
geekhack Community => Keyboards => Topic started by: Ranma13 on Mon, 15 March 2010, 23:21:54

Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: Ranma13 on Mon, 15 March 2010, 23:21:54
I'm giving away a free Topre Realforce all 55g. If you've read the other thread ( I've posted on it, you'll know that I spilled a small amount of coffee on the keyboard between the 9 and 0 keys, which caused them to stick. I've since then cleaned it out with alcohol and soap and water, and they are working fine now.

However, because I did say that I would give away the keyboard, I'm keeping my word and offering it to whoever can give me the best reason why they should get it. So post away as to why you think you deserve it, and I'll send it to you for free! I'll even pay for S&H! USA people only though, unless international shipping is not that expensive.

P.S. This is not a scam. The keyboard is in full working condition with the original box, key puller, red/black escape key, and purple WASD keys. Essentially, it's the same thing as getting one from, except this one had coffee spilled on it and was taken apart. All I need from you is your address to ship it to you, I don't even need your name. If you don't believe that someone can be so generous, have a little faith :).
Title: Re: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: HaaTa on Mon, 15 March 2010, 23:31:05
I'll take it, that is my shipping address is in Canada (eastern or western Canada, take your pick :P).

I'm probably one of the least deserving as I can just head over to Tokyo and pick one up :P.

I could also say that I'm a starving student (which is true), but that would be somewhat misleading in my case.

At the end of the day you're probably the most deserving :P.
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: caecusum on Mon, 15 March 2010, 23:40:56
Although my case might not be particularly exciting or funny, I think it's reasonably valid.  I'm in my mid-twenties, just finished my four year computer science degree, and am entering a PhD CS program this fall, expected to take roughly five years.  Five years which will include more than a little bit of typing.  I am squeaking by on loans, living in a toy of an apartment, and currently writing/coding for hours every day on the most outrageous piece of junk HP rubber dome keyboard you can imagine which came free with my budget desktop.

I drool over the posts on these forums somewhat regularly with pipe dreams of scraping together enough money to buy a really nice keyboard, though never had reason to register until this.  My living situation (roommates) coupled with my work schedule (night owl) keeps me from being able to pick up an old buckling spring keyboard for fear of noise problems.  The Topre, being reputedly both quiet and comfortable, fulfills every criteria I have with the single, notable exception of the price-tag.  You have the power to fill that large gap in my daily life!

That's all.  I appreciate any consideration as well as your generosity regardless of the outcome.
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: TexasFlood on Mon, 15 March 2010, 23:45:37
I agree that you should probably keep it.

However, if you're determined to give it away, :smile:

I have selfish reasons for wanting it, my interested in mechanical keyboards recently revived for whatever reason and I am trying to get new switch types to try.  I pretty much spent my budget on some used cherry switch keyboards to try those.  I'd love to try a topre but it's out of my budget for now.

Slightly less selfish, I'm also trying to evangelize my kids (and others), make them see what is so great about mechanical keyboards.  I showed my Northgate to my oldest son and tried to convince him but he turned up his nose at it.  I told him what a classic with was, how great the mechanical switches were and what it was still worth after all these years.  Without missing a beat he replied "sell it then".  My wife was proud of him.  I was disappointed.  Maybe he'd get it if he typed on a topre, don't know.  I've got a cherry brown on the way which supposedly is close, although different.  We'll see.

The holy grail, of course, would be to convince my wife of the beauty & value of mechanical keyboards.  I really don't see this as likely but hope springs eternal I guess.  I'm pretty sure cherry blues would be too loud and probably even browns, but I'll know better soon when we can try these out.  If a topre doesn't convince her, I don't think it's gonna happen.

Anyway, whoever you decide to give it to, I applaud your generosity.
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: msiegel on Mon, 15 March 2010, 23:54:29
hmm, maybe we could start some kind of pay-it-forward scheme...

in my imagination this somehow results in mechanical keyboards replacing all the crappy rubber dome ones :)
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: didjamatic on Mon, 15 March 2010, 23:55:20
I already have some Topre boards including an all 55g but I could use another one so please send it to me.  Kthx.

Seriously, just keep it.  You will maintain your honor Ranma son.  Man who fix Topre, accomplish anything.

Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: TexasFlood on Mon, 15 March 2010, 23:59:57
Quote from: msiegel;164348
hmm, maybe we could start some kind of pay-it-forward scheme...

in my imagination this somehow results in mechanical keyboards replacing all the crappy rubber dome ones :)

Not a bad concept, not sure how to implement it.  Maybe some "floating trial boards" that could be passed around for just shipping costs.  Although most plans like this are likely doomed to failure.  You'd need a way to assure everyone would release it to the next user without damage so maybe need a refundable "security deposit", maybe could be done via paypal.  See it's getting complicated already and my brain is hurting.  :sad:
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: Brodie337 on Tue, 16 March 2010, 00:14:28
Hey man, keep the damn board...

Or give it to a Logitech G19 user so they can see the error of their heathen ways.
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: Sorian on Tue, 16 March 2010, 00:14:32
Haha, my first time actually posting on here, and it's in a thread like this.  Makes me feel somewhat greedy, but eh, I couldn't just turn a blind eye to this thread.  So...story!

I've had my oh-so-lovely (..not) G15 for about four years now, and after looking into building a new computer, I was turned to, which of course I read pretty much every section of the forums, which then opened me up to, and the world of non rubber-dome keyboards.  When I first starting reading around here, I thought you all were crazy.  I mean...Mechanical Keyboards? That's like.. old news.  Seriously.

Then as I read more and more, watched videos, listened to the sounds of the keyboards, and so on and so forth, I started to see that there was actually a bit of sense behind your keyboard fetishes.  And that's when my G15 started to seem very...very.. lame (for the lack of a better word).  Now whenever I press a key down, I just think of how mushy it feels and how much I would appreciate something more springy and top-notch.

So I started investigating..and looking at every keyboard around.  I've gotta say, I'm pretty picky.  The only ones I took a liking to were Filco and Topre.  I like their simplistic looks and rather small bodies.  And then I decided I didn't really want anything clicky, but I wanted some feedback.  So browns.  Then price.. $120 for Filco.. $200+ for Topre.  I was at a loss.  The topres I had been dreaming about for so long were now out of my league.

I'm still in the process of updating my whole computer.  Waiting till the end of April to take the plunge, once I get enough money saved up.  My current one is around four or five years old, and it's been showing it's age.  Just had to get some parts replaced for the third or fourth time, which put my upgrade date back a little bit.

Sooo Keyboards.  Since my budget for them is pretty much nonexistent, but I want one so badly, I decided I would have to treat myself to one, no matter what.  But I still couldn't justify the price for a Topre.  Leaving me to a Filco.  Right now I'm waiting for Brian to get the Otaku Browns in, since out of all the Filcos I think that one looks the best, and Tenkeyless is cheaper than the full.  

But yeah, that was a long post.  Especially for a first one.  And I kind of summed up my story.  But a brief summary for those who were smart enough NOT to read the whole thing.  I have a terrible rubber board, desperately want to change over to the world of mechanicals.  I would buy a Topre in a heartbeat if I had the money for it right now, but all I can scrape together is enough for a Filco, and that's pushing it, but I really can't settle for anything that isn't high quality.  About to upgrade my dying computer, which is going to set me back even more.  So there.  That's my story as to why I'd love to have a Topre.  

Oh, and the 55g is what I've always wanted.  I measured this G15, and it's about 55-60g to activate, which I think is perfect, and I believe that's also the amount needed for Cherry MX Clears, but those are only in Deck keyboards, which I honestly can't stand.  Too flashy, don't see the point.  

Anyways...that's that.  Oh, and nice to meet you, everyone.  I've been lurking around here for a couple months.  Registered only a month ago though because I was planning to ask some questions before I bought a keyboard, but then I realized I had to wait a bit longer before I had the money to spare for one.  And thus I've been coming back to these forums everyday to read all the new and exciting information that you guys keep posting.  Honestly, mechanical keyboards intrigue me...

I also do have to agree with the majority of everyone else, though.  Even after posting this whole thing, I think you should keep it.  You worked so hard to fix it all up yourself.  And that's also a fairly expensive gift to give away to someone for free.  But that's just my own conflicting opinion with what I just posted above.

And did I mention I desperately want to be a part of the geekhack club and become an official geekhack member?  I mean...I can't seriously be considered a member without a mechanical board.  

And I apologize if that seemed unusually long or confusing, I've been out of it all day, and pretty tired right now.  Migraine headaches are so much fun. =/

Edit: And wow, after reading my whole post, I just noticed I could've made it sound so much better if I turned it into an actual story starting with something around the lines of "It all started when...".  That way I could incorporate a lot more drama into it and make it a hundred times more heart-wrenching in order to convince you that I'm the only person you would ever want to send it to.  ..And now that I think about it..I actually might do that!  Stay tuned, haha.

Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: TexasFlood on Tue, 16 March 2010, 00:19:28
Quote from: Brodie337;164356
Hey man, keep the damn board...

Or give it to a Logitech G19 user so they can see the error of their heathen ways.

That's what I'm sayin!  That's my oldest son, a poor college student who uses a crappy logitech board now.  Of course I bought the logitech for him, because I'm poor from paying for his school and every other damn thing kids need.  Keyboards might be an expensive habit but it's nothing compared to the cost of kids!  Shameless plug I know, hah!
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: kishy on Tue, 16 March 2010, 00:22:15
I'll apply, because I'm interested in typing on the Topre mechanism so that I can make comments about it without being an uninformed jerk. I wouldn't intend to keep it for permanent use...I have buckling spring keyboards for that and I don't think anything can sway me from them permanently.

My guarantee: I'd pass it on at exactly the same price, but wouldn't cover shipping to next-in-line.

Said passing-on would occur in a couple of months, perhaps less perhaps more, depending on opportunities to use the 'board.

I am, of course, located in Canada.
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: Xuan on Tue, 16 March 2010, 00:46:14
If I get the Topre, all wars will end, there will be no starvation nor decease, people shall live in peace and you will be immortal. No kidding.
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: Arc'xer on Tue, 16 March 2010, 00:53:18
I'll chime in......

Not really sure why since I never used topre. Been waiting for a tenkeyless linear force to return to stock after breaking my cherry mx blue filco tenkeyless when getting up and falling on it. Damaged either the switches or the PCB all I know is about 10-12 switches don't work and have been using a microsoft internet pro keyboard since then after using this keyboard, missing the blues.

To be honest I have my doubts on the linear force. I'm pretty heavy handed and bottom out the blues all the time. I can't really type with lighter force it strains my hands and reduces my speed. I touch type but I guess I just type more straightforward sorta like a horse, look ahead ignores the surroundings. Worried that mx black would be a mistake, even though I'm interested in them.

To be honest I don't really type much except for around the internet and playing a few games here and there. Giving it a shot I guess for such a selfless act.
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: msiegel on Tue, 16 March 2010, 00:56:25
you *could* mail it to Richard Hunter Harris in North Carolina...


where's a budding scifi writer with carpal tunnel when you need one.
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: hyperlinked on Tue, 16 March 2010, 02:02:11
Give it to me! I'll turn around and give it back.

I think you should keep it.
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: sixty on Tue, 16 March 2010, 02:13:43
Give it to me! I will cover international shipping costs, then smash it with a huge jack hammer, register and post it all up there!

In all honesty I sadly do not have a good reason for wanting it besides the fact that they are hard to come by in Europe (unless buying this REALLY FREAKING EXPENSIVE board from overseas with even more expensive shipping and taxes on top). Striking out the biggest sum of that would make this an affordable way for me to try out a Realforce.
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: elbowglue on Tue, 16 March 2010, 02:23:37
You should keep it!!  Of course if you must give it away I would be happy to take it off your hands.  Actually you should ebay it 1 day auction, or buy it now (5% ebay bucks tommorrow only).  If I am the recipient of this board I will be happy to pay it forward with a giveaway of my own.  Not as good as the topre 55g though I'm sure. :)

Why do I deserve it?  Besides that I am addicted to geekhack, devoted educating other about form factor and switches..  And I'll make donations myself in addition.
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: Viett on Tue, 16 March 2010, 02:25:03
Keep it. Just because you said you would give it away, doesn't mean we expect you to. Or if you must, allow people to use it as a trial board.
Title: Re: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: Oqsy on Tue, 16 March 2010, 02:31:56
I am all for the shipping only pass around trial board. The terms can be set on paypal and the next in line pays shipping from the person currently holding the board. Paypal can be used to set up a contractual agreement so that when paying shipping you're agreeing to the terms of the sample length and cost of repairs should the need arise.

I'd *LOVE* to try a Topre, and one for free wod be even better. However since no one near me owns one for me to try, there's no way to know if it would be a suitable board for my taste.

The pay it forward system of testing the Topre would solve this issue for me as it would others and could save MANY of us $200+ for a board we've never seen or tested and would decide against after trying it in person. In that way it would be the most financially beneficial use of the giveaway board.

Five people trying it and deciding that the Topre is not for them is $1000 saved for geekhack members. For those that like it and want one, it's confirmation that the purchase will be worth every penny, and a great method of no risk trial that the Topre sales people would probably never offer. :)

If you insist on giving away to a sinlge individual, then I suggest you give it to kishy since his offer to pass it along at no cost to another member is a pretty great gesture in response to your offering on the path to "oneness with cup rubber".  

Kindness begets kindness.
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: Phaedrus2129 on Tue, 16 March 2010, 02:34:28
I'm currently using a Model M that's older than I am and the alphanumerical section has worn down considerably so I can't help but bottom out.

I just bought a Cherry G84-4100 on Ebay, but I'm starting to suspect that the seller was a scammer.

I've been wanting a higher end keyboard, but haven't really had the money, which is why I tried to go cheap getting a G84-4100 instead of my planned Filco Tenkeyless.

Not great reasons, I admit... But hey.
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: JulienC on Tue, 16 March 2010, 02:35:54
Obey. Give it to me.
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: nijikon5 on Tue, 16 March 2010, 03:08:40
I would give that Topre Realforce a great home! I've been recent convert to Mechanical KBs and love, love, love them. Been thinking about getting a tactile clicky and tactile non-clicky KB to go along with my Filco Linear NKRO.

I'm trying to save up money being a student and all to get a new Video Card and Hard Drive.

Why should I get it? Honestly, my best reason is because I never win anything. There are probably more deserving people out there, but have you ever had that feeling of never winning anything in a draw/raffle? I can honestly say that out of all the draws/raffles, I've never won anything. I'd like that feeling just once to win something awesome.
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: spolia optima on Tue, 16 March 2010, 03:27:33
I like Konata because she has a otaku filco like me, except she also has a Realforce. Oh god I wish I had a Realforce too ;_;

Konata also likes keyboards and she is kawaii. And there are lesbians on geekhack and that's good because I like lesbians and I will never have a Realforce. Why am I such a loser?!
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: Sorian on Tue, 16 March 2010, 04:25:33
So.. I actually typed out a story for this, haha.  Though I can't promise much.  As it's past 2am, and I'm still a bit out of it thanks to the migraine.  And just a warning, it's pretty long.  But anyways, without further ado..

It all started when he was just a small little boy, no taller than the edge of the kitchen table.  He was excited beyond words, he was about to have his first experience with something he had never imagined.. a computer!  As he sat down in the swirling chair and proceeded to spin around a couple times for good measure, he examined what was placed in front of him, flabbergasted.  The large, colorful display, the sleek, yellowed keyboard, and the odd contraption that looked similar to the class pet.  It was as if a door had been opened.  He was witnessing the birth of a whole new world.

Several years later and three feet taller, it was time for the boy to purchase his own computer.  With the help of his family, he had customized it down to the very last detail.  The motherboard, RAM, harddrive, and processor.  He had no idea what he was purchasing, but he knew it would all be perfect.  Everything was put together, waiting for him to explore the digital world to his hearts content.  All that was left was the keyboard.  

As he pulled into the local Best Buy and dashed to the back, he skimmed the shelves, waiting for something, anything, to catch his eye. Then it happened.  Lights from the heavens shined down upon the mystical, blue glowing keyboard.  As he whispered it's name to himself, he knew he was in love.  The Logitech G15 Gaming Keyboard.  What more could anyone want?  He picked up the box and began to examine the beautiful, exquisite craftsmanship that was put into the keyboard.  Searching desperately, he found the fine print.. "Made in China".  Yes, this had to be it.  Never before had he witnessed the feeling of love at first sight.  He had to have it.

Racing back home, he began to scavenge for signs of spare change.  Under the sofa, between the cushions, in the back seats of the car.  As he finally gather together the $108.49 (after taxes), he purchased the keyboard of the kings.  Life... was complete.

Now as we skip ahead back to present time, this boy has now grown five years older, and his most prized possession is beginning to breathe it's last breaths.  After taking it in to the local service center, he was forced to part with his computer for three weeks while they searched for the problem and replaced the parts.  In the meantime..he was left with the one thing he dreaded most.  A MacBook.  The pains of the trackpad and lack of travel of the keys.  Oh did it hurt him so.  But he had to survive.  This was his lifeline.  Without it, what would he do?

At this point he knew that it would soon be time to replace his faithful computer.  It had processed it's last word document and saved it's last game.  No longer was it capable of computing the complex equations that he would enter into the extensive Calculator program.  So he began his search.  He was on a mission to replace his computer.

After hours upon hours of research and reading, he had decided on his plan, but the price he would pay for his actions was too much for him at the time, he had to wait.  In the meantime, he ventured over to the public forums known as GeekHack.  There, he was dispelled of the magic of mass marketing.  No longer did his G15 bring him pleasure to type on.  The more and more he read, the less and less he enjoyed typing.  There was only one way to describe his beloved keyboard now: mush.  

The memories of his childhood played back in his head.  The feeling of the key springing back into position after releasing his finger.  The tactility, the responsiveness.  It was all so familiar, and yet somewhat distant.  But he knew he had to have one.  No matter what the cost, he would obtain one of these lost and forgotten treasures.  He began to conduct even more research.

Finally, after reading about every common and well thought of mechanical keyboard known to man.  He had narrowed it down to two options.  A Filco with Cherry MX Brown switches, or a Topre.  But he was at a loss.  The Topre was two times the price of the Filco, but yet it was on such a different level.  It combined the memories of his childhood with the memories of his first computer.  The springiness of the mechanical keyboards and the soft, yet not mushy, landing of the rubber domes.  It was a match made in heaven.

His heart was torn.  Purchasing a new keyboard would already set his much needed project back even further.  But how much could he sacrifice?  He had to decide which was more important.  And as his current computer was finally returned to him and still gave him problems, he sadly made up his mind.  He could not afford to purchase a Topre.  He was left with a Filco.

Now that that was settled, he started to save up his money to make up the deficit, and waited.  Waited for the Filco to come in stock.  

Continuing his daily browsing of the GeekHack community, he scrolled through the endless pages.  Then, something sparked his curiosity.  He couldn't believe what he had just read, so he read it again.  Some selfless soul had decided to give away their prized Topre keyboard...for free! This was an opportunity he could not pass up, it was what he had always wished for, but never dreamed of.  

As he clicked the title and entered the thread, his eyes ceased to amaze him.  Everything was all too real.  The opportunity was placed before him.  He had to test his chances with Lady Luck.  Never in a million years would he pass this offer up.  And so he began to tell his story.  He knew it was a long one, but he also knew he had to tell it.  So as he typed the first few words with his current, old eyesore of a keyboard, his mind began to drift off to a place and time where this G15, that does not even warrant the classification of keyboard, would be no longer, and in front of him would be the keyboard of all keyboards.  And thus he proceeded to tell his story.. "It all started when..."

There you have it, haha.
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: trievalot on Tue, 16 March 2010, 04:33:16
cut it in half king solomon style (in other words give it to  he who refuses it)
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: Brodie337 on Tue, 16 March 2010, 04:38:53

My girlfriend, who doesn't exactly understand my love of a good mechanical, might be willing to use a Topre.

I'd cover postage for you to Aus.
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: Ranma13 on Tue, 16 March 2010, 04:55:02
Wow, you guys are nuts :). Thanks to those of you who said I should keep it, and a big thanks to Ripster for providing me tips on how to put the thing back together in the first place, but I think at this point it'd do more good to pass it off to someone else for them to enjoy.

I like the idea of making it a trial board, though I don't know how we would handle that. Ripster, would you be willing to take it first and make sure I assembled the thing correctly, then ship it off to the next guy?
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: nanu on Tue, 16 March 2010, 05:24:21
I support making the board take on a similar fate of this black box (, only there not being much profit (sorta difficult).

EDIT: I guess the premise behind it ( is broken in implementation hahaha
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: trievalot on Tue, 16 March 2010, 05:45:41
i like the pay it forward idea......

+1 from here

id happily send to another member after i have a play for a week :-)
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: kriminal on Tue, 16 March 2010, 07:22:11
send it to me! i'll happily pay the shipping XD.
been wanting a topre but it was out of my budget...
i mean really, i'll pay the shipping
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: didjamatic on Tue, 16 March 2010, 09:34:17
"Proceed cautiously young grasshopper.  As entertaining as it is to hear people make themselves sound pathetic enough to receive a handout, the universe frowns on this and will have their way with them in time.  Ranma is a generous person but should keep it and tell everyone to drop the self-pity, grow a pair, get a job and buy their own damn keyboard.  That what Confucius would do."

Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: kriminal on Tue, 16 March 2010, 09:44:46
hey he told us he was giving it away XD.
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: hyperlinked on Tue, 16 March 2010, 09:55:57
Ranma, you really should keep the board. It's generous of you, but even by providing it as a trial board, it presents the possibility of the worst person on GH walking away with it at worst and it gives people responsibility for a piece of communal property at best. It's a nice act that could have potentially not so nice side effects.

If it gets shipped around enough, it'll probably end up smashed to bits anyway. Keep it or give it to someone you know who would really appreciate and hopefully physically need a fantastic keyboard.
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: didjamatic on Tue, 16 March 2010, 09:58:57
"Grasshopper, if you want Topre, work McDonalds 1 week part time and buy one."

Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: TexasFlood on Tue, 16 March 2010, 10:29:37
Quote from: didjamatic;164452
"Proceed cautiously young grasshopper.  As entertaining as it is to hear people make themselves sound pathetic enough to receive a handout, the universe frowns on this and will have their way with them in time.  Ranma is a generous person but should keep it and tell everyone to drop the self-pity, grow a pair, get a job and buy their own damn keyboard.  That what Confucius would do."

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Ahh, agree that Ranma should keep it.  But Confucius also say that -any- member of geekhack temple finding free topre must try to snatch it and leave with it.
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: didjamatic on Tue, 16 March 2010, 10:41:40
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: TexasFlood on Tue, 16 March 2010, 12:16:01
DOH! Missed my GIMP editor opportunity of the week on this one, here's what I should have done.
Quote from: TexasFlood;164463
Ahh, agree that Ranma should keep it.  But Confucius also say that -any- member of geekhack temple finding free topre must try to snatch it and leave with it.
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Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: porgo on Tue, 16 March 2010, 12:43:04
I can take it to a good home. :)

My reasons are all but selfish! I really wish I could give my Das keyboard to the poor but then I don't own spare kayboards so I need the Topre to make paypal donations towards the world peace.

Really, I'd like to try a good US layouted keyboard since it's The layout for any codework but buying one for solely code is silly. (I'm Finnish but I can come with some S&H to balance out.)
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: TexasFlood on Tue, 16 March 2010, 12:52:04
Quote from: porgo;164489
I can take it to a good home. :)

My reasons are all but selfish! I really wish I could give my Das keyboard to the poor but then I don't own spare kayboards so I need the Topre to make paypal donations towards the world peace.

I can top that, I will multiply the single keyboard and supply topres to the multitude of keyboardless masses!

OK, I probably can't do that, but I would share it with my family, who certainly seem like masses when they want multitude of dollars from me.
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: porgo on Tue, 16 March 2010, 13:02:56
About the trial rounds: folks at Head-fi have loaned 1000-dollar headphones with success to relatively strangers. I find that incredible and while I wouldn't try that myself (loaning to unknown forum fellows) I have to say such trial loan-aways are very sweet in general and support the forum community as a whole well.

That said, I wouldn't myself give anything freely to a complete newbie (in this case, that would include me as well) -- perhaps some good 50 posts posed the main requirement should I ever do a give-away like this :)
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: mrbill on Tue, 16 March 2010, 13:11:51
My reason:

I type around 115wpm last time I did a speed test, and use a Lexmark Model M buckling-spring keyboard here at work.  I've had people walk by my office and say things like:

"Were you sick yesterday?  I couldn't hear you typing all the way down the hall"

"Man that's a loud keyboard"

"Wow I haven't seen one of those in years!"

And the topper:

One day our guy that works in shipping/receiving brought ANOTHER coworker to my door.  "Man, you gotta see how fast this guy types - hey Bill, type something!  Look at that!"

So, I would like the Topre to (a) let me take the Model M home and (b) so I won't have to be people's typing monkey anymore.

Edit: In return, I will gladly do the same thing (pay-it-forward by giving them away) with my ABS M1, KB-6600ABU, a Compaq MX11900 w/Cherry Blacks, and a Dell AT101W.
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: Rajagra on Tue, 16 March 2010, 13:15:23
Quote from: msiegel;164366
you *could* mail it to Richard Hunter Harris in North Carolina...

Or to Miss Carolina.

"I personally believe that I should have this keyboard because, uh, some people out there in our nation don't have mechanical keyboards and, uh, I believe that our, uh, typing skills like such as in South Africa and, uh, the Iraq, everywhere like such as, and, I believe that they should, our geeks and hackers over here in the U.S. should help the U.S., uh, or, uh, should help South Africa and should help the Iraq and the Asian countries, so we will be able to build up our future, for our children"
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: Viett on Tue, 16 March 2010, 13:16:03
Quote from: porgo;164495
perhaps some good 50 posts posed the main requirement should I ever do a give-away like this :)

Prepare for mass spamming.

Quote from: TexasFlood;164482
DOH! Missed my GIMP editor opportunity of the week on this one, here's what I should have done.

Oh.. I forgot. We already have that ;).
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: TexasFlood on Tue, 16 March 2010, 13:18:27
Quote from: porgo;164495
About the trial rounds: folks at Head-fi have loaned 1000-dollar headphones with success to relatively strangers. I find that incredible and while I wouldn't try that myself (loaning to unknown forum fellows) I have to say such trial loan-aways are very sweet in general and support the forum community as a whole well.

Even though I was one who suggested it early on, I must admit that trying to actually make it work could be a mess and am cynical that it would really work in the long term.  But that's me, I'm a cynic and always happy to be proved wrong.
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: TexasFlood on Tue, 16 March 2010, 13:23:17
Quote from: Viett;164499
Oh.. I forgot. We already have that ;).

What? Don't understand...

Say 'what' again.
Say 'what' again,
I dare you,
I double dare you motherf___er,
say what one more Godd__n time!
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: salcan on Tue, 16 March 2010, 13:41:06
Quote from: Oqsy;164376
I am all for the shipping only pass around trial board. The terms can be set on paypal and the next in line pays shipping from the person currently holding the board. Paypal can be used to set up a contractual agreement so that when paying shipping you're agreeing to the terms of the sample length and cost of repairs should the need arise.

I'd *LOVE* to try a Topre, and one for free wod be even better. However since no one near me owns one for me to try, there's no way to know if it would be a suitable board for my taste.

The pay it forward system of testing the Topre would solve this issue for me as it would others and could save MANY of us $200+ for a board we've never seen or tested and would decide against after trying it in person. In that way it would be the most financially beneficial use of the giveaway board.

Five people trying it and deciding that the Topre is not for them is $1000 saved for geekhack members. For those that like it and want one, it's confirmation that the purchase will be worth every penny, and a great method of no risk trial that the Topre sales people would probably never offer. :)

If you insist on giving away to a sinlge individual, then I suggest you give it to kishy since his offer to pass it along at no cost to another member is a pretty great gesture in response to your offering on the path to "oneness with cup rubber".  

Kindness begets kindness.

This is actually a great idea. Why not ship it to someone, have them use it for two weeks, and then pass it on. I've love 2weeks with that 55g because it's not a keyboard I would consider plucking down that much cash for without a demo (without using the 55g, I'll be buying the 87u just to be safe). We can make a list spread the wealth. Seems like an ideal solution.

I don't think we need any complex terms or agreements though, everyone I've dealt with on the forums has been great so far.
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: porgo on Tue, 16 March 2010, 13:41:07
Quote from: Viett;164499
Prepare for mass spamming.

That's so true. However,  people achieve this by setting limits to how and when posts are written. I'm not saying that should be applied here! Giving a nice board to anyone is more solidary than to make requirements anyway. Haven't said yet: respect to the OP! :beerchug:
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: itlnstln on Tue, 16 March 2010, 13:46:58
I'm the ****.  Give the 'board to me.
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: didjamatic on Tue, 16 March 2010, 13:53:29
How about everyone do some extra work, send in for a gold kit, sell some things on ebay, mow your neighbor's rug, work and save $_____ then we all do a group buy of White 87u's from a lucky vendor.  Then everyone wins, no one loses.

Loan a man a Topre, he types for a day.  Teach a man how to earn enough money to buy one and he types for a lifetime.  - Socrates
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: C.S. on Tue, 16 March 2010, 14:00:26
What the hey, I'll take a stab at it.

I'm a newcomer here, but I can't remember the last time an aspect of computing has grasped my attention so fully as my recent interest in mechanical keyboards has.  I came across geekhack a few weeks ago when an old Leading Edge SKM-1030 board I have in my classroom decided to say goodnight.  I could have slapped any old PS/2 keyboard on the machine that was using it, but I couldn't stand the thought of replacing it with something that doesn't have the same character.

You see, I teach a middle school technology class.  Most kids these days are content to stick with their iPhone keypads as they scoff at a fine piece of technology like my old Leading Edge, but there are a select few who have always been enthralled with it's clicky-clangy white switches.  While they may regard it as an antique at first, it never takes long for them to come around.  I've had many ask where they can get one like it and I've always told them to check out thrift stores and yard sales; little did I know that there was a community so dedicated to this little corner of the computing world.

So, with the help of geekhack, I managed to find a superior replacement for my keyboard.  At first I snagged an old Model M 52G9658 with it's lovely singing springs; however, it was a bit too noisy for use in a classroom, so I started looking for more.  Once again, geekhack lead me to pick up a Compaq MX11800; the brown Cherries inside are the perfect fit for my classroom, and the kids love the trackball (most have never seen one).  These two purchases have fueled a hunger for more in me; now I can't stop looking for the next board to bring into class, and I'm not the only one that gets excited about it.

As my sig may indicate, I lead a computer club at my school that is comprised of some of the finest young geeks in training that you'll ever see.  When I discovered how wide the variety of different keyswitches was, I decided to incorporate this knowledge into my club.  So far we've focused on the switches from the boards I already have:  Brown Cherry, Buckling Springs, and god knows what from the now defunct Leading Edge (they look like clear/white SMK switches, except the switch is female while the keycaps are male); I'm hoping to keep it going until we can collect 'em all.

Next on my list is a board with blue Cherries, which is looking to be a bit too much for my budget for the foreseeable future.  With this in mind, the wait to get my hands on Topre's seems to stretch into eternity...

So, consider my story and won't you PLEASE think of the children.  Your donation would give a lot of great kids (and one splendid teacher) the opportunity to examine and experience a piece of hardware that would otherwise remain a vague concept floating in the Internet ether.

Or, you could just keep it :)
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: TexasFlood on Tue, 16 March 2010, 14:02:53
Quote from: didjamatic;164511
How about everyone do some extra work, send in for a gold kit, sell some things on ebay, mow your neighbor's rug, work and save $_____ then we all do a group buy of White 87u's from a lucky vendor.  Then everyone wins, no one loses.

Loan a man a Topre, he types for a day.  Teach a man how to earn enough money to buy one and he types for a lifetime.  - Socrates

That's how most of us are going to end up as there is only one keyboard, didjamaticrates, but in the meantime all this must be very entertaining for Ranma13, :wink:
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: ch_123 on Tue, 16 March 2010, 14:04:30
I would not understand for the life of me why you'd give away a perfectly functional $200 keyboard for free because you promised to give it away when you believed that it was broken... But that's just me!
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: TexasFlood on Tue, 16 March 2010, 14:07:20
Quote from: ch_123;164519
I would not understand for the life of me why you'd give away a perfectly functional $200 keyboard for free because you promised to give it away when you believed that it was broken... But that's just me!

Agreed, save your money, end our pain! :biggrin:
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: Rajagra on Tue, 16 March 2010, 14:12:56
Quote from: didjamatic;164511
Loan a man a Topre, he types for a day.  Teach a man how to earn enough money to buy one and he types for a lifetime.  - [strike]Socrates[/strike] Thockrates.

Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: itlnstln on Tue, 16 March 2010, 14:13:30
C'mon.  Sometimes to need to create justification to buy a new 'board.
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: TexasFlood on Tue, 16 March 2010, 15:32:33
Quote from: webwit;164528
Ooooh. Look at all the decloaking lurkers!
Not missing another GIMP opportunity, :smile:, FIRE photon topredoes!!!
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: itlnstln on Tue, 16 March 2010, 15:33:22
Quote from: webwit;164528
Ooooh. Look at all the decloaking lurkers!

Damn, offer up some free ****, and everybody's a member.
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: didjamatic on Tue, 16 March 2010, 15:38:32
Quote from: Rajagra;164522
-Thockrates.  Fixed.

Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: JBert on Tue, 16 March 2010, 16:15:36
Is it the first of April already? Damn timezones...
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: elbowglue on Tue, 16 March 2010, 16:35:28
Make a 1 day auction on fleabay.  Donate 10% to charity or whatever.  Don't make the auction easily findable except for members of geekhack.  Then you get some cash out of it, a geekhacker gets a good deal on a home-repaired topre, charity is happy too.  That's my vote.

Or you can just give it to me!  :)
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: ch_123 on Tue, 16 March 2010, 16:37:26
I should get it because I'm awesome.
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: itlnstln on Tue, 16 March 2010, 16:52:52
Quote from: ch_123;164561
I should get it because I'm awesome.

I already said that.  Too late.
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: Sorian on Tue, 16 March 2010, 17:23:14
Quote from: ripster;164572
All 55g is too stiff

Wouldn't having different forces needed for different areas of keys feel weird, though?  I mean, I'm making a blind judgment here since I've never experienced it myself, but I think having 45g needed in some places and 55g needed in others would actually slow down typing speed.  Since it's not consistent.

But then again, as soon as you adapt to it and muscle memory kicks in, it might not be too bad..
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: Sorian on Tue, 16 March 2010, 17:34:00
Ah, yeah.  I knew it varied by 10g, just wasn't sure if it was 45/55 or 35/45.  I wonder what typing on 35g would actually feel like.  I'm happy with around the 50-60g force that rubber domes require, so 45g for Browns wouldn't seem like that big of a difference if I do end up buying a Filco, but 35? That difference seems crazy.  But that's just me.
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: Brodie337 on Tue, 16 March 2010, 17:40:09
To be honest, th 45 gram browns don't feel THAT much lighter than my 60(ish) gram Monterey Chicony... I'm really liking them as a switch.
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: Ranma13 on Tue, 16 March 2010, 18:52:30
*watches the thread derail and crash*

Ok well...I'm not sure what to do at this point. Half of you are saying you want it and the other half are about to sacrifice me on an altar for giving it away.

Tell you what, let's do it lottery style. At the end of the day tomorrow (Wednesday, 3/17/10), I'll put everyone's name who posted in this thread into a bin (including mine), then randomly draw out a name. Whoever's name I pull out, I'll send them a PM. If they don't want it, then I'll do it again until someone accepts it. How does that sound?

P.S. If I draw my own name, I'll keep it.
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: Sorian on Tue, 16 March 2010, 18:59:13
Or you should just give it to someone who is venturing into the world of Mechanical Keyboards for the first time. Hint hint.  Haha.

The lottery idea isn't half bad.  Though it isn't 100% fair, statistically speaking, since complete randomness is pretty hard to replicate in these types of drawings.

And I agree with the person below me.  They should have registered before you posted this.
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: Ranma13 on Tue, 16 March 2010, 19:10:46
I'll just write a simple program to do it:

var list = new List();

var random = new Random();
var person = list.elementAt(random.Next(0, list.Count()));
Console.WriteLine("{0} wins a free Topre keyboard!", person);
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: Viett on Tue, 16 March 2010, 19:18:25
Quote from: Ranma13;164613
I'll just write a simple program to do it:

var list = new List();

var random = new Random();
var person = list.elementAt(0);
Console.WriteLine("{0} wins a free Topre keyboard!", person);

I took the liberty of correcting your program. It should work now.
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: AgentHeavy on Tue, 16 March 2010, 19:30:51
I just paid 267 dollars for my Realforce 55g and you are offering one ?

Come on it's not correct !

Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: poonsmjj on Tue, 16 March 2010, 19:42:03
Wow... that's really awesome of you if you do this :) Sounds fun actually

Quote from: Ranma13;164608
*watches the thread derail and crash*

Ok well...I'm not sure what to do at this point. Half of you are saying you want it and the other half are about to sacrifice me on an altar for giving it away.

Tell you what, let's do it lottery style. At the end of the day tomorrow (Wednesday, 3/17/10), I'll put everyone's name who posted in this thread into a bin (including mine), then randomly draw out a name. Whoever's name I pull out, I'll send them a PM. If they don't want it, then I'll do it again until someone accepts it. How does that sound?

P.S. If I draw my own name, I'll keep it.
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: platon on Tue, 16 March 2010, 19:42:14
Count me in then ! I   like lotteries!
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: elservo on Tue, 16 March 2010, 19:42:33
I can't believe anyone would want to give away a Topre board, even if one's good word is at stake.  I hope you get it in the drawing.  It's the fair way, and you don't have to spend any money to ship it to yourself.
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: didjamatic on Tue, 16 March 2010, 19:53:33
If you're going to do a lottery, have someone impartial do it and include 50% of the names as duplicate entries for Ranma13, that way he has a good shot at keeping it and others can still hope to win it if they so desire.
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: nanu on Tue, 16 March 2010, 20:09:20
What an interesting turn of events.

Hello. Welcome to Geekhack!
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: ricercar on Tue, 16 March 2010, 20:22:48
Not interested in writing an essay. However, I'll enter a lottery.
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: kriminal on Tue, 16 March 2010, 20:56:54
has a weird feeling this thread is rickrolled
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: Mental Hobbit on Tue, 16 March 2010, 20:56:57
I don't need it. I don't deserve it. But I guess I shouldn't be the only one just watching from the sideline.
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: asdf on Tue, 16 March 2010, 20:57:03
Quote from: ripster;164650
I think entries should be weighted by post count.

I say date joined :]
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: Sorian on Tue, 16 March 2010, 21:03:22
Weighting doesn't seem all that fair, though.  I mean some people just don't enjoy posting as much as they do reading.  And others found out about geekhack at different times.  Plus...the longer you've been around, the more keyboards you're likely to have due to the contagious disease that we like to call our love for keyboards.

As long as they joined before the date of this thread, I think everyone should have an equal chance, if it is decided to do it lottery style.
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: Computer-Lab in Basement on Tue, 16 March 2010, 21:04:35
I want to get in on this.  I could always use a good keyboard for my constantly increasing computer collection.
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: zwmalone on Tue, 16 March 2010, 22:23:13
Oh yeah, date joined!  I've been a faithful member.... I deserve nice things =P
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: Oqsy on Tue, 16 March 2010, 22:40:48
Or how about it goes to the guy with identical twin aunts who each have a set of twin boys, one set identical, the other fraternal...

mmm hmm.  good method for choosing.
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: EverythingIBM on Tue, 16 March 2010, 22:49:42
Quote from: Computer-Lab in Basement;164658
I want to get in on this.  I could always use a good keyboard for my constantly increasing computer collection.

Your basement can only hold so many...

I guess the same is true of my basement! Except, mine is only filled with IBM products.

What happens if you had a basement flood? Better make an "attic" computer lab.
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: TexasFlood on Tue, 16 March 2010, 23:04:33
Hey! I'm a copy, and you will respect mah authoritah!
Ship that keyboard to me now or get your a__ to jail!

I mean, uh, yes, a lottery sounds fine...

Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: karljs on Tue, 16 March 2010, 23:58:11
Quote from: ripster;164650
I think entries should be weighted by post count.

I feel bad picking your quote, Ripster, since you're one of the most helpful members here.  Please don't take this personally.  That said, this kind of good ol' boys mentality is an off-putting attitude and it's running rampant in this thread.  I understand that geekhack values community, which is great, but trying to disenfranchise people just for being new members seems a bit ludicrous.  I for one think it's great that this has brought some people out of the woodwork.  It can only strengthen things in the long run.

Besides being new I also already own a Topre keyboard, so I'll keep myself out of the lottery for the sale of the needy.  Just in a bad mood, I guess.
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: takasta on Wed, 17 March 2010, 00:05:21
congragulations on the fix. You'll probably won't send it to me since I live all the way in Hong Kong, but i'm prob one of the few HK people here! Love keyboards, love ****ing keyboards, ****ing love keyboards, keyboards love ****ing, ****ing keyboard love.

Anyways thats about my tidbit for your topre 55g! Good luck with everyone, and gratz to the soon to be owner of a magnificant keyboard.
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: bionicroach on Wed, 17 March 2010, 00:15:02
Count me in if you decide to go forward with the lottery.

And if not, I'd like to add my +1 for the "loaner unit" idea.  One of the knife collector forums I belong to does "pass arounds" like that and as far as I know it's always worked out quite well.  For people with limited disposable income like parents / students / retirees / etc it's really nice to have the try-before-you-buy option.
Title: Re: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: HaaTa on Wed, 17 March 2010, 00:18:02
Lol, someone took ripster seriously...

Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: Xede on Wed, 17 March 2010, 00:47:05
Send it to me, I could use another topre to use with my toes.
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: Sorian on Wed, 17 March 2010, 00:58:17
I would pay money to see someone type with their toes.

Actually, on second thought... No, I wouldn't.  But hey, you should go try it and let us know how it goes.
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: Hak Foo on Wed, 17 March 2010, 01:14:34
My entry:

I'll club it to pieces with a Unicomp board, thus giving Americans an undeserved feeling of superiority, perhaps becoming a viral YouTube hit.
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: devilcm3 on Wed, 17 March 2010, 03:33:26
the word "free" is indeed ... (

it even attracts worlds best poet to come down here and write a story about his childhood drooling a topre
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: ch_123 on Wed, 17 March 2010, 03:43:31
Quote from: webwit;164654
Cat not included.

Deal breaker.
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: HaaTa on Wed, 17 March 2010, 04:40:26
And I think all of you need a...

> type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="480" height="385">[/YOUTUBE]

'Boot to the head!'

And Ranma, I hope you have a decent backup board or five, or else all of this is just crazy talk.
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: trievalot on Wed, 17 March 2010, 05:45:23
I only have one question.
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: trievalot on Wed, 17 March 2010, 05:47:01
Oh, and on another note i have a stack of 4 year old ex primary school rubber dome keyboards im sending to EACH AND EVERY ONE of you unless you can give me a good reason you deserve not to recieve it
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: Rajagra on Wed, 17 March 2010, 10:01:56
Use geohashing ( to select a random place and bury the keyboard. Make people work for the prize! :evil:
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: cryticfarm on Wed, 17 March 2010, 11:56:28
I'm quite new to mechanical keyboards, and I too learned about them from the mechanical keyboard thread on As you can see, I have a thread right around here about which one to buy. The truth is, I don't have much money to buy a mechanical keyboard, I have about 500 dollars in a bank account and that's it. I tried to get a job a while ago (I'm in grade 12 of high school), but I'm guessing not many people were willing to hire kids during those economic times. I've been longing to get a mechanical keyboard for ages, and the time I viewed that thread was too late. For my last birthday (September) I got a SideWinder rubber dome gaming keyboard (the knobs are actually pretty useful ha). I spent quite a bit of the money I got for my birthday on that keyboard (at the time it was quite expensive in Canada) just to find out about mechanical keyboards a week or two later. In the past weeks I've been researching keyboards for an hour or two everyday, even though I probably wasn't going to buy one for a while. To be honest, even right now I don't have the money, but I think I'm going to get some money from relatives (which I usually put in my savings and I feel bad when spending) soon. I've heard about mechanical keyboards  in the past, but I never really payed attention until I found the GeekHack forums.

(line break so that this isn't an eyehurt)

I lurked the geek hack forums for 2 weeks now, and started posting, I think, yesterday. The things that also bugs me, other than the fact that I spend 90 dollars on a rubber dome keyboard right before I found out about mechanical keyboards, is that I USED TO OWN A IBM MODEL M. My dad had an old IBM keyboard from work (he owned a business), but when we moved here after he passed away, we threw away the old computer with the keyboard for a new computer (our new computer didn't have PS/2). I didn't even really type back then, just the occasional computer game (we didn't have internet).

So basically I've missed the opportunity for a DECENT keyboard TWICE now, and I've been using cheap rubber domes pretty much all my life.

hahahahhaha, I didn't read the part where you said it's lottery style now hahahahhaha.
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: cryticfarm on Wed, 17 March 2010, 11:58:14
so i'll take an entry to that lottery lol
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: patrickgeekhack on Wed, 17 March 2010, 12:30:18
I have not read through the whole thread, but why don't you keep the keyboard? We will all understand why you would like to keep it.  I will not enter the contest since I already have a Topre.
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: TexasFlood on Wed, 17 March 2010, 13:02:27
Quote from: patrickgeekhack;164829
I have not read through the whole thread, but why don't you keep the keyboard? We will all understand why you would like to keep it.  I will not enter the contest since I already have a Topre.

I agree, as I have said before, but if my name is chosen I'm not going to say no as I -don't- have a topre and would very much like one, :smile:
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: porgo on Wed, 17 March 2010, 13:29:27
Hot damn I'm getting horny about that Topre thing. Get me one FAST.
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: SAL36864 on Wed, 17 March 2010, 13:41:07
Quote from: bionicroach;164695
Count me in if you decide to go forward with the lottery.

And if not, I'd like to add my +1 for the "loaner unit" idea.  One of the knife collector forums I belong to does "pass arounds" like that and as far as I know it's always worked out quite well.  For people with limited disposable income like parents / students / retirees / etc it's really nice to have the try-before-you-buy option.

What bionicroach said, except that I am not a member of any knife collector forums.

Edit: Not that I do not like knives.
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: InSanCen on Wed, 17 March 2010, 17:19:15
Quote from: kishy;164360
I'll apply, because I'm interested in typing on the Topre mechanism so that I can make comments about it without being an uninformed jerk. I wouldn't intend to keep it for permanent use...I have buckling spring keyboards for that and I don't think anything can sway me from them permanently.

You beat me to it. I love my Buckling Springs.

That said, I would pass it on, cost of shipping only, after I had played with it for a bit. While I want to try Topre capacitative springs, I simply can't lay out that kind of cash. I'm UK based FWIW.

Awesome Gesture, regardless of who gets it.
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: kishy on Wed, 17 March 2010, 17:45:08
...which raises a concern, actually. If it ends up being passed from geekhacker to geekhacker, it'd probably be best to organize that system so that it doesn't go between continents more than necessary (eg. Canada-US-Netherlands-US-UK-Canada-Australia-US doesn't make sense). That'd get ridiculously expensive.

I wonder if Geekhack as a single entity can get commercial shipping rates?
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: LordGurciullo on Wed, 17 March 2010, 18:00:53
I'm sure my thread will be quickly overlooked as I am a newcomer :). (registered BEFORE this thread). But

If you insist to go on with this MADNESS lottery count me in please. BUT, know that I truly really support the pass around thing. Infact I'm posting because the pass around idea I have ALWAYS thought is fantastic, just never felt enough ... honesty and trust... to do it. If we can pull it off for real - we will show the world that IS THE NEXT EVOLUTION OF HUMANITY!

I suspect I am not the only one sitting here looking at elitekeyboards thinking about it.
my mind has conversations like this more then twice a day

DO IT DO IT click click , so what if you can't eat next week your a bit overweight anyways!! CLICK IT!

*mind* but which one... variable? or 55g.

Whichever damnit just click it!. gosh you never need help convincing for all the other fun things we do!!

So. I would love to TRY one, but not necessarily to own one. I can guarantee on my Sicilian oath that I would pass it on. If we could start with a box that would ensure no damage (think this is doable), then we can pass on with maybe a 1 week limit.

Anyways, thats my idea. But if like I stated, if you insist on this lottery, count me in! :).
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: Stevie Wonder on Wed, 17 March 2010, 18:25:16
Bro.  I'm blind.  I only have musical keyboards.  My records aren't selling anymore.   I have to do a Michael Jackson and die before I'm back on top of the charts.    I'm black (that's what they tell me).  They tell jokes about me on the schoolyard.  I don't mind that it has Korean lettering and I promise I won't whine about not seeing that black on black lettering.

If I win you will be the sunshine of my life.
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: ch_123 on Wed, 17 March 2010, 18:42:47
Quote from: Stevie Wonder;164944
Bro.  I'm blind.  I only have musical keyboards.  My records aren't selling anymore.   I have to do a Michael Jackson and die before I'm back on top of the charts.    I'm black (that's what they tell me).  They tell jokes about me on the schoolyard.  I don't mind that it has Korean lettering and I promise I won't whine about not seeing that black on black lettering.

If I win you will be the sunshine of my life.

Wow, blast from the past... I haven't seen him post in ages.

Does anyone know who he's alting for?
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: elservo on Wed, 17 March 2010, 18:47:50
That's a good plan, webby!
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: ch_123 on Wed, 17 March 2010, 18:51:04
Webwit IS the forum, and all the members are just the various aspects of his personality duking it out in a surreal Fight Club-style saga.
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: kishy on Wed, 17 March 2010, 18:52:18
Quote from: ch_123;164962
Webwit IS the forum, and all the members are just the various aspects of his personality duking it out in a surreal Fight Club-style saga.

That's...actually quite comical.

$5! *throws punch*
$500! *throws punch*
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: Sorian on Wed, 17 March 2010, 19:10:47
You know... I've read every post in this thread, and even I can't keep up with what's going on.

Poetry? Soap?
Title: Re: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: HaaTa on Wed, 17 March 2010, 19:31:57
Aha! I knew this thread was missing something, a burrito, a big juicy burrito. Ranma, I will *personally* make myself a bean burrito, and send you a picture, in all its glory, if you send me that RealForce.
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: InSanCen on Wed, 17 March 2010, 19:42:25
Quote from: Sorian;164975
You know... I've read every post in this thread, and even I can't keep up with what's going on.

Poetry? Soap?

Unlike most other Forums, going off topic is mandatory here.

Style points are awarded for the most unlikely, yet slightly related topic's. Lego pics will usually crop up somewhere, as will MS Windows to denounce anything other than an M attached to a creaky PC circa 2001.
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: ch_123 on Wed, 17 March 2010, 19:44:17
And webwit to hurl abuse at all in question. In special cases, xsphat will come out of retirement and do likewise.
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: Sorian on Wed, 17 March 2010, 19:51:54
It's just like one big happy family.
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: InSanCen on Wed, 17 March 2010, 19:57:53
Quote from: Sorian;164987
It's just like one big happy family.

Well, happy... not so sure about that. As a direct result of this Forum, many of us have significantly lighter wallets, Other Half's that give you strange looks when yet another board arrives in the post, and co-workers that outright query your mental state when you have a hissy-fit about the state of the ****ty, worn out rubber dome that you are forced to use in work.

But, on the Upside, most of us have happy fingers and nice shiny tactile keyboards, which tends to make us happy.

And by that weird twisted convuluted logic, I give myself over9000 style points.
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: elservo on Wed, 17 March 2010, 20:00:38
Trust me, you guys spend NOTHING compared to the guys on who spend unholy amounts of money on aftermarket scooter parts.  I fear that many of them are insane.
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: InSanCen on Wed, 17 March 2010, 20:03:07
Aaaargh... double post... laggy frigging net.
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: Sorian on Wed, 17 March 2010, 20:04:38
Haha, I meant Geekhack as a whole.  Not in regards to the outside, slightly more sane, world.

I just hope that after I finally get my first mechanical board that I'm not tempted to try/buy more, because of you all.  A single keyboard over $100 is enough to keep me happy.  ..I hope.
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: Sorian on Wed, 17 March 2010, 20:17:06
You of all people..  Are probably the worst influence for the poor souls venturing into the world of mechanicals.   Don't you have pretty much every keyboard that has ever been sold on EliteKeyboards?
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: SAL36864 on Wed, 17 March 2010, 20:25:49
Quote from: Sorian;164994
Haha, I meant Geekhack as a whole.  Not in regards to the outside, slightly more sane, world.

I find the outside world to be slightly less sane, that being said, and taking note of InSanCen being over 9000, the following comic, is about my friends: My friends (NSFW) (

Note: I am not depicted, contrary to reality.
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: Computer-Lab in Basement on Wed, 17 March 2010, 20:26:09
I bought 3 types of mechanical keyboards since joining this forum, a good old Model M buckling spring, a crappy old Chicony KB-5161 with complicated white ALPS, and a Compaq MX 11800 with brown Cherries, and that is all I am going to buy for a while.  The only types of keyboards I would buy now would be either an IBM Model M or anything with complicated white ALPS.
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: Computer-Lab in Basement on Wed, 17 March 2010, 20:28:50
Quote from: EverythingIBM;164680
Your basement can only hold so many...

I guess the same is true of my basement! Except, mine is only filled with IBM products.

What happens if you had a basement flood? Better make an "attic" computer lab.

About that, my basement doesn't flood much unless there is a plumbing problem and the pipes get stopped up.  Also, if there was a flood, I would only lose my two best machines.  I would still have my good old Pentium III and Pentium MMX machines.

Also, I can't have my lab in the attic! I can't change my user name!
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: Ranma13 on Thu, 18 March 2010, 04:40:28
Hey, sorry everyone. I had some unexpected things to take care of tonight. As such, I will do the random drawing TOMORROW night (3/18/10) instead.

P.S. Those of you who already have Topre, I'll have to leave you out of the drawing. I feel that those who don't already own one should deserve a better chance.

P.P.S. I'll be picking up another Topre for work. I'm using a Filco Brown right now, but I realized that I tend to get quite frustrated at work and press the keys pretty hard...some of my co-workers have already told me to calm down while typing. I also have a Unicomp Spacesaver at work too, and although it complements my programming typing style pretty well, it doesn't jive well with the co-workers who have to endure its clatter.
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: InSanCen on Thu, 18 March 2010, 05:56:09
Quote from: Sorian;164994
Haha, I meant Geekhack as a whole.  Not in regards to the outside, slightly more sane, world.

I just hope that after I finally get my first mechanical board that I'm not tempted to try/buy more, because of you all.  A single keyboard over $100 is enough to keep me happy.  ..I hope.

Quote from: webwit;164999
Just the one keyboard. Just the one.


and webwit nails it again.

You *will* want to try other boards, no matter how much you try to resist it.
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: ch_123 on Thu, 18 March 2010, 06:04:57
I do not want to think about the amount of money I'm going to spend on keyboards if I get a good job this summer...
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: hyperlinked on Thu, 18 March 2010, 06:17:54
Quote from: Ranma13;165063
Hey, sorry everyone. I had some unexpected things to take care of tonight. As such, I will do the random drawing TOMORROW night (3/18/10) instead.

I still think it's overboard for you to give it away just because you said you would. Nobody would have faulted you for keeping it after you managed to fix it.

That said, I hope that if the winner is someone who could afford a Topre on their own without excruciating pain, he or she pass up the prize to someone who can't.
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: trievalot on Thu, 18 March 2010, 06:32:43
still think ur nuts.....but hey im in for a free lottery!
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: vils on Thu, 18 March 2010, 07:05:30
Quote from: trievalot;165074
still think ur nuts.....but hey im in for a free lottery!

So am I.
I'm overseas though, but I'll pay the shipping.
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: cryticfarm on Thu, 18 March 2010, 12:29:55
wait am i in the draw?
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: elservo on Thu, 18 March 2010, 14:13:12
I better be in this lottery.  My wife would never let me buy a topre board.  It was hard enough spending 109 on my blue cherry Filco, which will be my only mech board unless I win this.  I don't hold out much hope, though, as I never win major awards.  

Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: TexasFlood on Thu, 18 March 2010, 14:52:21
Quote from: elservo;165188
I better be in this lottery.  My wife would never let me buy a topre board.  It was hard enough spending 109 on my blue cherry Filco, which will be my only mech board unless I win this.  I don't hold out much hope, though, as I never win major awards.  

Show Image

I never seem to win anything either.  Last thing I won was a radio contest years ago in Austin, TX, as seemingly no KLBJ listeners knew anything about Roy Orbison.  Not sure it's a good idea to post so strongly to a guy who is, after all, giving away a valuable keyboard, :wink:.  Not sure I would give my "good" keyboard away, short of some epiphany I haven't had yet.  And I don't even have any as nice as his.
Title: Re: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: Computer-Lab in Basement on Thu, 18 March 2010, 15:03:46
Quote from: webwit
I'm a poor exchange student from Kazakhstan. My only keyboard is a Fujistu Peerless which I found in the dumpster. I support my complete family at home by washing dishes, donating blood and sexual services. I would like a better keyboard, but all my money goes to my mother who has been terminally ill for the past 5 years. At night I cry myself to sleep, thinking about the Topre I will never have - or will I - and dream about this Icon of Light - the RealForce 55g. And now..  it has never been so close! I am not sure what I will do to myself if I do not win this keyboard!

Lol you can't be serious...?
If you are I am terribly sorry about you current state of affairs.
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: ch_123 on Thu, 18 March 2010, 15:06:20
No, he's deadly serious. I have availed of his sexual services on many occasions.
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: Viett on Thu, 18 March 2010, 15:12:23
Forget the family! Buy a Topre!
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: itlnstln on Thu, 18 March 2010, 15:33:48
Quote from: webwit;165212
My father is Boltok "The Rapist" Sagdiyev...

I'll take "The Rapist" for $100.
Uh, that's "Therapist."
Title: Re: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: Computer-Lab in Basement on Thu, 18 March 2010, 15:39:43
Quote from: ripster

And don't forget his sister.  The best in town!

Good to know...
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: elservo on Thu, 18 March 2010, 18:26:23
If I win I promise to sell it to Webby for five dollars under retail.  It's the humanitarian thing to do.
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: ch_123 on Thu, 18 March 2010, 18:42:50
Just don't give it to someone who's going to throw it into the corner of a basement because it's not a Model M...
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: GenEric35 on Thu, 18 March 2010, 19:06:06
I want in the draw please!!

I have actualy been thinking of buying a board with Topre switches to replace the dell they gave me at this new work place, I would make good use of it, alteast 8 hours a day :) if I win then I'll make a draw with my Model M, the 1986 1390131 :)
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: ch_123 on Thu, 18 March 2010, 19:07:14
Ah, but you're excluded because you already have a Topre keyboard!

(Putting it in your avatar was not a good idea)
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: GenEric35 on Thu, 18 March 2010, 19:16:10
aww, but the hhkb I use at home, the topre I will seriously use full time at work, so it would definetly not go into a corner, in fact I would make a draw with my second favorite board, anyway, ill replace that damn dell someday lol
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: TexasFlood on Thu, 18 March 2010, 19:26:49
Quote from: ch_123;165252
Ah, but you're excluded because you already have a Topre keyboard!

(Putting it in your avatar was not a good idea)

Imagining geekhackers across the globe furiously editing their avatars/signatures to remove all references to topres....
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: Sorian on Thu, 18 March 2010, 19:31:30
Quote from: TexasFlood;165258
editing their avatars/signatures to remove all references to topres....

No need to give them any ideas.
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: TexasFlood on Thu, 18 March 2010, 19:34:34
Quote from: Sorian;165259
No need to give them any ideas.

I wouldn't if I wasn't pretty damn sure it's too late.
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: LordGurciullo on Thu, 18 March 2010, 20:27:56
Please count me in on this lottery (as I dont have an avatar or sig i doubt I get noticed)
Honestly. I have been thinking about topre's non stop. I have a seriously obsessive mind, and i'm not joking, its been going on for a while now :). I have tried a few others, but need to try a topre, because If I love it, I would donate.... vital bodily fluids to obtain. As recent financial disaster would prevent any additional money being saved/spent for non-essentials :).
If I win, I would probably hold another lottery in a few weeks. I just want to feel it.

That reminds me.... i used to scream, I JUST WANT TO FEEL IT on the basketball court thinking about my first crush. which at that time I'm afraid to admit... was not the topre :).

Thanks again
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: Viett on Thu, 18 March 2010, 21:35:41
I believe the average page length of Geekhack threads just increased by 50%.
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: Ranma13 on Thu, 18 March 2010, 22:19:43
Just checking in. Will do the lottery in a few hours. I live in Hawaii so it'll probably be in the middle of the night where most of you guys are :).

For those of you with the HHKB, I will throw your name in, but at reduced weight. If you don't own a keyboard with Topre switches, your name will be entered twice. Otherwise, you will be entered only once.
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: JulienC on Thu, 18 March 2010, 22:27:19
That sounds fair. If I were to win it, I would try it for a week to compare with the HHKB, and then pass it on to the next geekhacker for trial as others have suggested.
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: cryticfarm on Thu, 18 March 2010, 22:27:29
Quote from: Ranma13;165292
Just checking in. Will do the lottery in a few hours. I live in Hawaii so it'll probably be in the middle of the night where most of you guys are :).

For those of you with the HHKB, I will throw your name in, but at reduced weight. If you don't own a keyboard with Topre switches, your name will be entered twice. Otherwise, you will be entered only once.

fuuuu, i'm going to bed in 30 minutes
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: LordGurciullo on Thu, 18 March 2010, 23:36:44
I personally don't own any topre keyboards and, (as stated before) am dying to try one.

As nerdy as this sounds, I've actually told my mom about what you are doing and her exact words are "That's Wonderful!". "You should always keep your word, and Tylie (her nickname for me) if you win, you better pass it on like you said you would".

anyways :). If I was lucky enough to win I certainly would be ultra elated, and resist the temptation to keep and definitely pass it on to the next person to try.

I am amazed you're actually doing it and salute you for it!

Thanks for reading :)
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: javifast on Fri, 19 March 2010, 01:27:43
Hello, I donŽt have any topre keyboard. Please enter my name on the lottery. Thank you.
IŽll pay shipping costs.
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: Ranma13 on Fri, 19 March 2010, 01:29:13
Alright, I'm writing the program now, so this is the cutoff right here!
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: Ranma13 on Fri, 19 March 2010, 01:56:12
Ok, I've created the list of people who posted in this thread, excluding those that either already have a Realforce Topre (I'm not counting the HHKB) and those who said they don't want to participate. So far I have:

spolia optima
Mental Hobbit
Computer-Lab in Basement
Hak Foo
Stevie Wonder

That's the entire list. Sorry if I accidentally left your name out, but I don't have the time to double-check it. Gonna write the program now. For the sake of expediency, everyone's weight will be only 1. Be back in a few minutes.
Title: Re: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: HaaTa on Fri, 19 March 2010, 02:07:31
first post == first in the list == win

Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: Ranma13 on Fri, 19 March 2010, 03:34:00
We have a winner!

Congratulations, poonsmjj, please check your PM!

P.S. How do you embed Youtube videos?
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: javifast on Fri, 19 March 2010, 03:44:16
Ohhhhhh!!!! Nooooo. Perhaps next time, :)
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: LordGurciullo on Fri, 19 March 2010, 03:47:39
Hey. You are awesome. Seriously. Congrats to the winner and congrats to you for doing this. Albeit a bit insane :).

Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: porgo on Fri, 19 March 2010, 03:49:29
Grats poonsmjj! (Are you sure it didn't read "porgo"?)
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: JulienC on Fri, 19 March 2010, 03:50:51
Congratulations poonsmjj !

That's very generous of you Ranma13. By the way, why do pick a random element from a randomly sorted list ? Picking a random element from the initial arbitrary list would be equivalently random.
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: Ranma13 on Fri, 19 March 2010, 03:56:28
It never hurts to be even more random :).

I still have more keyboards, and I only need 2 myself. Who knows, maybe I'll give away some more in the future.

Better hope for more coffee spills!
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: trievalot on Fri, 19 March 2010, 04:25:28
he didnt answer yet.....redraw
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: Rajagra on Fri, 19 March 2010, 05:56:52
Quote from: TexasFlood;165258
Imagining geekhackers across the globe furiously editing their avatars/signatures to remove all references to topres....

I would have gotten away with it if it wasn't for you meddling kids!  
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: ch_123 on Fri, 19 March 2010, 06:08:12
Remember this time last year when the Realforce 87U was the happenin' keyboard to have? When everyone was importing the 55g model with Korean letters from Stlensbar for $300 + shipping from Korea? We would have had a riot here if someone offered one for free.
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: devilcm3 on Fri, 19 March 2010, 06:20:47
i love it when he said pooons djedje
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: cryticfarm on Fri, 19 March 2010, 07:46:34
I went to sleep hoping I would win for 10 minutes, then I woke up and I was disappointed D: .
Congrats to the winner though!
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: cryticfarm on Fri, 19 March 2010, 09:15:40
oh god wut
does this mean we have to redraw OH NO
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: GenEric35 on Fri, 19 March 2010, 09:19:18
how did you select the winner?
"your list was called random something but the code to select randomly was at" +
"the very right far end of your line {0}", +
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: kishy on Fri, 19 March 2010, 09:30:51
Quote from: Ranma13;165326
We have a winner!

Congratulations, poonsmjj, please check your PM!

P.S. How do you embed Youtube videos?

Congratulations indeed!

RE: YouTube:
Take the normal embed code, then put it inside of:

[youtube] [/youtube]

Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: GenEric35 on Fri, 19 March 2010, 09:35:15
Hitler invented code reviews?
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: SAL36864 on Fri, 19 March 2010, 09:54:08
Quote from: GenEric35;165383
Hitler invented code reviews?

But at least he apologized.
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: Mental Hobbit on Fri, 19 March 2010, 10:11:55
Hitler apologized?
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: elservo on Fri, 19 March 2010, 10:21:30
Quote from: ripster;165373
Poons has a Realforce. (

But it's white.  He was worried the Black one would get all shiny.  Now he'll find out.

More people voted Black in the survey BTW. (

Totally knew this would happen!
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: LordGurciullo on Fri, 19 March 2010, 11:44:55
He has one already? Having 2 realforces seems redundant and unnecessary :). Oh well at least he ... now has 60 million topre pushes to look forward to :).
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: SAL36864 on Fri, 19 March 2010, 11:53:13
Quote from: Mental Hobbit;165389
Hitler apologized?

Quote from: ripster regarding what a bum said;165380
"SORRY - That's What Hitler Said!"

Saying sorry is apologizing, no?
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: elservo on Fri, 19 March 2010, 13:57:07
I can say that I've said sorry and it was in no way a real apology.
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: kriminal on Fri, 19 March 2010, 14:17:46
Quote from: kishy;164931
...which raises a concern, actually. If it ends up being passed from geekhacker to geekhacker, it'd probably be best to organize that system so that it doesn't go between continents more than necessary (eg. Canada-US-Netherlands-US-UK-Canada-Australia-US doesn't make sense). That'd get ridiculously expensive.

I wonder if Geekhack as a single entity can get commercial shipping rates?

err you forgot to put trinidad & tobago in that round up... >_> <_<

and ROTFL @ stevie wonder
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: Ranma13 on Fri, 19 March 2010, 14:22:45
Quote from: GenEric35;165378
how did you select the winner?
"your list was called random something but the code to select randomly was at" +
"the very right far end of your line {0}", +

I randomized the list beforehand, so it could've been list.ElementAt(0) and it still would've been random.

Considering this was throwaway code, I didn't exactly spend a lot of time making it look all nice and pretty :).

Oh, I'll give poonsmjj until Saturday evening (3/20/10) to reply to my PM. Otherwise, at that time, I'll run the lotto again.
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: kriminal on Fri, 19 March 2010, 14:45:29
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: poonsmjj on Fri, 19 March 2010, 16:23:02
I replied!! Don't give it away again! Noooooooo


Quote from: ranma13;165449
i randomized the list beforehand, so it could've been list.elementat(0) and it still would've been random.

Considering this was throwaway code, i didn't exactly spend a lot of time making it look all nice and pretty :).

Oh, i'll give poonsmjj until saturday evening (3/20/10) to reply to my pm. Otherwise, at that time, i'll run the lotto again.
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: poonsmjj on Fri, 19 March 2010, 16:31:54
Quote from: elservo;165390
Totally knew this would happen!

I never ended up buying a realforce since I couldn't justify spending that much money on a keyboard... if I did I would have posted photos as listed at the end of that thread/in the review section.

If we need proof I suppose we could ask the guys from elitekeyboards to check if they have my name in their sales listing to prove that I don't have one.... granted I realize you could say that I purchased it from somewhere else but I really don't own this keyboard.

I'm not sure how else to prove that I don't have a realforce...
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: poonsmjj on Fri, 19 March 2010, 17:30:12
Thanks for the faith ripster. I'll definitely have to post up some photos of this board (assuming Ranma13 still decides to award it to me) just out of happiness/props to one of the coolest threads on geekhack.

It'll also be interesting to compare this to my poor-man's Topre (aka the SGI Granite alps keyboard with dampeners) since I remember reading on geekhack that it was one of the closest feeling keyboards to a Topre... we shall see!

Quote from: ripster;165480
Hey, since I posted the link let me just say I do believe poonsmjj.

And if he is ever caught with two of them I'll send my buds over!  But WITH a marmot.
Show Image

Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: Oqsy on Fri, 19 March 2010, 17:43:14
Ve vant de money, Lebowskee... No funny schtuff!
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: Ranma13 on Fri, 19 March 2010, 21:51:38
For those of you who were hoping that poonsmjj would not respond to my PM, unfortunately he has, so the keyboard will be going to him :). Thanks for participating,  and perhaps the next keyboard I accidentally spill coffee on will go to you!
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: Rajagra on Sat, 20 March 2010, 06:09:34
Quote from: Oqsy;165489
Ve vant de money, Lebowskee... No funny schtuff!

He can't hear you over the sound of how happy he is.

Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: BucklingSpring on Sat, 20 March 2010, 18:57:16
Quote from: ripster;164344 Plus I'm American.  That means I'm entitled to most of the world's assets.[/QUOTE

Love it.

Here's why I'm a better candidate.

Not only I was spanked, but I'm Canadian. That means that I'm never going to be entitled to any of the world's asset.

If you want to make a difference in the world. Send it over here.

Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: JBert on Sat, 20 March 2010, 19:01:38
It's gone. Let it go and return to your buckling springs. For example, I don't see a model F in your sig. :-)
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: ricercar on Sat, 20 March 2010, 19:13:02
Quote from: trievalot;164726
Oh, and on another note i have a stack of 4 year old ex primary school rubber dome keyboards im sending to EACH AND EVERY ONE of you unless you can give me a good reason you deserve not to recieve it

I'll send two different stacks to you if you send one to me.
Title: Free Topre Realforce all 55g giveaway!
Post by: poonsmjj on Fri, 02 April 2010, 21:24:31
Sorry for taking so long to write up a review but it's finally here ... check it out!