
geekhack Community => Off Topic => Topic started by: tp4tissue on Sun, 25 March 2018, 11:16:03

Title: [Headscratch] March Gun Control__
Post by: tp4tissue on Sun, 25 March 2018, 11:16:03

Firstly, Fully Support -The march-,  and tightening of background chx..

However, they really should push for way more than is levied at the moment.

The current batch of requests sound good but are probably useless in practical terms.

The current set of demands fight _The Gun Industry_, 

They do little to hinder the Bad-People and their use of weapons.

What the public wants:

--  Closing, Gun Show loophole, mandatory background chx for all sale

____ Pretty straight forward.. It's a good thing..

____ Outcome, with regard to (Bad Guys) buying guns, it raises the price for them to be procured by shadier means,  but they're (Bad Guys) and they'll still get it, and do bad things.

--  Restoration of 1994 Federal Assault Weapons Ban

____ Sure, but human beings are insanely fragile. The only animals that take a hit well from any firearm are elephants and hippos..

____ Human being =/= elephant or hippo

____ A pistol is just as dangerous as any assault weapon

--  Ban on the sale of high-capacity magazines

____ If a bad guy needs to make 30 shots.. It could either be

________ 1 gun with 2x regular ,
________ 1 gun with a high-capacity.
________ 2 guns with 2x regular
________ That small downtime between mag really won't change the outcome
________ In the majority of these violent events, the perpetrator brought more than 1 gun

____ Assuming bad guys can multiply / divide, This is not effective countermeasure.

What are your thoughts on Policies that would actually help.. ??

Title: Re: [Headscratch] March Gun Control__
Post by: noisyturtle on Sun, 25 March 2018, 13:51:11
I think the high capacity thing is bull****. Anyone who goes out plinking or to the range knows reloading sucks. My stupid thumbs will be torn to shreds before I can get through 3 clips, a 60 round mag makes that much better.

Background checks and especially private sales need to be better monitored and regulated. They also need to fix the antique law allowing anyone to purchase a firearm as long as it's at least 50 years old which means you can go buy something like an AK with no check.

You should need to pass a test to own a gun IMO, just as you would getting your driver's license. A written portion and a live portion with an instructor.
Title: Re: [Headscratch] March Gun Control__
Post by: ThoughtArtist on Sun, 25 March 2018, 18:59:04
How about banning glorification of guns in media instead of pushing some quick fix feel-goodism?

Oh wait, Hollywood and Silicon Valley make too much money from violent films and video games (which run on Silicon Valley output).

Horray for California libtard hypocrisy!
Title: Re: [Headscratch] March Gun Control__
Post by: p_blaze on Sun, 25 March 2018, 19:20:19
How about banning glorification of guns in media instead of pushing some quick fix feel-goodism?

Oh wait, Hollywood and Silicon Valley make too much money from violent films and video games (which run on Silicon Valley output).

Horray for California libtard hypocrisy!
I completely agree. There are many places that actually justify large magazines, mainly rural or forested ones, and blanket bans don't help. At least leave the legislation up to the states...
Title: Re: [Headscratch] March Gun Control__
Post by: AMongoose on Mon, 26 March 2018, 07:35:19
Where I live you need to take a 6 month course and a final exam. You are also required to have two safes at your house one for ammo and one for the guns.
And that's just for owning it you still can't legally carry it everyday.
To carry it you would need to personally present your case to the head of the public police and prove that your life is in danger (and if you do that chances are you get police escort not a carry permit).

Or you can just join a hunting club and buy a shotgun.
Title: Re: [Headscratch] March Gun Control__
Post by: shadowrealmwarez on Mon, 26 March 2018, 07:49:20
Are these the same kids who are eating tide pods? If so, they shouldn't be making laws and instead should go to their safey safes to hide from all the mean words, guns, and Trump of course.

Banning anything won't stop criminals, straw purchases (me legally buying a firearm and selling/giving it to someone else), or anyone who wants something illegal, look at how effective our war on drugs is, heroin is illegal, yet I can probably buy it from some shady dude within 15 minutes of where I live/work.
Title: Re: [Headscratch] March Gun Control__
Post by: tp4tissue on Mon, 26 March 2018, 07:49:27
Where I live you need to take a 6 month course and a final exam. You are also required to have two safes at your house one for ammo and one for the guns.
And that's just for owning it you still can't legally carry it everyday.
To carry it you would need to personally present your case to the head of the public police and prove that your life is in danger (and if you do that chances are you get police escort not a carry permit).

Or you can just join a hunting club and buy a shotgun.

More granular policies are necessary depending on region

Some less economically advantaged populations may depend on firearms yet not have the time/wherewithal to acquire certification.

That's just one example,  the barrier can not be so scholastic as to greatly disadvantage a large segment of society.

What if only rich people owned guns.. that's tyranny..
Title: Re: [Headscratch] March Gun Control__
Post by: AMongoose on Mon, 26 March 2018, 08:07:15
More granular policies are necessary depending on region

Some less economically advantaged populations may depend on firearms yet not have the time/wherewithal to acquire certification.

That's just one example,  but we can't make the barrier so scholastic as to greatly disadvantage a large segment of society.

What if only rich people owned guns.. that's tyranny..

Yeah i wasn't saying this should be implemented in the US, obviously any regulation is dependent on the environment.
But this restrictions don't really put the cost of owning outside the realm of possibility for anyone wanting one, for one thing it's way less than what is required to own a car here and everyone has those.

straw purchases (me legally buying a firearm and selling/giving it to someone else)

Well that is kinda solvable for making that completely illegal, and making the original owner an accomplice to any crime the buyer commits.
But I agree that no banning would stop a "regular" criminal, this is more about stopping mass shooting incidents no?
Title: Re: [Headscratch] March Gun Control__
Post by: shadowrealmwarez on Mon, 26 March 2018, 08:24:20
Well that is kinda solvable for making that completely illegal, and making the original owner an accomplice to any crime the buyer commits.
But I agree that no banning would stop a "regular" criminal, this is more about stopping mass shooting incidents no?

Only somewhat, with 3D printing one could print a lower receiver (where trigger and magazine go) and attach it to a standard upper receiver with any barrel and stock they want and go to town, sure they'd be limited to how many rounds that lower will sustain....but it's something you can throw away and attach another one.

As far as straw purchases go, for pistols there is a background check, however for rifles (depending on the state) no background check HAS to be performed, you could exchange a rifle between 2 individuals with just a written piece of paper that says "I, John Doe sell <rifle and serial number> to John Smith".

Making the original purchaser responsible is only good if the original serial number isn't removed, but you could also possibly be ruining a gun collectors life or reputation if you attempt to make them an accomplice because they sold a firearm to someone who does harm with it, it's up to the FFL to perform the background check as any rifle,shotgun, or pistol must be shipped from an FFL to an FFL where the receiving FFL performs the background on the individual.

There is no "good way" to solve this that will make everyone happy, on one hand we have school shootings taking lives, and at the other end we have the 2nd amendment. The bigger issue is look at the times where guns were taken away from the people either by the people giving them up willingly or they were taken forcibly,  none of those times ended well for the people on the receiving end.
Title: Re: [Headscratch] March Gun Control__
Post by: AMongoose on Mon, 26 March 2018, 08:55:41
Honest question that just came to my mind. Are there no cops at the schools in America?

Because in Portugal we have a special regiment of the public safety police just for schools, with usually two cops per school while they are open.
Title: Re: [Headscratch] March Gun Control__
Post by: shadowrealmwarez on Mon, 26 March 2018, 09:08:23
Honest question that just came to my mind. Are there no cops at the schools in America?

Because in Portugal we have a special regiment of the public safety police just for schools, with usually two cops per school while they are open.

Some private schools I have worked at have armed security guards (usually retired police or ex military), but that's of course paid out of pocket by the school. Some schools donate money to the local police in the area and have a police officer at the school varying times of the day during the course of the school year, and some simply don't have any police presence for a variety of reasons.
Title: Re: [Headscratch] March Gun Control__
Post by: AMongoose on Mon, 26 March 2018, 09:39:52
Some private schools I have worked at have armed security guards (usually retired police or ex military), but that's of course paid out of pocket by the school. Some schools donate money to the local police in the area and have a police officer at the school varying times of the day during the course of the school year, and some simply don't have any police presence for a variety of reasons.

Yeah people should probably ask for that before gun regulation.
I looks like most "anti-gun" people in America look to european countries and believe the biggest difference is the no carry laws, in reality there are a lot of other infrastructures working together keeping everything in control.

Because one mad guy could legally get a gun and illegally take it to a mall.
But he would most probably had received mental healthcare after the first minor incident if he was that mad.
And once in the mall there is a police station inside it so he would be swarmed by cops at the first shots and just end up in jail.
Title: Re: [Headscratch] March Gun Control__
Post by: kgolden on Mon, 26 March 2018, 10:30:46
Honest question that just came to my mind. Are there no cops at the schools in America?

Because in Portugal we have a special regiment of the public safety police just for schools, with usually two cops per school while they are open.

Some private schools I have worked at have armed security guards (usually retired police or ex military), but that's of course paid out of pocket by the school. Some schools donate money to the local police in the area and have a police officer at the school varying times of the day during the course of the school year, and some simply don't have any police presence for a variety of reasons.

Where I live in the US there are police in my kids schools, thankfully. Banning firearms or types of firearms doesn't solve anything. I personally prefer to own firearms for protection. 
Title: Re: [Headscratch] March Gun Control__
Post by: HotRoderX on Mon, 26 March 2018, 10:36:57
Issues is mental healthcare in the United States and the lack of it.

Certain group's just want a knee jerk feel good reaction to things that happen. Then when the crime morphs are changes cause they got there way. They will modify what they want and never be happy.
Title: Re: [Headscratch] March Gun Control__
Post by: HotRoderX on Mon, 26 March 2018, 10:44:13
Honest question that just came to my mind. Are there no cops at the schools in America?

Because in Portugal we have a special regiment of the public safety police just for schools, with usually two cops per school while they are open.

Some private schools I have worked at have armed security guards (usually retired police or ex military), but that's of course paid out of pocket by the school. Some schools donate money to the local police in the area and have a police officer at the school varying times of the day during the course of the school year, and some simply don't have any police presence for a variety of reasons.

Whats sad is the police officer at the Florida school assigned to it. Didn't go inside after hearing shots fired instead deciding to stay outside. He resigned the following day and really goes to show least to me. That the police there important and should be respected, but at the same time there only humans. There not some super mythical force that some people build them up to be. Personally I am for allowing armed carry in school. My thoughts are simply this. When seconds count the police are only minutes away. One armed Teacher, Worker, or Parent could have caused the outcome of the school shooting to drastically change. Its been proven that most of these shooters will kill them self's or give up once confronted with lethal force. Nothing more having someone return fire in active shooter situation will slow down the shooter in question. Also lot of people don't realize this but lot of police departments don't even have the money to properly train there officers. Instead they qualify them once a year and its up to the officer to continue training on there own dime. Which I am sure most don't get to because of the raising price of Ammo and range time.
Title: Re: [Headscratch] March Gun Control__
Post by: tp4tissue on Mon, 26 March 2018, 11:54:40
Also lot of people don't realize this but lot of police departments don't even have the money to properly train there officers. Instead they qualify them once a year and its up to the officer to continue training on there own dime. Which I am sure most don't get to because of the raising price of Ammo and range time.

Everyone agrees that the Oligarchs prefer less educated masses..

However,  I have not researched into whether they purposefully keep the police force inadequate as well.

Such that poor on poor violence maintains social segregation.
Title: Re: [Headscratch] March Gun Control__
Post by: kgolden on Mon, 26 March 2018, 12:01:43
Honest question that just came to my mind. Are there no cops at the schools in America?

Because in Portugal we have a special regiment of the public safety police just for schools, with usually two cops per school while they are open.

Some private schools I have worked at have armed security guards (usually retired police or ex military), but that's of course paid out of pocket by the school. Some schools donate money to the local police in the area and have a police officer at the school varying times of the day during the course of the school year, and some simply don't have any police presence for a variety of reasons.

Whats sad is the police officer at the Florida school assigned to it. Didn't go inside after hearing shots fired instead deciding to stay outside. He resigned the following day and really goes to show least to me. That the police there important and should be respected, but at the same time there only humans. There not some super mythical force that some people build them up to be. Personally I am for allowing armed carry in school. My thoughts are simply this. When seconds count the police are only minutes away. One armed Teacher, Worker, or Parent could have caused the outcome of the school shooting to drastically change. Its been proven that most of these shooters will kill them self's or give up once confronted with lethal force. Nothing more having someone return fire in active shooter situation will slow down the shooter in question. Also lot of people don't realize this but lot of police departments don't even have the money to properly train there officers. Instead they qualify them once a year and its up to the officer to continue training on there own dime. Which I am sure most don't get to because of the raising price of Ammo and range time.

Good thing not all schools are "gun free school zones".
Title: Re: [Headscratch] March Gun Control__
Post by: Carcharocles on Mon, 26 March 2018, 12:43:53
Issues is mental healthcare in the United States and the lack of it.

The problem here is the vast majority of the mentally ill are no more likely to be violent than the mentally healthy. It's the ones with personality disorders (which are a specific subset of mental illness) or those on drugs/alcohol that are more likely to be violent. While drug and alcohol abuse can be treated, most personality disorders are either difficult or impossible to treat, because they are essentially personality flaws that impair normal living.

Sociopaths and Psychopaths are both well-known subsets of antisocial personality disorder. With generic APD can be treated by therapy that teaches the individual that taking others' well being and rights into account benefits them as well, Sociopaths and Psychopaths will only learn how to be better at being what they are.
Title: Re: [Headscratch] March Gun Control__
Post by: noisyturtle on Mon, 26 March 2018, 13:03:22
There's also a very strong/persuasive subculture in certain places of the internet promoting shootings in a glorified fashion which needs to stop. People act like it's a joke when someone makes a thread on 4chan or something replying 'do it ***got' and just look at the sheer number of shootings that have internet threads tied to them before the shootings. I'm sure if you dig deep enough there are sites holding mass murderers in high regard, it's created this really sick subculture.
Title: Re: [Headscratch] March Gun Control__
Post by: shadowrealmwarez on Mon, 26 March 2018, 13:09:42
There's also a very strong/persuasive subculture in certain places of the internet promoting shootings in a glorified fashion which needs to stop. People act like it's a joke when someone makes a thread on 4chan or something replying 'do it ***got' and just look at the sheer number of shootings that have internet threads tied to them before the shootings. I'm sure if you dig deep enough there are sites holding mass murderers in high regard, it's created this really sick subculture.

On the other side you have a TV series about suicide (13 tapes), which some may consider glorifying suicide. Websites do exist where (death) content is posted and such, however sick it may be some people use it as a reminder that life is fragile...but on the other hand it could be considered freedom of speech/freedom of expression.
Title: Re: [Headscratch] March Gun Control__
Post by: tp4tissue on Mon, 26 March 2018, 13:16:34
There's also a very strong/persuasive subculture in certain places of the internet promoting shootings in a glorified fashion which needs to stop. People act like it's a joke when someone makes a thread on 4chan or something replying 'do it ***got' and just look at the sheer number of shootings that have internet threads tied to them before the shootings. I'm sure if you dig deep enough there are sites holding mass murderers in high regard, it's created this really sick subculture.

On the other side you have a TV series about suicide (13 tapes), which some may consider glorifying suicide. Websites do exist where (death) content is posted and such, however sick it may be some people use it as a reminder that life is fragile...but on the other hand it could be considered freedom of speech/freedom of expression.

Society really only guarantees that SOME will live..

And over time, it gets better such that MORE will live..

But it's always been the case that NOT ALL will live..

I think the simple fact of life is perpetually new to people, because there is so much pleasurable distraction that they forget how fragile animals are..
Title: Re: [Headscratch] March Gun Control__
Post by: noisyturtle on Mon, 26 March 2018, 13:34:06
There's also a very strong/persuasive subculture in certain places of the internet promoting shootings in a glorified fashion which needs to stop. People act like it's a joke when someone makes a thread on 4chan or something replying 'do it ***got' and just look at the sheer number of shootings that have internet threads tied to them before the shootings. I'm sure if you dig deep enough there are sites holding mass murderers in high regard, it's created this really sick subculture.

On the other side you have a TV series about suicide (13 tapes), which some may consider glorifying suicide. Websites do exist where (death) content is posted and such, however sick it may be some people use it as a reminder that life is fragile...but on the other hand it could be considered freedom of speech/freedom of expression.

Glorifying mass killings and glorifying suicide are very different to me. The main difference being suicide is a choice an individual makes, and shooting up a crowd of people doesn't give any of them a choice in the matter.

Title: Re: [Headscratch] March Gun Control__
Post by: AuthenticDanger on Mon, 26 March 2018, 14:00:40
How about banning glorification of guns in media instead of pushing some quick fix feel-goodism?

Oh wait, Hollywood and Silicon Valley make too much money from violent films and video games (which run on Silicon Valley output).

Horray for California libtard hypocrisy!

Japan has hyper violent video games and other media. People of all ages partake in them (lots of adults in the arcades, for example). And yet, no gun violence there... strange, right?
Title: Re: [Headscratch] March Gun Control__
Post by: tp4tissue on Mon, 26 March 2018, 14:34:35
How about banning glorification of guns in media instead of pushing some quick fix feel-goodism?

Oh wait, Hollywood and Silicon Valley make too much money from violent films and video games (which run on Silicon Valley output).

Horray for California libtard hypocrisy!

Japan has hyper violent video games and other media. People of all ages partake in them (lots of adults in the arcades, for example). And yet, no gun violence there... strange, right?

Japanese media is also not a free media,  and the population as a whole isn't gossip centric..

There might not be gun violence,  but there are plenty of suicides,  we don't hear much about it because they don't have the sensationalizing that happens in the USA>
Title: Re: [Headscratch] March Gun Control__
Post by: emenelopee on Mon, 26 March 2018, 14:37:14
- The US is in an arms race against itself;
- Videogames/mental illness is a distraction - there is no notable difference between higher prevalence of either in the US. If your concern is mental illness, deal with the mental illness, stop tying it into the gun debate;
- Small steps are better than the zero steps taken to date;
- An armed society is not a polite society, it is a dangerous society.
Title: Re: [Headscratch] March Gun Control__
Post by: p_blaze on Mon, 26 March 2018, 15:09:14
There's also a very strong/persuasive subculture in certain places of the internet promoting shootings in a glorified fashion which needs to stop. People act like it's a joke when someone makes a thread on 4chan or something replying 'do it ***got' and just look at the sheer number of shootings that have internet threads tied to them before the shootings. I'm sure if you dig deep enough there are sites holding mass murderers in high regard, it's created this really sick subculture.

4chan is a massive meme
nobody on there takes any of the users' advice seriously unless they planned on doing it anyway
Title: Re: [Headscratch] March Gun Control__
Post by: p_blaze on Mon, 26 March 2018, 15:11:17
How about banning glorification of guns in media instead of pushing some quick fix feel-goodism?

Oh wait, Hollywood and Silicon Valley make too much money from violent films and video games (which run on Silicon Valley output).

Horray for California libtard hypocrisy!

Japan has hyper violent video games and other media. People of all ages partake in them (lots of adults in the arcades, for example). And yet, no gun violence there... strange, right?

smaller country, and they have mass stabbings instead. Also, they prefer suicide in their culture because the media doesn't glorify shooters as antiheroes and they don't want to tarnish the reputation of their family.
Title: Re: [Headscratch] March Gun Control__
Post by: tp4tissue on Mon, 26 March 2018, 15:11:37
- The US is in an arms race against itself;
- Videogames/mental illness is a distraction - there is no notable difference between higher prevalence of either in the US. If your concern is mental illness, deal with the mental illness, stop tying it into the gun debate;
- Small steps are better than the zero steps taken to date;
- An armed society is not a polite society, it is a dangerous society.

Emenelopee, you have to understand, that alot of the diagnostic manual is BUNK..

It's only in the last 20 years that we've been able to physically look INTO the brain without killing the dude.

And it has revealed many new mechanics to "Disorder" that we do not fully yet understand.

So, it's not necessarily a disorder that "seemingly-odd" people have, much like  being born a homosexual, some people are born wired differently and will be suited to perform different tasks in society.

Title: Re: [Headscratch] March Gun Control__
Post by: AuthenticDanger on Mon, 26 March 2018, 15:12:05
There might not be gun violence,  but there are plenty of suicides

This thread is about GUN VIOLENCE. The Japanese suicide rate isn't linked to their violent media, so why bring it up? Just stay on topic (the one you started).

My entire point is that violence in the media DOES NOT make people commit shootings in Japan. So why is that? Why aren't there mass shootings in a place that has highly available, violent media?
Title: Re: [Headscratch] March Gun Control__
Post by: tp4tissue on Mon, 26 March 2018, 15:13:32
There might not be gun violence,  but there are plenty of suicides

This thread is about GUN VIOLENCE. The Japanese suicide rate isn't linked to their violent media, so why bring it up? Just stay on topic (the one you started).

My entire point is that violence in the media DOES NOT make people commit shootings in Japan. So why is that? Why aren't there mass shootings in a place that has highly available, violent media?

Is it not ?

Suicide film and themes are quite popular and common in their home grown media.
Title: Re: [Headscratch] March Gun Control__
Post by: emenelopee on Mon, 26 March 2018, 16:04:33
- The US is in an arms race against itself;
- Videogames/mental illness is a distraction - there is no notable difference between higher prevalence of either in the US. If your concern is mental illness, deal with the mental illness, stop tying it into the gun debate;
- Small steps are better than the zero steps taken to date;
- An armed society is not a polite society, it is a dangerous society.

Emenelopee, you have to understand, that alot of the diagnostic manual is BUNK..

It's only in the last 20 years that we've been able to physically look INTO the brain without killing the dude.

And it has revealed many new mechanics to "Disorder" that we do not fully yet understand.

So, it's not necessarily a disorder that "seemingly-odd" people have, much like  being born a homosexual, some people are born wired differently and will be suited to perform different tasks in society.

I'm in no way saying mental illness isn't a thing. I am saying that the throwing in of mental illness into the gun so-called debate is bull**** smokescreen.

It's easier to stigmatise a small minority than it is to admit that half of all gun owners are below average. This latter is the statistic I'm more worried about, and the best reason why a modern society shouldn't be armed.
Title: Re: [Headscratch] March Gun Control__
Post by: jdcarpe on Mon, 26 March 2018, 16:18:45
- The US is in an arms race against itself;

This is patently false. States are not trying to one-up each other by stockpiling ever more destructive weapons. Neighbors are not trying to outdo each other by purchasing tanks or artillery. U.S. citizens are not engaged in detente, where mutually assured destruction keeps one from attacking another.

- Videogames/mental illness is a distraction - there is no notable difference between higher prevalence of either in the US. If your concern is mental illness, deal with the mental illness, stop tying it into the gun debate;

I agree with you here. The real problem is lack of moral values. And it's not just millenials I'm talking about. The current incarnation of subjective morals started with the hippie movement in the 1960s and it has been a downward slide since then. THOU SHALT NOT KILL used to be universal, but now it seems that people have little value for human life at all.

- Small steps are better than the zero steps taken to date;

No steps?! Have you never heard of the National Firearms Act of 1934 or the Gun Control Act of 1968? Those are some pretty huge steps, in fact.

- An armed society is not a polite society, it is a dangerous society.

Actually, it's not. Look at states with open carry or shall-issue concealed carry laws. Is there more incidence of gun violence in those states? Not at all. It's about the same as everywhere else. Some places (I'm looking at you Chicago) with the strictest gun laws also have the highest incidence of gun violence. There is no correlation within the U.S. between gun restrictions and gun violence. If you're thinking about Europe, you're comparing apples to oranges.

The only way to reduce the availability of guns in the U.S. would be complete disarmament of the populace. Luckily, the framers of our Constitution saw that the main purpose of disarmement is the subjugation of the people to the government. Our nation was built upon the principle that the government exists to serve the people, not the other way around.
Title: Re: [Headscratch] March Gun Control__
Post by: tp4tissue on Mon, 26 March 2018, 16:25:00

I'm in no way saying mental illness isn't a thing. I am saying that the throwing in of mental illness into the gun so-called debate is bull**** smokescreen.

It's easier to stigmatise a small minority than it is to admit that half of all gun owners are below average. This latter is the statistic I'm more worried about, and the best reason why a modern society shouldn't be armed.

I think Anti-gun is too wrapped up in  the TOOL itself..

Guns make killing easier..

However, A well feed/ well drugged society has little reason to kill..

So, we have a Generally peaceful society, despite the violence potential..

It's really the modern wit and speed of media sensationalizing which puts the spotlight on death.

That quantity of human demise probably would not be altered much without guns.
Title: Re: [Headscratch] March Gun Control__
Post by: jdcarpe on Mon, 26 March 2018, 16:27:26
half of all gun owners are below average. This latter is the statistic I'm more worried about, and the best reason why a modern society shouldn't be armed.

Half of any population, by definition, is below average. And yet, people are allowed to walk around in public without warning labels. :))
Title: Re: [Headscratch] March Gun Control__
Post by: tp4tissue on Mon, 26 March 2018, 16:31:19
half of all gun owners are below average. This latter is the statistic I'm more worried about, and the best reason why a modern society shouldn't be armed.

Half of any population, by definition, is below average. And yet, people are allowed to walk around in public without warning labels. :))

well , it depends on if you mean, mode, or median
Title: Re: [Headscratch] March Gun Control__
Post by: HotRoderX on Mon, 26 March 2018, 16:55:39
- The US is in an arms race against itself;
- Videogames/mental illness is a distraction - there is no notable difference between higher prevalence of either in the US. If your concern is mental illness, deal with the mental illness, stop tying it into the gun debate;
- Small steps are better than the zero steps taken to date;
- An armed society is not a polite society, it is a dangerous society.

Emenelopee, you have to understand, that alot of the diagnostic manual is BUNK..

It's only in the last 20 years that we've been able to physically look INTO the brain without killing the dude.

And it has revealed many new mechanics to "Disorder" that we do not fully yet understand.

So, it's not necessarily a disorder that "seemingly-odd" people have, much like  being born a homosexual, some people are born wired differently and will be suited to perform different tasks in society.

I'm in no way saying mental illness isn't a thing. I am saying that the throwing in of mental illness into the gun so-called debate is bull**** smokescreen.

It's easier to stigmatise a small minority than it is to admit that half of all gun owners are below average. This latter is the statistic I'm more worried about, and the best reason why a modern society shouldn't be armed.

I am going to assume your a troll.. because the statement "half of all gun owners are below average" is impossible to prove and most likely fallacy anyway. Honestly its the above that stops me from even committing on threads like this. Because some people can't have a civil discussion instead.. they must throw made up numbers and mud at anything they don't like. Its part of whats wrong with this nation and the world in general. People stop fighting and discus things with the understanding they might not always agree. That facts are facts.. polls are just random number generators.
Title: Re: [Headscratch] March Gun Control__
Post by: tp4tissue on Mon, 26 March 2018, 17:00:06

I am going to assume your a troll.. because the statement "half of all gun owners are below average" is impossible to prove and most likely fallacy anyway. Honestly its the above that stops me from even committing on threads like this. Because some people can't have a civil discussion instead.. they must throw made up numbers and mud at anything they don't like. Its part of whats wrong with this nation and the world in general. People stop fighting and discus things with the understanding they might not always agree. That facts are facts.. polls are just random number generators.

U wanna talk about what's wrong,  we spent $ 5,600,000,000,000  since 911..  Annnnnd this **** is still on going.

The real reason Trump is where he is, is because the power-that-be wants him there to distract the public away from m0ar military spending.

And it's god damn working.. 

People care more about Rich guy getting with pr0nstars  than the ongoing middle-east war that approximately costs every american $23,000 a year..
Title: Re: [Headscratch] March Gun Control__
Post by: emenelopee on Mon, 26 March 2018, 18:10:22
I am going to assume your a troll.. because the statement "half of all gun owners are below average" is impossible to prove and most likely fallacy anyway. Honestly its the above that stops me from even committing on threads like this. Because some people can't have a civil discussion instead.. they must throw made up numbers and mud at anything they don't like. Its part of whats wrong with this nation and the world in general. People stop fighting and discus things with the understanding they might not always agree. That facts are facts.. polls are just random number generators.

I can assure you I'm not trolling. You have to do better than that to dismiss my point.

And by definition 50% is above and 50% is below average. In the same way most people believe they are above average drivers:

If you ask someone to rate their driving skills on a one to 10 scale, there’s a good chance they’ll give themselves an above-average rating like a 7.


As predicted, across all experiments participants believed that they were exceptional drivers—but only according to their own definitions of good driving. Participants assumed that others would rank important driving skills, like checking blind spots or using turn signals, differently than they would.


Even when participants were provided with clear definitions for good driving behavior from the National Safety Council, they rated their own individualized definitions as better. The discrepancy between self-ratings and the ratings of others only disappeared when participants were explicitly told to use the expert guidelines as the basis for rating driving behavior.

The results of this study suggest that even though drivers are aware that others are using different standards for good driving, people often view their own standards as superior. This could help policymakers design more effective interventions for decreasing dangerous driving behavior.

Replace cars with guns and you have my position on the matter.

The very existence a prevalence of guns is an argument for more guns, which is nuts. The prevalence is why they need to be scaled back, and drastically.

The US is not a more violent society, or more awash with videogames, or glorified movies - the environment that everyone has a weapon is corrosive. See also: the Cold War, as a more global example.

“Weapons increase all of those aggressive thoughts, feelings, hostile appraisals and the type of thinking that somebody’s out to get you, or wants to hurt you,” Bushman said.

Aggressive impulses can sometimes be strong enough to override common sense, studies have found. Confronted with a pickup truck driver who had stalled at a green light, drivers in one 2006 study were more likely to honk at the pickup with a rifle than they were at the pickup without a rifle. The study developed a similar 1975 experiment that also included a bumper sticker reading “vengeance”.

“You’d have to be complete idiot to honk your horn,” Bushman said, “but that’s the power about the weapons effect, people don’t think about it much. The effects are very automatic.”

Studies have also shown that carrying a gun tends to make people more likely to deliver electric shocks, increase paranoia about people and objects, and increase testosterone. (The “vast majority” of perpetrators of gun violence are men, according to the APA.)
Title: Re: [Headscratch] March Gun Control__
Post by: AMongoose on Thu, 29 March 2018, 06:39:21
The US is not a more violent society, or more awash with videogames, or glorified movies - the environment that everyone has a weapon is corrosive. See also: the Cold War, as a more global example.

Then how do you explain that in Europe we can have guns but there are no mass shootings?
Title: Re: [Headscratch] March Gun Control__
Post by: tp4tissue on Thu, 29 March 2018, 06:45:34
The US is not a more violent society, or more awash with videogames, or glorified movies - the environment that everyone has a weapon is corrosive. See also: the Cold War, as a more global example.

Then how do you explain that in Europe we can have guns but there are no mass shootings?

It's cuz all the uropean females are skinny and m0ar attractive..
Title: Re: [Headscratch] March Gun Control__
Post by: fohat.digs on Mon, 31 January 2022, 08:26:00

Then how do you explain that in Europe we can have guns but there are no mass shootings?

My speculation is that the US is the only developed country that harbors a sizeable sub-population who, either either explicitly or tacitly encourage, or at least approve of, random terror killings for the sole purpose of destabilizing society. 

In other advanced countries people are appalled and there is near-unanimous disgust for that behavior. And its perpetrators and their supporters would be completely shunned and repudiated.