat, 16 April 2016, 13:20:51

MY FIRST EVER VIDEO. I've never used Adobe Premiere. This was my first shot at making any type of video. What do you think???

Make sure you maximize and set to 1080p!

Nice video, watched it to the end. Nice caps. Nice edit also. Only it seems as if it is just out of focus by a tiny tiny fraction. Is this due to export?
Title: Re: Key-ed Up Labs and their Customer Service
Post by: bmilcs on Sat, 16 April 2016, 13:50:36

MY FIRST EVER VIDEO. I've never used Adobe Premiere. This was my first shot at making any type of video. What do you think???

Make sure you maximize and set to 1080p!

Nice video, watched it to the end. Nice caps. Nice edit also. Only it seems as if it is just out of focus by a tiny tiny fraction. Is this due to export?

Yes. 100% Export. I used the best quality possible so I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong. My hands should be slightly out of focus as I have it set to TAB Q W E area. Youtube and Facebook always ruin everything.
Title: Re: Key-ed Up Labs and their Customer Service
Post by: bmilcs on Sat, 16 April 2016, 13:52:51
On second look, the keyboard was definitely in focus. Post processing I suppose. I used:

Title: Re: Key-ed Up Labs and their Customer Service
Post by: bmilcs on Sat, 16 April 2016, 13:55:02

You know what? I don't know what I did wrong. I was so focused on shooting my first video that I may have adjusted the frame and not taken the time to properly focus. Fail.

Maybe It's because I used the LCD to focus and not the viewfinder. I thought I set single point focus but again, I was experimenting. Oh well. It was a first take!
Title: Re: Key-ed Up Labs and their Customer Service
Post by: bmilcs on Sat, 16 April 2016, 13:56:43
I exported it as 60 fps and I shot it in 30fps. Could this have caused the issue?

Edit: Look at my desk mat. It should be in focus. You can see the bokeh shift from blurry to sharpish to blurry.
Title: Re: Key-ed Up Labs and their Customer Service
Post by: iLLucionist on Sat, 16 April 2016, 15:32:06
I must say that the screenshots you post are way sharper than what YouTube shows. Perhaps it IS youtube? Perhaps they do some post-conversion or something.
Title: Re: Key-ed Up Labs and their Customer Service
Post by: bmilcs on Sat, 16 April 2016, 15:48:31
Do you have 1080p highlighted via the gear icon?

Title: Re: Key-ed Up Labs and their Customer Service
Post by: iLLucionist on Sat, 16 April 2016, 15:55:45
Do you have 1080p highlighted via the gear icon?

Show Image

Yes, but honestly, it may be my mbp 2010 lacking. 60fps is not smooth for me. So it may be that the algorithm tries to interlace between frames that are skipped.
Title: Re: Key-ed Up Labs and their Customer Service
Post by: bmilcs on Sat, 16 April 2016, 18:53:10
Do you have 1080p highlighted via the gear icon?

Show Image

Yes, but honestly, it may be my mbp 2010 lacking. 60fps is not smooth for me. So it may be that the algorithm tries to interlace between frames that are skipped.

I gotcha. Oh well. I am happy having learned so much in the process. I need to record my TF2 MGE 1v1s and pub games... make a highlight reel :)
Title: Re: Key-ed Up Labs and their Customer Service
Post by: ThoughtArtist on Sat, 16 April 2016, 23:40:31

Hey, it just came in. One reviewer was definitely accurate in calling the KUL "smooth". I don't have any rattle. I've just been using it a couple of hours and put on the WOB Gmk set already! The build of the board seems very solid. I'll use the Ducky at work and keep this one at home.

Sorry for bad pic, they really don't capture the elegance that well.

(Attachment Link)

Nice! You like it?

Yes, definitely. It's like the GMK WoB and the ES-87 were made for each other!

I thought about trying some other caps eventually, like my GMK Dolch set or the IMSTO pbt set that will (hopefully) ship soon, but I may just have to buy another ES-87 for that. ;)
Title: Re: Key-ed Up Labs and their Customer Service
Post by: ThoughtArtist on Sat, 16 April 2016, 23:49:07
Do you have 1080p highlighted via the gear icon?

Show Image

Yes, but honestly, it may be my mbp 2010 lacking. 60fps is not smooth for me. So it may be that the algorithm tries to interlace between frames that are skipped.

I gotcha. Oh well. I am happy having learned so much in the process. I need to record my TF2 MGE 1v1s and pub games... make a highlight reel :)

I thought the video was good, the keys sound like "marbles" which is really nice (if that makes sense). Only thing is maybe better sound isolation. The shot looked good and isolated with the black background, but hearing traffic and such kind of made it harder to focus on the keyboard sound.

However, I will say that I have very sensitive hearing, so I may just be anal about it. I would probably not be totally please unless the room was sound proofed and professional mics were used, as in a music studio. ;)
Title: Re: Key-ed Up Labs and their Customer Service
Post by: iLLucionist on Sun, 17 April 2016, 07:10:31
Do you have 1080p highlighted via the gear icon?

Show Image

Yes, but honestly, it may be my mbp 2010 lacking. 60fps is not smooth for me. So it may be that the algorithm tries to interlace between frames that are skipped.

I gotcha. Oh well. I am happy having learned so much in the process. I need to record my TF2 MGE 1v1s and pub games... make a highlight reel :)

I thought the video was good, the keys sound like "marbles" which is really nice (if that makes sense). Only thing is maybe better sound isolation. The shot looked good and isolated with the black background, but hearing traffic and such kind of made it harder to focus on the keyboard sound.

However, I will say that I have very sensitive hearing, so I may just be anal about it. I would probably not be totally please unless the room was sound proofed and professional mics were used, as in a music studio. ;)

Damm you hearing good man!
Title: Re: Key-ed Up Labs and their Customer Service
Post by: ThoughtArtist on Sun, 17 April 2016, 12:30:18
Do you have 1080p highlighted via the gear icon?

Show Image

Yes, but honestly, it may be my mbp 2010 lacking. 60fps is not smooth for me. So it may be that the algorithm tries to interlace between frames that are skipped.

I gotcha. Oh well. I am happy having learned so much in the process. I need to record my TF2 MGE 1v1s and pub games... make a highlight reel :)

I thought the video was good, the keys sound like "marbles" which is really nice (if that makes sense). Only thing is maybe better sound isolation. The shot looked good and isolated with the black background, but hearing traffic and such kind of made it harder to focus on the keyboard sound.

However, I will say that I have very sensitive hearing, so I may just be anal about it. I would probably not be totally please unless the room was sound proofed and professional mics were used, as in a music studio. ;)

Damm you hearing good man!

I know... sometimes it makes me a bit crazy to hear things so well, but it's better than bad hearing. I tried clicky switches but it was too much feedback for me.
Title: Re: Key-ed Up Labs and their Customer Service
Post by: iLLucionist on Sun, 17 April 2016, 12:32:27
Do you have 1080p highlighted via the gear icon?

Show Image

Yes, but honestly, it may be my mbp 2010 lacking. 60fps is not smooth for me. So it may be that the algorithm tries to interlace between frames that are skipped.

I gotcha. Oh well. I am happy having learned so much in the process. I need to record my TF2 MGE 1v1s and pub games... make a highlight reel :)

I thought the video was good, the keys sound like "marbles" which is really nice (if that makes sense). Only thing is maybe better sound isolation. The shot looked good and isolated with the black background, but hearing traffic and such kind of made it harder to focus on the keyboard sound.

However, I will say that I have very sensitive hearing, so I may just be anal about it. I would probably not be totally please unless the room was sound proofed and professional mics were used, as in a music studio. ;)

Damm you hearing good man!

I know... sometimes it makes me a bit crazy to hear things so well, but it's better than bad hearing. I tried clicky switches but it was too much feedback for me.

My hearing is probably not as good as yours, but my hearing (all my senses actually) are really SENSITIVE. Their are particular pitches / frequencies that really irritate me to the bone, like the pitch of blue switches.
Title: Re: Key-ed Up Labs and their Customer Service
Post by: ThoughtArtist on Sun, 17 April 2016, 12:50:58
Do you have 1080p highlighted via the gear icon?

Show Image

Yes, but honestly, it may be my mbp 2010 lacking. 60fps is not smooth for me. So it may be that the algorithm tries to interlace between frames that are skipped.

I gotcha. Oh well. I am happy having learned so much in the process. I need to record my TF2 MGE 1v1s and pub games... make a highlight reel :)

I thought the video was good, the keys sound like "marbles" which is really nice (if that makes sense). Only thing is maybe better sound isolation. The shot looked good and isolated with the black background, but hearing traffic and such kind of made it harder to focus on the keyboard sound.

However, I will say that I have very sensitive hearing, so I may just be anal about it. I would probably not be totally please unless the room was sound proofed and professional mics were used, as in a music studio. ;)

Damm you hearing good man!

I know... sometimes it makes me a bit crazy to hear things so well, but it's better than bad hearing. I tried clicky switches but it was too much feedback for me.

My hearing is probably not as good as yours, but my hearing (all my senses actually) are really SENSITIVE. Their are particular pitches / frequencies that really irritate me to the bone, like the pitch of blue switches.

The clickiness like in the Blues just annoys me as well. It gets in the way of the sounds that I actually like.

I thought I would like clicky Alps, but, no. Not really too loud, per se, just annoying.
Title: Re: Key-ed Up Labs and their Customer Service
Post by: iLLucionist on Sun, 17 April 2016, 13:02:13
My hearing is probably not as good as yours, but my hearing (all my senses actually) are really SENSITIVE. Their are particular pitches / frequencies that really irritate me to the bone, like the pitch of blue switches.

The clickiness like in the Blues just annoys me as well. It gets in the way of the sounds that I actually like.

I thought I would like clicky Alps, but, no. Not really too loud, per se, just annoying.

Are clicky Alps similar to Blues in sound?
Title: Re: Key-ed Up Labs and their Customer Service
Post by: ThoughtArtist on Sun, 17 April 2016, 13:10:59
My hearing is probably not as good as yours, but my hearing (all my senses actually) are really SENSITIVE. Their are particular pitches / frequencies that really irritate me to the bone, like the pitch of blue switches.

The clickiness like in the Blues just annoys me as well. It gets in the way of the sounds that I actually like.

I thought I would like clicky Alps, but, no. Not really too loud, per se, just annoying.

Are clicky Alps similar to Blues in sound?

I'm not sure exactly, but I got some virgin Complicated White Alps that sound pretty subtle in their click, but it still annoys me. It may be a bit deeper sounding than MX Blue.

I do love some electronic music and generally crazy sounds at times, so it actually surprised me a bit that I didn't like clicky switches.
Title: Re: Key-ed Up Labs and their Customer Service
Post by: iLLucionist on Sun, 17 April 2016, 15:02:19
My hearing is probably not as good as yours, but my hearing (all my senses actually) are really SENSITIVE. Their are particular pitches / frequencies that really irritate me to the bone, like the pitch of blue switches.

The clickiness like in the Blues just annoys me as well. It gets in the way of the sounds that I actually like.

I thought I would like clicky Alps, but, no. Not really too loud, per se, just annoying.

Are clicky Alps similar to Blues in sound?

I'm not sure exactly, but I got some virgin Complicated White Alps that sound pretty subtle in their click, but it still annoys me. It may be a bit deeper sounding than MX Blue.

I do love some electronic music and generally crazy sounds at times, so it actually surprised me a bit that I didn't like clicky switches.

Yeah most clicky boards have a high pitched sound. I would like more a deep sound, but haven't found a switch / dampening whatever mod solution to get me that.
Title: Re: Key-ed Up Labs and their Customer Service
Post by: ThoughtArtist on Sun, 17 April 2016, 16:17:01
My hearing is probably not as good as yours, but my hearing (all my senses actually) are really SENSITIVE. Their are particular pitches / frequencies that really irritate me to the bone, like the pitch of blue switches.

The clickiness like in the Blues just annoys me as well. It gets in the way of the sounds that I actually like.

I thought I would like clicky Alps, but, no. Not really too loud, per se, just annoying.

Are clicky Alps similar to Blues in sound?

I'm not sure exactly, but I got some virgin Complicated White Alps that sound pretty subtle in their click, but it still annoys me. It may be a bit deeper sounding than MX Blue.

I do love some electronic music and generally crazy sounds at times, so it actually surprised me a bit that I didn't like clicky switches.

Yeah most clicky boards have a high pitched sound. I would like more a deep sound, but haven't found a switch / dampening whatever mod solution to get me that.

I really like the sound and feel of the linearised Black Alps Dell AT-101. It's buttery-smooth and has a satisfying lower-pitched chatter. It's very beautiful sound/feel to me.
Title: Re: Key-ed Up Labs and their Customer Service
Post by: iLLucionist on Sun, 17 April 2016, 16:27:52
My hearing is probably not as good as yours, but my hearing (all my senses actually) are really SENSITIVE. Their are particular pitches / frequencies that really irritate me to the bone, like the pitch of blue switches.

The clickiness like in the Blues just annoys me as well. It gets in the way of the sounds that I actually like.

I thought I would like clicky Alps, but, no. Not really too loud, per se, just annoying.

Are clicky Alps similar to Blues in sound?

I'm not sure exactly, but I got some virgin Complicated White Alps that sound pretty subtle in their click, but it still annoys me. It may be a bit deeper sounding than MX Blue.

I do love some electronic music and generally crazy sounds at times, so it actually surprised me a bit that I didn't like clicky switches.

Yeah most clicky boards have a high pitched sound. I would like more a deep sound, but haven't found a switch / dampening whatever mod solution to get me that.

I really like the sound and feel of the linearised Black Alps Dell AT-101. It's buttery-smooth and has a satisfying lower-pitched chatter. It's very beautiful sound/feel to me.

So there is hope :P Time to check out some videos of black alps.
Title: Re: Key-ed Up Labs and their Customer Service
Post by: ThoughtArtist on Sun, 17 April 2016, 16:49:52
My hearing is probably not as good as yours, but my hearing (all my senses actually) are really SENSITIVE. Their are particular pitches / frequencies that really irritate me to the bone, like the pitch of blue switches.

The clickiness like in the Blues just annoys me as well. It gets in the way of the sounds that I actually like.

I thought I would like clicky Alps, but, no. Not really too loud, per se, just annoying.

Are clicky Alps similar to Blues in sound?

I'm not sure exactly, but I got some virgin Complicated White Alps that sound pretty subtle in their click, but it still annoys me. It may be a bit deeper sounding than MX Blue.

I do love some electronic music and generally crazy sounds at times, so it actually surprised me a bit that I didn't like clicky switches.

Yeah most clicky boards have a high pitched sound. I would like more a deep sound, but haven't found a switch / dampening whatever mod solution to get me that.

I really like the sound and feel of the linearised Black Alps Dell AT-101. It's buttery-smooth and has a satisfying lower-pitched chatter. It's very beautiful sound/feel to me.

So there is hope :P Time to check out some videos of black alps.

Keep in mind the sound is changed when they are linearised since you remove the tactile leaf. Less choppy and more gentle sounding.
Title: Re: Key-ed Up Labs and their Customer Service
Post by: iLLucionist on Sun, 17 April 2016, 17:06:07
My hearing is probably not as good as yours, but my hearing (all my senses actually) are really SENSITIVE. Their are particular pitches / frequencies that really irritate me to the bone, like the pitch of blue switches.

The clickiness like in the Blues just annoys me as well. It gets in the way of the sounds that I actually like.

I thought I would like clicky Alps, but, no. Not really too loud, per se, just annoying.

Are clicky Alps similar to Blues in sound?

I'm not sure exactly, but I got some virgin Complicated White Alps that sound pretty subtle in their click, but it still annoys me. It may be a bit deeper sounding than MX Blue.

I do love some electronic music and generally crazy sounds at times, so it actually surprised me a bit that I didn't like clicky switches.

Yeah most clicky boards have a high pitched sound. I would like more a deep sound, but haven't found a switch / dampening whatever mod solution to get me that.

I really like the sound and feel of the linearised Black Alps Dell AT-101. It's buttery-smooth and has a satisfying lower-pitched chatter. It's very beautiful sound/feel to me.

So there is hope :P Time to check out some videos of black alps.

Keep in mind the sound is changed when they are linearised since you remove the tactile leaf. Less choppy and more gentle sounding.

Good to know, thanks!

Why did they do that actually? So that is what makes it simplified vs complex alps?
Title: Re: Key-ed Up Labs and their Customer Service
Post by: bmilcs on Mon, 18 April 2016, 09:43:43
Do you have 1080p highlighted via the gear icon?

Show Image

Yes, but honestly, it may be my mbp 2010 lacking. 60fps is not smooth for me. So it may be that the algorithm tries to interlace between frames that are skipped.

I gotcha. Oh well. I am happy having learned so much in the process. I need to record my TF2 MGE 1v1s and pub games... make a highlight reel :)

I thought the video was good, the keys sound like "marbles" which is really nice (if that makes sense). Only thing is maybe better sound isolation. The shot looked good and isolated with the black background, but hearing traffic and such kind of made it harder to focus on the keyboard sound.

However, I will say that I have very sensitive hearing, so I may just be anal about it. I would probably not be totally please unless the room was sound proofed and professional mics were used, as in a music studio. ;)

Yeah I used a few filters in Premiere, like denoise and changed the EQ settings. i've never worked w/ sound or video before so I didn't want to invest a week on a 2 min first clip lol.
Title: Re: Key-ed Up Labs and their Customer Service
Post by: iLLucionist on Mon, 18 April 2016, 09:51:34
Do you have 1080p highlighted via the gear icon?

Show Image

Yes, but honestly, it may be my mbp 2010 lacking. 60fps is not smooth for me. So it may be that the algorithm tries to interlace between frames that are skipped.

I gotcha. Oh well. I am happy having learned so much in the process. I need to record my TF2 MGE 1v1s and pub games... make a highlight reel :)

I thought the video was good, the keys sound like "marbles" which is really nice (if that makes sense). Only thing is maybe better sound isolation. The shot looked good and isolated with the black background, but hearing traffic and such kind of made it harder to focus on the keyboard sound.

However, I will say that I have very sensitive hearing, so I may just be anal about it. I would probably not be totally please unless the room was sound proofed and professional mics were used, as in a music studio. ;)

Yeah I used a few filters in Premiere, like denoise and changed the EQ settings. i've never worked w/ sound or video before so I didn't want to invest a week on a 2 min first clip lol.

It's still impressive for your first clip!
Title: Re: Key-ed Up Labs and their Customer Service
Post by: TheInverseKey on Mon, 18 April 2016, 09:56:07
I have to say that I am disappointed in their QC and I got a es-87 where the whole keyboard pings.

Example below

BTW this happens on the feet and on every key stroke.

Kul ES-87 owners.
I need some additional data to determine if this is normal

1) Does your keyboard resonate with the back plate and produce a ring when you type? Would you characterize it as normal or excessive?
2) Does any type of back plate resonance occur when you flip the keyboard feet (like so -
- you might need to turn up your volume) or perform any normal action which applies force to your entire keyboard?
3) Does your board have excessive back plate resonance?

Title: Re: Key-ed Up Labs and their Customer Service
Post by: iLLucionist on Mon, 18 April 2016, 09:58:02
I have to say that I am disappointed in their QC and I got a es-87 where the whole keyboard pings.

Example below

BTW this happens on the feet and on every key stroke.

Kul ES-87 owners.
I need some additional data to determine if this is normal

1) Does your keyboard resonate with the back plate and produce a ring when you type? Would you characterize it as normal or excessive?
2) Does any type of back plate resonance occur when you flip the keyboard feet (like so -
- you might need to turn up your volume) or perform any normal action which applies force to your entire keyboard?
3) Does your board have excessive back plate resonance?


Btw... I agree it's clearly audible.
Title: Re: Key-ed Up Labs and their Customer Service
Post by: ThoughtArtist on Wed, 20 April 2016, 21:05:05
I have to say that I am disappointed in their QC and I got a es-87 where the whole keyboard pings.

Example below

BTW this happens on the feet and on every key stroke.

Kul ES-87 owners.
I need some additional data to determine if this is normal

1) Does your keyboard resonate with the back plate and produce a ring when you type? Would you characterize it as normal or excessive?
2) Does any type of back plate resonance occur when you flip the keyboard feet (like so -
- you might need to turn up your volume) or perform any normal action which applies force to your entire keyboard?
3) Does your board have excessive back plate resonance?


Btw... I agree it's clearly audible.

Honestly, mine's about the same or quieter than my other MX boards: Ducky Shine 4, Ducky One TKL (sans stabilizers), Varmilo VA87MN. I never got this extreme ping when flipping the feet out.

I think a lot of complaints are because MX Clears have inherent pinging issues due to the springs, as I hear the same pinging on my switch tester.

Anyway, I am getting a ES-87 with MX Clears (the one that was in the classifieds here). I'll be able to test side by side with my ES-87 - MX Browns and I'll be able to see (or hear) for myself. It may be that there's only so much you can do to minimize the pinging of clears, no matter what metal back-plate type board they are in.
Title: Re: Key-ed Up Labs and their Customer Service
Post by: ThoughtArtist on Wed, 20 April 2016, 21:12:27
My hearing is probably not as good as yours, but my hearing (all my senses actually) are really SENSITIVE. Their are particular pitches / frequencies that really irritate me to the bone, like the pitch of blue switches.

The clickiness like in the Blues just annoys me as well. It gets in the way of the sounds that I actually like.

I thought I would like clicky Alps, but, no. Not really too loud, per se, just annoying.

Are clicky Alps similar to Blues in sound?

I'm not sure exactly, but I got some virgin Complicated White Alps that sound pretty subtle in their click, but it still annoys me. It may be a bit deeper sounding than MX Blue.

I do love some electronic music and generally crazy sounds at times, so it actually surprised me a bit that I didn't like clicky switches.

Yeah most clicky boards have a high pitched sound. I would like more a deep sound, but haven't found a switch / dampening whatever mod solution to get me that.

I really like the sound and feel of the linearised Black Alps Dell AT-101. It's buttery-smooth and has a satisfying lower-pitched chatter. It's very beautiful sound/feel to me.

So there is hope :P Time to check out some videos of black alps.

Keep in mind the sound is changed when they are linearised since you remove the tactile leaf. Less choppy and more gentle sounding.

Good to know, thanks!

Why did they do that actually? So that is what makes it simplified vs complex alps?

The simplified switch just has less pieces for the contact plate and contact leaf. The tactile leaf is a separate piece. It is almost the same design as the clicky leaf, so you could actually take a clicky leaf from a White Alps switch and put it into a Black Alps switch and make it clicky. They both cause tactility, whether clicky or not.

From what I have heard, the simplified switch is actually more complicated to disassemble.

I may not be using correct terminology or descriptions though, as I am still new to Alps switches.

That being said, I like the simpler design of the MX Brown/Clear tactility. It's less noisy since it is built into the stem, and there isn't an extra metal piece flopping around in the switch. It's more like a brief speed-bump then a drawn out slope-like "chop". It's just something I prefer as it seems more nimble. I noticed the Black and White alps tactility just kind of slowed me down and was too much in the way.
Title: Re: Key-ed Up Labs and their Customer Service
Post by: ThoughtArtist on Wed, 20 April 2016, 21:22:24
Do you have 1080p highlighted via the gear icon?

Show Image

Yes, but honestly, it may be my mbp 2010 lacking. 60fps is not smooth for me. So it may be that the algorithm tries to interlace between frames that are skipped.

I gotcha. Oh well. I am happy having learned so much in the process. I need to record my TF2 MGE 1v1s and pub games... make a highlight reel :)

I thought the video was good, the keys sound like "marbles" which is really nice (if that makes sense). Only thing is maybe better sound isolation. The shot looked good and isolated with the black background, but hearing traffic and such kind of made it harder to focus on the keyboard sound.

However, I will say that I have very sensitive hearing, so I may just be anal about it. I would probably not be totally please unless the room was sound proofed and professional mics were used, as in a music studio. ;)

Yeah I used a few filters in Premiere, like denoise and changed the EQ settings. i've never worked w/ sound or video before so I didn't want to invest a week on a 2 min first clip lol.

It's still impressive for your first clip!

I definitely liked how the shot was set up. I wish more typing vids were set up like that. Just mainly needs a quieter room with no outside noise filtering in.
Title: Re: Key-ed Up Labs and their Customer Service
Post by: bmilcs on Thu, 21 April 2016, 09:41:53
Do you have 1080p highlighted via the gear icon?

Show Image

Yes, but honestly, it may be my mbp 2010 lacking. 60fps is not smooth for me. So it may be that the algorithm tries to interlace between frames that are skipped.

I gotcha. Oh well. I am happy having learned so much in the process. I need to record my TF2 MGE 1v1s and pub games... make a highlight reel :)

I thought the video was good, the keys sound like "marbles" which is really nice (if that makes sense). Only thing is maybe better sound isolation. The shot looked good and isolated with the black background, but hearing traffic and such kind of made it harder to focus on the keyboard sound.

However, I will say that I have very sensitive hearing, so I may just be anal about it. I would probably not be totally please unless the room was sound proofed and professional mics were used, as in a music studio. ;)

Yeah I used a few filters in Premiere, like denoise and changed the EQ settings. i've never worked w/ sound or video before so I didn't want to invest a week on a 2 min first clip lol.

It's still impressive for your first clip!

I definitely liked how the shot was set up. I wish more typing vids were set up like that. Just mainly needs a quieter room with no outside noise filtering in.

Thanks man. I am super OCD lol. I spent about 5 minutes taking the video and 10 hours learning how to edit and piece it together. Sad but true. Now that I know the ropes, I could throw something like this together quickly

Sadly, I lost my charger for my GD Nikon. I'm most likely going to have to buy another -_-
Title: Re: Key-ed Up Labs and their Customer Service
Post by: ThoughtArtist on Thu, 21 April 2016, 18:58:41
Do you have 1080p highlighted via the gear icon?

Show Image

Yes, but honestly, it may be my mbp 2010 lacking. 60fps is not smooth for me. So it may be that the algorithm tries to interlace between frames that are skipped.

I gotcha. Oh well. I am happy having learned so much in the process. I need to record my TF2 MGE 1v1s and pub games... make a highlight reel :)

I thought the video was good, the keys sound like "marbles" which is really nice (if that makes sense). Only thing is maybe better sound isolation. The shot looked good and isolated with the black background, but hearing traffic and such kind of made it harder to focus on the keyboard sound.

However, I will say that I have very sensitive hearing, so I may just be anal about it. I would probably not be totally please unless the room was sound proofed and professional mics were used, as in a music studio. ;)

Yeah I used a few filters in Premiere, like denoise and changed the EQ settings. i've never worked w/ sound or video before so I didn't want to invest a week on a 2 min first clip lol.

It's still impressive for your first clip!

I definitely liked how the shot was set up. I wish more typing vids were set up like that. Just mainly needs a quieter room with no outside noise filtering in.

Thanks man. I am super OCD lol. I spent about 5 minutes taking the video and 10 hours learning how to edit and piece it together. Sad but true. Now that I know the ropes, I could throw something like this together quickly

Sadly, I lost my charger for my GD Nikon. I'm most likely going to have to buy another -_-

Hopefully you can find it. I've thought about doing videos, but I have so much other things to do. It's just best for me to watch others' vids and put my efforts into "static" artwork. The more keyboard vids, the merrier!
Title: Re: Key-ed Up Labs and their Customer Service
Post by: bmilcs on Fri, 22 April 2016, 14:12:39
Do you have 1080p highlighted via the gear icon?

Show Image

Yes, but honestly, it may be my mbp 2010 lacking. 60fps is not smooth for me. So it may be that the algorithm tries to interlace between frames that are skipped.

I gotcha. Oh well. I am happy having learned so much in the process. I need to record my TF2 MGE 1v1s and pub games... make a highlight reel :)

I thought the video was good, the keys sound like "marbles" which is really nice (if that makes sense). Only thing is maybe better sound isolation. The shot looked good and isolated with the black background, but hearing traffic and such kind of made it harder to focus on the keyboard sound.

However, I will say that I have very sensitive hearing, so I may just be anal about it. I would probably not be totally please unless the room was sound proofed and professional mics were used, as in a music studio. ;)

Yeah I used a few filters in Premiere, like denoise and changed the EQ settings. i've never worked w/ sound or video before so I didn't want to invest a week on a 2 min first clip lol.

It's still impressive for your first clip!

I definitely liked how the shot was set up. I wish more typing vids were set up like that. Just mainly needs a quieter room with no outside noise filtering in.

Thanks man. I am super OCD lol. I spent about 5 minutes taking the video and 10 hours learning how to edit and piece it together. Sad but true. Now that I know the ropes, I could throw something like this together quickly

Sadly, I lost my charger for my GD Nikon. I'm most likely going to have to buy another -_-

Hopefully you can find it. I've thought about doing videos, but I have so much other things to do. It's just best for me to watch others' vids and put my efforts into "static" artwork. The more keyboard vids, the merrier!

I hear ya. My life isn't exactly dull myself. My kids and wife went to sleep on a Friday night and I ended up all-nighting it to do this :)
Title: Re: Key-ed Up Labs and their Customer Service
Post by: iLLucionist on Sat, 23 April 2016, 13:28:38
10h editing wow. Time to see whether my Nikon D7200 can make decent videos. But I don't have such a nice setup as you have. It IS more quiet around me, that's for sure.. haha :P
Title: Re: Key-ed Up Labs and their Customer Service
Post by: bmilcs on Mon, 25 April 2016, 09:29:54
10h editing wow. Time to see whether my Nikon D7200 can make decent videos. But I don't have such a nice setup as you have. It IS more quiet around me, that's for sure.. haha :P

Yeah I live on the busiest street in my "town".  Sucks.