
geekhack Community => Off Topic => Topic started by: tp4tissue on Fri, 18 August 2017, 07:42:18

Title: What if I'm addicted to meats and greasy ?!
Post by: tp4tissue on Fri, 18 August 2017, 07:42:18
If you are a human being and not a secret government cyborg.

Then you are at risk.. !!

That's OK !

But when it-happens,   And it WILL.. 

You gotta Man-the-fk-up for your children, the wife, and America.. 

STOP eating meat and greasy immediately.

Heart Disease at a glance:

33% of all americans have heart disease, 

---- If you have elevated blood pressure, YOU HAVE heart disease,

------- It's just not killing you "as much", "yet"

25%-30% of all deaths per year = heart disease

610,000 'muricans die from it every year.

735,000 'muricans have heart attacks every year

----525,000 are a first heart attacks

-----------  25% of first heart attacks are Insta-Kills..

-----------------131,250 'muricans die of Insta-Kill out of 610,000

-----------  If you don't live near a hospital, 100% of first heart attacks are Insta-Kills

75% of you who survive the Insta-Kill

______ They can cut you open and temporarily unblock you, but this lasts ~ 1-5 years tops, in that time, lots of anguish and suffering.

50% of you who have a FIRST heart attack will die within that 1 to 5 years.

Title: Re: What if I'm addicted to meats and greasy ?!
Post by: tp4tissue on Fri, 18 August 2017, 07:51:52
It also causes most western cancers..   especially hormone dependent ones like breast cancer , prostate cancer, liver cancer, bowel cancers, etc..

Pretty much ALL breast cancer is caused by meat consumption.

In poorer countries where they can't afford to raise livestock for food (highly inefficient calorie vs inputs),  These peeps have, 0x breast cancer,  that's 0 with a z.

Even within developed countries,  Richer women who can afford AND eat lots of meat have nearly 8x the rate of breast cancer as poorer women.
Title: Re: What if I'm addicted to meats and greasy ?!
Post by: tp4tissue on Fri, 18 August 2017, 08:07:14
Hai Tp, 

This doesn't seem Tooo dangerous..   

I drive on the highway every day.. real fast = way more dangerous

What about gun violence in the news,  I could gets shot..  better eat some meat

only about  15,000 peeps a year died of homicides..

vs              30,000 peeps from car accidents..

vs              650,000 peeps dying of heart disease.

IN THE UNITED STATES.. w/ all them guns.

Title: Re: What if I'm addicted to meats and greasy ?!
Post by: SpAmRaY on Fri, 18 August 2017, 08:47:02
I just had some breakfast pizza (bacon n sausage) that was so greasy I had to wash my hands after eating it.


Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
Title: Re: What if I'm addicted to meats and greasy ?!
Post by: chyros on Fri, 18 August 2017, 09:01:04
Fun fact; research has shown that people who turn vegan suddenly can't stop blathering on and on about their diets :p .
Title: Re: What if I'm addicted to meats and greasy ?!
Post by: tp4tissue on Fri, 18 August 2017, 09:44:03
Fun fact; research has shown that people who turn vegan suddenly can't stop blathering on and on about their diets :p .


persistence is important..

Can't stop helping people.. sharing the wealth..

The people is getting more than money,   They are getting LIFE.. !!
Title: Re: What if I'm addicted to meats and greasy ?!
Post by: Belfong on Fri, 18 August 2017, 11:20:52
How about potatoes? Does that count?
Title: Re: What if I'm addicted to meats and greasy ?!
Post by: fleischverpackung on Fri, 18 August 2017, 11:58:56
MFW there is gluten in my organic veggy water  :-\
Title: Re: What if I'm addicted to meats and greasy ?!
Post by: noisyturtle on Sat, 19 August 2017, 17:02:41
Dude, I had this amazing bbq brisket from the food truck at work yesterday

let's just look at some meat dammit




Title: Re: What if I'm addicted to meats and greasy ?!
Post by: fanpeople on Sat, 19 August 2017, 18:50:21
This is now a post your meat thread....

Everyone post pictures of meat
Title: Re: What if I'm addicted to meats and greasy ?!
Post by: tp4tissue on Sat, 19 August 2017, 20:34:56
This is now a post your meat thread....

Everyone post pictures of meat


The plan is working..

Ya'll are lucky Tp4 =/=  Evil.

Otherwise This would've be a successful plan of reverse suggestion..

Title: Re: What if I'm addicted to meats and greasy ?!
Post by: digi on Sun, 20 August 2017, 11:10:44
Fun fact; research has shown that people who turn vegan suddenly can't stop blathering on and on about their diets :p .

TP is trying to get us to join with him so we can all be miserable together...not gonna work TP.
Title: Re: What if I'm addicted to meats and greasy ?!
Post by: tp4tissue on Sun, 20 August 2017, 11:14:48
Fun fact; research has shown that people who turn vegan suddenly can't stop blathering on and on about their diets :p .

TP is trying to get us to join with him so we can all be miserable together...not gonna work TP.

I think very generally , pressure to change will initially harden the meat-addicts' conviction

However, overtime as the deleterious effects of heart disease / cancer / diabetes / dementia   caused by meat eating KILLS OFF the meat-addicts..

From within the ashes  vegans will be humanity's rebound..

This is the same for smokers..   MOST did not quit,  they DIED.. 

As a fellow Geekhacker,  I can only go so far as to push you on the facts with persistence and good will.

But,  in the grand scheme,   It's very obvious that most of ya'll and ya'lls immediate offspring will MEAT an early demise.

This current crisis is very much a 3x generation affair, minimum.

---- That said,  Ya'll should still at least TRY it...
Title: Re: What if I'm addicted to meats and greasy ?!
Post by: klaushouse on Sun, 20 August 2017, 14:45:51
If you guys haven't tried Sou Vide, you really should. I think you can get started on Amazon now doing this for a couple hundred dollars whereas just a few years ago wouldve been 800-1500 to get into it.

Crash course you vacuum seal a meat with w/e marinade spices you want, put it in a sou vide machine which boils water to precise temps to cook meat flawlessly. It's the penultimate cook. When done you can just fry for 3 seconds on hot pan on all sides to sizzle the outside and you're done. Pictured below. (not mine)

Title: Re: What if I'm addicted to meats and greasy ?!
Post by: tp4tissue on Sun, 20 August 2017, 15:23:07
If you guys haven't tried Sou Vide, you really should. I think you can get started on Amazon now doing this for a couple hundred dollars whereas just a few years ago wouldve been 800-1500 to get into it.

Crash course you vacuum seal a meat with w/e marinade spices you want, put it in a sou vide machine which boils water to precise temps to cook meat flawlessly. It's the penultimate cook. When done you can just fry for 3 seconds on hot pan on all sides to sizzle the outside and you're done. Pictured below. (not mine)

Show Image

The Heart Disease and Cancer is ---Probably worth it--- in the case of sous vide..

Title: Re: What if I'm addicted to meats and greasy ?!
Post by: fohat.digs on Sun, 20 August 2017, 19:01:52

I think you can get started on Amazon now doing this for a couple hundred dollars

I put one of these in an electrical box and plugged my crock pot into it for a lot less money. (
Title: Re: What if I'm addicted to meats and greasy ?!
Post by: SpAmRaY on Sun, 20 August 2017, 19:09:53

I think you can get started on Amazon now doing this for a couple hundred dollars

I put one of these in an electrical box and plugged my crock pot into it for a lot less money. (
But what about having some circulation in the water for even temperatures?

Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk

Title: Re: What if I'm addicted to meats and greasy ?!
Post by: fanpeople on Sun, 20 August 2017, 20:30:10


Title: Re: What if I'm addicted to meats and greasy ?!
Post by: SpAmRaY on Wed, 23 August 2017, 13:07:06
TP4 I just ate an entire bag of pork rinds...

490 Calories
31.5g Fat
105mg Cholesterol
2660mg Sodium

Title: Re: What if I'm addicted to meats and greasy ?!
Post by: OneNightFriend on Wed, 23 August 2017, 13:13:32
Heart disease is my retirement plan tbqhwu
Title: Re: What if I'm addicted to meats and greasy ?!
Post by: tp4tissue on Wed, 23 August 2017, 13:40:05
TP4 I just ate an entire bag of pork rinds...

490 Calories
31.5g Fat
105mg Cholesterol
2660mg Sodium


For /hardcore Consumers such as yourself,  habits are as strong as smoking.

In most cases of -intense- sensory attachment, the consumer has difficulty all the way up until a --Traumatic-- event occurs..

Certainly do your best each day to look both ways..   but it's critical that when Judgement day comes,  You do the 180...

Should you waver in that moment, it would assure an --unfavorable-- outcome
Title: Re: What if I'm addicted to meats and greasy ?!
Post by: fohat.digs on Wed, 23 August 2017, 18:45:23
Time to post the Krispy Kreme bacon cheeseburger again.
Title: Re: What if I'm addicted to meats and greasy ?!
Post by: tp4tissue on Wed, 23 August 2017, 19:09:09
Time to post the Krispy Kreme bacon cheeseburger again.

Fohat,  ur as old as p00p.. hahahaha

Gotta get on the health path soooonish.. 
Title: Re: What if I'm addicted to meats and greasy ?!
Post by: chyros on Thu, 24 August 2017, 06:20:04
Time to post the Krispy Kreme bacon cheeseburger again.
What the **** are that? Oo
Title: Re: What if I'm addicted to meats and greasy ?!
Post by: ander on Thu, 24 August 2017, 06:24:58
Yeah, it's pretty outrageous that, despite all our advances in technology, people continue to drop like flies from heart disease and cancer. And diet does have a lot to do with it (meat and sugar, primarily). You can invent all the medical marvels in the world, but they won't do much good if people are intent on poisoning themselves.
Title: Re: What if I'm addicted to meats and greasy ?!
Post by: dgneo on Thu, 24 August 2017, 06:46:23
Time to post the Krispy Kreme bacon cheeseburger again.
What the **** are that? Oo


nom nom
Title: Re: What if I'm addicted to meats and greasy ?!
Post by: chyros on Thu, 24 August 2017, 08:02:20
Time to post the Krispy Kreme bacon cheeseburger again.
What the **** are that? Oo

Show Image

nom nom
...Well, on the up side, at least they spelled the word "doughnut" properly for a change :p .
Title: Re: What if I'm addicted to meats and greasy ?!
Post by: tp4tissue on Thu, 24 August 2017, 08:40:54
Time to post the Krispy Kreme bacon cheeseburger again.
What the **** are that? Oo

It's the Pinnacle of Heart Disease + Cancer Induction technology, Made In America.

If this glorious item is at all in your yearly diet,  you are guaranteed to be blessed w/ short life, an insufferable late life, but great Mouth-Feel ..
Title: Re: What if I'm addicted to meats and greasy ?!
Post by: chyros on Thu, 24 August 2017, 16:39:22
Time to post the Krispy Kreme bacon cheeseburger again.
What the **** are that? Oo

It's the Pinnacle of Heart Disease + Cancer Induction technology, Made In America.

If this glorious item is at all in your yearly diet,  you are guaranteed to be blessed w/ short life, an insufferable late life, but great Mouth-Feel ..

...Hmericuh :p .
Title: Re: What if I'm addicted to meats and greasy ?!
Post by: SpAmRaY on Thu, 24 August 2017, 19:52:52
Pork and Beef Patties.....mmmmmmm(

Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk

Title: Re: What if I'm addicted to meats and greasy ?!
Post by: futurecrime on Fri, 25 August 2017, 10:39:07
TP4 I found a vegan spacebar, but it's no good for ergodox. Maybe could chop it in half.

( (
Title: Re: What if I'm addicted to meats and greasy ?!
Post by: tp4tissue on Fri, 25 August 2017, 13:55:13
TP4 I found a vegan spacebar, but it's no good for ergodox. Maybe could chop it in half.

( (

DO IT.. !!!

Then you can Duel Wield that cancer fighting power.. '
